980 resultados para EuroPharm Forum


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Presentation given at the Nordic Open Access Forum meeting in Copenhagen, June 24, 2014.


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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With the increasing concern of the sustainable approach of gold mining, thiosulphate has been researched as an alternative lixiviant to cyanide since cyanide is toxic to the environment. In order to investigate the possibility of thiosulphate leaching application in the coming future, life cycle assessment, is conducted to compare the environmental footprint of cyanidation and thiosulphate leaching. The result showed the most significant environmental impact of cyanidation is toxicity to human, while the ammonia of thiosulphate leaching is also a major concern of acidification. In addition, an ecosystem evaluation is also performed to indicate the potential damages caused by an example of cyanide spill at Kittilä mine, resulting in significant environmental risk cost that has to be taken into account for decision making. From the opinion collected from an online LinkedIn discussion forum, the anxiety of sustainability alone would not be enough to contribute a significant change of conventional cyanidation, until the tighten policy of cyanide use. International Cyanide Code, therefore, is crucial for safe gold production. Nevertheless, it is still thoughtful to consider the values of healthy ecosystem and the gold for long-term benefit.


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Sulasuolareaktori on ydinreaktorityyppi, jota kehitettiin ensimmäisen kerran Yhdysvalloissa 1940-luvulta 1970-luvulle. Tänä aikana sulasuolatekniikkaa tutkittiin muun muassa kahden koereaktorin avulla. Vuosikymmenten hiljaiselon jälkeen kiinnostus konseptia kohtaan heräsi uudelleen 2000-luvun alussa, kun Generation IV International Forum asetti sulasuolareaktorin yhdeksi mahdolliseksi neljännen sukupolven ydinreaktorityypiksi. Sulasuolareaktori poikkeaa merkittävästi nykyisin käytössä olevista tehoreaktoreista, joiden käyttämä polttoaine on sijoitettu kiinteinä nippuina reaktorin sydämeen. Sulasuolareaktorissa polttoaine on liuotettu sulaan suolaseokseen, joka kiertää koko primääripiirissä. Suolaseos toimii siis sekä fissiilinä polttoaineena että lämmönsiirron väliaineena. Reaktorin sydämessä on hidastimena grafiittia, ja polttoainesuola saavuttaa kriittisyyden vain grafiittimoderaattorin läpi kulkiessaan. Sulasuolareaktoreihin sisältyy monia mielenkiintoisia ominaisuuksia, kuten polttoaineen käynninaikainen jälleenkäsittely sekä kevytvesireaktorien käytetyn polttoaineen kierrättäminen. Konseptin kehittäminen vaatii kuitenkin huomattavan määrän teoreettista ja kokeellista tutkimustyötä, joten sulasuolareaktoreita ei näillä näkymin odoteta olevan kaupallisessa tuotannossa vielä lähitulevaisuudessa.


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Sotamuseon perusnäyttely sijaitsee Kruununhaassa Helsingissä ja kesäkaudella auki olevat Sotamuseon Maneesi ja sukellusvene Vesikko Suomenlinnassa. Kesäksi 2013 Sotamuseo avasi Vesikon 70-vuotisjuhlan kunniaksi erikoisnäyttelyn sukellusveneistä keskelle Suomenlinnaa ja tämä julkaisu esittelee näyttelyn sisällön täydennettynä Vesikon kunnostusprojektista vuosina 2010–2013 kertovalla osuudella. Sotamuseo on tehnyt vuosien saatossa lukuisia erikoisnäyttelyitä ja sukellusveneitä, erityisesti sukellusvene Vesikkoa, on näissä näyttelyissä käsitelty useamman kerran. Sukellusveneet Suomessa -näyttelyssä oli kuitenkin ensimmäistä kertaa mahdollisuus tutustua näin laajasti sukellusveneitten toimintaan Suomen lähivesillä muulloinkin kuin toisessa maailmansodassa. Ainutlaatuinen esineistö, josta osa oli ensimmäistä kertaa esillä, toi sotilaan arjen lähemmäksi kuin koskaan. Lisäksi meren pohjasta nostetut esineet toivat koskettavalla tavalla esille sen, mihin tarkoitukseen sukellusveneet on tehty, eli sotaan. Näyttelyssä yhdistyivät sukellusveneveteraanien tarinat, valokuvat eri aikakausilta sekä filmimateriaali siitä miltä meren pohjassa olevat sukellusveneiden hylyt tänä päivänä näyttävät. Sukellusveneet Suomessa -näyttely tarjosi läpileikkauksen sukellusveneiden toiminnasta ja erityisesti Vesikon, ainoan tähän päivään säilyneen suomalaisen sukellusveneen menneisyydestä ja nykytilasta. 8.5.2013–2.3.2014 avoinna olleen näyttelyn sijainti Suomenlinnakeskuksessa ei olisi voinut olla parempi. Keskeinen sijainti Suomenlinnassa on tietenkin tärkeää, mutta ennen kaikkea näyttely oli lähellä paikkoja, joista käsin Suomen sukellusveneet toimivat toisessa maailmansodassa. Kävijä pystyi myös näyttelyyn tutustumisen yhteydessä vierailemaan sukellusvene Vesikolla, joka oli auki touko–elokuun 2013. Harvoin voi sanoa näyttelyn tukeneen näin hyvin yhtä Suomen sotahistorian tunnetuimmista esineistä. Näyttelyssä vieraili sen aukioloaikana yli 20 000 kävijää, joten runsas määrä vierailijoita sai käsityksen sukellusveneitten historiasta. Näyttely on tarkoitus avata uudestaan syksyllä 2016 Forum Marinumissa Turussa, joten se on pian uudestaan yleisön nähtävillä. Näyttelytiimissä olivat mukana suunnittelija Lauri Haavisto, tutkija Riitta Blomgren ja suunnittelija Juha Joutsi. Lisäksi Sotamuseon kokoelmayksikön työntekijät osallistuivat projektiin esineistön valikoimisen kautta. Näyttelyn pystytyksestä vastasivat Haipuu Oy:n Yrjö Haikonen ja Erkki Tikkanen. Puolustusvoimien kuvakeskus tuotti näyttelytaulut ja Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun kääntäjät vastasivat käännösasusta. Näyttelyn visuaalisen ilmeen suunnittelusta vastasi Lauri Haavisto, tekstit olivat suurelta osin Juha Joutsin ja Riitta Blomgrenin käsialaa. Näyttelyssä nähtyä filmimateriaalia oli saatu käyttöön Badewanne-sukellusryhmältä, joka sukeltaa hylyille Itämeressä. Suomenlinnan Hoitokunta, Museovirasto ja Ehrensvärd-seura olivat myös erinomaisia yhteistyökumppaneita Suomenlinnakeskuksessa. Jo näyttelyn suunnitteluvaiheessa heräsi keskustelu näyttelyjulkaisusta, ja kun näyttelytekstit olivat valmiina neljällä kielellä ja kuvavalinnat tehty, niin nähtiin, että näyttelystä olisi vaivattomasti tehtävissä julkaisu. Suomeksi, ruotsiksi, englanniksi ja venäjäksi tehtävä julkaisu palvelisi myös yleisöä, koska nyt tietoutta sukellusveneistä olisi saatavilla myös muille kuin suomenkielisille kävijöille. Toivon tämän teoksen lukijan saavan julkaisun myötä uutta tietoa sukellusveneitten kiehtovasta historiasta.


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The thesis examines the phenomenon most commonly known as “ayahuasca tourism” – i.e. the practice of westerners traveling to South America and partaking in ceremonies in which a powerful entheogenic brew, ayahuasca, is consumed. While this popular phenomenon has been steadily increasing during the last decades, it has, however, been insufficiently studied by scholars. An important question which has not been properly addressed in earlier studies is how ayahuasca tourism relates to the wider occurrence of travel and how it should be perceived with reference to the theoretical frameworks on the subject of travel. Drawing on theories regarding pilgrimage and tourism, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between ayahuasca tourism and the broader spectrum of travel. In particular, the study tests the designations “pilgrimage”, “religious tourism” and “spiritual tourism” with reference to ayahuasca tourism. Utilizing earlier literature as well as ayahuasca tourists‟ reports obtained from an Internet forum as a basis for analysis, I search for a suitable terminology to be used for the phenomenon. The study lays special emphasis on the protagonists‟ motivations, experiences and outcomes in order to take note of various aspects of the wide-ranging occurrence of ayahuasca tourism. Key findings indicate that ayahuasca tourism is best understood as a combination of pilgrimage and tourism. On the basis of the analysis I argue that ayahuasca tourism should be labeled as “pilgrimage” and/or “spiritual tourism”, and the tourists respectively as “pilgrims” and/or “spiritual tourists”. The category of “religious tourism/tourist”, on the other hand, turns out to be an inappropriate designation when describing the phenomenon. In general, through my study I show that the results are consistent with the present trend in the study of travel to perceive pilgrimage and tourism as theoretically similar phenomena. The study of ayahuasca tourism serves thus as living proof of contemporary travel, in which the categories of pilgrimage and tourism are often indistinguishable. I suggest that ayahuasca tourism is by no means exceptional on this point, but can rather be used as an illustration of modern travel forms on a general level. Thus, the present study does not only add to the research of ayahuasca tourism, but also provides additional insights into the study of travel.


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In the last decade, dialogue between science and society has found a forum in an increasing number of publications on topics such as public engagement with science and public trust in science. Concerning the latter, issues that include cases of research misconduct, accountability in research, and conflicts of interest (COIs) have shaped global discussions on the communication of science. In the publication setting, the perception that hiding COIs and/or not managing them well may affect public trust in the research record has grown among editors. We conducted a search for editorials addressing COIs between 1989 and 2011, using four major databases: Medline/PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. We explored the content of these editorials and the relationship they established between COIs and the public trust in science. Our results demonstrate that the relationship between disclosure of COIs and public trust in science has become a major concern among editors. We, thus, argue that COIs should be discussed more openly and frequently in graduate courses in the sciences, around the globe, not only in biomedical but also in non-biomedical areas. This is a critical issue in contemporary science, as graduate students are the future voices and decision-makers of the research community. Therefore, COIs, especially in the broader context of science and society, merit closer attention from policymakers, researchers, and educators. At times of great expectations for public engagement with science, mishandling of COIs may have undesirable consequences for public engagement with science and confidence in the scientific endeavor.


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Online retail has experienced substantial growth due to the increased utilization of digital technologies. The growth in the industry has created numerous multinational corporations, which serve customers all around the world. As a result, the online retailers’ efforts in sustainability have been more often in publicity. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the efforts going beyond the company’s interest in order to bring social good, have been discussed in the academic community for decades. While the various effects of CSR in retail and business generally have been realized, the research aims to make a contribution by examining the concept from the viewpoint of online retail by focusing on interaction at online discussion forums. The main research question asks: What is the role of online retailer CSR in the online discussion forum context? In order to answer this question, additional three sub-research questions are suggested: 1) What elements of CSR are relevant in the online retailer context? 2) How are discussion forums used in communication regarding CSR and online retail by different discusser types? 3) What kind of company perceptions and consumer behavior appear in online discussions of Amazon’s CSR? The study is qualitative of nature, using the content analysis research method to examine posts found from four different public online discussion forums. A qualitative, interpretative analysis was used, although quantitative measures regarding discussion posts were also presented. The analysis contains a coding process, where attributes are attached to discussion posts. As a result of the process, specific patterns can be indicated in order to categorize the posts. As the research uses Amazon as the case company, the case study method is also adopted. In the online retail context, ethics regarding the online retailer’s tax and labor policies are found as most relevant elements. Customers, using discussion forums to share their experiences and opinions regarding online retailer CSR efforts, are realized as the most prominent stakeholder. The research also highlights the role of online retailer employees providing details on internal business practices. However, the not realize the possibility to participate in discussions. Most discussion posts refer either to a positive, negative or mixed reaction towards CSR efforts, it is suggested that the concept is relevant also in online retail. Although online retailer CSR efforts are somewhat linked to company perceptions, the concept has a minimal role in consumer behavior. In online retail, CSR efforts can reduce the risk of being involved in discussions related to controversies. In addition, online retailer CSR efforts should communicate how the retailer contributes locally.


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Online retail has experienced substantial growth due to the increased utilization of digital technologies. The growth in the industry has created numerous multinational corporations, which serve customers all around the world. As a result, the online retailers’ efforts in sustainability have been more often in publicity. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the efforts going beyond the company’s interest in order to bring social good, have been discussed in the academic community for decades. While the various effects of CSR in retail and business generally have been realized, the research aims to make a contribution by examining the concept from the viewpoint of online retail by focusing on interaction at online discussion forums. The main research question asks: What is the role of online retailer CSR in the online discussion forum context? In order to answer this question, additional three sub-research questions are suggested: 1) What elements of CSR are relevant in the online retailer context? 2) How are discussion forums used in communication regarding CSR and online retail by different discusser types? 3) What kind of company perceptions and consumer behavior appear in online discussions of Amazon’s CSR? The study is qualitative of nature, using the content analysis research method to examine posts found from four different public online discussion forums. A qualitative, interpretative analysis was used, although quantitative measures regarding discussion posts were also presented. The analysis contains a coding process, where attributes are attached to discussion posts. As a result of the process, specific patterns can be indicated in order to categorize the posts. As the research uses Amazon as the case company, the case study method is also adopted. In the online retail context, ethics regarding the online retailer’s tax and labor policies are found as most relevant elements. Customers, using discussion forums to share their experiences and opinions regarding online retailer CSR efforts, are realized as the most prominent stakeholder. The research also highlights the role of online retailer employees providing details on internal business practices. However, the not realize the possibility to participate in discussions. Most discussion posts refer either to a positive, negative or mixed reaction towards CSR efforts, it is suggested that the concept is relevant also in online retail. Although online retailer CSR efforts are somewhat linked to company perceptions, the concept has a minimal role in consumer behavior. In online retail, CSR efforts can reduce the risk of being involved in discussions related to controversies. In addition, online retailer CSR efforts should communicate how the retailer contributes locally.


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This thesis is the Logistics Development Forum's assignment and the work dealing with the development of the Port of Helsinki as part of Helsinki hub. The Forum aims to develop logistics efficiency through public-private co-operation and development of the port is clearly dependent on both factors. Freight volumes in the Port of Helsinki are the biggest single factor in hub and, therefore, the role of the port of the entire hub development is strong. The aim is to look at how the port will develop as a result of changes in the foreign trade of Finland and the Northern European logistics trends in 25 years time period. Work includes the current state analysis and scenario work. The analyses are intended to find out, which trends are the most important in the port volume development. The change and effect of trends is examined through scenarios based on current state. Based on the work, the structure of Finnish export industry and international demand are in the key role in the port volume development. There is significant difference between demands of Finnish exporting products in different export markets and the development between the markets has different impacts on the port volumes by mass and cargo type. On the other hand, the Finnish economy is stuck in a prolonged recession and competition between ports has become a significant factor in the individual port's volume development. Ecological valuesand regulations have changed the competitive landscape and maritime transport emissions reductions has become an important competitive factor for short routes in the Baltic Sea, such as in the link between Helsinki and Tallinn.


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First an overall view is provided of Lacey’s ideas concerning science in its relation with the values of popular movements, and of the World Social Forum. Then, as an exercise in the building of conceptual bridges betweeen philosophical and political discourses about science, an analysis is provided of a speech delivered by Brazil’s new minister for science and technology in the occasion of his taking office.


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In the traditional way, value is created by manufacturer or producer of a product without engaging the customers. So, traditionally value creation is a monopoly in the part of a manufacturer. After gathering all the raw materials the manufacturers are inserting value to a product. And the inserted value is recognized in the time of consuming the product. In the modern time though there is traditional way of value creation but with the increase of more educated, smart, and technically sound customers the idea of value creation has changed. Now, customers are also contributing in value creation as value co-creator even before the product is consumed. This scenario has been encountered in the thesis with the main purpose of how value is cocreated in smart phone operating systems. The purpose is further divided into the following supobjectives: o What is value co-creation in smart phone operating systems? o Who participates in value co-creation in smart phone operating systems? o What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in smart phone operating systems? The research was conducted as a qualitative desk study by observing two of the leading smart phone operating system providers. Data has been collected from the official discussion forum of both the operating system providers. Other general concepts relating to the purpose of the study has been encountered through literature review. The research findings reveal that customers and companies both together co-create value of anticipated level when they communicate and interact with each other. However, most of the time customer to customer interactions, dialogues and discussions that come out in the core conversation help the value co-creation. The value co-creation framework sets up the customer at the main focus of value creation theory. By nullifying the inherited notion that companies only create value within its boundary and provide it to their customers in exchange of currencies. Rationally, it has been commenced that the firms are merely compromising value propositions to its customers. But the value has been co-created in a point where offerings are combined and interacted with customers’ capabilities, knowledge, resources and perceptions. This new perspective has radically altered the prospect of firms towards its customers. Typically customers are now taking part in value cocreation as a crucial member.