948 resultados para Kagome-lattice
Magnetic M( T, H, P) and electrical transport.( T, H, P) measurements in a strong spin-lattice-charge coupled La(0.7)Ca(0.3)MnO(3) system have been conducted. The application of H and P leads to the formation of different magnetic domain structures in the vicinity and below the polaronic-to-ferromagnetic transition temperature. The charge mobility is more sensitive to the variation of the spatial wave function overlap between Mn(3+) eg and O(2-) 2p orbitals due to the applied compacting pressure rather than the relative spin orientation between neighbouring Mn ions when the magnetic field is applied. In spite of the presence of different magnetic domain structures due to the sample history, the effect of magnetic field and pressure is less pronounced at lower temperatures on electrical transport properties.
In this work we analyze the spin-polarized charge density distribution in the GeMn diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors (DFS). The calculations are performed within a self-consistent k.p method, in which the exchange correlation effects in the local density approximation, as well as the strain effects due to the lattice mismatch, are taken into account. Our findings show that the extra confinement potential provided by the barriers and the variation of the Mn content in the DFS are responsible for a separation between the different spin charge densities, giving rise to higher mobility spin-polarized currents or high ferromagnetism transition temperatures systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present theoretical photoluminescence (PL) spectra of undoped and p-doped Al(x)In(1-xy)Ga(y)N/Al(X)In(1) (X) (Y)Ga(Y)N double quantum wells (DQWs). The calculations were performed within the k.p method by means of solving a full eight-band Kane Hamiltonian together with the Poisson equation in a plane wave representation, including exchange-correlation effects within the local density approximation. Strain effects due to the lattice mismatch are also taken into account. We show the calculated PL spectra, analyzing the blue and red-shifts in energy as one varies the spike and the well widths, as well as the acceptor doping concentration. We found a transition between a regime of isolated quantum wells and that of interacting DQWs. Since there are few studies of optical properties of quantum wells based on nitride quaternary alloys, the results reported here will provide guidelines for the interpretation of forthcoming experiments. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Synthetic beta-spodumene polycrystals were produced by a devitrification method, undoped and doped with controlled concentration of the Ce3+ or Mn2+ impurities. The TL properties of these polycrystals and of a colourless natural spodumene were investigated. Some dosimetric properties of them were also discussed. The dopants do not affect the TL peak position with respect a pure beta-spodumene sample but the intensity of the TL peaks at 180 and 280 degrees C is improved in the Ce-doped one. The Ce3+ ions do not participate in the TL light emission; on the other hand, the presence of Mn2+ ions cause an emission band around 600-650 nm in the TL light emission spectrum. The emission around 400 nm appears in the TL emission spectrum of all the samples and it is believed to correspond to aluminium centre ([AlO4/hole](0)) recombination with an electron. The more sensitive samples to gamma-radiation are the colourless natural spodumene and the Ce-doped synthetic spodumene, respectively. The colourless natural spodumene crystal shows a TL peak at 180 degrees C suitable for dosimetry, while for Ce-doped beta-spodumene sample the TL peaks at 180 and 280 degrees C can be used. No fading of the TL emission was observed for Ce-doped beta-spodumene sample up to 80 days after irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ab initio calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) are used to investigate the electronic and optical properties of sillimanite. The geometrical parameters of the unit cell, which contain 32 atoms, have been fully optimized and are in good agreement with the experimental data. The electronic structure shows that sillimanite has an indirect band gap of 5.18 eV. The complex dielectric function and optical constants, such as extinction coefficient, refractive index, reflectivity and energy-loss spectrum, are calculated. The optical properties of sillimanite are discussed based on the band structure calculations. It is shown that the O-2p states and Al-3s, Si-3s states play the major role in optical transitions as initial and final states, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Samples of natural andalusite (Al(2)SiO(5)) crystal have been investigated in terms of thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements. The TL glow curves of samples previously annealed at 600 degrees C for 30 min and subsequently gamma-irradiated gave rise to four glow peaks at 150, 210, 280 and 350 degrees C. The EPR spectra of natural samples heat-treated at 600 degrees C for 30 min show signals at g = 5.94 and 2.014 that do not change after gamma irradiation and thermal treatments. However, it was observed that the appearance of a paramagnetic center at g=1.882 for the samples annealed at 600 degrees C for 30 min followed gamma irradiation. This line was attributed to Ti(3+) centers. The EPR signals observed at g=5.94 and 2.014 are due to Fe(3+). Correlations between EPR and TL results of these crystals show that the EPR line at g=1.882 and the TL peak at 280 degrees C can be attributed to the same defect center. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Samples of natural sodalite, Na(8)Al(6)Si(6)O(24)Cl(2), submitted to gamma irradiation and to thermal treatments, have been investigated using the thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. Both, natural and heat-treated samples at 500A degrees C in air for 30 min, present an EPR signal around g = 2.01132 attributed to oxygen hole centers. The EPR spectra of irradiated samples show an intense line at g = 2.0008 superimposed by a hyperfine multiplet of 11 lines due to an O(-) ion in an intermediate position with respect to two adjacent Al nuclei. In the TL measurements, the samples were annealed at 500A degrees C for 30 min and then irradiated with gamma doses varying from 0.001 to 20 kGy. All the samples have shown TL peaks at 110, 230, 270, 365, and 445A degrees C. A correlation between the EPR g = 2.01132 line and the 365A degrees C TL peak was observed. A TL model is proposed in which a Na(+) ion acts as a charge compensator when an Al(3+) ion replaces a Si(4+) lattice ion. The gamma ray destruction of the Al-Na complex provides an electron trapped at the Na and a hole trapped at a non-bridging oxygen ion adjacent to the Al(3+) ion.
We study the exact solution of an N-state vertex model based on the representation of the U(q)[SU(2)] algebra at roots of unity with diagonal open boundaries. We find that the respective reflection equation provides us one general class of diagonal K-matrices having one free-parameter. We determine the eigenvalues of the double-row transfer matrix and the respective Bethe ansatz equation within the algebraic Bethe ansatz framework. The structure of the Bethe ansatz equation combine a pseudomomenta function depending on a free-parameter with scattering phase-shifts that are fixed by the roots of unity and boundary variables. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The electronic and optical properties of grossular garnet are investigated using density functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The calculated lattice parameters are in good agreement with the experiment data. The electronic structure shows that grossular has a direct band gap of 5.22 eV. The dielectric functions, reflective index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and energy-loss spectrum are calculated. The optical properties of grossular are discussed based on the band structure calculations. The O 2p states and Si 3s play a major role in these optical transitions as initial and final states, respectively. The absorption spectrum is localized in the ultraviolet range between 30 and 250 nm. Finally, we concluded that pure grossular crystal does not absorb radiation in the visible range. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, KHSO(4):Mn crystals doped with Mn and K(2)SO(4) were synthesized using an aqueous solution method. The samples were exposed to ionizing radiation in order to observe the effects on their physical properties. Raman spectroscopy was used to identify the structure of the crystals by detecting the vibrational frequencies of the crystalline lattice. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the creation of paramagnetic centers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation. This new synthesis method produces high quality K(2)SO(4) and KHSO(4):Mn crystals and allows control of structural, morphological, optical and magnetic properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
The concept of Fock space representation is developed to deal with stochastic spin lattices written in terms of fermion operators. A density operator is introduced in order to follow in parallel the developments of the case of bosons in the literature. Some general conceptual quantities for spin lattices are then derived, including the notion of generating function and path integral via Grassmann variables. The formalism is used to derive the Liouvillian of the d-dimensional Linear Glauber dynamics in the Fock-space representation. Then the time evolution equations for the magnetization and the two-point correlation function are derived in terms of the number operator. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The magnetic linear dichroism (MLD) at band-edge photon energies in the Voigt geometry was calculated for EuTe. At the spin-flop transition, MLD shows a step-like increase. Above the spin-flop transition MLD slowly decreases and becomes zero when the averaged electronic charge becomes symmetric relative to the axis of light propagation. Further increase of the magnetic field causes ferromagnetic alignment of the spins along the magnetic field direction, and MLD is recovered but with an opposite sign, and reaches maximum absolute values. These results are explained by the rearrangement of the Eu(2+) spin distribution in the crystal lattice as a function of magnetic field, due to the Zeeman interaction, demonstrating that MLD can be a sensitive probe of the spin order in EuTe, and provides information that is not accessible from other magneto-optical techniques, such as magnetic circular dichroism measurement studies.
The temperature dependence of the crystalline structure and the lattice parameters of Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric ceramic system with 0.00 x 0.21 was determined. The samples with x 0.11 show a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at the maximum dielectric permittivity, Tmax. Above this amount and especially for the x = 0.12 sample, a spontaneous phase transition from a relaxor ferroelectric state (cubic phase) to a ferroelectric state (tetragonal phase) is observed upon cooling below the Tmax. Unlike what has been reported in other studies, the x = 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 samples, which present a more pronounced relaxor behavior, also presents a spontaneous normal-to-relaxor transition, indicated by a cubic to tetragonal symmetry below the Tmax. The origin of this anomaly has been associated with an increase in the degree of tetragonality, confirmed by the measurements of the X-ray diffraction patterns. The differential thermal analysis (DSC) measurements also confirm the existence of these phase transitions.
The (micro)structural and electrical properties of undoped and Er(3+)-doped BaTi(0.85)Zr(0.15)O(3) ceramics were studied in this work for both nominal Ba(2+) and Ti(4+) substitution formulations. The ceramics were produced from solid-state reaction and sintered at 1400 degrees C for 3 h. For those materials prepared following the donor-type nominal Ba(1-x)Er(x)(Ti(0.85)Zr(0.15))O(3) composition, especially, Er(3+) however showed a preferential substitution for the (Ti,Zr)(4+) lattice sites. This allowed synthesis of a finally acceptor-like, highly resistive Ba(Ti,Zr,Er)O(3-delta)-like system, with a solubility limit below but close to 3 cat.% Er(3+). The overall phase development is discussed in terms of the amphoteric nature of Er(3+), and appears to mainly or, at least, partially also involve a minimization of stress effects from the ion size mismatch between the dopant and host cations. Further results presented here include a comparative analysis of the behavior of the materials` grain size, electrical properties and nature of the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition upon variation of the formulation and Er(3+) content. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PbMoO(4) micro-octahedrons were prepared by the coprecipitation method at room temperature without the presence of surfactants and processed in a conventional hydrothermal at different temperatures (from 60 to 120 degrees C) for 10 min. These micro-octahedrons were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-Raman (MR) spectroscopy, and its morphology was investigated by field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). The optical properties were analyzed by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and MR spectra confirmed that the PbMoO(4) micro-octahedrons are characterized by a scheelite-type tetragonal structure. FEG-SEM micrographs points, out that these structures present a polydisperse particle size distribution in consequence of a predominant growth mechanism via aggregation of particles. In addition, it was observed that the hydrothermal conditions favored a spontaneous formation of micro-octahedrons interconnected along a common crystallographic orientation (oriented-attachment), resulting in self-organized structures. An intense blue PL emission at room temperature was observed in these micro-octahedrons when they were excited with a 350 nm wavelength. The origin of the PL emissions as well as its intensity variations are explained by means of a model based on both distorted [MoO(4)] and [PbO(8)] clusters into the lattice.