957 resultados para Localized adiposity


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Enhancement of localized electric field near metal (plasmonic) nanostructures can have various interesting applications in sensing, imaging, photovoltage generation etc., for which significant efforts are aimed towards developing plasmonic systems with well designed and large electromagnetic response. In this paper, we discuss the wafer scale fabrication and optical characterization of a unique three dimensional plasmonic material. The near field enhancement in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum obtained in these structures (order of 106), is close to the fundamental limit that can be obtained in this and similar EM field enhancement schemes. The large near field enhancement has been reflected in a huge Raman signal of graphene layer in close proximity to the plasmonic system, which has been validated with FEM simulations. We have integrated graphene photodetectors with this material to obtain record photovoltage generation, with responsivity as high as A/W. As far as we know, this is the highest sensitivity obtained in any plasmonic-graphene hybrid photodetection system till date.


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We use Floquet theory to study the maximum value of the stroboscopic group velocity in a one-dimensional tight-binding model subjected to an on-site staggered potential varying sinusoidally in time. The results obtained by numerically diagonalizing the Floquet operator are analyzed using a variety of analytical schemes. In the low-frequency limit we use adiabatic theory, while in the high-frequency limit the Magnus expansion of the Floquet Hamiltonian turns out to be appropriate. When the magnitude of the staggered potential is much greater or much less than the hopping, we use degenerate Floquet perturbation theory; we find that dynamical localization occurs in the former case when the maximum group velocity vanishes. Finally, starting from an ``engineered'' initial state where the particles (taken to be hard-core bosons) are localized in one part of the chain, we demonstrate that the existence of a maximum stroboscopic group velocity manifests in a light-cone-like spreading of the particles in real space.


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A unique approach was adopted to drive the multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) to the interface of immiscible PVDF-ABS blends by wrapping the nanotubes with a mutually miscible homopolymer (PMMA). A tailor made interface with an improved stress transfer was achieved in the blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs. This manifested in an impressive 108% increment in the tensile strength and 48% increment in the Young's modulus with 3 wt% PMMA wrapped MWNTs in striking contrast to the neat blends. As the PMMA wrapped MWNTs localized at the interface of PVDF-ABS blends, the electrical conductivity could be tuned with respect to only MWNTs, which were selectively localized in the PVDF phase, driven by thermodynamics. The electromagnetic shielding properties were assessed using a vector network analyser in a broad range of frequency, X-band (8-12 GHz) and Ku-band (12-18 GHz). Interestingly, enhanced EM shielding was achieved by this unique approach. The blends with only MWNTs shielded the EM waves mostly by reflection however, the blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs (3 wt%) shielded mostly by absorption (62%). This study opens new avenues in designing materials, which show simultaneous improvement in mechanical, electrical conductivity and EM shielding properties.


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Plant viruses exploit the host machinery for targeting the viral genome-movement protein complex to plasmodesmata (PD). The mechanism by which the non-structural protein m (NSm) of Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) is targeted to PD was investigated using Agrobacterium mediated transient expression of NSm and its fusion proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana. GFP:NSm formed punctuate structures that colocalized with mCherry:plasmodesmata localized protein la (PDLP la) confirming that GBNV NSm localizes to PD. Unlike in other movement proteins, the C-terminal coiled coil domain of GBNV NSm was shown to be involved in the localization of NSm to PD, as deletion of this domain resulted in the cytoplasmic localization of NSm. Treatment with Brefeldin A demonstrated the role of ER in targeting GFP NSm to PD. Furthermore, mCherry:NSm co-localized with ER-GFP (endoplasmic reticulum targeting peptide (HDEL peptide fused with GFP). Co-expression of NSm with ER-GFP showed that the ER-network was transformed into vesicles indicating that NSm interacts with ER and remodels it. Mutations in the conserved hydrophobic region of NSm (residues 130-138) did not abolish the formation of vesicles. Additionally, the conserved prolines at positions 140 and 142 were found to be essential for targeting the vesicles to the cell membrane. Further, systematic deletion of amino acid residues from N- and C-terminus demonstrated that N-terminal 203 amino acids are dispensable for the vesicle formation. On the other hand, the C-terminal coiled coil domain when expressed alone could also form vesicles. These results suggest that GBNV NSm remodels the ER network by forming vesicles via its interaction through the C-terminal coiled coil domain. Interestingly, NSm interacts with NP in vitro and coexpression of these two proteins in planta resulted in the relocalization of NP to PD and this relocalization was abolished when the N-terminal unfolded region of NSm was deleted. Thus, the NSm interacts with NP via its N-terminal unfolded region and the NSm-NP complex could in turn interact with the ER membrane via the C-terminal coiled coil domain of NSm to form vesicles that are targeted to PD and there by assist the cell to cell movement of the viral genome complex. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using first-principles calculations, we establish the existence of highly-stable polymorphs of hcp metals (Ti, Mg, Be, La and Y) with nanoscale structural periodicity. They arise from heterogeneous deformation of the hcp structure occurring in response to large shear stresses localized at the basal planes separated by a few nanometers. Through Landau theoretical analysis, we show that their stability derives from nonlinear coupling between strains at different length scales. Such multiscale hyperelasticity and long-period structures constitute a new mechanism of size-dependent plasticity and its enhancement in nanoscale hcp metals.


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In order to obtain better materials, control over the precise location of nanoparticles is indispensable. It is shown here that ordered arrangements of nanoparticles, possessing different characteristics (electrical/ magnetic dipoles), in the blend structure can result in excellent microwave absorption. This is manifested from a high reflection loss of ca. -67 dB for the best blend structure designed here. To attenuate electromagnetic radiation, the key parameters of high electrical conductivity and large dielectric/magnetic loss are targeted here by including a conductive material multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs], ferroelectric nanostructured material with associated relaxations in the GHz frequency barium titanate, BT] and lossy ferromagnetic nanoparticles nickel ferrite, NF]. In this study, bi-continuous structures were designed using 50/50 (by wt) blends of polycarbonate (PC) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The MWNTs were modified using an electron acceptor molecule, a derivative of perylenediimide, which facilitates p-p stacking with the nanotubes and stimulates efficient charge transport in the blends. The nanoscopic materials have specific affinity towards the PVDF phase. Hence, by introducing surface-active groups, an ordered arrangement can be tailored. To accomplish this, both BT and NF were first hydroxylated followed by the introduction of amine-terminal groups on the surface. The latter facilitated nucleophilic substitution reactions with PC and resulted in their precise location. In this study, we have shown for the first time that by a compartmentalized approach, superior EM attenuation can be achieved. For instance, when the nanoparticles were localized exclusively in the PVDF phase or in both the phases, the minimum reflection losses were ca. -18 dB (for the MWNT/BT mixture) and -29 dB (for the MWNT/NF mixture), and the shielding occurred primarily through reflection. Interestingly, by adopting the compartmentalized approach wherein the lossy materials were in the PC phase and the conductive materials (MWNT) were in the PVDF phase, outstanding reflection losses of ca. -57 dB (for the BT and MWNT combination) and -67 dB (for the NF and MWNT combination) were noted and the shielding occurred primarily through absorption. Thus, the approach demonstrates that nanoscopic structuring in the blends can be achieved under macroscopic processing conditions and this strategy can further be explored to design microwave absorbers.


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We employed in situ pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to investigate the mechanism of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in NdNiO3 (NNO) thin films, grown on NdGaO3(110) and LaAlO3(100) substrates. In the metallic phase, we observe three-dimensional hole and electron Fermi surface (FS) pockets formed from strongly renormalized bands with well-defined quasiparticles. Upon cooling across the MIT in NNO/NGO sample, the quasiparticles lose coherence via a spectral weight transfer from near the Fermi level to localized states forming at higher binding energies. In the case of NNO/LAO, the bands are apparently shifted upward with an additional holelike pocket forming at the corner of the Brillouin zone. We find that the renormalization effects are strongly anisotropic and are stronger in NNO/NGO than NNO/LAO. Our study reveals that substrate-induced strain tunes the crystal field splitting, which changes the FS properties, nesting conditions, and spin-fluctuation strength, and thereby controls the MIT via the formation of an electronic order parameter with QAF similar to (1/4,1/4,1/4 +/- delta).


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The plane of division of granule neuron progenitors (GNPs) was analysed with respect to the pial surface in P0 to P14 cerebellum and the results showed that there was a significant bias towards the plane of cell division being parallel to pial surface across this developmental window. In addition, the distribution of beta-Catenin in anaphase cells was analysed, which showed that there was a significant asymmetry in the distribution of beta-Catenin in dividing GNPs. Further, inhibition of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling had an effect on plane of cell division. Asymmetric distribution of beta-Catenin was shown to occur towards the source of a localized extracellular cue.


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Secondary atomization characteristics of burning bicomponent (ethanol-water) droplets containing titania nanoparticles (NPs) in dilute (0.5% and 1 wt.%) and dense concentrations (5% and 7.5 wt.%) are studied experimentally at atmospheric pressure under normal gravity. It is observed that both types of nanofuel droplets undergo distinct modes of secondary breakup, which are primarily responsible for transporting particles from the droplet domain to the flame zone. For dilute nanosuspensions, disruptive response is characterized by low intensity atomization modes that cause small-scale localized flame distortion. In contrast, the disruption behavior at dense concentrations is governed by high intensity bubble ejections, which result in severe disruption of the flame envelope.


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Starting with a micropolar formulation, known to account for nonlocal microstructural effects at the continuum level, a generalized Langevin equation (GLE) for a particle, describing the predominant motion of a localized region through a single displacement degree of freedom, is derived. The GLE features a memory-dependent multiplicative or internal noise, which appears upon recognizing that the microrotation variables possess randomness owing to an uncertainty principle. Unlike its classical version, the present GLE qualitatively reproduces the experimentally measured fluctuations in the steady-state mean square displacement of scattering centers in a polyvinyl alcohol slab. The origin of the fluctuations is traced to nonlocal spatial interactions within the continuum, a phenomenon that is ubiquitous across a broad class of response regimes in solids and fluids. This renders the proposed GLE a potentially useful model in such cases.


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This work presents a detailed experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of H-2/CO composition on extinction characteristics of premixed and nonpremixed syngas flames. Experimental measurements of local and global extinction strain rates in counterflow diffusion flames have been reported at atmospheric pressure for six different compositions of syngas fuel. The concentration of H-2 was varied from 5 to 20% with a 3% increment, and correspondingly, CO was decreased from 35 to 20% in steps of 3%. Particle imaging velocimetry has been used to determine the local extinction strain rates. Local extinction strain rates increased with an increase in the H-2/CO ratio in both nonpremixed and premixed flames. The predicted extinction strain rates for both nonpremixed and premixed counterflow flames using five different mechanisms available in the literature were compared with measurements. The Davis H-2/CO and Ranzi H-2/CO mechanisms predicted extinction strain rates within 10% of experimental values irrespective of the H-2/CO ratio. In the nonpremixed case, the Cl mechanism by Li et al., GRI 3.0, and the Ranzi H-2/CO mechanism predicted extinction strain rates well for low H-2/CO ratios (from 5:35 to 14:26) but deviated from experiments for higher H-2/CO values (17:23 and 20:20). In addition to kinetics, preferential diffusion effects were found to affect the reaction zone significantly and create distinct localized reaction zone structures in nonpremixed flames, which could contribute to discrepancies in extinction predictions.


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Today single cell research is a great interest to analyze cell to cell or cell to environment behavior with their intracellular compounds, where bulk measurement can provide average value. To deliver biomolecules precise and localized way into single living cell with high transfection rate and high cell viability is a challenging and promisible task for biological and therapeutic research. In this report, we present a nano-localized single cell nano-electroporation technique, where electroporation take place in a very precise and localized area on a single cell membrane to achieve high efficient delivery with high cell viability. We fabricated 60nm gap with 40 nm triangular Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) based nano-eletcrode tip, which can intense electric field in a nano-localized area of a single cell to permeabilize cell membrane and deliver exogenous biomolecules from outside to inside of the cell. This device successfully deliver dyes, proteins into single cell with high cell viability (98%). The process not only control precise delivery mechanism into single cell with membrane reversibility, but also it can provide special, temporal and qualitative dosage control, which might be beneficial for therapeutic and biological cell studies.


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The present study elucidates the effects of nanoscale boron nitride particles addition on the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of monolithic magnesium. Novel light-weight Mg nanocomposites containing 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2vol% nano-size boron nitride particulates were synthesized using the disintegrated melt deposition method followed by hot extrusion. Microstructural characterization of developed Mg/x-boron nitride composites revealed significant grain refinement due to the uniform distribution of nano-boron nitride particulates. Texture analysis of selected Mg-1.2 boron nitride nanocomposite showed an increase in the intensity of fiber texture alongside enhanced localized recrystallization when compared to monolithic Mg. Mechanical properties evaluation under indentation, tension and compression loading indicated superior response of Mg/x-boron nitride composites in comparison to pure Mg. The uniform distribution of nanoscale boron nitride particles and the modified crystallographic texture achieved due to the nano-boron nitride addition attributes to the superior mechanical characteristics of Mg/boron nitride nanocomposites.


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Heterodimeric proteins with homologous subunits of same fold are involved in various biological processes. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of structural and functional features of such heterodimers. Using a non-redundant dataset of 70 such heterodimers of known 3D structure and an independent dataset of 173 heterodimers from yeast, we note that the mean sequence identity between interacting homologous subunits is only 23-24% suggesting that, generally, highly diverged paralogues assemble to form such a heterodimer. We also note that the functional roles of interacting subunits/domains are generally quite different. This suggests that, though the interacting subunits/domains are homologous, the high evolutionary divergence characterize their high functional divergence which contributes to a gross function for the heterodimer considered as a whole. The inverse relationship between sequence identity and RMSD of interacting homologues in heterodimers is not followed. We also addressed the question of formation of homodimers of the subunits of heterodimers by generating models of fictitious homodimers on the basis of the 3D structures of the heterodimers. Interaction energies associated with these homodimers suggests that, in overwhelming majority of the cases, such homodimers are unlikely to be stable. Majority of the homologues of heterodimers of known structures form heterodimers (51.8%) and a small proportion (14.6%) form homodimers. Comparison of 3D structures of heterodimers with homologous homodimers suggests that interfacial nature of residues is not well conserved. In over 90% of the cases we note that the interacting subunits of heterodimers are co-localized in the cell. Proteins 2015; 83:1766-1786. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We propose optimal bilateral filtering techniques for Gaussian noise suppression in images. To achieve maximum denoising performance via optimal filter parameter selection, we adopt Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE)-an unbiased estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE). Unlike MSE, SURE is independent of the ground truth and can be used in practical scenarios where the ground truth is unavailable. In our recent work, we derived SURE expressions in the context of the bilateral filter and proposed SURE-optimal bilateral filter (SOBF). We selected the optimal parameters of SOBF using the SURE criterion. To further improve the denoising performance of SOBF, we propose variants of SOBF, namely, SURE-optimal multiresolution bilateral filter (SMBF), which involves optimal bilateral filtering in a wavelet framework, and SURE-optimal patch-based bilateral filter (SPBF), where the bilateral filter parameters are optimized on small image patches. Using SURE guarantees automated parameter selection. The multiresolution and localized denoising in SMBF and SPBF, respectively, yield superior denoising performance when compared with the globally optimal SOBF. Experimental validations and comparisons show that the proposed denoisers perform on par with some state-of-the-art denoising techniques. (C) 2015 SPIE and IS&T