988 resultados para MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS


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Alexandrium tamarense toxins have great value in biotechnology research as well as important in connection with shellfish poisoning. The influence of nitrate or nitrate and phosphate supplementation on cell biomass and toxin content were investigated in batch cultures. When cultures at low nitrate (88.2 mu M NaNO3) Were supplemented with 793.8 mu M NaNO3 at day 10 the cell density and cellular toxin contents were increased by 6-29% and 20-76%, respectively, compared with controls, and maximal values were 43,600 cells/ml (day 38) and 0.91 pg/cell (day 31). Supplementation with nitrate at day 14 or with nitrate and phosphate at day 10/14 to the cultures did not increase the cell density compared with the non-supplemented middle nitrate or high phosphate (108 mu M NaH2PO4) cultures, respectively, but increased the cellular toxin contents by an average of 52%. The results showed that supplementation with nitrate or with nitrate and phosphate at different growth phases of the cultures increased toxin yield by an average of 46%. Supplementation with nitrate at selected times to maintain continuous low level of nitrate might contribute to the effective increase of toxin yield of A. tamarense. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fanning of Chinese mitten crab, a quality aquatic product in China and neighbouring Asian countries, has been developing rapidly in China since last decade. It reached a total yield of 3.4 X 10(5) tonnes in 2002. Due to the successive over-stocking year after year, many lakes in the mid-lower Yangtze Basin, the main farming area, are under deterioration, leading to a reduction of crab yield and quality, and, subsequently, a loss of fanning profits. Aiming at a normal development of crab culture and the sustainable use of lakes, an annual investigation dealing with lake environmental factors in relation to stocked crab populations was carried out at 20 farms in 4 lakes. The results show that the submersed macrophyte biomass (B-Mac) is the key factor affecting annual crab yield (CY). Using the ratio of Secchi depth to mean depth (Z(SD)/Z(M)), an easily measured parameter closely correlated to BMac, as driving variable, 10 regression models of maximal crab yields were generated (r(2) ranging 0.49-0.81). Based on the theory of MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield), in combination with body-weight (BW) and recapture rate (RR) of adult crabs, a general optimal stocking model was eventually formulated. All models are simple and easy to operate. Comments on their applications and prospects are given in brief. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Intron loss and its evolutionary significance have been noted in Drosophila. The current study provides another example of intron loss within a single-copy Dfak gene in Drosophila. By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we amplified about 1.3 kb fragment spanning intron 5-10, located in the position of Tyr kinase (TyK) domain of Dfak gene from Drosophila melanogaster species group, and observed size difference among the amplified DNA fragments from different species. Further sequencing analysis revealed that D. melanogaster and D. simulans deleted an about 60 bp of DNA fragment relative to other 7 Drosophila species, such as D. elegans, D. ficusphila, D. biarmipes, D. takahashii, D. jambulina, D. prostipennis and D. pseudoobscura, and the deleted fragment located precisely in the position of one intron. The data suggested that intron loss might have occurred in the Dfak gene evolutionary process of D. melanogaster and D. simulans of Drosophila melanogaster species group. In addition, the constructed phylogenetic tree based on the Dfak TyK domains clearly revealed the evolutionary relationships between subgroups of Drosophila melanogaster species group, and the intron loss identified from D. melanogaster and D. simulans provides a unique diagnostic tool for taxonomic classification of the melanogaster subgroup from other group of genus Drosophila.


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Through an acclimation period of 10 days, compared to white light, the maximal net photosynthetic rates were significantly higher for gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida cultivated under blue light (400-500 nm), and were lower under red light (600-700 nm). Chlorophyll c and the carotenoid content of gametophytes were similar under blue light and red light but were much lower under white light. The growth rate of female gametophytes under blue light was higher than that under other lights, and the growth rate of male gametophytes showed little variation with respect to blue and white light. Male and female gametophytes were mixed together to form sporophytes under white, blue and red light. After approximately 5 days, 50% gametophytes became fertile under blue and white light, but remained vegetative under red light after 10 days.


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We report the cloning of a novel antimicrobial peptide gene, termed rtCATH_1, found in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The predicted 216-residue rtCATH_1 prepropeptide consists of three domains: a 22-residue signal peptide, a 128-residue cathelin-like region containing two identifiable cathelicidin family signatures, and a predicted 66-residue C-terminal cationic antimicrobial peptide. This predicted mature peptide was unique in possessing features of different known (mammalian) cathelicidin subgroups, such as the cysteine-bridged family and the specific amino-acid-rich family. The rtCATH_1 gene comprises four exons, as seen in all known mammalian cathelicidin genes, and several transcription factor binding sites known to be of relevance to host defenses were identified in the 5' flanking region. By Northern blot analysis, the expression of rtCATH_1 was detected in gill, head kidney, and spleen of bacterially challenged fish. Primary cultures of head kidney leukocytes from rainbow trout stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or poly(I (.) C) also expressed riCATH_1. A 36-residue peptide corresponding to the core part of the fish cathelicidin was chemically synthesized and shown to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity and a low hemolytic effect. Thus, rtCATH_1 represents a novel antimicrobial peptide gene belonging to the cathelicidin family and may play an important role in the innate immunity of rainbow trout.


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With 210 genera and 2010 species, Cyprinidae is the largest freshwater fish family in the world. Several papers, based on morphological and molecular data, have been published and have led to some solid conclusions, such as the close relationships between North American phoxinins and European leuciscins. However, the relationships among major subgroups of this family are still not well resolved, especially for those East Asian groups. In the present paper, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, 896-956 base pairs, of 17 representative species of East Asian cyprinids was sequenced and compared with those of 21 other cyprinids to study their phylogenetic relationships. After alignment, there were 1051 sites. The comparison between pairwise substitutions and HKY distances showed that the mtDNA control region was suitable for phylogenetic study. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that there are two principal lineages in Cyprinidae: Cyprinine and Leuciscine. In Cyprinine, the relationships could be a basal Labeoinae, an intermediate Cyprininae, and a diversified Barbinae (including Schizothroaxinae). In Leuciscine, Rasborinae is at the basal position; Gobioninae and Leuciscinae are sister groups; the East Asian cultrin-xenocyprinin taxa form a large monophyletic group with some small affiliated groups; and the positions of Acheilognathinae and Tincinae are still uncertain.


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The sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of cyprinid subfamily Leuciscinae are analyzed. Phylogenetic trees generated with methods of neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony with Phenacogrammus as an outgroup indicate that Leuciscinae is not a monophyletic group but includes two discrete subgroups. The East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae, including the genera Ctenopharyngodon, Elopichthys, Luciobrama, Mylopharyngodon, Ochetobius, and Squaliobarbus, is close to Aristichthys and Hypophthalmichthys, and they form a monophyletic group which is distant from the leuciscine genera in Europe, Siberia and North America, such as Phoxinus, Leuciscus, Abramis, Rutilus, Chondrostoma, Alburnus, Opsopoedus, Lythrurus, and Pimephales. Our study suggests that the diversified East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae should have an independent origination.


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In order to investigate the possible impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on algal growth and photosynthesis, the influence of CO2 concentration was tested on three planktonic algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Scenedesmus obliquus). Increased CO2 concentration enhanced significantly the growth rate of all three species. Specific growth rates reached maximal values at 30, 100, and 60 muM CO2 in C. reinhardtii, C pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus, respectively. Such significant enhancement of growth rate with enriched CO2 was also confirmed at different levels of inorganic N and P, being more profound at limiting levels of N in C pyrenoidosa and P in S. obliquus. The maximal rates of net photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiency and light-saturating point increased significantly (p<0.05) in high-CO2-grown cells. Elevation of the CO2 levels in cultures enhanced the photoinhibition of C. reinhardtii, but reduced that of C pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus when exposed to high photon flux density. The photo-inhibited cells recovered to some extent (from 71% to 99%) when placed under dim light or in darkness, with better recovery in high-CO2-grown C. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus. Although pH and pCO(2) effects cannot be distinguished from this study, it can be concluded that increased CO2 concentrations with decreased pH could affect the growth rate and photosynthetic physiology of C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus.


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The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system, derived from teleost fish sequences, is extremely effective at delivering DNA to vertebrate genomes, including those of humans. We have examined several parameters of the SB system to improve it as a potential, nonviral vector for gene therapy. Our investigation centered on three features: the carrying capacity of the transposon for efficient integration into chromosomes of HeLa cells, the effects of overexpression of the SB transposase gene on transposition rates, and improvements in the activity of SB transposase to increase insertion rates of transgenes into cellular chromosomes. We found that SB transposons of about 6 kb retained 50% of the maximal efficiency of transposition, which is sufficient to deliver 70-80% of identified human cDNAs with appropriate transcriptional regulatory sequences. Overexpression inhibition studies revealed that there are optimal ratios of SB transposase to transposon for maximal rates of transposition, suggesting that conditions of delivery of the two-part transposon system are important for the best gene-transfer efficiencies. We further refined the SB transposase to incorporate several amino acid substitutions, the result of which led to an improved transposase called SB11. With SB11 we are able to achieve transposition rates that are about 100-fold above those achieved with plasmids that insert into chromosomes by random recombination. With the recently described improvements to the transposon itself, the SB system appears to be a potential gene-transfer tool for human gene therapy.


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Intertidal macroalgae experience continual alternation of photosynthesis between aquatic state at high tide and aerial state at low tide. The comparative photosynthetic responses to inorganic carbon were investigated in the common intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca L. along the coast of Shantou between aquatic and aerial state. The inorganic carbon dissolved in seawater at present could fully (at 10 degreesC or 20 degreesC) or nearly (at 30 degreesC) saturate the aquatic photosynthesis of U. lactuca. However, the aerial photosynthesis was limited by current ambient atmospheric CO2 level, and such a limitation was more severe at higher temperature (20degrees - 30degrees T) than at lower temperature (10 T). The carbon-saturated maximal photosynthesis of U. lactuca under aerial state was much greater than that under aquatic state at 10 degreesC and 20 degreesC, while the maximal photosynthesis under both states was similar at 30 degreesC. The aerial values of K-m (CO2) for photosynthesis were higher than the aquatic values. On the contrary, the values of apparent photosynthetic CO2 conductance under aerial state were considerably lower than that under aquatic state. It was concluded that the increase of atmospheric CO2 would enhance the primary productivity of U. lactuca through stimulating the photosynthesis under aerial state during low tide.


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A polyphasic approach was used to clarify the taxonomy of the water-bloom-forming oscillatorioid cyanobacteria. Seventy-five strains of oscillatorioid cyanobacteria were characterized by 16S rDNA sequence analysis, DNA base composition, DNA-DNA hybridization, fatty acid composition, phycobilin pigment composition, complementary chromatic adaptation, morphological characters, growth temperature and salinity tolerance. Phylogenetic analysis based on 165 rDNA sequences divided the strains into six groups, all of which were clearly separated from the type species of the genus Oscillatoria, Oscillatoria princeps Gomont NIVA CYA 150. Therefore, these strains should be classified into genera other than Oscillatoria. Groups I-III were closely related to one another and groups IV-VI were distinct from one another and from groups I to III. Group I was further divided into two subgroups, group I-pc, which includes strains containing only phycocyanin (PC), and group I-pe, which includes strains containing large amounts of phycoerythrin (PE) in addition to PC. This phenotypic distinction was supported by DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Based on the properties examined herein and data from traditional, botanical taxonomic studies, the groups and subgroups were classified into single species and we propose either emended or new taxonomic descriptions for Planktothrix agardhii (type strain NIES 204(T)), Planktothrix rubescens (type strain CCAP 1459/22(T)) Planktothrix pseudagardhii sp. nov. (type strain T1-8-4(T)), Planktothrix mougeotii (type strain TR1-5(T)), Planktothricoides raciborskii gen. nov., comb. nov. (type strain NIES 207(T)), Tychonema bourrellyi (type strain CCAP 1459/11B(T)) and Limnothrix redekei (type strain NIVA CYA 277/1(T)).


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Photosynthetic responses of rewetted Nostoc flagelliforme to CO2, desiccation, light and temperature were investigated under emersed conditions in order to characterize its ecophysiological behaviour in nature. Net photosynthesis increased to a maximum rate at about 30 % water loss, then decreased, while dark respiration always decreased with the progress of desiccation. Light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration were significantly reduced at 8 degreesC, but remained little affected by changes of temperature within the range of 15-35 degreesC. Photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) was maximal at the beginning of desiccation and then reduced with increased water loss. Saturating irradiance for photosynthesis was about 194-439 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1), being maximal at about 30 % water loss. No photoinhibition was observed at irradiances up to 1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Light compensation points were about 41-93 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Photosynthesis of N. flagelliforme was CO2-limited at the present atmospheric CO2 level. The CO2-saturated photosynthesis increased with increase of irradiance (190-1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) and temperature (8-25 degreesC) and decreased significantly with water loss (0-75 %). Photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was sensitive to temperature and irradiance. The CO2 compensation point (Gamma) increased significantly with increased temperature and was insensitive to irradiance. Desiccation did not affect Gamma values before water loss exceeded 70 %. Photorespiratory CO2 release did not occur in N. flagelliforme at the current atmospheric CO2 level.


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Using self-consistent calculations of million-atom Schrodinger-Poisson equations, we investigate the I-V characteristics of tunnelling and ballistic transport of nanometer metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET) based on a full 3-D quantum mechanical simulation under nonequilibtium condition. Atomistic empirical pseudopotentials are used to describe the device Hamiltonian and the underlying bulk band structure. We find that the ballistic transport dominates the I-V characteristics, whereas the effects of tunnelling cannot be neglected with the maximal value up to 0.8mA/mu m when the channel length of MOSFET scales down to 25 nm. The effects of tunnelling transport lower the threshold voltage V-t. The ballistic current based on fully 3-D quantum mechanical simulation is relatively large and has small on-off ratio compared with results derived from the calculation methods of Luo et al.


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A fundamental mode Nd YAG laser is experimentally demonstrated with a stagger pumped laser module and a special resonator. The rod is pumped symmetrically by staggered bar modules. A dynamic fundamental mode is achieved with the special resonator under different pump levels. A maximal continuous wave output of 61 W (M-2 = 1.4) is achieved with a single rod. An average output of 47 W, pulse width of 54 ns, pulse energy of 4.7 mJ and peak power of 87 kW are obtained under the Q-switched operation of 10 kHz.


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Using a low temperature grown GaAs wafer as an intracavity saturable absorber, a temporal envelope duration of 11 ns of Q- switched and mode- locked ( QML) 1064 nm operation was achieved in a very simple compact plane- concave cavity Nd: YVO4 laser, it was so short that the pulses can be used as Q- switching pulses. The maximal average output power is 808 mW with the repetition rate of 25 kHz, and the corresponding peak power and energy of a single Q- switched pulse was 2.94 kW and 32.3 mu J, respectively. The mode- locked pulse trains inside the Q- switched pulse envelope had a repetition rate of 800 MHz.