944 resultados para DAY 3 ESTRADIOL


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This folded leaf contains a two-page handwritten poem written by a Harvard College sophomore on February 19, 1765, on the death of Harvard Professor Edward Wigglesworth. The poem begins, "Werefore this change? / Erst I was wont on this Day to frequent..."


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Usually, Germany’s social market economy is understood to embody a compromise between a liberal market order and a corporatist welfare state. While this reading of the German case is certainly not entirely wrong, this paper argues that only if we account for the close intellectual correspondence between lutheran Protestantism and economic liberalism on the one hand and between Catholicism and welfare corporatism on the other, can we fully comprehend the nature of the German post-war compromise. In particular, this perspective allows to better explain the anti-liberal undercurrents of Germany’s soziale Marktwirtschaft. It was especially the role which Protestant Ordoliberals ascribed to the state in upholding economic order and market discipline which accounts for the major difference between ‘classic’ and ‘German-style’ economic liberalism. Yet, the postwar economic order did not represent a deliberately struck compromise between the two major Christian denominations. Rather, Germany’s social market economy was the result of the failure of German Protestant Ordoliberals to prevent the reconstruction of the catholic Bismarckian welfare state after the authoritarian solution, which Ordoliberals had endorsed so strongly up until 1936 and from which they had hoped the re-inauguration of Protestant hegemony, had so utterly failed. Since the ordoliberal doctrine up to the present day lacks a clear understanding of the role of the corporatist welfare state within the German political economy, its insights into the functioning logic of German capitalism have remained limit. The paper also claims that accounting for the denominational roots of the postwar compromise allows us to better understand the relationship between consociationalism and corporatism in ‘Modell Deutschland’.


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OBJECTIVE: Acute bronchiolitis is a common disorder of infants that often results in hospitalization. Apart from supportive care, no therapy has been shown to influence the course of the disease, except for a possible effect of nebulized hypertonic saline (HS). To determine whether this does have beneficial effects on length of stay in hospital or on severity scores, we undertook a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in a pediatric department of a Portuguese hospital. METHODS: Previously healthy infants, younger than 12 months, hospitalized with mild-to-moderate acute viral bronchiolitis were randomized to receive either nebulized 3% (hypertonic, HS) or 0.9% (normal, NS) saline during their entire hospital stay. Primary endpoints were: length of hospital stay and severity scores on each day of hospitalization. Need for supplemental oxygen, further add-on medications and adverse effects were also analyzed. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients completed the study (HS: 33; NS: 35). The median length of hospital stay did not differ between groups: HS: 5.6 ± 2.3 days; NS: 5.4 ± 2.1 days (P = 0.747). We found no difference between groups in severity scores from day 1 to day 4. There were no differences in need for supplemental oxygen or add-on medications. Patients in HS group had significantly more cough (46% vs. 20%, P = 0.025) and rhinorrhoe (58% vs. 31%, P = 0.30). CONCLUSION: This study does not support the use of nebulized HS over NS in therapy of hospitalized children with mild-to-moderate acute viral bronchiolitis


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El lenguado de California Paralichthys californicus es una especie con alto valor comercial debido a su gran tamaño y calidad de su carne. Esta especie presenta dimorfismo sexual en el crecimiento donde las hembras crecen más rápido que los machos, por lo tanto el cultivo monosexual de hembras resulta favorable para la producción. En el presente estudio se registró el proceso de diferenciación sexual mediante cortes histológicos de las larvas y gónadas del lenguado de California asimismo se probó el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de 17β-estradiol (E2) (2.5, 5 y 10 mg/kg) a través de la dieta para incrementar la proporción de hembras en el cultivo. A los 25 días después de la eclosión (DDE) se observó el primordio gonadal en ejemplares con una longitud total promedio de 6.96 ± 0.92 mm, hasta el día 75 DDE (37.58 ± 6.58 mm) se observó una gónada indiferenciada evidenciada por la presencia de células germinales primordiales. La primera evidencia de diferenciación se registró a los 115 DDE (55.93 ± 14.67 mm) donde se observó la cavidad ovárica y posteriormente a los 180 DDE (115.70 ± 17.02 mm) se evidencian ovarios con ovocitos en crecimiento y testículos con espermátidas. Por lo tanto, el periodo lábil para la diferenciación sexual se encuentra entre los días 75 y 115 después de la eclosión. Por otro lado, el suministro de E2 a través de la dieta a concentraciones de 2.5, 5 y 10 mg/kg incrementó el porcentaje de hembras de 26.67% (control, no adición de E2) a un 100% en todos los tratamientos. Se encontraron diferencias en la proporción de los tipos celulares (ovogonias, ovocitos primarios en fase I y II) entre el control y los tratamientos mientras que no se registraron alteraciones histológicas como atrofia gonadal en ninguno de los casos.


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Ecological work carried out on the Antarctic and Magellan shelves since the first IBMANT conference held at the UMAG, Punta Arenas in 1997 is summarized to identify areas where progress has been made and others, where impor- tant gaps have remained in understanding past and present interaction between the Antarctic and the southern tip of South America. This information is complementary to a review on shallow-water work along the Scotia Arc (Barnes, 2005) and recent work done in the deep sea (Brandt and Hilbig, 2004). While principally referring to shipboard work in deeper water, above all during the recent international EASIZ and LAMPOS campaigns, relevant work from shore stations is also included. Six years after the first IBMANT symposium, significant progress has been made along the latitudinal gradient from the Magellan region to the high Antarctic in the fields of biodiversity, biogeography and community structure, life strategies and adaptations, the role of disturbance and its significance for biodiversity, and trophic coupling of the benthic realm with the water column and sea ice. A better understanding has developed of the role of evolutionary and ecological factors in shaping past and present-day environmental conditions, species composition and distribution, and ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, the science community engaged in unravelling Antarctic-Magellan interactions has advanced in methodological aspects such as new analytical approaches for comparing biodiversity derived from visual methods, growth and age determination, trophic modelling using stable isotope ratios, and molecular approaches for taxonomic and phylogenetic purposes. At the same time, much effort has been invested to complement the species inventory of the two adjacent regions. However, much work remains to be done to fill the numerous gaps. Some perspectives are outlined in this review, and sug- gestions are made where particular emphasis should be placed in future work, much of which will be developed in the frame of SCAR's EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic) programme.