990 resultados para Ritual of St. Florian.
How does where we live affect how we live? Do characteristics of the built environment affect the civic and social lives of the people living there? This study examines these questions at the neighbourhood scale in the Canadian city of St. John's, Newfoundland. To do so, it combines data from a survey measuring respondents' social capital (defined as a combination of social participation, social trust, and civic participation) and a "built environment audit" that records the built characteristics of each respondent's neighbourhood. The study finds a significant, positive relationship between the walkability of a neighbourhood and the social capital of the people living there. This relationship is driven primarily by the effect of the built environment on voluntary participation and relationships with neighbours. The study also tests several methods of measuring walkability, and finds that an objective measure based on street geometry is the best predictor of social capital.
This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.
We acknowledge the contribution of Dr. N. Perret to this work. EPSRC support for free access to the TEM/SEM facility at the University of St. Andrews and financial support to Dr. X. Wang and Y. Hao through the Overseas Research Students Award Scheme (ORSAS) are also acknowledged.
We thank Prof. David O’Hagan and Dr Qingzhi Zhang (University of St Andrews, UK) for their helpful discussion and for providing the synthetic 50 -FDA sample. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81503086), a starting funding (No. 20140520) from Tianjin University of Science & Technology, a research funding of “1000 Talents Plan” of Tianjin (to LM) and Foundation of Key Laboratory of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology of Ministry of Education and Tianjin Key Lab of Industrial Microbiology (No. 2015IM106)
Background: I conducted my research in the context of The National Literacy Strategy (DES, 2011), which maintains that every young person should be literate and it outlines targets for improving literacy in schools from 2011 to 2020. There has been much debate on the teaching of literacy and in particular the teaching of reading. Clark (2014) outlines how learning to read should be a developmental language process and that the approaches in the early years of schooling will colour the children’s motivation and their perception of reading as a purposeful activity. The acquisition of literacy begins in the home but this study focuses on the implementation of a literacy intervention Station Teaching in the infant classes in primary school. Station Teaching occurs when a class is divided into four or five small groups of pupils and they receive intensive tuition at four or five different Stations with the help of Support teachers: New Reading, Familiar Reading, Phonics, Writing and Oral Language. Research Questions: These research questions frame my study: How is Station Teaching implemented? What is the experience of the intervention Station Teaching from the participants’ point of view: teachers, pupils, parents? What notion of literacy is Station Teaching facilitating? Methods: I chose a pragmatic parallel mixed methods design as suggested by Mertens (2010). I collected and analysed both the quantitative and qualitative data to answer the study’s research questions. In the study the quantitative data were collected from a questionnaire issued to 21 schools in Ireland. I used Excel as a data management package and thematic analysis to analyse and present the data in themes. I collected qualitative data from a case study in a school. This data included observations of two classes over a period of a year; interviews with teachers, pupils and parents; children’s drawings, photographs, teachers’ diaries and video evidence. I analysed and presented the evidence from the qualitative data in themes. Main Findings: There are many skills and strategies that are essential to effective literacy teaching in the early years including phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and writing. These skills can be taught during Station Teaching. Early intervention in the early years is essential to pupils’ acquisition of literacy. The expertise of the teacher is key to improving the literacy achievement of pupils Teachers and pupils enjoy participating in ST. Pupils are motivated to read and engage in meaningful activities during ST. Staff collaboration is vital for ST to succeed ST facilitates small group work and teachers can differentiate accordingly while including all pupils in the groups. Pupils’ learning is extended in ST but extension activities need to be addressed in the Writing Station. More training should be provided for teachers on the implementation of ST and more funding for resources should be available to schools Significant contribution of the work: The main significance of the study includes: insights into the classroom implementation of Station Teaching in infant classes and extensive research into characteristics of an effective teacher of literacy.
Tsar Peter the Great ruled Russia between 1689 and 1725. Its domains, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. From north to south, its empire stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the borders with China and India. Tsar Peter I tried to extend the geographical knowledge of his government and the rest of the world. He was also interested in the expansion of trade in Russia and in the control of trade routes. Feodor Luzhin and Ivan Yeverinov explored the eastern border of the Russian Empire, the trip between 1719 and 1721 and reported to the Tsar. They had crossed the peninsula of Kamchatka, from west to east and had traveled from the west coast of Kamchatka to the Kuril Islands. The information collected led to the first map of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Tsar Peter ordered Bering surf the Russian Pacific coast, build ships and sail the seas north along the coast to regions of America. The second expedition found equal to those of the previous explorers difficulties. Two ships were eventually thrown away in Okhotsk in 1740. The explorers spent the winter of 1740-1741 stockpiling supplies and then navigate to Petropavlovsk. The two ships sailed eastward and did together until June 20, then separated by fog. After searching Chirikov and his boat for several days, Bering ordered the San Pedro continue to the northeast. There the Russian sailors first sighted Alaska. According to the log, "At 12:30 (pm July 17) in sight of snow-capped mountains and between them a high volcano." This finding came the day of St. Elijah and so named the mountain.
In Marxist frameworks “distributive justice” depends on extracting value through a centralized state. Many new social movements—peer to peer economy, maker activism, community agriculture, queer ecology, etc.—take the opposite approach, keeping value in its unalienated form and allowing it to freely circulate from the bottom up. Unlike Marxism, there is no general theory for bottom-up, unalienated value circulation. This paper examines the concept of “generative justice” through an historical contrast between Marx’s writings and the indigenous cultures that he drew upon. Marx erroneously concluded that while indigenous cultures had unalienated forms of production, only centralized value extraction could allow the productivity needed for a high quality of life. To the contrary, indigenous cultures now provide a robust model for the “gift economy” that underpins open source technological production, agroecology, and restorative approaches to civil rights. Expanding Marx’s concept of unalienated labor value to include unalienated ecological (nonhuman) value, as well as the domain of freedom in speech, sexual orientation, spirituality and other forms of “expressive” value, we arrive at an historically informed perspective for generative justice.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present paper was to report trends in coronary angioplasty for the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in Portugal. METHODS: Prospective multicenter data from the Portuguese National Registry of Interventional Cardiology (RNCI) and official data from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) were studied to analyze percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures for STEMI from 2002 to 2013. RESULTS: In 2013, 3524 primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI) procedures were performed (25% of all procedures), an increase of 315% in comparison to 2002 (16% of all interventions). Between 2002 and 2013 the rate increased from 106 to 338 p-PCIs per million population per year. Rescue angioplasty decreased from 70.7% in 2002 to 2% in 2013. During this period, the use of drug-eluting stents grew from 9.9% to 69.5%. After 2008, the use of aspiration thrombectomy increased, reaching 46.7% in 2013. Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitor use decreased from 73.2% in 2002 to 23.6% in the last year of the study. Use of a radial approach increased steadily from 8.3% in 2008 to 54.6% in 2013. CONCLUSION: During the reporting period there was a three-fold increase in primary angioplasty rates per million population. Rescue angioplasty has been overtaken by p-PCI as the predominant procedure since 2006. New trends in the treatment of STEMI were observed, notably the use of drug-eluting stents and radial access as the predominant approach.
O presente relatório visa a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Motivada pela preocupação nascida na prática profissional quotidiana, no acompanhamento aos cidadãos beneficiários do Rendimento Social de Inserção (R.S.I.), procurámos compreender a relação entre a pobreza e o mercado de trabalho. Criado no ano de 1996 pela Lei nº 19-A/96 de 29 de Junho, como prestação de rendimento mínimo garantido, o R.S.I. tem introduzido formas cada vez mais apuradas de seleção das suas clientelas, quer através da redefinição do conceito de agregado e avaliação dos seus rendimentos, quer da contratualização da prestação, pelo reforço crescente das penalizações ao incumprimento relativo ao emprego e à formação. Objetivo geral é perceber como se efetiva o processo de colocação no mercado de trabalho e que oportunidades de (des)inserção social dai resultam para os beneficiários. Procurámos também analisar a configuração das propostas oferecidas, no âmbito do contrato de inserção, aos homens e às mulheres, aos “velhos” e “novos” pobres. Assim, foram efetuadas entrevistas exploratórias aos técnicos do Centro de Emprego e Formação Profissional Entre Douro e Vouga (CEFP-EDV); Gabinete de Inserção Profissional (GIP) e Núcleo Local de Inserção (NLI) de St Mª da Feira e aplicado um inquérito por questionário aos beneficiários do R.S.I. com Contrato de Inserção para colocação no mercado de trabalho. Os técnicos do CEFP-EDV e do GIP expressaram dificuldades no acompanhamento e gesto de carreira dos beneficiários, devido à sobrecarga e à natureza burocrática das tarefas exigidas nos seus organismos. Os beneficiários consideram igualmente que o CEFP-EDV não é eficiente nem eficaz, para a colocação no mercado de trabalho não cumprindo portanto a função que legalmente lhe est atribuída. Os homens são amplamente beneficiados na relação com o Centro de Emprego, comparativamente com as mulheres, porque recebem mais propostas de emprego e formação. A “velha pobreza” aparece instalada no desemprego e na prestação durante mais tempo que os “novos” pobres. Estes raramente são convocados pelo CEFP-EDV. São as redes informais que têm um papel mais ativo e preponderante no processo de inserção laboral. Na população inquirida a inserção pelo trabalho por si só não constituiu a solução para a saída da pobreza. / The present report aims to obtain a Master’s degree in Social Work from the Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Motivated by concern aroused from the day to day professional practice, while monitoring citizens on social income benefits, “Rendimento Social de Inserção” (R.S.I.) (Social Insertion Income), we have sought to understand the relationship between poverty and the labour market. Introduced in the year 1996 by Law nº 19-A/96 of 29th June, as the provision of income support, the R.S.I. has introduced increasingly more refined forms of selection of its clientele, either by redefining the concept of aggregate and assessmento of their income, or the contractual provision, by increasingly strenthening the penalties for failure in relation to employment and training.The overall goal is to understand how the process of entering the work market is made and the opportunities of (un)inclusion arising from it for the beneficiaries. It was also sought to analyse the configuration of the proposals offered under the insertion contract to men and women, to the “old” and the “new” poor.Consequently, exploratory interviews were made to the technicians of Centro de Emprego e Formação Profissional Entre Douro e Vouga (CEFP-EDV) (Emloyment and Training Centre); Gabinete de Inserção Profissional (GIP) (Professional Insertion Office) and Núcleo Local de Inserção (Local Insertion Group) (NLI) of St Mª da Feira. The survey was carried out through a questionnaire to the beneficiaries of the R.S.I. with Insertion Contracts for placement in the labour market.The CEFP-EDV and GIP technicians expressed diffficulties in monitoring and career management of the benefeciaries due to overhead and bureaucratic nature of the tasks recquired in their institutions. The beneficiaries also considered that CEFP-EDV is neither efficient nor effective in placing people in the work market thus not fulfilling the function for which they are legally assigned. Men are largely benefitted in relation to the Job Centre, compared to women, because they get more job offers and training. The “old poverty” appears to be installed in unemployment and provision for longer than the “new” poor. These are rarely called up by CEFP-EDV. It is the informal networks that have a more active and leading role in the process of job placement. For the questioned population entering the job market does not itself constitute a solution to ending poverty.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
We evaluate whether society can adequately be conceptualized as a component of social-ecological systems, given social theory and the current outputs of systems-based research. A mounting critique from the social sciences posits that resilience theory has undertheorized social entities with the concept of social-ecological systems. We trace the way that use of the term has evolved, relating to social science theory. Scientometic and network analysis provide a wide range of empirical data about the origin, growth, and use of this term in academic literature. A content analysis of papers in Ecology and Society demonstrates a marked emphasis in research on institutions, economic incentives, land use, population, social networks, and social learning. These findings are supported by a review of systems science in 18 coastal assessments. This reveals that a systems-based conceptualization tends to limit the kinds of social science research favoring quantitative couplings of social and ecological components and downplaying interpretive traditions of social research. However, the concept of social-ecological systems remains relevant because of the central insights concerning the dynamic coupling between humans and the environment, and its salient critique about the need for multidisciplinary approaches to solve real world problems, drawing on heuristic devices. The findings of this study should lead to more circumspection about whether a systems approach warrants such claims to comprehensiveness. Further methodological advances are required for interdisciplinarity. Yet there is evidence that systems approaches remain highly productive and useful for considering certain social components such as land use and hybrid ecological networks. We clarify advantages and restrictions of utilizing such a concept, and propose a reformulation that supports engagement with wider traditions of research in the social sciences.
First published in 1897.
International audience
Place in Time: The Role of Architecture in Establishing an Emotional Connection between Man and Time
This thesis explores the role of architecture as a means of reconnecting humans to the passage of time. A neglect of the temporal in our built environment obscures understanding of the human condition in all of its sensory aspects. The exploration and design of a series of ritual engagements, both culturally, and architecturally, begin to offer a venue through which designers can engage human senses. Rituals act as a means of demarcating the passage of time. It is through the engagement with these moments that people can begin to gain a richer understanding of the ephemeral nature of their own existence. The Pritzker Architecture Prize serves as the selected ritual of exploration because of its celebration of humanity and the art of architecture. However, the notion of ritual is explored down to the level of detail of engagement with handrails and door handles.
This article addresses the problem of spray vaporization and combustion in axisymmetric opposed-jet configurations involving a stream of hot air counterflowing against a stream of nitrogen carrying a spray of fuel droplets. The Reynolds numbers of the jets are assumed to be large, so that mixing of the two streams is restricted to a thin mixing layer that separates the counterflowing streams. The evolution of the droplets in their feed stream from the injection location is seen to depend fundamentally on the value of the droplet Stokes number, St, defined as the ratio of the droplet acceleration time to the mixing layer strain time close to the stagnation point. Two different regimes of spray vaporization and combustion can be identified depending on the value of St. For values of St below a critical value, equal to 1/4 for dilute sprays with small values of the spray liquid mass loading ratio, the droplets decelerate to approach the gas stagnation plane with a vanishing axial velocity. In this case, the droplets located initially near the axis reach the mixing layer, where they can vaporize due to the heat received from the hot air, producing fuel vapor that can burn with the oxygen in a diffusion flame located on the air side of the mixing layer. The character of the spray combustion is different for values of St of order unity, because the droplets cross the stagnation plane and move into the opposing air stream, reaching distances that are much larger than the mixing layer thickness before they turn around. The vaporization of these crossing droplets, and also the combustion of the fuel vapor generated by them, occur in the hot air stream, without significant effects of molecular diffusion, generating a vaporization-assisted nonpremixed flame that stands on the air side outside the mixing layer. Separate formulations will be given below for these two regimes of combustion, with attention restricted to the near-stagnation-point region, where the solution is self-similar and all variables are only dependent on the distance to the stagnation plane. The resulting formulations display a reduced number of controlling parameters that effectively embody dependences of the structure of the spray flame on spray dilution, droplet inertia, and fuel preferential diffusion. Sample solutions are given for the limiting cases of pure vaporization and of infinitely fast chemistry, with the latter limit formulated in terms of chemistry-free coupling functions that allow for general nonunity Lewis numbers of the fuel vapor.