965 resultados para Ce_(1-x)Ca_xO_(2-x)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We extend some results of Rosenthal, Cembranos, Freniche, E. Saab-P. Saab and Ryan to study the geometry of copies and complemented copies of c(0)(Gamma) in the classical Banach spaces C(K, X) in terms of the carclinality of the set Gamma, of the density and caliber of K and of the geometry of X and its dual space X*. Here are two sample consequences of our results: (1) If C([0, 1], X) contains a copy of c(0)(N-1), then X contains a copy of c(0)(N-1). (2) C(beta N, X) contains a complemented copy of c(0)(N-1) if and only if X contains a copy of c(0)(N-1). Some of our results depend on set-theoretic assumptions. For example, we prove that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that if C(K) contains a copy of c(0)(N-1) and X has dimension NI, then C(K, X) contains a complemented copy of cc(0)(N-1).


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gamma Cas is the prototypical classical Be star and is recently best known for its variable hard X-ray emission. To elucidate the reasons for this emission, we mounted a multiwavelength campaign in 2010 centered around four XMM-Newton observations. The observational techniques included long baseline optical interferometry (LBOI) from two instruments at CHARA, photometry carried out by an automated photometric telescope and H alpha observations. Because gamma Cas is also known to be in a binary, we measured radial velocities from the H alpha line and redetermined its period as 203.55 +/- 0.20 days and its eccentricity as near zero. The LBOI observations suggest that the star's decretion disk was axisymmetric in 2010, has an system inclination angle near 45 degrees, and a larger radius than previously reported. In addition, the Be star began an "outburst" at the beginning of our campaign, made visible by a brightening and reddening of the disk during our campaign and beyond. Our analyses of the new high resolution spectra disclosed many attributes also found from spectra obtained in 2001 (Chandra) and 2004 (XMM-Newton). As well as a dominant hot (approximate to 14 keV) thermal component, the familiar attributes included: (i) a fluorescent feature of Fe K even stronger than observed at previous times; (ii) strong lines of N VII and Ne XI lines indicative of overabundances; and (iii) a subsolar Fe abundance from K-shell lines but a solar abundance from L-shell ions. We also found that two absorption columns are required to fit the continuum. While the first one maintained its historical average of 1 x 10(21) cm(-2), the second was very large and doubled to 7.4 x 10(23) cm(-2) during our X-ray observations. Although we found no clear relation between this column density and orbital phase, it correlates well with the disk brightening and reddening both in the 2010 and earlier observations. Thus, the inference from this study is that much (perhaps all?) of the X-ray emission from this source originates behind matter ejected by gamma Cas into our line of sight.


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Glasses in the system xGeO(2)-(1-x)NaPO3 (0 <= x <= 0.50) were prepared by conventional melting quenching and characterized by thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) techniques. The deconvolution of the latter spectra was aided by homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The combined analyses of P-31 MAS NMR and O-1s XPS lineshapes, taking charge and mass balance considerations into account, yield the detailed quantitative speciations of the phosphorus, germanium, and oxygen atoms and their respective connectivities. An internally consistent description is possible without invoking the formation of higher-coordinated germanium species in these glasses, in agreement with experimental evidence in the literature. The structure can be regarded, to a first approximation, as a network consisting of P-(2) and P-(3) tetrahedra linked via four-coordinate germanium. As implied by the appearance of P-(3) units, there is a moderate extent of network modifier sharing between phosphate and germanate network formers, as expressed by the formal melt reaction P-(2) + Ge-(4) -> P-(3) + Ge-(3). The equilibrium constant of this reaction is estimated as K = 0.52 +/- 0.11, indicating a preferential attraction of network modifier by the phosphorus component. These conclusions are qualitatively supported by Raman spectroscopy as well as P-31{Na-23} and P-31{Na-23} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR results. The combined interpretation of O-1s XPS and P-31 MAS NMR spectra shows further that there are clear deviations from a random connectivity scenario: heteroatomic P-O-Ge linkages are favored over homoatomic P-O-P and Ge-O-Ge linkages.


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Apple consumption is highly recomended for a healthy diet and is the most important fruit produced in temperate climate regions. Unfortunately, it is also one of the fruit that most ofthen provoks allergy in atopic patients and the only treatment available up to date for these apple allergic patients is the avoidance. Apple allergy is due to the presence of four major classes of allergens: Mal d 1 (PR-10/Bet v 1-like proteins), Mal d 2 (Thaumatine-like proteins), Mal d 3 (Lipid transfer protein) and Mal d 4 (profilin). In this work new advances in the characterization of apple allergen gene families have been reached using a multidisciplinary approach. First of all, a genomic approach was used for the characterization of the allergen gene families of Mal d 1 (task of Chapter 1), Mal d 2 and Mal d 4 (task of Chapter 5). In particular, in Chapter 1 the study of two large contiguos blocks of DNA sequences containing the Mal d 1 gene cluster on LG16 allowed to acquire many new findings on number and orientation of genes in the cluster, their physical distances, their regulatory sequences and the presence of other genes or pseudogenes in this genomic region. Three new members were discovered co-localizing with the other Mal d 1 genes of LG16 suggesting that the complexity of the genetic base of allergenicity will increase with new advances. Many retrotranspon elements were also retrieved in this cluster. Due to the developement of molecular markers on the two sequences, the anchoring of the physical and the genetic map of the region has been successfully achieved. Moreover, in Chapter 5 the existence of other loci for the Thaumatine-like protein family in apple (Mal d 2.03 on LG4 and Mal d 2.02 on LG17) respect the one reported up to now was demonstred for the first time. Also one new locus for profilins (Mal d 4.04) was mapped on LG2, close to the Mal d 4.02 locus, suggesting a cluster organization for this gene family, as is well reported for Mal d 1 family. Secondly, a methodological approach was used to set up an highly specific tool to discriminate and quantify the expression of each Mal d 1 allergen gene (task of Chapter 2). In aprticular, a set of 20 Mal d 1 gene specific primer pairs for the quantitative Real time PCR technique was validated and optimized. As a first application, this tool was used on leaves and fruit tissues of the cultivar Florina in order to identify the Mal d 1 allergen genes that are expressed in different tissues. The differential expression retrieved in this study revealed a tissue-specificity for some Mal d 1 genes: 10/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in fruits and, indeed, probably more involved in the allergic reactions; while 17/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in leaves challenged with the fungus Venturia inaequalis and therefore probably interesting in the study of the plant defense mechanism. In Chapter 3 the specific expression levels of the 10 Mal d 1 isoallergen genes, found to be expressed in fruits, were studied for the first time in skin and flesh of apples of different genotypes. A complex gene expression profile was obtained due to the high gene-, tissue- and genotype-variability. Despite this, Mal d 1.06A and Mal d 1.07 expression patterns resulted particularly associated with the degree of allergenicity of the different cultivars. They were not the most expressed Mal d 1 genes in apple but here it was hypotized a relevant importance in the determination of allergenicity for both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Mal d 1 gene expression levels. In Chapter 4 a clear modulation for all the 17 PR-10 genes tested in young leaves of Florina after challenging with the fungus V. inaequalis have been reported but with a peculiar expression profile for each gene. Interestingly, all the Mal d 1 genes resulted up-regulated except Mal d 1.10 that was down-regulated after the challenging with the fungus. The differences in direction, timing and magnitude of induction seem to confirm the hypothesis of a subfunctionalization inside the gene family despite an high sequencce and structure similarity. Moreover, a modulation of PR-10 genes was showed both in compatible (Gala-V. inaequalis) and incompatible (Florina-V. inaequalis) interactions contribute to validate the hypothesis of an indirect role for at least some of these proteins in the induced defense responses. Finally, a certain modulation of PR-10 transcripts retrieved also in leaves treated with water confirm their abilty to respond also to abiotic stress. To conclude, the genomic approach used here allowed to create a comprehensive inventory of all the genes of allergen families, especially in the case of extended gene families like Mal d 1. This knowledge can be considered a basal prerequisite for many further studies. On the other hand, the specific transcriptional approach make it possible to evaluate the Mal d 1 genes behavior on different samples and conditions and therefore, to speculate on their involvement on apple allergenicity process. Considering the double nature of Mal d 1 proteins, as apple allergens and as PR-10 proteins, the gene expression analysis upon the attack of the fungus created the base for unravel the Mal d 1 biological functions. In particular, the knowledge acquired in this work about the PR-10 genes putatively more involved in the specific Malus-V. inaequalis interaction will be helpful, in the future, to drive the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity genotype without compromise the mechanism of response of the plants to stress conditions. For the future, the survey of the differences in allergenicity among cultivars has to be be thorough including other genotypes and allergic patients in the tests. After this, the allelic diversity analysis with the high and low allergenic cultivars on all the allergen genes, in particular on the ones with transcription levels correlated to allergencity, will provide the genetic background of the low ones. This step from genes to alleles will allow the develop of molecular markers for them that might be used to effectively addressed the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity. Another important step forward for the study of apple allergens will be the use of a specific proteomic approach since apple allergy is a multifactor-determined disease and only an interdisciplinary and integrated approach can be effective for its prevention and treatment.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Pr"{a}paration, Charakterisierung und Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften von d"{u}nnen Schichten des Hochtemperatursupraleiters HgReBa$_{2}$Ca$_{n-1}$Cu$_{n}$O$_{y}$, die mittels gepulster Laser-Deposition hergestellt wurden. Die HgRe1212-Filme zeigen in der AC-Suszeptibilit"{a}t einen scharfen "{U}bergang in die supraleitende Phase bei 124 K mit einer "{U}bergangsbreite von 2 K. Die resistiven "{U}berg"{a}nge der Proben wurden mit zunehmender St"{a}rke des externen Magnetfeldes breiter. Aus der Steigung der Arrheniusplots konnte die Aktivierungsenergie f"{u}r verschiedene Feldst"{a}rken bestimmt werden. Weiterhin wurde die Winkelabh"{a}ngigkeit des Depinning-Feldes $B_{dp}(theta)$ der Filme gemessen. Hieraus wurde ein Anisotropiewert von $gamma$ = 7.7 bei 105 K ermittelt. Dies ist relevant, um den f"{u}r Anwendungen wichtigen Bereich im $T$-$B$-$theta$-Phasenraum des Materials absch"{a}tzen zu k"{o}nnen. Die kritische Stromdichte $J_{c}$ der d"{u}nnen Filme aus HgRe-1212 wurde mit Hilfe eines SQUID-Magnetometers gemessen. Die entsprechenden $M$-$H$ Kurven bzw. das magnetische Moment dieser Filme wurde f"{u}r einen weiten Temperatur- und Feldbereich mit einem magnetischen Feld senkrecht zum Film aufgenommen. F"{u}r einen HgRe-1212-Film konnte bei 5 K eine kritische Stromdichte von 1.2 x 10$^{7}$ A/cm$^{2}$ und etwa 2 x 10$^{6}$ A/cm$^{2}$ bei 77 K ermittelt werden. Es wurde die Magnetfeld- und die Temperaturabh"{a}ngigkeit des Hall-Effekts im normalleitenden und im Mischzustand in Magnetfeldern senkrecht zur $ab$-Ebene bis zu 12 T gemessen. Oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur $T_{c}$ steigt der longitudinale spezifische Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ linear mit der Temperatur, w"{a}hrend der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ sich umgekehrt proportional zur Temperatur "{a}ndert. In der N"{a}he von $T_{c}$ und in Feldern kleiner als 3 T wurde eine doppelte Vorzeichen"{a}nderung des spezifischen Hall-Widerstandes beobachtet. Der Hall-Winkel im Normalzustand, cot $theta_{H}= alpha T^{2} + beta$, folgt einer universellen $textit{T }^{2}$-Abh"{a}ngigkeit in allen magnetischen Feldern. In der N"{a}he des Nullwiderstand-Zustandes h"{a}ngt der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ "{u}ber ein Potenzgesetz mit dem longitudinalen Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ zusammen. Das Skalenverhalten zwischen $rho_{yx}$ und $rho_{xx}$ weist eine starke Feld-Abh"{a}ngigkeit auf. Der Skalenexponent $beta$ in der Gleichung $rho_{yx}$ =A $rho_{xx}^{beta}$ steigt von 1.0 bis 1.7, w"{a}hrend das Feld von 1.0 bis 12 T zunimmt.


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A series of oligo-phenylene dendronised conjugated polymers was prepared. The divergent synthetic approach adopted allowed for the facile synthesis of a range of dendronised monomers from a common intermediate, e.g. first and second generation fluorene. Only the polymerisation of the first generation and alkylarylamine substituted dendronised fluorene monomers yielded high molecular weight materials, attributed to the low solubility of the remaining dendronised monomers. The alkylarylamine substituted dendronised poly(fluorene) was incorporated into an organic light emitting diode (OLED) and exhibited an increased colour stability in air compared to other poly(fluorenes). The concept of dendronisation was extended to poly(fluorenone), a previously insoluble material. The synthesis of the first soluble poly(fluorenone) was achieved by the incorporation of oligo-phenylene dendrons at the 4-position of fluorenone. The dendronisation of fluorenone allowed for a polymer with an Mn of 4.1 x 104 gmol-1 to be prepared. Cyclic voltammetry of the dendronised poly(fluorenone) showed that the electron affinity of the polymer was high and that the polymer is a promising n-type material. A dimer and trimer of indenofluorene (IF) were prepared from the monobromo IF. These oligomers were investigated by 2-dimensional wide angle x-ray spectroscopy (2D-WAXS), polarised optical microscopy (POM) and dielectric spectroscopy, and found to form highly ordered smetic phases. By attaching perylene dye as the end-capper on the IF oligomers, molecules that exhibited efficient Förster energy transfer were obtained. Indenofluorene monoketone, a potential defect structure for IF based OLED’s, was synthesised. The synthesis of this model defect structure allowed for the long wavelength emission in OLED’s to be identified as ketone defects. The long wavelength emission from the indenofluorene monoketone was found to be concentration dependent, and suggests that aggregate formation is occurring. An IF linked hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) dimer was synthesised. The 2D-WAXS images of this HBC dimer demonstrate that the molecule exhibits intercolumnar organisation perpendicular to the extrusion direction. POM images of mixtures of the HBC dimer mixed with an HBC with a low isotropic temperature demonstrated that the HBC dimer is mixing with the isotropic HBC.


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Two new HgCl2 complexes of tridentate nitrogen ligands were characterized by X-ray crystallography, proton NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS. The five-coordinate complex [Hg(BMPA)Cl-2] (1) (BMPA = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/m-xylene by slow evaporation in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 8.3896(8) , b = 12.8020(13) , c = 13.3526(13) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90.480(2)A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The square pyramidal structure (tau = 0.009) has approximate C (s) symmetry. Despite comparable Hg-N bond lengths in 1, inversion of the central nitrogen was rapid on the chemical shift time scale in dilute solution except at very low temperatures. The related complex [Hg(BEPA)Cl-2] (2) (BEPA = bis(2-{pyrid-2-yl}ethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/ethyl acetate/hexanes by slow diffusion in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 13.424(3) , b = 14.854(3) , c = 8.118(2) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The mixed geometry structure (tau = 0.56) also has crystallographic mirror symmetry as well as C (s) point group symmetry. In dilute acetonitrile solution, 1 was stable while 2 slowly converted to a more thermodynamically stable complex.


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Abstract Sphingosine kinases (SKs) are key enzymes regulating the production of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which determines important cell responses including cell growth and death. Here we show that renal mesangial cells isolated from wild-type, SK-1(-/-), and SK-2(-/-) mice show a differential response to apoptotic stimuli. Wild-type mesangial cells responded to staurosporine with increased DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 processing, which was enhanced in SK-1(-/-) cells. In contrast, SK-2(-/-) cells were highly resistant to staurosporine-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, the basal phosphorylation and activity of the anti-apoptotic protein kinase B (PKB) and of its substrate Bad were decreased in SK-1(-/-) but not in SK-2(-/-) cells. Upon staurosporine treatment, phosphorylation of PKB and Bad decreased in wild-type and SK-1(-/-) cells, but remained high in SK-2(-/-) cells. In addition, the anti-apoptotic Bcl-X(L) was significantly upregulated in SK-2(-/-) cells, which may further contribute to the protective state of these cells. In summary, our data show that SK-1 and SK-2 have opposite effects on the capacity of mesangial cells to resist apoptotic stimuli. This is due to differential modulation of the PKB/Bad pathway and of Bcl-X(L) expression. Thus, subtype-selective targeting of SKs will be critical when considering these enzymes as therapeutic targets for the treatment of inflammation or cancer.


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To assess the effect of age and disease on mineral distribution at the distal third of the tibia, bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were measured at lumbar spine (spine), femoral neck (neck), and diaphysis (Dia) and distal epiphysis (Epi) of the tibia in 89 healthy control women of different age groups (20-29, n = 12; 30-39, n = 11; 40-44, n = 12; 45-49, n = 12; 50-54, n = 12; 55-59, n = 10; 60-69, n = 11; 70-79, n = 9), in 25 women with untreated vertebral osteoporosis (VOP), and in 19 women with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA; Hologic QDR 1000 and standard spine software). A soft tissue simulator was used to compensate for heterogeneity of soft tissue thickness around the leg. Tibia was scanned over a length of 130 mm from the ankle joint, fibula being excluded from analysis. For BMC and BMD, 10 sections 13 mm each were analyzed separately and then pooled to define the epiphysis (Epi 13-52 mm) and diaphysis area (Dia 91-130 mm). Precision after repositioning was 1.9 and 2.1% for Epi and Dia, respectively. In the control group, at any site there was no significant difference between age groups 20-29 and 30-39, which thus were pooled to define the peak bone mass (PBM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)