890 resultados para Game on circle


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Computer game technology provides us with the tools to create web-based educational materials for autonomous and collaborative learning. At Worcester, we have researched the use of this technology in various educational contexts. This paper reports one such study; the use of the commercial game engine “Unreal Tournament 2004” (UT2004) to produce materials suitable for education of Architects. We map the concepts and principles of Architectural Design onto the affordances (development tools) provided by UT2004, leading to a systematic procedure for the realization of buildings and urban environments using this game engine. A theory for the production of web-based learning materials which supports both autonomous and collaborative learning is developed. A heuristic evaluation of our materials, used with second-year students is presented. Associated web-pages provide on-line materials for delegates.


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At a recent conference on games in education, we made a radical decision to transform our standard presentation of PowerPoint slides and computer game demonstrations into a unified whole, inserting the PowerPoint presentation to the computer game. This opened up various questions relating to learning and teaching theories, which were debated by the conference delegates. In this paper, we reflect on these discussions, we present our initial experiment, and relate this to various theories of learning and teaching. In particular, we consider the applicability of “concept maps” to inform the construction of educational materials, especially their topological, geometrical and pedagogical significance. We supplement this “spatial” dimension with a theory of the dynamic, temporal dimension, grounded in a context of learning processes, such as Kolb’s learning cycle. Finally, we address the multi-player aspects of computer games, and relate this to the theories of social and collaborative learning. This paper attempts to explore various theoretical bases, and so support the development of a new learning and teaching virtual reality approach.


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Commercial computer games contain “physics engine” components, responsible for providing realistic interactions among game objects. The question naturally arises of whether these engines can be used to develop educational materials for high school and university physics education. To answer this question, the author's group recently conducted a detailed scientific investigation of the physics engine of Unreal Tournament 2004 (UT2004). This article presents their motivation, methodology, and results. The author presents the findings of experiments that probed the accessibility and fidelity of UT2004's physics engine, examples of educational materials developed, and an evaluation of their use in high school classes. The associated pedagogical implications of this approach are discussed, and the author suggests guidelines for educators on how to deploy the approach. Key resources are presented on an associated Web site.


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The proliferation of private land conservation areas (PLCAs) is placing increasing pressure on conservation authorities to effectively regulate their ecological management. Many PLCAs depend on tourism for income, and charismatic large mammal species are considered important for attracting international visitors. Broad-scale socioeconomic factors therefore have the potential to drive fine-scale ecological management, creating a systemic scale mismatch that can reduce long-term sustainability in cases where economic and conservation objectives are not perfectly aligned. We assessed the socioeconomic drivers and outcomes of large predator management on 71 PLCAs in South Africa. Owners of PLCAs that are stocking free-roaming large predators identified revenue generation as influencing most or all of their management decisions, and rated profit generation as a more important objective than did the owners of PLCAs that did not stock large predators. Ecotourism revenue increased with increasing lion (Panthera leo) density, which created a potential economic incentive for stocking lion at high densities. Despite this potential mismatch between economic and ecological objectives, lion densities were sustainable relative to available prey. Regional-scale policy guidelines for free-roaming lion management were ecologically sound. By contrast, policy guidelines underestimated the area required to sustain cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), which occurred at unsustainable densities relative to available prey. Evidence of predator overstocking included predator diet supplementation and frequent reintroduction of game. We conclude that effective facilitation of conservation on private land requires consideration of the strong and not necessarily beneficial multiscale socioeconomic factors that influence private land management.


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Résumé : L’entrainement sportif est « un processus de perfectionnement de l’athlète dirigé selon des principes scientifiques et qui, par des influences planifiées et systématiques (charges) sur la capacité de performance, vise à mener le sportif vers des performances élevées et supérieures dans un sport ou une discipline sportive » (Harre, 1982). Un entrainement sportif approprié devrait commencer dès l’enfance. Ainsi, le jeune sportif pourrait progressivement et systématiquement développer son corps et son esprit afin d’atteindre l’excellence sportive (Bompa, 2000; Weineck, 1997). Or plusieurs entraineurs, dans leur tentative de parvenir à des résultats de haut niveau rapidement, exposent les jeunes athlètes à une formation sportive très spécifique et rigoureuse, sans prendre le temps de développer convenablement les aptitudes physiques et motrices et les habiletés motrices fondamentales sous-jacentes aux habiletés sportives spécifiques (Bompa, 2000), d’où l’appellation « spécialisation hâtive ». Afin de contrer les conséquences néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive, de nouvelles approches d’entrainement ont été proposées. Une des façons d’y arriver consisterait notamment à pratiquer différents sports en bas âge (Fraser-Thomas, Côté et Deakin, 2008; Gould et Carson, 2004; Judge et Gilreath, 2009; LeBlanc et Dickson, 1997; Mostafavifar, Best et Myer, 2013), d’où l’appellation « diversification sportive ». Plusieurs organisations sportives et professionnelles ont décidé de valoriser et de mettre en place des programmes basés sur la diversification sportive (Kaleth et Mikesky, 2010). C’est donc à la suite d’une prise de conscience des effets néfastes de la spécialisation hâtive que des professionnels de l’activité physique d’une école secondaire du Québec (éducateur physique, kinésiologue et agent de développement sportif) ont mis en place un programme multisports-études novateur au premier cycle du secondaire, inspiré des sciences du sport et des lignes directrices du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (DLTA) (Balyi, Cardinal, Higgs, Norris et Way, 2005). Le présent projet de recherche porte sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices chez de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de spécialisation sportive et de jeunes sportifs inscrits à un programme de diversification sportive à l’étape « S’entrainer à s’entrainer » (12 à 16 ans) du modèle de développement à long terme de l’athlète (Balyi et al., 2005). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de rendre compte de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes élèves-athlètes inscrits, d’une part, à un programme sport-études soccer (spécialisation) et, d’autre part, à un programme multisports-études (diversification). Plus spécifiquement, cette étude tente de (a) dresser un portrait détaillé de l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes de chaque programme et de faire un parallèle avec la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif et (b) de rendre compte des différences d’aptitudes physiques et motrices observées entre les deux programmes. Le projet de recherche a été réalisé dans une école secondaire de la province de Québec. Au total, 53 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire ont été retenus pour le projet de recherche selon leur volonté de participer à l’étude, soit 23 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme sport-études soccer et 30 élèves-athlètes de première secondaire inscrits au programme multisports-études. Les élèves-athlètes étaient tous âgés de 11 à 13 ans. Treize épreuves standardisées d’aptitudes physiques et motrices ont été administrées aux élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs en début, en milieu et en fin d’année scolaire. Le traitement des données s’est effectué à l’aide de statistiques descriptives et d’une analyse de variance à mesures répétées. Les résultats révèlent que (a) l’ensemble des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes des deux programmes sportifs se sont améliorées au cours de l’année scolaire, (b) il est relativement facile de faire un parallèle entre l’évolution des aptitudes physiques et motrices des élèves-athlètes et la planification annuelle de chaque programme sportif, (c) les élèves-athlètes du programme multisports-études ont, en général, des performances semblables à celles des élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer et (d) les élèves-athlètes du programme sport-études soccer ont, au cours de l’année scolaire, amélioré davantage leur endurance cardiorespiratoire, alors que ceux du programme multisports-études ont amélioré davantage (a) leur vitesse segmentaire des bras, (b) leur agilité à l’épreuve de course en cercle et (c) leur puissance musculaire des membres inférieurs, confirmant ainsi que les aptitudes physiques et motrices développées chez de jeunes athlètes qui se spécialisent tôt sont plutôt spécifiques au sport pratiqué (Balyi et al., 2005; Bompa, 1999; Cloes, Delfosse, Ledent et Piéron, 1994; Mattson et Richards, 2010), alors que celles développées à travers la diversification sportive sont davantage diversifiées (Coakley, 2010; Gould et Carson, 2004; White et Oatman, 2009). Ces résultats peuvent s’expliquer par (a) la spécificité ou la diversité des tâches proposées durant les séances d’entrainement, (b) le temps consacré à chacune de ces tâches et (c) les exigences reliées à la pratique du soccer comparativement aux exigences reliées à la pratique de plusieurs disciplines sportives. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus restent complexes à interpréter en raison de différents biais : (a) la maturation physique, (b) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement effectué au cours de l’année scolaire précédente, (c) le nombre d’heures d’entrainement offert par les deux programmes sportifs à l’étude et (d) les activités physiques et sportives pratiquées à l’extérieur de l’école. De plus, cette étude ne permet pas d’évaluer la qualité des interventions et des exercices proposés lors des entrainements ni la motivation des élèves-athlètes à prendre part aux séances d’entrainement ou aux épreuves physiques et motrices. Finalement, il serait intéressant de reprendre la présente étude auprès de disciplines sportives différentes et de mettre en évidence les contributions particulières de chaque discipline sportive sur le développement des aptitudes physiques et motrices de jeunes athlètes.


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We explore the impact of “game changers” on the dynamics of innovation over time in three problem domains, that of wilderness protection, women’s rights, and assimilation of indigenous children in Canada. Taking a specifically historical and cross-scale approach, we look at one social innovation in each problem domain. We explore the origins and history of the development of the National Parks in the USA, the legalization of contraception in the USA and Canada, and the residential school system in Canada. Based on a comparison of these cases, we identify three kinds of game changers, those that catalyze social innovation, which we define as “seminal,” those that disrupt the continuity of social innovation, which we label exogenous shocks, and those that provide opportunities for novel combinations and recombinations, which we label as endogamous game changers.


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In this paper, we focus on a Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem (BVP) with a constant coefficients for the poly-Hardy space on the real unit ball in higher dimensions. We first discuss the boundary behaviour of functions in the poly-Hardy class. Then we construct the Schwarz kernel and the higher order Schwarz operator to study Riemann–Hilbert BVPs over the unit ball for the poly- Hardy class. Finally, we obtain explicit integral expressions for their solutions. As a special case, monogenic signals as elements in the Hardy space over the unit sphere will be reconstructed in the case of boundary data given in terms of functions having values in a Clifford subalgebra. Such monogenic signals represent the generalization of analytic signals as elements of the Hardy space over the unit circle of the complex plane.


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Within the business context, communication and interaction tends to be considerably rooted in the use of English (as lingua franca), as well as in ICT use. Thus, professionals have to be able to speak the English language, resorting to specific, internationally recognised terminology and be proficient in the use of manifold ICT tools. In fact, the tendency is for the great majority of higher education (HE) students to own mobile devices (laptops, smartphones and/or tablets) and use them to access information and communicate/interact with content and other people. Bearing this in mind, a teaching and learning strategy was designed, in which m-learning (i.e. learning in which the delivery platform is a mobile device) was used to approach Business English Terminology (BET). The strategy was labelled as ‘BET on Top Hat’, once the selected application was Top Hat (https://tophat.com/) and the idea was for students to face it as if it were a game/challenge. In this scenario, the main goals of this exploratory study were to find evidence as to: i) the utility of m-learning activities for learning BET and ii) if and how m-learning activities can generate intrinsic motivation in students to learn BET. Participants (n=23) were enrolled in English II, a curricular unit of the 1st cycle degree in Retail Management offered at Águeda School of Technology and Management – University of Aveiro (2014/15 edition). The data gathered included the students’ results in quizzes and their answers to a short final evaluation questionnaire regarding their experience with BET on Top Hat. Consequently, data were treated and analysed resorting to descriptive statistical analysis, and, when considered pertinent, the teacher’s observation notes were also considered. The results unveil that, on the one hand, the strategy had a clear positive impact on the students’ intrinsic motivation and, on the other hand, the students’ performance as to BET use tended to improve over time.


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Pathfinder is a performance-game for solo drummer, exploring the synergies between multiple contemporary creative practices. The work navigates between music composition, improvisation, projection/light art and game art. At its heart lies a bespoke electro-acoustic instrument, the augmented drum-kit, used not only to provide the sonic content of the work in real-time, but also as a highly expressive game controller that interacts with an instrument-specific game. The musical instrument offers a much wider range of expressive possibilities, control and tactile feedback in comparison to a traditional general-purpose game controller, and as a result it affords a more diverse and nuanced game play performance. Live electronics, lights, projections and the drum-kit all make up the performance-game’s universe, within which the performer has to explore, adapt, navigate and complete a journey.


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Presented at Money and Games: 12th annual Game Research Lab Spring seminar, University of Tampere, Finland, on the 19th of April 2016.


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The annual report presents information on the following under fisheries section Breaches of Game Laws (Fish Sections) Development and Control of the Lake Victoria Fishing Industry. Collection of Statistics Statistical Tables.- (A) Number of half-yearly licences issued (B) Quantities and value of nets imported (C) Dried fish handled by Railways and Steamers (D) Smoked and salted fish exported to the Belgian Congo Mpondwe Customs Post Lake Bunyonyi Lake Mugisha (or Kaiyumbu) Lake Chahafi Lake Mulehe Lake Mutanda Lake Saka Lake Nabugabo Lake Kachira and Lake Kijanebalola Lake Kyoga Commercial Development:- Lake Edward and associated fisheries Uganda Fisheries Limited Nsonzi Fishery, Kigezi Experimental Nets in Lake Victoria Legislation (B) angling a) Trout (b) Nile pereh or mpufa


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The fisheries section of the Annual report provides information on the following: Development and Control of the Victoria Nyanza Fishing Industry, Preparation of Statistics Statistical Tables: (A) Number of half yearly licences issued; (B) Quantities of nets imported; (0) Dried fish landed from Sese and Kome; (D) Dried fish imported from Mwanza ; (E) Dried fish exported to Belgian Congo; Lake Bunyonyi Lake Mutanda Lake Mureyhe Lake Mugisha (or Raiyumbu) I,ake Saka Lake Wamala Commercial Development: (i) Lake Albert: (ii) Lake Edward (iii) Other Waters (iv) Nsonzi Fishery, Kigezi (v) Introductions Experimental Nets and fisheries legislation


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The fisheries section of the Annual report provides information on the following: (1) General information (2) Legislation (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish B) Economic:- (1) Lake Victoria (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile) (3) Report by Lake Albert Fisheries Officer (4) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries (5) Lake Kyoga (6) Minor Lakes and the Victoria Nile (7) Dams and (8)Fish Transfers