Location and ages of terrestrial peatlands located on continental shelves and in coastal sediments

Autoria(s): Treat, Claire C; Jones, Miriam C; Grosse, Guido

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 50.009875 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -39.540875 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 33.580000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -169.380000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 74.670000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 137.000000 * DATE/TIME START: 1921-01-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-04-25T00:00:00 * MINIMUM ELEVATION: -82.00 m a.s.l. * MAXIMUM ELEVATION: 9.00 m a.s.l.




This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.


text/tab-separated-values, 4544 data points









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Supplement to: Treat, Claire C; Jones, Miriam C; Brosius, Laura Susan; Grosse, Guido; Walter Anthony, Katey M: High latitude lake and wetland methane emissions lag abrupt early Holocene increases in atmospheric methane. Nature, in review

Palavras-Chave #317980-3; Aarhus Bay; AB63-7; Age, dated; Age, dated, range, maximum; Age, dated, range, minimum; Age, dated material; Age, dated standard error; Air chemistry observatory; Allaertshoeve; Amberley_Wild_Brooks; Anna_Jacobapolder; Aranmore; Area/locality; Atkinson_Point; B3; Ballyhalbert; Baltic Sea; Barmouth; BARN; Barnstable; Baron_Road; Barrow; Beaufort Sea; Belfast_Lough; Berendrechtsluis; Bering Sea; BH94-7; Borkum Riffgrund, Germany; Borth_Ynyslas; Boston; Bouwlest; Brancaster; Bristol Channel; Broad_Creek; BS; BT_9A; Buxton; C1_Steene; Cadborough_Cliffs; Cape_Fear_Arch; Cape_Shpindler; Capelle-la-Grande; Carnlough; Castle_Arcade_Belfast; Centerville; Cheesequake_Marsh; Chukchi Sea; Clacton_Walton; Constitution_Island; Core_10; Core_4b; CP_M28; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; Cushendun; Description; Dhu_Varren; Drumburgh_Moss; Dunshaughlin; Duxbury_Marsh; East_Guldeford; ELEVATION; Ellewoutsdijk; EMB1218-2-3; EMB1218-3-3; English Channel; EX_1; EXP; Experiment; Fakse_Bay; Flax_Pond; Forgandenny; G_2198; Gapinge; Gardiners_Bay; GC; Ghyvelde; Gouldsboro; Gravity corer; Great_Bay; Greyfriars; Groede; Gulf of St. Lawrence; Hackensack_Marsh; Hammock_River; Hartlepool_Bay; HN04S; HN04S-158GC; Houghton_Green; Hullbridge-on-Crouch; Hunstanton; Ingoldmells; Inishowen_Head; Irish Sea; Island_Magee; Isle_of_Soay; Kara Sea; Kharasavey_River; Killough; Kinnego; KM-17; Kreekrak; Laboratory code/label; Laptev Sea; LATITUDE; Lea_Farm; Leasowe; Leman_Ower; Lithology/composition/facies; Loch_nan_Eala; Lochar_Moss; Long_Island; LONGITUDE; Lonsdale_Mosses; Lower_Clomass_Estuary; Lower_Halstow; Loxstedt_borehole; Marthas_Vineyard; Menunketesuck_River; Method comment; Middelburg; Minnis_Bay; Monchgut_Peninsula; Moss-of-Cree; Murrells_Inlet; Mystic; Nantucket; Naran; Nauset_Bay; Neponset_River; New_Bay_Bridge; New_Bedford; New_Haven; Newferry; North Atlantic Ocean; North Sea; Northumberland_Strait; Number; Old_Decoy; Old_Place_80; Oosterweel; Oostkerke; Oude_Stoof; Outcrop; OUTCROP; Oyster_Pond; Pannel_Farm; Perkpolder; Pett_Level; Pewis_Marsh; Piermont_Tidal_Marsh; PM9462; Professor Multanovskiy; Reference/source; Reference of data; Rhyl; Ringneill_Quay; Ritthem; Riverhead; RKS_142; RKS_144; RKS_145; RKS_146; RKS_22; RKS_27; RKS_83; RKS_91; RKS_92; RKS_93; RKS_94; Roadend; Roddans_Port; Rogers_Lake; Rossbeg_Harbour; Russia; Ruth_Lea_1; Ruth_Lea_2; Ruth_Lea_3; Rye_27; Rye_33; Saco_Bay; Sample comment; Sanborn_Cove; Scherpenisse; Schoudervliet; Schweiburg_borehole; Scotland Sea; SeaLevel; Severn_Estuary; Shelter_Island; Site; Skipsea; South_Long_Island; Southampton; SPUSO; Squibnockt_Cliff; St. F. Henry; ST5248-8376; Stavenisse; StGermans; StHelier; StJones_River; StPatricks_Channel; Swansea; Symbister; Termon; Teteghem; TGS; Tide gauge station; Tooley_M1-3; Totoket_Bog; Transdrift-II; United States of America; USGS_54; USGS_69; USGS_76-101; USGS_76-121; USGS_76-71A; USGS_76-72; USGS_77-15; USGS_77-37; USGS_78-15; USGS_78-17; USGS_78-22; USGS_78-23; USGS_78-3; USGS_78-4; USGS_78-6; USGS_80-4; USGS_85-58; USGS_85-70; Uxem; VC; VC_225B; VC2068; Veere; Verille; Vibro Corer; Waarde; Wachapreague; Walland_Marsh; Wangerland_W2; Wangerland_W5; West_Winchelsea; Westway; Wolfe_Glade; Woodgrange; Zacks_Kliff; Zeesluis-Hingene-Wintham
