943 resultados para Epithelial Cytokeratins
Substantial experimental evidence indicates that PAWR gene (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator; also named PAR-4, prostate apoptosis response-4) is a central player in cancer cell survival and a potential target for cancer-selective targeted therapeutics. However, little is known about the role of PAR-4 in breast cancer. We investigated the possible role of PAR-4 expression in breast cancer. IHC results on tissue microarrays containing 1,161 primary breast tumor samples showed that 57% (571/995) of analyzable cases were negative for PAR-4 nuclear staining. Down-regulation of nuclear PAR-4 protein expression predicted a poor prognosis for breast cancer patients (OS; P=0.041, log-rank test). PAR-4 down-regulation also correlates with poor survival in the group of patients with luminal A subtype breast cancer (P=0.028). Additionally, in this large series of breast cancer patients, we show that ERBB2/HER2, EGFR and pAKT protein expression are significantly associated with shorter disease-free survival and overall survival, but the prognosis was even worse for HER2-positive, EGFR-positive or pAKT-positive breast cancer patients with tumors negative for nuclear PAR-4 expression. Furthermore, using three-dimensional (3D) cell culture we provide preliminary results showing that PAR-4 is highly expressed in the MCF10A cells inside the acini structure, suggesting that PAR-4 might have a role in the lumen acini formation. Taken together, our results provide, for the first time, evidence that PAR-4 may have a role in the process of the mammary eland morphogenesis and its functional inactivation is associated with tumor aggressive phenotype and might represent an additional prognostic and predictive marker for breast cancer.
Objectives: E-cadherin and beta-catenin are adhesion molecules responsible for the maintenance of normal epithelial cell phenotype. A disturbance in epithelial cell adhesion, which leads to a more invasive and metastatic phenotype, is a hallmark of tumor progression. Several immunohistochemical studies have reported a strong correlation between loss of their expression to higher stage and grade in prostate carcinoma, but their influence in metastatic process is not yet known. The aim of this study is to verify the role of adhesion molecules in the progression of prostate cancer (PC), assessing the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in bone metastasis. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight bone metastases of prostate carcinoma were submitted to immunohistochemistry analysis for E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression. In 6 patients, we were able to assess the expression of the adhesion molecules in the primary tumors and their respective metastases. The definition of normal expression for both antibodies was strong and diffuse expression in more than 70% of tumor cells. Results: In bone metastases, there was loss of expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in 86% and 82%, respectively. Among the primary tumors, E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression was normal in 83% and 50% cases, respectively. Considering the 6 patients with paired primary and bone metastasis, we found loss of expression for both E-cadherin and beta-catenin in most of the cases. Conclusions: Comparing primary PC and its metastasis, we showed persistent loss of E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression. This phenomenon may be related to metastatic potential in PC, because we have shown underexpression for E-cadherin and beta-catenin in 86% and 82% of bone metastases.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) in patients with painful pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK). SETTING: University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo and Sadalla Amin Ghanem Eye Hospital, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: This prospective study included consecutive eyes with PBK that had CXL. After a 9.0 mm epithelial removal, riboflavin 0.1% with dextran 20% was applied for 30 minutes followed by ultraviolet-A irradiation (370 nm, 3 mW/cm(2)). Therapeutic contact lenses were placed for 1 week. Corneal transparency, central corneal thickness (CCT), and ocular pain were assessed preoperatively and 1 and 6 months postoperatively. Statistical analysis was by paired t tests. RESULTS: Fourteen patients (14 eyes) with a mean age 71.14 years +/- 11.70 (SD) (range 53 to 89 years) were enrolled. Corneal transparency was better in all eyes 1 month after surgery. At 6 months, corneal transparency was similar to preoperative levels (P = .218). The mean CCT was 747 mu m preoperatively and 623 mu m at 1 month; the decrease was statistically significant (P<.001). At 6 months, the mean CCT increased to 710 mu m, still significantly thinner than preoperatively (P = .006). Pain scores at 6 months were not significantly different than preoperatively (P = .066). CONCLUSIONS: Corneal CXL significantly improved corneal transparency, corneal thickness, and ocular pain 1 month postoperatively. However, it did not seem to have a long-lasting effect in decreasing pain and maintaining corneal transparency in patients with PBK.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus, which belongs to papillomaviridae family, being of low and high risk, which infect the skin and mucous membranes and can induce benign and malign tumor formation. In the oral mucosa they have been associated with oral papilloma, focal epithelial hyperplasia, leucoplakia and oral neoplasia. Aim: to study the frequency of HPV finding in oral mucosa of normal people. Materials and methods: Prospective study, cross-sectional cohort. One hundred volunteers, young adults, healthy, aged between 20 and 31 years, university students with no history, no complains, without oral or oropharyngeal lesions. They were submitted to a questionnaire with questions regarding HPV infection epidemiology. The samples were harvested by brushing and analyzed by PCR. Results: The results were negative for HPV in all samples. Conclusion: It seems we had high social and economical class individuals, with nutrition rich in carotenoyds and vitamin C, low smoking and alcohol consumption and heterosexual habits with predominant monogamy and regular use of condoms.
Background: Splanchnic perfusion is prone to early injury and persists despite normalization of global hemodynamic variables in sepsis. Volume replacement guided by oxygen derived variables has been recommended in the management of septic patients. Our hypothesis was that a hypertonic isoneotic solution Would improve the benefits of crystalloids replacement guided by mixed venous oxygen saturation. Methods: Seventeen anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live E. coli in 30 minutes. They were then randomized into three groups: control group (n = 3) bacterial infusion without treatment; normal saline (n = 7), initial fluid replacement with 32 mL/kg of normal saline during 20 minutes; hypertonic solution (n = 7), initial fluid replacement with 4 mL/kg of hypertonic solution during 5 minutes. After 30 and 60 Minutes, additional boluses of normal saline were administered when mixed venous oxygen saturation remained below 70%. Mean arterial pressure, cardiac output; regional blood flows, systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, and lactate levels were assessed. Animals were observed for 90 minutes and then killed. Hystopathological analysis including apoptosis detection using terminal deoxynucleotidil transferase mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling was performed. Results: A hypodynamic septic shock was observed after bacterial infusion. Both the fluid-treated groups presented similar transient benefits in systemic and regional variables. A greater degree of gut epithelial cells apoptosis was observed in normal saline-treated animals. Conclusions: Although normalization of mixed venous oxygen saturation was not associated with restoration of markers of splanchnic or other systemic perfusion variables, the initial fluid savings with hypertonic saline and its latter effect on gut apoptosis may be of interest in sepsis management.
Previous studies have suggested that abnormal corneal wound healing in patients after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is associated with the appearance of myofibroblasts in the stroma between two and four weeks after surgery. The purpose of this study was to examine potential myofibroblast progenitor cells that might express other filament markers prior to completion of the differentiation pathway that yields alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-expressing myofibroblasts associated with haze localized beneath the epithelial basement membrane after PRK. Twenty-four female rabbits that had -9 diopter PRK were sacrificed at 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks after surgery. Corneal rims were collected, frozen at -80 degrees C, and analyzed by immunocytochemistry using anti-vimentin, anti-desmin, and anti-SMA antibodies. Double immunostaining was performed for the co-localization of SMA with vimentin or desmin with SMA. An increase in vimentin expression in stromal cells is noted as early as 1 week after PRK in the rabbit cornea. As the healing response continues at two or three weeks after surgery, many stromal cells expressing vimentin also begin to express desmin and SMA. By 4 weeks after the surgery most, if not all, myofibroblasts express vimentin, desmin and SMA. Generalized least squares regression analysis showed that there was strong evidence that each of the marker groups differed in expression over time compared to the other two (p < 0.01). Intermediate filaments - vimentin and desmin co-exist in myofibroblasts along with SMA and may play an important role in corneal remodeling after photorefractive keratectomy. The earliest precursors of myofibroblasts destined to express SMA and desmin are detectible by staining for vimentin at 1 week after surgery. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous studies have suggested that abnormal corneal wound healing in patients after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is associated with the appearance of myofibroblasts in the stroma between two and four weeks after surgery. The purpose of this study was to examine potential myofibroblast progenitor cells that might express other filament markers prior to completion of the differentiation pathway that yields a-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-expressing myofibroblasts associated with haze localized beneath the epithelial basement membrane after PRK. Twenty-four female rabbits that had -9 diopter PRK were sacrificed at I week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks after surgery. Corneal rims were collected, frozen at -80 degrees C, and analyzed by immunocytochemistry using anti-vimentin, anti-desmin, and anti-SMA antibodies. Double immunostaining was performed for the co-localization of SMA with vimentin or desmin with SMA. An increase in vimentin expression in stromal cells is noted as early as 1 week after PRK in the rabbit cornea. As the healing response continues at two or three weeks after surgery, many stromal cells expressing vimentin also begin to express desmin and SMA. By 4 weeks after the surgery most, if not all, myofibroblasts express vimentin, desmin and SMA. Generalized least squares regression analysis showed that there was strong evidence that each of the marker groups differed in expression over time compared to the other two (p < 0.01). Intermediate filaments - vimentin and desmin co-exist in myofibroblasts along with SMA and may play an important role in corneal remodeling after photorefractive keratectomy. The earliest precursors of myofibroblasts destined to express SMA and desmin are detectible by staining for vimentin at I week after surgery. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Therapeutic approaches to chronic actinic cheilitis focus on the removal or destruction of diseased epithelium. The CO(2) laser has become an important therapeutic alternative, achieving clinical resolution in around 90% of patients. Although many laser physical parameters have been reported, some are known for their low potential for scar induction without compromising the success of the results. The aim of this clinicohistological study was to compare the therapeutic responses to two low-morbidity protocols involving a single laser pass. A total of 40 patients with chronic multicentric and microscopically proven disease were randomly submitted to two conservative CO(2) laser protocols using a bilateral comparative model. The degree of histological atypia of the epithelium was determined in 26 patients both pre- and postoperatively for both protocols. Other histological phenomena were assessed in addition to this central analysis parameter. Clinical recurrence occurred in 12.5% of patients for each protocol, together with a significant reduction in the degree of epithelial atypia (p < 0.001), which was occasionally complete. However, no difference was found between the protocols (p > 0.05). Using these morphological parameters it was not possible to determine whether postoperative epithelial atypias in part of the sample were reactive or residual in nature. A few patients may show minor postoperative lesions. Due to their potential to achieve clinical and importantly microscopic resolution, the studied protocols may be used for mild through moderate dysplastic epithelium and clinically diffuse disease.
Smoked cocaine (crack cocaine) causes several forms of injury to the respiratory tract, including asthma exacerbations, lung edema and hemorrhage, and nasal mucosal alterations. Few studies, however, have assessed respiratory tract pathology in habitual users of crack cocaine. Here, we describe the histological alterations in the respiratory tract of mice caused by chronic inhalation of crack cocaine. Twenty 2-month-old BALB/c mice were exposed to the smoke of 5 g crack cocaine in an inhalation chamber once a day for two months and compared to controls (n = 10). We then morphometrically analyzed nose and bronchiolar epithelial alterations, bronchiolar and alveolar macrophage cell density, alveolar hemosiderin content, and in addition determined the vasoconstriction index and the wall thickness of pulmonary arteries. The serum cocaine level was 212.5 ng/mL after a single inhalation. The mucus content of the nasal epithelium increased in crack-exposed animals, and the nasal and bronchial epithelium thickness decreased significantly. The alveolar hemosiderin content and the alveolar and bronchiolar macrophage cell density increased in animals exposed to crack. The vasoconstriction index increased in the pulmonary arteries of the exposed group. Chronic crack cocaine inhalation causes extensive histological changes along the entire respiratory tract.
transition metals, which are involved in the pathological effects of PM. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of intranasal administration of ROFA on pulmonary inflammation, pulmonary responsiveness, and excess mucus production in a mouse model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. BALB/c mice received intraperitoneal injections of ovalbumin (OVA) solution (days 1 and 14). OVA challenges were performed on days 22, 24, 26, and 28. After the challenge, mice were intranasally instilled with ROFA. After forty-eight hours, pulmonary responsiveness was performed. Mice were sacrificed, and lungs were removed for morphometric analysis. OVA-exposed mice presented eosinophilia in the bronchovascular space (p < .001), increased pulmonary responsiveness (p < .001), and epithelial remodeling (p = .003). ROFA instillation increased pulmonary responsiveness (p = .004) and decreased the area of ciliated cells in the airway epithelium (p = .006). The combined ROFA instillation and OVA exposure induced a further increase in values of pulmonary responsiveness (p = .043) and a decrease in the number of ciliated cells in the airway epithelium (p = .017). PM exposure results in pulmonary effects that are more intense in mice with chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation.
Interleukin (IL)-1 alpha and beta are important modulators of many functions of corneal epithelial and stromal cells that occur following injury to the cornea, including the influx of bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells into the stroma attracted by chemokines released from the stroma and epithelium. In this study, we examined the effect of topical soluble IL-1 receptor antagonist on bone marrow-derived cell influx following corneal epithelial scrape injury in a mouse model. C57BL/6 mice underwent corneal epithelial scrape followed by application of IL-1 receptor antagonist (Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA) at a concentration of 20 mg/ml or vehicle for 24 h prior to immunocytochemical detection of marker CD11b-positive cells into the stroma. In two experiments, topical IL-1 receptor antagonist had a marked effect in blocking cell influx. For example, in experiment 1, topical IL-1 receptor antagonist markedly reduced detectible CD11b-positive cells into the corneal stroma at 24 It after epithelial injury compared with the vehicle control (3.5 +/- 0.5 (standard error of the mean) cells/400x field and 13.9 +/- 1.2 cells/400x field, respectively, p < 0.01). A second experiment with a different observer performing cell counting had the same result. Thus, the data demonstrate conclusively that topical IL-1 receptor antagonist markedly down-regulates CD-11b-positive monocytic cell appearance in the corneal stroma. Topical IL-1 receptor antagonist could be an effective adjuvant for clinical treatment of corneal conditions in which unwanted inflammation has a role in the pathophysiology of the disorder. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chemokines comprise a structurally related family of cytokines that regulate leukocyte trafficking. Because infection with Toxoplasma gondii can induce an important inflammatory reaction that, if left uncontrolled, can lead to death, we investigated the role of the chemokine receptor CCR2 in T gondii infection. We orally infected CCR2(-/-) mice with five ME-49 T gondii cysts and monitored morbidity, survival, and immune response thereafter. The CCR2(-/-) mice displayed higher susceptibility to infection as all mice died on day 28 after infection. Despite similar Th1 responses, a more evident anti-inflammatory response was induced in the peripheral organs of CCR2(-/-) mice compared with wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Additionally, CCR2-/- mice presented greater parasitism and a milder inflammatory reaction in their peripheral organs with lesser CD4(+) and MAC-1(+) and greater CD8(+) cell migration. The parasite load decreased in these organs in CCR2(-/-) mice but remained uncontrolled in the central nervous system. Additionally, we observed down-regulated inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in peripheral organs from CCR2(-/-) mice that was associated with a small nitric oxide production by spleen macrophages. In conclusion, in the absence of CCR2, another mechanism is activated to control tissue parasitism in peripheral organs. Nevertheless, CCR2 is essential for the activation of microbicidal mediators that control T gondii replication in the central nervous system.
Background/Aims. The transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) exerts a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Caffeic acid phenyl ester (CAPE), a potent and specific NF-kappa B inhibitor, presents protective effects on I/R injury in some tissues. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of CAPE on hepatic I/R injury in rats. Materials and methods. Wistar rats were submitted to a sham operation, 60 min ischemia, or 60 min ischemia plus saline or CAPE treatment followed by 6 h reperfusion. Liver tissue injury was evaluated by alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and tissue glutathione measurement, and histological damage score. Apoptotic hepatocytes were determined by the transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling assay. Hepatic neutrophil accumulation was assessed by the naphthol method. Lipid peroxidation and NF-kappa B activation were evaluated by 4-hydroxynonenal and NF-kappa B p65 immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results. Animals submitted to ischemia showed a marked increase of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase after reperfusion, but with lower levels in CAPE group. Tissue glutathione content declined gradually during ischemia to reperfusion and was partially recovered with CAPE treatment. The histological damage score, apoptosis index, and neutrophil infiltration, as well as 4-hydroxynonenal and NF-kappa B p65 nuclear labeling, were higher in the liver of animals submitted to I/R compared to the ischemia group. However, the CAPE treatment significantly reduced all of these alterations. Conclusions. CAPE was able to protect the liver against normothermic I/R injury in rats. This effect may be associated with the inhibition of the NF-kappa B signaling pathway and decrease of the acute inflammatory response following I/R in the liver. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The study analyzed the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the ultrastructure of the lining epithelium of the hard palatine mucosa of rats UChA and UChB (lines with voluntary alcohol consumption) in order to contribute to the understanding of the consequences of alcohol abuse for the morphology of the digestive system. Thirty female adult animals aged 120 days were divided into three experimental groups. (1) Ten UChA rats (genetically low ethanol consumer) with voluntary intake of 10% v/v (5.45 g/kg/day) ethanol solution and water. (2) Ten UChB (genetically high ethanol consumer) rats with voluntary intake of 10% v/v (7.16 g/kg/day) ethanol solution and water. (3) Ten Wistar rats with voluntary ad libitum water intake (control group). Both groups received Nuvital pellets ad libitum. The IGFR-I expression was intense in both experimental groups. The epithelial cells of the alcoholic rats UChA and UChB showed many alterations such as the presence of lipid droplets, altered nuclei, nuclei in corneum layer and disrupted mitochondria. It was concluded that ethanol intake induces ultrastructural lesions in the hard palatine mucosa. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim To evaluate gastrointestinal motility during 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-induced intestinal mucositis. Materials and methods Wistar rats received 5-FU (150 mg kg(-1), i.p.) or saline. After the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 15th and 30th day, sections of duodenum, jejunum and ileum were removed for assessment of epithelial damage, apoptotic and mitotic indexes, MPO activity and GSH concentration. In order to study gastrointestinal motility, on the 3rd or 15th day after 5-FU treatment, gastric emptying in vivo was measured by scintilographic method, and stomach or duodenal smooth muscle contractions induced by CCh were evaluated in vitro. Results On the third day of treatment, 5-FU induced a significant villi shortening, an increase in crypt depth and intestinal MPO activity and a decrease in villus/crypt ratio and GSH concentration. On the first day after 5-FU there was an increase in the apoptosis index and a decrease in the mitosis index in all intestinal segments. After the 15th day of 5-FU treatment, a complete reversion of all these parameters was observed. There was a delay in gastric emptying in vivo and a significant increase in gastric fundus and duodenum smooth muscle contraction, after both the 3rd and 15th day. Conclusions 5-FU-induced gastrointestinal dysmotility outlasts intestinal mucositis.