967 resultados para Interfaces Digitais


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.


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We investigate the ways young children’s use of mobile touchscreen interfaces is both understood and shaped by parents through the production of YouTube videos and discussions in associated comment threads. This analysis expands on, and departs from, theories of parental mediation, which have traditionally been framed through a media effects approach in analyzing how parents regulate their children’s use of broadcast media, such as television, within family life. We move beyond the limitations of an effects framing through more culturally and materially oriented theoretical lenses of mediation, considering the role mobile interfaces now play in the lives of infants through analysis of the ways parents intermediate between domestic spaces and networked publics. We propose the concept of intermediation, which builds on insights from critical interface studies as well as cultural industries literature to help account for these expanded aspects of digital parenting. Here, parents are not simply moderating children’s media use within the home, but instead operating as an intermediary in contributing to online representations and discourses of children’s digital culture. This intermediary role of parents engages with ideological tensions in locating notions of “naturalness:” the iPad’s gestural interface or the child’s digital dexterity.


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This paper analyses reconfigurations of play in emergent digital materialities of game design. It extends recent work examining dimensions of hybridity in playful products by turning attention to interfaces, practices and spaces, rather than devices. We argue that the concept of hybrid play relies on predefining clear and distinct digital or material entities that then enter into hybrid situations. Drawing on concepts of the ‘interface’ and ‘postdigital’, we argue the distribution of computing devices creates difficulties for such presuppositions. Instead, we propose thinking these situations through an ‘aesthetic of recruitment’ that is able to accommodate the intensive entanglements and inherent openness of both the social and technical in postdigital play.


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Surgical interventions are usually performed in an operation room; however, access to the information by the medical team members during the intervention is limited. While in conversations with the medical staff, we observed that they attach significant importance to the improvement of the information and communication direct access by queries during the process in real time. It is due to the fact that the procedure is rather slow and there is lack of interaction with the systems in the operation room. These systems can be integrated on the Cloud adding new functionalities to the existing systems the medical expedients are processed. Therefore, such a communication system needs to be built upon the information and interaction access specifically designed and developed to aid the medical specialists. Copyright 2014 ACM.


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O Selo Combustível Social instituído pelo Governo Federal como Política Pública de Estado, a finalidade de concessão de créditos aos produtores de biodiesel que promovam a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento regional por meio da compra de 10% da matéria-prima para fabricação do biodiesel de pequenos produtores rurais. Nesse contexto, estão inseridos os pequenos agricultores nos Assentamentos do Município de Campo Verde – MT que comercializam parte da produção com empresas como a BIOCAMP e a BIOBRAS . Diante da realidade descrita, a presente pesquisa busca investigar em que medida o Selo Combustível Social, aplicado à política do Biodiesel em Mato Grosso, propicia a maior autonomia do pequeno produtor rural. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa social empregando técnicas de análise documental, observação direta e a realização de entrevistas estruturadas e semi- estruturadas. Observou-se que para as empresas o selo combustível social é uma maneira de participar do leilão da Petrobrás. Para o poder público, o Selo Social uma maneira de apoiar o Pequeno Produtor Rural, através de parcerias, mas é notável que o mesmo não consegue gerenciar a sua produção, gerenciado pelo Empresário. Na visão dos assentados, esse selo é “só documento”, ficando o pequeno produtor sempre com os prejuízos.


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O trabalho objetiva compreender a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia, levando-se em conta mudanças e permanências referentes à dinâmica e à caracterização de cidades consideradas ribeirinhas em três contextos sub-regionais distintos (Sudeste do Pará, Oeste Paraense e baixo Tocantins), na Amazônia oriental brasileira. A contribuição geográfica da análise assenta-se nas repercussões decorrentes da reestruturação mais recente do espaço amazônico e seus rebatimentos na forma de articulação da cidade com o rio, considerando espaços de vivências (laços) e de fluxos (nós) que marcam a organização intra-urbana atual. Para esse empreendimento, assume-se a perspectiva teórico-metodológica que considera o espaço geográfico como sendo relacional e multidimensional (concebido, percebido e vivido). Do ponto de vista empírico, o procedimento metodológico considerou três cidades paraenses (Marabá, Santarém e Cametá), de nível intermediário na rede urbana regional. A partir delas procurou-se destacar o papel que a cidade ribeirinha amazônica assume em realidades sub-regionais que se inseriram de forma diferenciada nas políticas de ordenamento territorial das últimas décadas. Com base em levantamentos de campo são sistematizados elementos das particularidades socioespaciais das três sub-regiões consideradas e que demarcam espacialidades e territorialidades diversas em nível intra-urbano, sugerindo, em consequência, políticas públicas diferenciadas quando se considera a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia.


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O trabalho objetiva compreender a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia, levando-se em conta mudanças e permanências referentes à dinâmica e à caracterização de cidades consideradas ribeirinhas em três contextos sub-regionais distintos (Sudeste do Pará, Oeste Paraense e baixo Tocantins), na Amazônia oriental brasileira. A contribuição geográfica da análise assenta-se nas repercussões decorrentes da reestruturação mais recente do espaço amazônico e seus rebatimentos na forma de articulação da cidade com o rio, considerando espaços de vivências (laços) e de fluxos (nós) que marcam a organização intra-urbana atual. Para esse empreendimento, assume-se a perspectiva teórico-metodológica que considera o espaço geográfico como sendo relacional e multidimensional (concebido, percebido e vivido). Do ponto de vista empírico, o procedimento metodológico considerou três cidades paraenses (Marabá, Santarém e Cametá), de nível intermediário na rede urbana regional. A partir delas procurou-se destacar o papel que a cidade ribeirinha amazônica assume em realidades sub-regionais que se inseriram de forma diferenciada nas políticas de ordenamento territorial das últimas décadas. Com base em levantamentos de campo são sistematizados elementos das particularidades socioespaciais das três sub-regiões consideradas e que demarcam espacialidades e territorialidades diversas em nível intra-urbano, sugerindo, em consequência, políticas públicas diferenciadas quando se considera a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar os aspectos metodológicos do monitoramento fenológico de uma área de Caatinga preservada por meio de câmeras digitais, exemplificando sua aplicação para um dia na estação chuvosa e outro na estação seca. Para isso, foram descritas todas as etapas envolvidas na obtenção e processamento das imagens digitais diárias de uma área de Caatinga preservada, incluindo os índices %R (vermelho), %G (verde), %B (azul) e excG (excesso de verde). As imagens dos dias 10/05/2015 e 15/09/2015 foram usadas para representar o período com e sem folhas, respectivamente. Para estas datas, os valores médios dos índices foram: %R = 0,3326, %G = 0,3514, %B = 0,3124, excG = 13,7139 para o dia 10/05; e %R = 0,3465, %G = 0,3411, %B = 0,3125, excG = 7,4177 para 15/09. Esta metodologia envolvendo o monitoramento constante desse tipo de vegetação, por meio de fotografias digitais repetidas, é capaz de detectar as mudanças nos padrões de verde no dossel, principalmente por meio do índice excG.


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The role of non-neuronal brain cells, called astrocytes, is emerging as crucial in brain function and dysfunction, encompassing the neurocentric concept that was envisioning glia as passive components. Ion and water channels and calcium signalling, expressed in functional micro and nano domains, underpin astrocytes’ homeostatic function, synaptic transmission, neurovascular coupling acting either locally and globally. In this respect, a major issue arises on the mechanism through which astrocytes can control processes across scales. Finally, astrocytes can sense and react to extracellular stimuli such as chemical, physical, mechanical, electrical, photonic ones at the nanoscale. Given their emerging importance and their sensing properties, my PhD research program had the general goal to validate nanomaterials, interfaces and devices approaches that were developed ad-hoc to study astrocytes. The results achieved are reported in the form of collection of papers. Specifically, we demonstrated that i) electrospun nanofibers made of polycaprolactone and polyaniline conductive composites can shape primary astrocytes’ morphology, without affecting their function ii) gold coated silicon nanowires devices enable extracellular recording of unprecedented slow wave in primary differentiated astrocytes iii) colloidal hydrotalcites films allow to get insight in cell volume regulation process in differentiated astrocytes and to describe novel cytoskeletal actin dynamics iv) gold nanoclusters represent nanoprobe to trigger astrocytes structure and function v) nanopillars of photoexcitable organic polymer are potential tool to achieve nanoscale photostimulation of astrocytes. The results were achieved by a multidisciplinary team working with national and international collaborators that are listed and acknowledged in the text. Collectively, the results showed that astrocytes represent a novel opportunity and target for Nanoscience, and that Nanoglial interface might help to unveil clues on brain function or represent novel therapeutic approach to treat brain dysfunctions.


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The growing demand for lightweight solutions in every field of engineering is driving the industry to seek new technological solutions to exploit the full potential of different materials. The combination of dissimilar materials with distinct property ranges embodies a transparent allocation of component functions while allowing an optimal mix of their characteristics. From both technological and design perspectives, the interaction between dissimilar materials can lead to severe defects that compromise a multi-material hybrid component's performance and its structural integrity. This thesis aims to develop methodologies for designing, manufacturing, and monitoring of hybrid metal-composite joints and hybrid composite components. In Chapter 1, a methodology for designing and manufacturing hybrid aluminum/composite co-cured tubes is assessed. In Chapter 2, a full-field methodology for fiber misalignment detection and stiffness prediction for hybrid, long fiber reinforced composite systems is shown and demonstrated. Chapter 3 reports the development of a novel technology for joining short fiber systems and metals in a one-step co-curing process using lattice structures. Chapter 4 is dedicated to a novel analytical framework for the design optimization of two lattice architectures.


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The thesis investigates the potential of photoactive organic semiconductors as a new class of materials for developing bioelectronic devices that can convert light into biological signals. The materials can be either small molecules or polymers. When these materials interact with aqueous biological fluids, they give rise to various electrochemical phenomena, including photofaradaic or photocapacitive processes, depending on whether photogenerated charges participate in redox processes or accumulate at an interface. The thesis starts by studying the behavior of the H2Pc/PTCDI molecular p/n thin-film heterojunction in contact with aqueous electrolyte. An equivalent circuit model is developed, explaining the measurements and predicting behavior in wireless mode. A systematic study on p-type polymeric thin-films is presented, comparing rr-P3HT with two low bandgap conjugated polymers: PBDB-T and PTB7. The results demonstrate that PTB7 has superior photocurrent performance due to more effective electron-transfer onto acceptor states in solution. Furthermore, the thesis addresses the issue of photovoltage generation for wireless photoelectrodes. An analytical model based on photoactivated charge-transfer across the organic-semiconductor/water interface is developed, explaining the large photovoltages observed for polymeric p-type semiconductor electrodes in water. Then, flash-precipitated nanoparticles made of the same three photoactive polymers are investigated, assessing the influence of fabrication parameters on the stability, structure, and energetics of the nanoparticles. Photocathodic current generation and consequent positive charge accumulation is also investigated. Additionally, newly developed porous P3HT thin-films are tested, showing that porosity increases both the photocurrent and the semiconductor/water interfacial capacity. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the biocompatibility of the materials in in-vitro experiments and shows safe levels of photoinduced intracellular ROS production with p-type polymeric thin-films and nanoparticles. The findings highlight the potential of photoactive organic semiconductors in the development of optobioelectronic devices, demonstrating their ability to convert light into biological signals and interface with biological fluids.


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The field of bioelectronics involves the use of electrodes to exchange electrical signals with biological systems for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in biomedical devices and healthcare applications. However, the mechanical compatibility of implantable devices with the human body has been a challenge, particularly with long-term implantation into target organs. Current rigid bioelectronics can trigger inflammatory responses and cause unstable device functions due to the mechanical mismatch with the surrounding soft tissue. Recent advances in flexible and stretchable electronics have shown promise in making bioelectronic interfaces more biocompatible. To fully achieve this goal, material science and engineering of soft electronic devices must be combined with quantitative characterization and modeling tools to understand the mechanical issues at the interface between electronic technology and biological tissue. Local mechanical characterization is crucial to understand the activation of failure mechanisms and optimizing the devices. Experimental techniques for testing mechanical properties at the nanoscale are emerging, and the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a good candidate for in situ local mechanical characterization of soft bioelectronic interfaces. In this work, in situ experimental techniques with solely AFM supported by interpretive models for the characterization of planar and three-dimensional devices suitable for in vivo and in vitro biomedical experimentations are reported. The combination of the proposed models and experimental techniques provides access to the local mechanical properties of soft bioelectronic interfaces. The study investigates the nanomechanics of hard thin gold films on soft polymeric substrates (Poly(dimethylsiloxane) PDMS) and 3D inkjet-printed micropillars under different deformation states. The proposed characterization methods provide a rapid and precise determination of mechanical properties, thus giving the possibility to parametrize the microfabrication steps and investigate their impact on the final device.


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Objective: Lithium-silicate (LiSi) ceramic is nowadays widely used in dentistry. However, for the longevity of LiSi indirect restorations, it is important to pretreat the material and the dental substrate adequately. However, is not certain how the simplification of the manufacturing and conditioning procedures influences the bonding performances of LiSi ceramic restorations. Accordingly, the aims of this thesis were to investigate the effect of: 1) different LiSi ceramic surface decontamination procedures on the shear bond strength (SBS) to resin composite; 2) different types of lithium-disilicate (LiDi) (pressed vs CAD-CAM) on SBS to resin composite; 3) an experimental metal salt-based zirconium oxynitrate etchant [ZrO(NO3)2] on bonding performances to dentin. Materials and Methods: SBS test was used to investigate the influence of different cleaning protocols applied, or different processing techniques (CAD or PRESS) on the bond strength to composite resin. The third study tackled the interface between restorative materials and dentin, and investigated the microtensile bond strength test (µTBS), nanoleakage expression analysis (NL), gelatin zymography and in situ zymography of dentin conditioned with an experimental metal salt-based zirconium oxynitrate etchant [ZrO(NO3)2]. Results: MEP showed comparable bond strength to the double HP etching and higher compared to other groups. BS of press LiSi to composite was higher than that of CAD/CAM LiSi. ZON pretreatment increased bond strength to dentin when used with a universal adhesive, and inhibited dentinal endogenous enzymes. Conclusions: While simplification of the LiSi conditioning and cleaning procedures seems to yield bond strength comparable to the traditional procedures, it could be recommended in the clinical practice. However, pressed LiSi still seems to perform better in terms of bond strength compared to the CAD/CAM LiSi. Further, the novel ZON etchant seems to perform better compared to the traditional phosphoric dentin etching.