New neutral Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of the type [M(L)(PPh(3))] (M Pd or Pt) were prepared in crystalline form in high-yield synthesis with the S-benzyldithiocarbazates and S-4-nitrobenzyldithiocarbazates derivatives from 2-hydroxyacetophenone, H(2)L(1a) and H(2)L(1b), and benzoylacetone, H(2)L(2a) and H(2)L(2b). The new complexes [Pt(L(1a))(PPh(3))] (1), [Pd(L(1a))(PPh(3))] (2), [Pt(L(1b))(PPh(3))] (3), [Pd(L(1b))(PPh(3))] (4), [Pt(L(2a))(PPh(3))] (5), [Pd(L(2a))(PPh(3))] (6), [Pt(L(2b))(PPh(3))] (7) and [Pd(L(2b))(PPh(3))] (8) were characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, conductivity measurements, UV-visible, IR, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), NMR ((1)H and (31)P) and by X-ray diffraction studies. The studies showed that differently from what was observed for the H(2)L(1a) and H(2)L(1b) ligands, H(2)L(2a) and H(2)L(2b) assume cyclic forms as 5-hydroxypyrazolinic. Upon coordination, H2L2a and H2L2b suffer ring-opening reaction, coordinating in the same manner as H(2)L(1a) and H(2)L(1b), deprotonated and in O,N,S-tridentate mode to the (MPPh(3))(2+) moiety. All complexes show a quite similar planar fourfold environment around the M(II) center. Furthermore, these complexes exhibited biological activity on extra and intracellular forms of Trypanosoma cruzi in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with IC(50) values ranging from 7.8 to 18.7 mu M, while the ligand H(2)L(2a) presented a trypanocidal activity on trypomastigote form better than the standard drug benznidazole. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The reactivity of the new complex [RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(3,5-Me(2)piperidine)], complex 1, was investigated for ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of norbornene (NBE) and norbornadiene (NBD) in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) in CHCl(3). The aim is to observe the combination of PPh(3) and an amine as ancillary ligands concerning the steric hindrance and the electronic perturbation in the properties of the N-bound site when replacing the amines. Thus, the results with 1 were compared to the results obtained when the amine is piperidine (complex 2). Reaction with 1 provides 70% yield of isolated polyNBE (M(n) =8.3 x 10(4) g/mol; PDI = 2.03), whereas 2 provides quantitative reaction (M(n) = 1.2 x 10(5) g/mol; PDI = 1.90) with [NBE]/[Ru] = 5000, [EDA]/[Ru] = 48 and 1.1 mu mol of Ru for 5 min at 25 degrees C. The resulting polymers showed c.a. 62% of trans-polyNBE, determined by (1)H NMR, and T(g) = 32 degrees C, determined by DSC and DMTA. For ROMP of NBD, 1 showed quantitative yield with PDI =2.62 when [NBD]/[Ru] = 5000 for 20 min at 25 degrees C, whereas the reaction with 2 reached 55% with PDI = 2.16 in the same conditions. It is concluded that the presence of the two methyl groups in the piperidine ring provides an increase in the induction period to produce the Ru-carbene species justifying better polyNBE results with 2, and a greater amine(sigma)-> Ru(pi)-> monomer synergism which contributed to the best activation of less tensioned olefin as NBD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Uma série de derivados quirais (e.e. > 99%) foram sintetizados a partir do meso- exo-(3R,5S)-3,5-dihidróximetilenotriciclo[5,2.1.02,6]decano com altos rendimentos, usando catálise enzimática (lipases) em reações de transesterificação. A resolução do respectivo diéster racêmico através da hidrólise catalisada com esterase (PLE) não forneceu o monoéster opticamente enriquecido; enquanto que a dessimetrização do anidrido usando indutores quirais (quinina e quinidina) resultou no monoéster opticamente enriquecido (e.e.≅ 60%). O respectivo amino-álcool protegido foi preparado. Alguns análogos inéditos de peptídeos restritos incorporados do triciclodecano foram sintetizados.
Nucleotídeos extracelulares (ATP, ADP, AMP) e seu derivado adenosina são conhecidos sinalizadores do sistema cardiovascular podendo mediar vários processos fisiológicos entre eles a proliferação celular, agregação plaquetária, inflamação e o tônus vascular. Os níveis destas substâncias, localmente e na circulação sanguínea, são controlados pelas ecto-NTPDases em conjunto com a ecto-5’nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT) que realizam a degradação completa do ATP até adenosina. Os hormônios tireoideanos tiroxina (T4) e triiodotironina (T3) e o hormônio esteróide sexual estradiol (E2) atuam ativamente no sistema vascular promovendo vasodilatação. Nosso objetivo foi investigar quais enzimas da família das NTPDases estão presente em células musculares lisas vasculares (CMLVs) e se a atividade destas enzimas pode ser influenciada pela ação desses hormônios, uma vez que seus substratos e produtos podem sinalizar processos de relaxamento/contração muscular. Para tanto, as CMLVs foram extraídas da artéria aorta de ratos Wistar adultos e cultivadas em meio de cultura DMEM. Após atingirem a confluência, as células foram tratadas com 50 nM de T3 ou T4 ou 1M de 17-estradiol por 72 horas. As atividades enzimáticas foram medidas pela liberação de fosfato inorgânico enquanto que a expressão das ectonucleotidases foi verificada por imunocitoquímica (proteína) e RT-PCR (RNAm). Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que as CMLVs expressam as NTPDases 1, 2, 3, 5 e 6 e a ecto-5’-NT, responsáveis pelo controle dos níveis de nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos extracelulares. O tratamento com os hormônios T3, T4 e E2 nestas células mostrou que a atividade da ecto-5’-NT foi aumentada pelos três hormônios. A análise do RT-PCR demonstrou que os tratamentos foram capazes de aumentar também a quantidade de RNAm da ecto-5’NT, indicando mecanismos de ação genômica dos hormônios estudados. Por outro lado, O tratamento com os hormônios tireoideos não alterou as atividades ATPásica e ADPásica, somente o estradiol foi capaz de aumentar a atividade ATPásica. Estes resultados também sugerem que, pela hidrólise aumentada do AMP, disponibilizem-se níveis maiores de adenosina, com importante potencial vasodilatador local. Entretanto, o fato de o estradiol ter aumentado a hidrólise de ATP, mas não a de ADP, nos permite pensar que o ADP, agregador plaquetário bem estabelecido, possa estar acumulando extracelularmente, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de problemas circulatórios.
Actually in the oil industry biotechnological approaches represent a challenge. In that, attention to metal structures affected by electrochemical corrosive processes, as well as by the interference of microorganisms (biocorrosion) which affect the kinetics of the environment / metal interface. Regarding to economical and environmental impacts reduction let to the use of natural products as an alternative to toxic synthetic inhibitors. This study aims the employment of green chemistry by evaluating the stem bark extracts (EHC, hydroalcoholic extract) and leaves (ECF, chloroform extract) of plant species Croton cajucara Benth as a corrosion inhibitor. In addition the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of bioactive trans-clerodane dehydrocrotonin (DCTN) isolated from the stem bark of this Croton was also evaluated. For this purpose, carbon steel AISI 1020 was immersed in saline media (3,5 % NaCl) in the presence and absence of a microorganism recovered from a pipeline oil sample. Corrosion inhibition efficiency and its mechanisms were investigated by linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance. Culture-dependent and molecular biology techniques were used to characterize and identify bacterial species present in oil samples. The tested natural products EHC, ECF and DCTN (DMSO as solvent) in abiotic environment presented respectively, corrosion inhibition efficiencies of 57.6% (500 ppm), 86.1% (500 ppm) and 54.5% (62.5 ppm). Adsorption phenomena showed that EHC best fit Frumkin isotherm and ECF to Temkin isotherm. EHC extract (250 ppm) dissolved in a polar microemulsion system (MES-EHC) showed significant maximum inhibition efficiency (93.8%) fitting Langmuir isotherm. In the presence of the isolated Pseudomonas sp, EHC and ECF were able to form eco-compatible organic films with anti-corrosive properties
Dos problemas de saúde existentes no ambiente de trabalho, 18% afetam o aparelho psíquico, a exemplo do estresse, atingindo cerca de 30% dos trabalhadores em geral. A persistência e intensidade do estresse, associada às sucessivas tentativas de lidar com os mesmos, tornam os indivíduos vulneráveis ao surgimento da Síndrome deBurnout. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a relação dos aspectos socioeconômicos e demográficos com o estresse e a Síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas do Brasil. Para isso, este estudo teve uma abordagem do tipo transversal, com 1040 fisioterapeutas do Brasil, através de uma amostragem do tipo snowbolle não probabilística. Utilizou-se um questionário socioeconômico, demográfico e profissional, a Escala de Estresse no Trabalho (EET) e a adaptação do Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (CESQT). Na análise dos dados, foram utilizadas a estatística descritiva e inferencial. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, percebeu-se uma maior representatividade da região Nordeste (48,7%), com idade média de 31anos, sexo feminino (75,7%), carga horária semanal de 35,4 horas, com 3-5 anos de atuação profissional. Observou-se que 37,0% apresentavam estresse relacionado estatisticamente com a idade (p=0,008),atividade física (p=0,039) e satisfação com a saúde (r=-0,322; p<0,001). Não foi observado nenhum caso de Burnout, porém houve uma média elevada nas dimensões, desgaste psíquico, indolência e culpa, totalizando 49,0% comtendência ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Portanto, as variáveis, idade, prática da atividade física e satisfação com a saúde obtiveramrelação com o estresse. Para o Burnout, destacaram-se a região de moradia (centro-oeste), satisfação com a saúde, local de trabalho (clínicas e hospitais), além do maior número de locais de trabalho. Diante desse contexto, os estudos sobre o estresse e a Síndrome de Burnout se apresentam como elementos derelevância dentro do contexto da prevenção dos riscos laborais e da análise das condições de trabalho
This study aims to analyze and compare the opinion of professionals, managers and users about the mental health care in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). It is characterized as an Operations Research or Health System Research with a cross-sectional design and a descriptive quantitative nature. The study was developed from the application of the Opinion Measurement Scale allied to techniques of observation and structured interview in the city of Parnamirim / RN. The sample consists of 409 subjects, 209 professionals of the Family Health Strategy, 30 of the Oral Health Strategy, 19 of the Family Health Support Center, 24 directors of Basic Health Units, plus 68 users with mental disorders and 59 caregivers, respecting the ethical parameters of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council, trial registration number: CAAE 0003.0.051.000-11. Quantitative data were submitted to the Epi-info 3.5.2 for analysis. The network of mental health in Parnamirim involves the flow between the FHS, Psychosocial Care Centers, clinics and hospitals, having as main barriers the fragility of the referral and counter-referral system, of the municipal health conferences, of the FHS teams by the limitations in material and human resources as well as the population´s lack of acknowledge about the organization of the mental health network, issues that affect the integral attention. Even though the FHS professionals recognize the importance of their actions, they question their role in mental health care, experiencing difficulties in accessing psychiatric services (76.5%). Although most agree that the mentally ill is best treated in the family than in hospital (65.2%), the community health workers were the predominant category in the partial or total disagreement of this statement (40.8%), who is the professional in greater contact with the family. Nevertheless the caregivers miss the support of the FHS as the main focus of attention is on revenue control. The views of professionals, mental patients and caregivers converged in several statements, showing the main weaknesses to be focused by the mental health network of the city, as the perceptions that: (a) physical strength is needed to take care of mental patients for its tendency to aggression, requiring it to stay in the sanatorium for representing danger to society, (b) only a psychiatrist can help the person with emotional problems, (c) the user of alcohol and drugs does not necessarily develop mental illness, (d) the access barriers and doubts about the quality of psychiatric services, (e) caring of a mental health patient does not bring suffering to professionals. Therefore, the commitment to consensus building, monitoring and evaluation of the network are important mechanisms for an effective management system, reflecting in the importance of strengthening the health conferences and approximating different institutions. The results reinforce the importance of strengthening primary care through programs of continuing education focusing on the actions and functions of professionals in accordance with its competences and duties what contribute to the organization and response of mental health care, favoring user´s care and the promotion of family health
The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication
The public dental services in Brazil were limited, practically, to the basic care, so that the specialized services acted, up to 2002, no more than 3,5% of the total of clinical procedures. That lower offer reveals the difficulty of continuity of the attention, that is, the comprehensiveness in the assistance, particulary, the reference and counter-reference system. Brasil Sorridente search to supply those needs when proposing Speciality Dental's Centers(CEOs Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas, Brazil) to compose the services of average complexity. In 2005, Ministry of Health enabled the three CEOs of Natal, located in the North II, East and West Sanitary Districts. This investigation evaluated the implantation of these CEOs, as support of the family health care teams, in the perspective of organization of the services in assistencial nets in Natal/RN. It was a study of evaluation, with qualitative approach and some quantitative data as contribution. Dentists, users and managers were interviewed to identify and to understand their perceptions, relationships and experiences in the daily of the services. The conceptual base that orientated the investigation was the principle of comprehensiveness, in its operational sense of the hierarchization in health attention levels. The collection of data was done with documental research, direct observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis was accomplished by triangulation of the extracted content from the used techniques and sources of interviewed groups depositions, looking for theoretical-conceptual support in specific bibliography. The results pointed aspects that go away from the comprehensiveness like: low resolution of problems in the basic net; little valorization of the space in the health units; traditional models of access to health services, insufficient offer for some specialties, compromising the reference and counter-reference system; practices centered in procedures in the CEO; bureaucratic directions from basic care to the specialized service; disintegrated and disjointed system among levels of attention; disrespect to the municipal protocol. On the other hand, there is an approach of compreensiveness in situations like: increase of the access and covering in the Family Health Strategy (ESF Estratégia Saúde da Família, Brazil); larger approach between professional and user; tendency to the quantitative and qualitative growth of specialized actions; punctual initiatives of relationships among levels; existence of protocol to guide professionals
The isotherms of adsorption of CuX2 (X=Cl-, Br-, ClO4-) by silica gel chemically modified with 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole were studied in acetone and ethanol solutions: at 298 K. The following equilibria constants (in 1 mol(-1)) were determined: (a) CuCl2: 3.5 x 10(3) (ac), 2.0 x 10(3) (eth); (b) CuBr2: 2.8 x 10(3) (ac), 2.0 x 10(3) (eth); (c) Cu(ClO4)(2): 1.8 x 10(3) (ac), 1.0 x 10(3) (eth); ac = acetone, eth = ethanol. The electron spin resonance spectra of the surface complexes indicated a tetragonal distorted structure in the case of lower degrees of metal loading on the chemically modified surface. The d-d electronic transition spectra showed that for the ClO4-, complex, the peak of absorption did not change for any degree of metal loading, and for Cl- and Br- complexes, the peak maxima shifted to a higher energy region with a lower metal loading. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade e as complicações com a aplicação do 5- fluorouracil (5-FLU) no intra-operatório da cirurgia do pterígio. Método: Foram avaliados 28 olhos de 26 indivíduos quanto ao tipo e tamanho do pterígio, cirurgias prévias e a resposta ao tratamento cirúrgico (no 7º , 21º , 60º e 90º dia de pós-operatório). Logo após a exerese do pterígio, aplicou-se 5-FLU (25 mg/ml) no leito cirúrgico, durante cinco minutos; a seguir, realizou-se a técnica de deslizamento de retalho conjuntival. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes tinha mais de 50 anos de idade e apresentava pterígio primário (70,0%), grau II (60,7%), do tipo involutivo (60,7%). No pós-operatório observaram-se: isquemia (10,7%), deiscência da conjuntiva (7,1%), ceratite (3,5%), conjuntivite (3,5%) e recidiva da lesão em 1 olho (3,5%).Conclusão: O 5-FLU se mostrou droga segura e efetiva na prevenção das recidivas, podendo ser usado como coadjuvante no tratamento do pterígio para prevenir recidivas.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a prática esportiva de adolescentes e seus respectivos pais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 1.111 adolescentes de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre dez e 17 anos e seus respectivos responsáveis. Entre pais e filhos, o envolvimento em práticas esportivas de intensidade moderada e/ou vigorosa foi avaliado por meio de questionário. A condição econômica, o gênero e a idade foram considerados variáveis de confusão. A regressão logística binária avaliou a magnitude das associações indicadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: em ambos os gêneros, o envolvimento dos pais foi associado com um maior engajamento por parte do adolescente em práticas esportivas (masculino: OR2,3; IC95%1,0-5,3; feminino: OR2,7; IC95%1,3-5,1). Porém, o envolvimento materno foi associado apenas com a atividade física no sexo feminino (OR2,4; IC95%1,4-3,8). CONCLUSÕES: A prática esportiva dos adolescentes está associada com a prática de seus pais e o gênero dos pais exerce efeitos distintos em tal fenômeno.
Este artigo analisa criticamente o processo crescente de medicalização da vida cotidiana e suas expressões contemporâneas no campo da educação escolar à luz dos pressupostos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, buscando desvelar o processo de produção dos fenômenos do não aprender e não se comportar na escola, bem como os fatores que determinam sua identificação por profissionais da saúde e da educação como sintomas de doenças e transtornos. Dentre as muitas disfunções comumente associadas ao desempenho escolar de crianças na atualidade, são destacados e analisados o TDAH e o TOD. As análises desenvolvidas ao longo do texto indicam que a compreensão da medicalização como um desdobramento inevitável do processo de patologização dos problemas educacionais exige um trabalho intelectual crítico e o desenvolvimento de novos posicionamentos de psicólogos, educadores e profissionais da saúde em relação à sociedade, à educação e ao desenvolvimento humano.
This study consisted of an investigation of the influence of powder preparation on the phase and chemical compositions and microstructure of 9.5/65/35 PLZT materials sintered in an oxygen atmosphere. The powders with the formula Pb0.905La0.095(Zr0.65Ti0.35)(0.976)O-3+3.5 wt.% PbO were prepared by the polymeric organometallic precursor method (the Pechini method and the partial oxalate procedure). Phase composition was determined by X-ray diffraction of powder and EDS analysis, while grain size was determined based on the micrograph obtained from SEM. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.