988 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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The discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in rare earth manganates of the general formula Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth, A = divalent cation) has aroused much interest not only because of its technological implications, but also due to the fascinating features and mechanism of the phenomemon in these oxides. GMR is observed in these manganates when they become ferromagnetic and transform from an insulating state to a metallic state close to the Curie temperature. The essential features of magnetoresistance in the manganates can be understood on the basis of the double-exchange mechanism, but this is too simplistic to account for all the observed data. The most curious property of the manganates relates to the high resistivity exhibited in the so-called metallic state. Charge ordering competes with the double-exchange interaction responsible for ferromagnetism and GMR in these materials. The charge-ordered (charge-crystal) insulating state in the rare earth manganates can be melted into a metallic and ferromagnetic charge-liquid state by applying a magnetic field, thus providing a unique case of charge and spin separation in solids. The observation of GMR in Tl2Mn2O7 shows that there can be causes other than double-exchange for the phenomenon.


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We report the results of Monte Carlo simulation of the phase diagram and oxygen ordering in YBa2Cu3O6+x for low intra-sublattice repulsion. At low temperatures, apart from tetragonal (T), orthorhombic (OI) and 'double cell' ortho II phases, there is evidence for two additional orthorhombic phases labelled here as OIBAR and OIII. At high temperatures, there was no evidence for the decomposition of the OI phase into the T and OI phases. We find qualitative agreement with experimental observations and cluster-variation method results.


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The intercalation of pyridine in the layered manganese thiophosphate, MnPS3, has been examined in detail by a variety of techniques. The reaction is interesting since none of the anticipated changes in optical and electrical properties associated with intercalation of electron donating molecules is observed. The only notable change in the properties of the host lattice is in the nature of the low-temperature magnetic ordering; while MnPS3 orders antiferromagnetically below 78 K, the intercalated compound shows weak ferromagnetism probably due to a canted spin structure. Vibrational spectra clearly show that the intercalated species are pyridinium ions solvated by neutral pyridine molecules. The corresponding reduced sites of the host lattice, however, were never observed. The molecules in the solvation shell are exchangeable. Although the reaction appears to be topotactic and reversible, from XRD, a more detailed analysis of the products of deintercalation reveal that it is not so. The intercalation proceeds by an ion exchange/intercalation mechanism wherein the intercalated species are pyridinium ions solvated by neutral molecules with charge neutrality being preserved not by electron transfer but by a loss of Mn2+ ions from the lattice. The experimental evidence leading to this conclusion is discussed and it is shown that this model can account satisfactorily for the observed changes (or lack of it) in the optical, electrical, vibrational, and magnetic properties.


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The technique of nebulized spray pyrolysis has been explored to find out whether oriented films of certain important oxides can be produced on single-crystal substrates by this relatively gentle method. Starting with acetylacetonate precursors, oriented films of metallic LaNiO3 containing nearly spherical grains (30 nm) have been obtained. Films of near-stoichiometric La4Ni3O10 and La3Ni2O7 showing metallic conductivity have been obtained by this method. This is indeed gratifying since it is difficult to prepare monophasic and stoichiometric bulk samples of these materials. Films of La2NiO4 show the expected semiconducting behavior. In the La-Cu-O system, starting with acetylacetonates, we have obtained films mainly comprising semiconducting La2Cu2O5, which is generally difficult to prepare in bulk form. More interestingly, nebulized spray pyrolysis gives excellent stoichiometric films of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 consisting of nearly spherical grains (30 nm) which show ferroelectric behavior. The present investigation demonstrates that nebulized spray pyrolysis provides a useful and desirable route to deposite oriented films of complex oxide materials on single-crystal substrates.


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Raman experiments have been carried out on single crystals of BaTiO3 as a function of pressure up to 3.5 GPa across the ferroelectric (tetragonal) to paraelectric (cubic) phase transition. The unusual features in the Raman spectra associated with the interference effects due to coupling of the three A1(TO) phonons are studied quantitatively to obtain the pressure dependence of the line shape parameters and the coupling constants. The frequencies of the middle and highest-frequency modes as well as the linewidth of the middle mode show interesting pressure dependence.


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Antiferroelectric lead zirconate thin films were formed on platinum coated silicon substrates by a reactive magnetron co-sputtering method. The films showed (240) preferred orientation. The crystallization temperatures and the preferred orientation were affected by the lead content in the films. The electric field forced transformation from the antiferroelectric phase to the ferroelectric phase was observed at room temperature with a maximum polarization value of 36 mu C/cm(2). The average field to excite the ferroelectric state and that for the reversion to the antiferroelectric state were 267 and 104 kV/cm respectively. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel solid solution in the system Bi-W-Cu-O has been synthesized and its structural and dielectric properties studied. The solid solution Bi2O3-(1-x)WO3-xCuO exists up to x = 0.7; the solid solutions up to x = 0.65 are orthorhombic but stabilize in tetragonal structure in a narrow range around x = 0.7. The solid solutions are non-centrosymmetric and exhibit ferroelectric behaviour similar to their parent phase Bi2WO6. The Curie point of the solid solution is found to decrease with increase in x.


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Transport properties of quasicrystals in rapidly solidified as well as heat-treated Al65CU20Cr15 alloys were studied over a wide temperature range as a function of structure and microstructure. The characterization was done using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Particular attention was paid to primitive to face-centered quasicrystalline transformation which occurs on annealing and the effect of microstructures on the transport behavior. The temperature dependence of resistivity is found to depend crucially on the microstructure of the alloy. Further, ordering enhances the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. The low-temperature (T less than or equal to 25 K) resistivity of Al65Cu20Cr15 has been compared with that of Al63.5Cu24.5Fe12 alloy. In this region p(T) can be well described by a root T contribution arising from electron-electron interaction. We discuss our results in view of current theories.


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he specific heats of EUNi(5)P(3), an antiferromagnet, and EuNi2P2, a mixed-valence compound, have been measured between 0.4 and 30 K in magnetic fields of, respectively, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 5, and 7 T, and 0 and 7 T. In zero field the specific heat of EuNi5P3 shows a h-like anomaly with a maximum at 8.3 K. With increasing field in the range 0-2.5 T, the maximum shifts to lower temperatures, as expected for an antiferromagnet. In higher fields the antiferromagnetic ordering is destroyed and the magnetic part of the specific heat approaches a Schottky anomaly that is consistent with expectations for the crystal-field/Zeeman levels. In low fields and for temperatures between 1.5 acid 5 K the magnetic contribution to the specific heat is proportional to the temperature, indicating a high density of excited states with an energy dependence that is very unusual for an antiferromagnet. The entropy associated with the magnetic ordering is similar to R In8, confirming that only the Eu2+-with J=7/2, S=7/2, L=0-orders below 30 R. In zero field approximately 20% of the entropy occurs above the Neel temperature, consistent. with the usual amount of short-range order observed in antiferromagnets. The hyperfine magnetic field at the Eu nuclei in EUNi(5)P(3) is 33.3 T, in good agreement with a value calculated from electron-nuclear double resonance measurements. For EuNi2P2 the specific heat is nearly field independent and shows no evidence of magnetic ordering or hyperfine fields. The coefficient of the electron contribution to the specific heat is similar to 100 mJ/mol K-2.


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KTP crystals have been grown below and above the ferroelectric transition temperature by flux method employing both spontaneous and top-seeded solution growth techniques. A slight morphological difference has been observed in these crystals when grown below and above the T-c. Ferroelectric domains are studied in these crystals by selective domain etching. It is seen that the ferroelectric domains in crystals grown spontaneously below T, show a complicated structure. A systematic investigation of the factors influencing domain structure has been carried out. Stress to some extent has been shown to affect the domain structure. Finally, a convenient way of converting the multidomain crystals into monodomain ones is described.


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The effect of KCI addition on the microstructural, structural and dielectric properties of bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BiV) has been examined. The average grain size of BN ceramics increases with increase in KCl content (from an average grain size of TO to 80 mu m) as a result of the increased liquid-phase formation of KCI, at the grain boundaries. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) carried out on the KCl-added samples indicates an upward shift in the transition temperature (T-c), from 723 K (for BN) to 734 K (for 5 mol% KCl-added BiV). On further increase in the KCI content, T-c shifts down to about 722 K for 10 mol%. This trend is consistent with that of the lattice strain data. The relative permittivity as well as the dielectric loss decrease by more than half of the original values upon the addition of KCI. The relative permittivities of the KCl-added ceramics are comparable with the values predicted by the logarithmic mixture rule. Impedance analyses suggest that the grain boundary resistance of the KCl-added BiV ceramics is higher by two orders of magnitude than that of BN ceramics. The KCl-added BN ceramics exhibit ferroelectric domains and the domain density decreases as the grain boundary region is approached.


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Oxides of the general formula La2-2xSr2xCu1-xII,M(x)(IV)O(4) (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, or Ru), crystallizing in the tetragonal K,NIF, structure, have been synthesized. For M=Ti, only the x=0,5 member could be prepared, while for M=Mn and Fe, the composition range is 0ordering of Cu(II) and M(IV) in the x = 0.5 members. While the members of the M=Ti, Mn, and Ru series are semiconducting/insulating, the members of the M=Fe series are metallic, showing a broad metal-semiconductor transition around 100 K for O Cu(III)-O-Fe(III) valence degeneracy. Increasing the strontium content at the expense of lanthanum in La2-2xSr2xCu1-xFexO4 for x less than or equal to 0.20 renders the samples metallic but not superconducting. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Plate-shaped products resulting from martensitic, diffusional, and mixed mode transformations in zirconium-base alloys are compared. in the present study. These alloys are particularly suitable for the comparison in view of the fact that the lattice correspondence between the parent beta (bcc) and the product alpha (hcp) or gamma-hydride (fct) phases are remarkably similar for different types of transformations. Crystallographic features such as orientation relations, habit planes, and interface structures associated with these transformations have been compared:, with a view toward examining whether the transformation mechanisms have characteristic imprints on these experimental observables. Martensites exhibiting dislocated lath, internally twinned plate, and self-accommodating three-plate cluster morphologies have been encountered in Zr-2.5Nb alloy. Habit planes corresponding to all these morphologies have been found to be consistent with the predictions based on the invariant plane strain (IFS) criterion. Different morphologies have been found to reflect the manner in which the neighboring martensite variants are assembled. Lattice-invariant shears (LISs) for all these cases have been identified to be either {10 (1) over bar 1}(alpha) ((1) over bar 123)(alpha) slip or twinning on (10 (1) over bar 1)(alpha) planes. Widmanstatten alpha precipitates, forming in a step-quenching treatment, have been shown to have a lath morphology, the alpha/beta interface being decorated with a periodic array of (c + a) dislocations at a spacing of 8 to 10 nm. The line vectors of these dislocations are nearly parallel to the invariant lines. The alpha precipitates, forming in the retained beta phase on aging, exhibit an internally twinned structure with a zigzag habit plane. Average habit planes for the morphologies have been found to lie near the {103}(beta) - {113}(beta) poles, which are close to the specific variant of the {112}(beta) plane, which transforms into a prismatic plane of the type {1 (1) over bar 00}(alpha). The crystallography of the formation of the gamma-hydride phase (fct) from both the alpha and beta phases is seen to match the IFS predictions. While the beta-gamma transformation can be treated approximately as a simple shear on the basal plane involving a change in the stacking sequence, the alpha-gamma transformation call be conceptually broken into a alpha --> beta transformation following the Burgers correspondence and the simple beta-gamma shear process. The active eutectoid decomposition in the Zr-Cu system, beta --> alpha + beta', has been described in terms of cooperative growth of the alpha phase from the beta phase through the Burgers correspondence and of the partially ordered beta' (structurally similar to the equilibrium Zr2Cu phase) through an ordering process. Similarities and differences in crystallographic features of these transformations have been discussed. and the importance of the invariant line vector in deciding the geometry of the corresponding habit planes has been pointed out.


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Lead Zirconate (PbZrO3) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser ablation method. Pseudocubic (110) oriented in-situ films were grown at low pressure. The field enforced anti-ferroelectric (AFE) to ferroelectric (FE) phase transformation behaviour was investigated by means of a modified Sawyer Tower circuit as well as capacitance versus applied voltage measurements. The maximum polarisation obtained was 36 mu C cm(-2) and the critical field to induce ferroelectric state and to reverse the antiferroelectric slates were 65 and 90 kV cm(-1) respectively. The dielectric properties were investigated as a function of frequency and temperature. The dielectric constant of the AFE lead zirconate thin him was 190 at 100 kHz which is more than the bulk ceramic value (120) with a dissipation factor of less than 0.07. The polarisation switching kinetics of the antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films showed that the switching time to be around 275 ns between antipolar state to polar states. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Disordered nanocrystalline Ni3Fe alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying of elemental powders. X-ray diffractograms show the formation of Ni3Fe single phase. The chemical composition and morphology of the powder have been obtained by using EDAX and SEM analysis respectively. While the saturation magnetisation decreases with milling time, the coercivity increases. The width of the hyperfine field distributions obtained from Mossbauer studies shows that the alloy is highly disordered Atomic ordering is found to take place at a faster rate compared to that in the bulk alloy. (C) 1999 Acta Metallurgica Inc.