947 resultados para Politopic Uncertainty


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Dr. Rodrigo Mário de Oliveira Carvalho


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Master Thesis Presented at Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto for obtaining the Master’s degree in Digital Marketing under the supervision of Professor José de Freitas Santos


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We consider a quantity-setting duopoly model, and we study the decision to move first or second, by assuming that. the firms produce homogeneous goods and that. there is some demand uncertainty. The competitive phase consists of two periods, and in either period, the firms can make a production decision that is irreversible. As far as the firms are allowed to choose (non-cooperatively) the period they make the decision, we study the circumstances that favour sequential rather than simultaneous decisions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Mestre Armindo Licínio da Silva Macedo


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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In this paper we introduce a formation control loop that maximizes the performance of the cooperative perception of a tracked target by a team of mobile robots, while maintaining the team in formation, with a dynamically adjustable geometry which is a function of the quality of the target perception by the team. In the formation control loop, the controller module is a distributed non-linear model predictive controller and the estimator module fuses local estimates of the target state, obtained by a particle filter at each robot. The two modules and their integration are described in detail, including a real-time database associated to a wireless communication protocol that facilitates the exchange of state data while reducing collisions among team members. Simulation and real robot results for indoor and outdoor teams of different robots are presented. The results highlight how our method successfully enables a team of homogeneous robots to minimize the total uncertainty of the tracked target cooperative estimate while complying with performance criteria such as keeping a pre-set distance between the teammates and the target, avoiding collisions with teammates and/or surrounding obstacles.


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A optimização nas aplicações modernas assume um carácter fortemente interdisciplinar, relacionando-se com a necessidade de integração de diferentes técnicas e paradigmas na resolução de problemas reais complexos. O problema do escalonamento é recorrente no planeamento da produção. Sempre que uma ordem de fabrico é lançada, é necessário determinar que recursos serão utilizados e em que sequência as atividades serão executadas, para otimizar uma dada medida de desempenho. Embora ainda existam empresas a abordar o problema do escalonamento através de simples heurísticas, a proposta de sistemas de escalonamento tem-se evidenciado na literatura. Pretende-se nesta dissertação, a realização da análise de desempenho de Técnicas de Optimização, nomeadamente as meta-heurísticas, na resolução de problemas de optimização complexos – escalonamento de tarefas, particularmente no problema de minimização dos atrasos ponderados, 1||ΣwjTj. Assim sendo, foi desenvolvido um protótipo que serviu de suporte ao estudo computacional, com vista à avaliação do desempenho do Simulated Annealing (SA) e o Discrete Artificial Bee Colony (DABC). A resolução eficiente de um problema requer, em geral, a aplicação de diferentes métodos, e a afinação dos respetivos parâmetros. A afinação dos parâmetros pode permitir uma maior flexibilidade e robustez mas requer uma inicialização cuidadosa. Os parâmetros podem ter uma grande influência na eficiência e eficácia da pesquisa. A sua definição deve resultar de um cuidadoso esforço experimental no sentido da respectiva especificação. Foi usado, no âmbito deste trabalho de mestrado, para suportar a fase de parametrização das meta-heurísticas em análise, o planeamento de experiências de Taguchi. Da análise dos resultados, foi possível concluir que existem vantagem estatisticamente significativa no desempenho do DABC, mas quando analisada a eficiência é possível concluir que há vantagem do SA, que necessita de menos tempo computacional.


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Na presente dissertação é proposto o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de calibração de roscados de exteriores através de visão computacional. A calibração de roscados de exterior consiste na obtenção do diâmetro efectivo, do diâmetro exterior e do passo, e no cálculo da incerteza expandida correspondente. Actualmente, a calibração é efectuada com o auxílio de máquinas universais (SIP), na qual o diâmetro efectivo é obtido através de um modelo matemático, pois não se consegue obtê-lo directamente. O sistema de calibração por visão computacional tem como objectivo obter-se o diâmetro efectivo directamente, assim como as restantes características. A vantagem deste novo sistema será para roscados com dimensões inferiores a 2 mm, que não se conseguem medir utilizando a SIP. A desvantagem é referente a diâmetros superiores a 2 mm, devido à resolução obtida com a câmara utilizada. Este sistema foi validado por comparação com a calibração utilizando como equipamento calibrador a SIP. Ao longo da dissertação irão ser explicados todos os passos dados para a calibração de roscados de exterior.


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We consider a price competition in a duopoly with substitutable goods, linear and symmetric demand. There is a firm (F 1) that chooses first the price p 1 of its good; the other firm (F 2) observes p 1 and then chooses the price p 2 of its good. The conclusions of this price-setting dynamical duopoly are substantially altered by the presence of either differentiated goods or asymmetric information about rival’s production costs. In this paper, we consider asymmetric information about rival’s production costs. We do ex-ante and ex-post analyses of firms’ profits and market prices. We compare the ex-ante firms’ expected profits with the ex-post firms’ profits.


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We present stochastic dynamics on the production costs of Cournot competitions, based on perfect Nash equilibria of nonlinear R&D investment strategies to reduce the production costs of the firms at every period of the game. We analyse the effects that the R&D investment strategies can have in the profits of the firms along the time. We observe that, in certain cases, the uncertainty can improve the effects of the R&D strategies in the profits of the firms due to the non-linearity of the profit functions and also of the R&D parameters.


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We consider a differentiated Stackelberg model with demand uncertainty only for the first mover. We study the advantages of flexibility over leadership as the degree of the differentiation of the goods changes.


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We consider a Stackelberg model with demand uncertainty, only for the first mover. We study the advantages of leadership and flexibility with the variation of the demand uncertainty. Liu proved for demand uncertainty parameter greater than three that the follower firm can have an advantage with respect to the leading firm for some realizations of the demand intercept. Here, we prove that for demand uncertainty parameter less than three the leading firm is always in advantage.


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We consider two firms, located in different countries, selling the same homogeneous good in both countries. In each country there is a non negative tariff on imports of the good produced in the other country. We suppose that each firm has two different technologies, and uses one of them according to a certain probability distribution. The use of either one or the other technology affects the unitary production cost. We analyse the effect of the production costs uncertainty on the profits of the firms and also on the welfare of the governments.


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We present a new deterministic dynamical model on the market size of Cournot competitions, based on Nash equilibria of R&D investment strategies to increase the size of the market of the firms at every period of the game. We compute the unique Nash equilibrium for the second subgame and the profit functions for both firms. Adding uncertainty to the R&D investment strategies, we get a new stochastic dynamical model and we analyse the importance of the uncertainty to reverse the initial advantage of one firm with respect to the other.


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During the last years, several studies have been made aiming to assess the out-of-plane seismic response of unreinforced stone masonry structures. This fact led to the development of a wide variety of models and approaches, ranging from simple kinematic based analytical models up to complex numerical simulations. Nevertheless, for the sake of simplicity, the out-of-plane seismic response of a masonry wall pier may be obtained by means of a simple single-degree-of-freedom system while still providing good results. In fact, despite the assumptions associated with such a simple formulation, it is also true that the epistemic uncertainty inherent with the selection of appropriate input parameters in more complex models may render them truly ineffective. In this framework, this paper focuses on the study of the out-of-plane bending of unreinforced stone masonry walls (cantilevers) by proposing a simplified analytical approach based on the construction of a linearized four-branch model, which is used to characterize the linear and nonlinear response of such structural elements through an overturning moment-rotation relationship. The formulation of the four-branch model is presented and described in detail and the meaningful parameters used for its construction are obtained from a set of experimental laboratory tests performed on six full-scale unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry specimens. Moreover, a parametric analysis aiming to evaluate the effect of these parameters’ variation on the final configuration of the model is presented and critically discussed. Finally, the results obtained from the application of the developed four-branch model on real unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry walls are thoroughly analysed and the main conclusions obtained from its application are summarized.