894 resultados para Cristalización de roles
Tesis (Maestría en Docencia). -- Universidad de la Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia, 2016
La calidad de la información y la calidad del sistema se consideran factores claves para determinar la utilidad de los sistemas. Sin embargo, estudios anteriores han arrojado resultados mixtos. En este artículo se sostiene que la asistencia del sistema (el grado de la asistencia proporcionada por un sistema a través de sus dos funciones: la automatización e “informating”) media en esta relación y puede ayudar a explicar estos resultados mixtos. Por otra parte, se sostiene que el nivel del sistema de intervención ( grado en que la tecnología participa en la realización de las tareas) es otro factor clave para determinar su utilidad, especialmente a través de la función de automatización. Se recogieron datos de 246 usuarios de diferentes jerarquías y funciones. Los resultados muestran que la calidad de la información y el nivel de intervención del sistema explican la utilidad de ambas funciones. La calidad del sistema explica la utilidad mediante el rol del “informating”, pero no mediante el papel de la automatización. Los efectos diferenciados de los factores a través de cada rol pueden ayudar a los gerentes para establecer criterios y prioridades más eficaces en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de un sistema de información.
Background: Over the last few decades, the prevalence of young adults with disabilities (YAD) has steadily risen as a result of advances in medicine, clinical treatment, and biomedical technologythat enhanced their survival into adulthood. Despite investments in services, family supports, and insurance, they experience poor health status and barriers to successful transition into adulthood. Objectives: We investigated the collective roles of multi-faceted factors at intrapersonal, interpersonal and community levels within the social ecological framework on health related outcome including self-rated health (SRH) of YAD. The three specific aims are: 1) to examine sociodemographic differences and health insurance coverage in adolescence; 2) to investigate the role of social skills in relationships with family and peers developed in adolescence; and 3) to collectively explore the association of sociodemographic characteristics, social skills, and community participation in adolescence on SRH. Methods: Using longitudinal data (N=5,020) from the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS2), we conducted multivariate logistic regression analyses to understand the association between insurance status as well as social skills in adolescence and YAD’s health related outcomes. Structural equation modeling (SEM) assessed the confluence of multi-faceted factors from the social ecological model that link to health in early adulthood. Results: Compared with YAD who had private insurance, YAD who had public health insurance in adolescence are at higher odds of experiencing poorer health related outcomes in self-rated health [adjusted odds ratio (aOR=2.89, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.16, 7.23), problems with health (aOR=2.60, 95%CI: 1.26, 5.35), and missing social activities due to health problems (aOR=2.86, 95%CI: 1.39, 5.85). At the interpersonal level, overall social skills developed through relationship with family and peers in adolescence do not appear to have association with health related outcomes in early adulthood. Finally, at the community level, community participation in adolescence does not have an association with SRH in early adulthood. Conclusions: Having public health insurance coverage does not equate to good health. YAD need additional supports to achieve positive health outcomes. The findings in social skills and community participation suggest other potential factors may be at play for health related outcomes for YAD and the need for further investigation.
Understanding how biodiversity spatially distribute over both the short term and long term, and what factors are affecting the distribution, are critical for modeling the spatial pattern of biodiversity as well as for promoting effective conservation planning and practices. This dissertation aims to examine factors that influence short-term and long-term avian distribution from the geographical sciences perspective. The research develops landscape level habitat metrics to characterize forest height heterogeneity and examines their efficacies in modelling avian richness at the continental scale. Two types of novel vegetation-height-structured habitat metrics are created based on second order texture algorithms and the concepts of patch-based habitat metrics. I correlate the height-structured metrics with the richness of different forest guilds, and also examine their efficacies in multivariate richness models. The results suggest that height heterogeneity, beyond canopy height alone, supplements habitat characterization and richness models of two forest bird guilds. The metrics and models derived in this study demonstrate practical examples of utilizing three-dimensional vegetation data for improved characterization of spatial patterns in species richness. The second and the third projects focus on analyzing centroids of avian distributions, and testing hypotheses regarding the direction and speed of these shifts. I first showcase the usefulness of centroids analysis for characterizing the distribution changes of a few case study species. Applying the centroid method on 57 permanent resident bird species, I show that multi-directional distribution shifts occurred in large number of studied species. I also demonstrate, plain birds are not shifting their distribution faster than mountain birds, contrary to the prediction based on climate change velocity hypothesis. By modelling the abundance change rate at regional level, I show that extreme climate events and precipitation measures associate closely with some of the long-term distribution shifts. This dissertation improves our understanding on bird habitat characterization for species richness modelling, and expands our knowledge on how avian populations shifted their ranges in North America responding to changing environments in the past four decades. The results provide an important scientific foundation for more accurate predictive species distribution modeling in future.
Los temas tratados en esta investigaci?n pretenden ser relevantes desde el aporte de las pr?cticas realizadas por algunos de los egresados del programa de recreaci?n, donde muestran los diferentes espacios en los que se puede desempe?ar el futuro Profesional. De esta manera se hace un acercamiento a las condiciones que permiten realizar e identificar las caracter?sticas del entorno en el que se mueve el Profesional en Recreaci?n. Con el fin que la informaci?n expuesta en nuestra investigaci?n sea relevante y se pueda visualizar los diferentes procesos por los que pasa el estudiante de Recreaci?n hasta llegar a la finalizaci?n de sus estudios, estimamos pertinente aportar en este texto los anexos correspondientes a las entrevistas que se llevaron a cabo con las personas que hicieron parte de las mismas. Consideramos que, de esta manera, alguien interesado en seguir profundizando nuestro tema de investigaci?n podr? encontrar informaci?n que pueda ser de utilidad en los relatos aportados por los entrevistados, as? como pistas que permitir?n ahondar en otros planteamientos que no fueron tenidos en cuenta en esta investigaci?n.
Abstract The two-component based chemotaxis signal transduction system allows flagellated bacteria to sense their surrounding chemical environment and move towards more favorable conditions. The attractant signals can be sensed by transmembrane chemoreceptors, and then transmitted to the histidine kinase CheA. Once activated, CheA interacts with the response regulator CheY through phosphorelay, which causes a change in the rotation of the flagella. The direction of flagella rotation determines whether a cell swims straight or just tumbles. Cells also need adaptation to respond to a change in chemical concentrations, and return to their prestimulated level. Adaptation in the B. subtilis chemotaxis system is achieved by three coordinated systems: the methylation system, the CheC/CheD/CheY-p system and the CheV system. CheD, the previously identified receptor deamidase, was shown to be critical to the ability of B. subtilis to perform chemotaxis and is the main focus of this study. This study started from characterization of the enzymatic mechanism of CheD. Results showed that CheD deamidase uses a cysteine hydrolase mechanism. The catalytic triad consisting of Cys33-His50-Thr27, and Ser27 is essential for receptor recognition and binding. In addition, in this study CheC was found to inhibit CheD’s deamidase activity. Through mutant screening, Phe102 on CheD was found to be the essential site to interact with CheC. Furthermore, the CheD/CheC interaction is necessary for the robust chemotaxis in vivo as demonstrated by the cheD (F102E) mutant, which lacks the ability to swim on swarm plates. Despite its deamidase activity, we hypothesized that CheD’s main role is its involvement in the CheD-CheC-CheY-p negative feedback pathway during adaptation. In particular, CheD is likely to help stabilize the transient kinase-activating state through binding to receptors. When CheY-p level is increased, CheC-CheY-p complex may attract CheD away from receptors. In this study, CheC-CheD binding kinetics with CheY or CheYp presence was successfully obtained by a series of SPR experiments. The increased affinity of CheD for CheC in presence of CheYp but not CheY makes likely the hypothesis that CheC-CheD-CheY interact as part of a negative feedback pathway during adaptation. Last, the interaction between CheD and chemoreceptor McpC was studied in order to better understand the role of CheD in adaptation. Results showed that Q304 and Q305 on McpC are essential to recruit CheD. Additionally, the reduced levels of CheD in mcpC (Q304A) or (Q305A) mutants suggested that the dynamic interaction between CheD and receptors is vital to maintain the normal CheD level. These findings suggest more complicated roles of CheD than its previously identified function as a receptor deamidase, and will lead to a clearer picture of the coordination of the three adaptational systems in the B. subtilis chemotactic sensory transduction system.
Los videojuegos representan uno de los productos de ocio de mayor consumo entre ambos géneros. Los personajes de los videojuegos suelen ser exagerados y generadores de estereo tipos, principalmente el femenino, que no proyectan un personaje creíble, con el que se puedan identificar las jugadoras. Se propone una clasificación de arquetipos para catalogar los personajes femeninos presentes en los videojuegos. Se ha utilizado una metodología exploratoria para indagar los estereotipos existentes en los videojuegos junto con los estereotipos de género. Finalmente, se ha diseñado un programa de actividades para trabajar con videojuegos y género en el aula de modo que esté enfocado para que los alumnos empaticen con personajes de otro género y así puedan derribarse tanto los prejuicios como los estereotipos para trabajar en pro de la igualdad.
International audience
A critical component of teacher education is the field experience during which candidates practice under the supervision of experienced teachers. Programs use the InTASC Standards to define the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching. Practicing teachers are familiar with the concepts of knowledge and skills, but they are less familiar with dispositions. Practicing teachers who mentor prospective teachers are underrepresented in the literature, but they are critical to teacher preparation. The research goals were to describe the self-identified dispositions of cooperating teachers, identify what cooperating teachers consider their role in preparing prospective teachers, and explain challenges that cooperating teachers face. Using a mixed methods design, I conducted a quantitative survey followed by a qualitative case study. When I compared survey and case study data, cooperating teachers report possessing InTASC critical dispositions described in Standard 2: Learning Differences, Standard 3: Learning Environments, and Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, but not Standard 6: Assessment and Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration. Cooperating teachers assume the roles of modeler, mentor and advisor, and informal evaluator. They explain student teachers often lack skills and dispositions to assume full teaching responsibilities and recommend that universities better prepare candidates for classrooms. Cooperating teachers felt university evaluations were not relevant to teaching reality. I recommend modifying field experiences to increase the quantity and duration of classroom placements. I suggest further research to detail cooperating teacher dispositions, compare cooperating teachers who work with different universities, and determine if cooperating teacher dispositions influence student teacher dispositions.
La teleformación, de manera paralela a Internet, ha tenido una rápida y constante evolución a lo largo de los últimos años. Al mismo tiempo, dicha modalidad formativa ha ido cobrando mucha relevancia en el ámbito de la formación, en particular, en la capacitación de las personas trabajadoras. Teniendo en cuenta las ventajas que presenta la teleformación, se hace necesario que se realicen avances y mejoras de la calidad en el desarrollo de los procesos incluidos en ella, como es el caso de la tutorización. Por estas razones esta investigación se plantea: ¿Qué funciones realizan los tutores y tutoras de e-learning durante las acciones formativas en las que participan?, y ¿cómo perciben esas funciones los estudiantes? Este trabajo investiga las formas de tutorización que ayudan a un mejor desempeño por parte del teletutor, promoviendo procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que contribuyan a disminuir el índice de abandonos de estudiantes. La metodología seguida emplea técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas buscando en cada momento, el método que mejor dé respuesta a los objetivos planteados inicialmente. Para la realización de la misma se han tomado dos muestras. Una de 707 estudiantes de cursos online pertenecientes a un proyecto de formación continua de trabajadores de pequeña y mediana empresas, y autónomos, La segunda muestra la conforman 8 tutores que han participado en el mencionado proyecto. A través de esta investigación se han podido analizar y estudiar las dimensiones y funciones que han realizado los tutores durante las distintas acciones formativas llevadas a cabo y se ha llegado a conocer las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre las distintas dimensiones o funciones que ha empleado cada tutor en las mismas. Se consiguió identificar y comprender las tareas y funciones puestas en práctica por los tutores durante las acciones formativas llevadas a cabo, y las diferencias que se produjeron en ellas en cada uno de los docentes. Así mismo los resultados han permitido organizar diversos sistemas de categorías en otros tantos marcos “teóricos”, representados a través de diagramas comprensivos, que nos ayudan a entender de manera más adecuada las relaciones entre categorías y dimensiones de cada uno de los tutores del estudio. Ha sido posible incluso llegar a establecer tipologías de tutores según las funciones y roles desarrollados, los recursos más utilizados en su labor de tutorización y los rasgos que caracterizan a los estudiantes que realizan este tipo de formación.
Career decision-making self-efficacy and the Big Five traits of neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness were examined as predictors of career indecision in a sample of 181 undergraduates. Participants completed an online survey. I predicted that the Big Five traits and career decision-making self-efficacy would (a) interrelate moderately and (b) each relate significantly and moderately to career indecision. In addition, I predicted that career decision-making self-efficacy would partially mediate the relationships between the Big Five traits and career indecision, while the Big Five traits were predicted to moderate the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and career indecision. Finally, I predicted that career decision-making self-efficacy would account for a greater amount of unique variance in career indecision than the Big Five traits. All predicted correlations were significant. Career decision-making self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship of Extraversion to career indecision and partially mediated the relationships of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness to career indecision. Conscientiousness was found to moderate the relationship of career decision-making self-efficacy to career indecision such that the negative relation between self-efficacy and career indecision was stronger in the presence of high conscientiousness. This study builds upon existing research on the prediction of career indecision by examining potential mediating and moderating relationships.
The high rate of teacher attrition in urban schools is well documented. While this does not seem like a problem in Carter County, this equates to hundreds of teachers that need to be replaced annually. Since school year (SY) 2007-08, Carter County has lost over 7,100 teachers, approximately half of (50.1%) of whom resigned, often going to neighboring, higher-paying jurisdictions as suggested by exit survey data (SY2016-2020 Strategic Plan). Included in this study is a range of practices principals use to retain teachers. While the role of the principal is recognized as a critical element in teacher retention, few studies explore the specific practices principals implement to retain teachers and how they use their time to accomplish this task. Through interviews, observations, document analysis and reflective notes, the study identifies the practices four elementary school principals of high and relatively low attrition schools use to support teacher retention. In doing so, the study uses a qualitative cross-case analysis approach. The researcher examined the following leadership practices of the principal and their impact on teacher retention: (a) providing leadership, (b) supporting new teachers, (c) training and mentoring teaching staff, (d) creating opportunities for collaboration, (d) creating a positive school climate, and (e) promoting teacher autonomy. The following research questions served as a foundational guide for the development and implementation of this study: 1. How do principals prioritize addressing teacher attrition or retention relative to all of their other responsibilities? How do they allocate their time to this challenge? 2. What do principals in schools with low attrition rates do to promote retention that principals in high attrition schools do not? What specific practices or interventions are principals in these two types of schools utilizing to retain teachers? Is there evidence to support their use of the practices? The findings that emerge from the data revealed the various practices principals use to influence and support teachers do not differ between the four schools.