941 resultados para Cadastral updating
Dans le présent mémoire, on se questionne sur la portée et la signification que l’on peut légitimement attribuer à la déclaration de 2011 du premier ministre britannique David Cameron concernant « l’échec du multiculturalisme d’État ». Plus précisément, est-ce que cet échec déclaré du multiculturalisme s’en prend à la construction théorique et normative du multiculturalisme ? Rejette-t-il plutôt l’aménagement politico-institutionnel du multiculturalisme en Grande-Bretagne ? À cet égard, est-ce qu’on observe un retrait effectif des politiques du multiculturalisme en Grande-Bretagne, entre 2000 et 2015 ? D’une approche analytique de la philosophie politique, cette recherche propose d’interpréter et de comprendre les débats qui ont cours en ce qui concerne le multiculturalisme de manière générale, puis en Grande-Bretagne plus particulièrement. Ce faisant, le présent mémoire est animé par deux objectifs : d’abord, il s’agit d’opérer une clarification conceptuelle du multiculturalisme, selon qu’on l’appréhende au titre d’appréciation factuelle socioculturelle (diversité), en tant qu’ensemble théorique et normatif (pluralisme), ou encore comme aménagement institutionnel et politique (politique publique). Ensuite, il s’agit d’observer, empiriquement et de manière systématique, l’état et l’évolution du multiculturalisme comme politique publique en Grande-Bretagne, entre 2000 et 2015. Pour ce faire, on reprend la structure méthodologique du Multicultural Policy Index, élaboré par Keith Banting et Will Kymlicka. Notre contribution originale à la littérature consiste ainsi à mettre à jour les données de cet Index pour le cas de la Grande-Bretagne, en date de 2015. En un mot, on observe une relative stabilité des politiques du multiculturalisme entre 2000 et 2015, alors que pour la même période les gouvernements britanniques critiquent de plus en plus négativement le multiculturalisme, allant jusqu’à en déclarer l’échec. Enfin, on cherche à interpréter ce phénomène, tout comme on force un dialogue entre les principales critiques émises à l’égard du multiculturalisme et les principaux théoriciens de celui-ci.
O presente trabalho situa-se entre compreender o papel que a comunicação realizada pelo marketing da indústria de beleza desempenha, para o desenvolvimento e crescimento em suas vendas, por meio da influência constituída e disseminada pelos padrões de beleza, impostos pela mídia por meio da visão dos profissionais, que contribuem diretamente em sua atualização e divulgação de informações dessa mesma indústria da beleza. E por outro lado, os consumidores se mantêm informados acerca dos lançamentos de produtos e serviços. Nesta perspectiva, a influência apresentada por meio dos padrões de beleza, que vão sendo constituídos pela indústria de beleza e impostos por seu próprio marketing, mostra-se como o nosso objetivo de investigação, que em nossa pesquisa pretendemos apresentar um estudo a respeito da importância dada à influência desta comunicação do marketing para os profissionais de vários segmentos desta grande área da beleza e a relação com os seus profissionais e consumidores. Levamos em consideração aprioristicamente que a comunicação realizada pelo marketing é um recurso extremamente eficaz, para gerar influência a partir de sua divulgação. Estas informações por sua vez são reproduzidas pelos profissionais, que atuam na área da beleza por meio de seus vários segmentos. Eles constituem o objeto desta pesquisa. Há constatações evidentes da influência da comunicação constituída pelo marketing na indústria da beleza, porém, este trabalho investigativo toma como foco empírico, estes profissionais que estão diretamente ligados e atuantes na área da beleza e são agentes que materializam para os clientes o que há de mais inovador no mercado de produtos e serviços de beleza. Por ambicionar investigar a comunicação via o marketing, os profissionais da indústria da beleza e os clientes, esta investigação possui uma perspectiva transversal, que constitui o nosso objetivo.
Cardiovascular prevention has been developed in the last eight years producing an ever increasing amount of data requiring frequent updating. Studies using angiography to determine change in coronary obstruction have indicated progression, stabilization, or regression of coronary lesions associated with changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Moreover, the guidelines on arterial hypertension published in 2007 listed the risk factors affecting prognosis but even by 2009 an update modified not only the list of risks, but even the philosophy behind the thought process which introduced as essential element in the prognosis of hypertension the ascertained existence of a damaged organ. Thus, the documentation of atherosclerotic vascular disease (plaques) and the quantification of its extension in the arterial tree became a determinant in the definition of cardiovascular risk. Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and coronary computed tomography (coro CT) applied to the heart and large vessels are the most promising methods.
No setor hospitalar, o marketing compõe um grupo interdependente de serviços e tem como objetivo principal aproximar clientes - externos, internos e corpo gestor -, através de estratégias específicas que promovem satisfação e qualidade. Esta organização possui uma larga diversidade de profissionais da saúde e o marketing, neste sentido, auxilia no processamento de seus serviços de forma a lapidá-los sob a ótica do cliente, buscando efetividade e produtividade. Neste cenário encontra-se o enfermeiro, cujo trabalho é composto pelas dimensões cuidar, gerenciar, educar/pesquisar, que se entrelaçam e caracterizam o serviço deste profissional. No entanto, costumeiramente, a enfermagem não declara o marketing como uma ferramenta estratégica ao seu processo de trabalho – fato verificável na exploração de publicações científicas -, e, paralelamente, depara-se com empecilhos na execução de seu trabalho que podem comprometer a sua excelência. Assim, este estudo busca analisar a relação do marketing com o trabalho do enfermeiro nas dimensões cuidar, gerenciar, ensinar/pesquisar. Para sua efetivação, optou-se pelo referencial metodológico Estudo de Caso, onde o fenômeno é verificado como ocorre em seu cenário real. Assim, a coleta, caracterizada por pesquisador e unidade únicos, ocorreu em um hospital universitário, geral e público no sul do país que declara publica e virtualmente o marketing institucional. Como fontes de evidência, foram utilizadas: entrevista focada com quatro sujeitos de áreas estratégicas para esta pesquisa; análise de documentação criada pela assessoria de marketing e observação direta. O tratamento e a análise dos dados ocorreram por meio da Análise Temática, que possibilitou a exposição dos resultados através de dois artigos: “A relação do marketing com o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro na dimensão cuidar” e “A relação do marketing com o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro nas dimensões gerenciar e educar/pesquisar”. Os resultados evidenciaram que o marketing no cuidar - auxilia a efetividade do cuidado através de novas estratégias de comunicação com o usuário, produz materiais elucidativos, lúdicos para sua continuação e manutenção e o divulga no meio intra e extra-hospitalar; no gerenciar - auxilia a o enfermeiro a ter um método mais inovador e criativo, a focar no cliente e no bom relacionamento interpessoal com a equipe; no educar/pesquisar - cria canais de comunicação interna e campanhas únicas que, além de auxiliar na realização da educação permanente e na atualização de enfermeiros, propicia meios para transmitir novos achados científicos à prática da enfermagem hospitalar. Através deste estudo, percebeu-se que ações de marketing podem contribuir para a efetividade do trabalho do enfermeiro em suas facetas dimensionais, aproximando este agente de saúde do usuário ao qual seu serviço é destinado e da gestão da organização, propiciando a este profissional maior visibilidade e valorização no espaço hospitalar e social.
Power system engineers face a double challenge: to operate electric power systems within narrow stability and security margins, and to maintain high reliability. There is an acute need to better understand the dynamic nature of power systems in order to be prepared for critical situations as they arise. Innovative measurement tools, such as phasor measurement units, can capture not only the slow variation of the voltages and currents but also the underlying oscillations in a power system. Such dynamic data accessibility provides us a strong motivation and a useful tool to explore dynamic-data driven applications in power systems. To fulfill this goal, this dissertation focuses on the following three areas: Developing accurate dynamic load models and updating variable parameters based on the measurement data, applying advanced nonlinear filtering concepts and technologies to real-time identification of power system models, and addressing computational issues by implementing the balanced truncation method. By obtaining more realistic system models, together with timely updated parameters and stochastic influence consideration, we can have an accurate portrait of the ongoing phenomena in an electrical power system. Hence we can further improve state estimation, stability analysis and real-time operation.
Image processing offers unparalleled potential for traffic monitoring and control. For many years engineers have attempted to perfect the art of automatic data abstraction from sequences of video images. This paper outlines a research project undertaken at Napier University by the authors in the field of image processing for automatic traffic analysis. A software based system implementing TRIP algorithms to count cars and measure vehicle speed has been developed by members of the Transport Engineering Research Unit (TERU) at the University. The TRIP algorithm has been ported and evaluated on an IBM PC platform with a view to hardware implementation of the pre-processing routines required for vehicle detection. Results show that a software based traffic counting system is realisable for single window processing. Due to the high volume of data required to be processed for full frames or multiple lanes, system operations in real time are limited. Therefore specific hardware is required to be designed. The paper outlines a hardware design for implementation of inter-frame and background differencing, background updating and shadow removal techniques. Preliminary results showing the processing time and counting accuracy for the routines implemented in software are presented and a real time hardware pre-processing architecture is described.
Työn tavoitteena oli vähentää levyaihioiden hakuun käytettävää aikaa varastossa. Tutkimus perustuu kirjallisuuteen ja tieteellisiin lähteisiin. Fetek Oy:n levyvarastoon soveltuvaksi tunnistusjärjestelmäksi osoittautui viivakooditekniikkaan perustuva QR-koodi. QR-koodien valmistus onnistuu yrityksessä ja koodiin saadaan mahtumaan kaikki tarvittava tieto levyistä. Koodien lukeminen onnistuu työpuhelimella tai erillisellä lukijalla. Koodien käyttöönotto ja päivittäminen oli kustannustehokkain ratkaisu yrityksen tarpeisiin. Olemassa olevaa varastoa myös päätettiin selkeyttää käyttämällä väritunnistusta hyllyissä ja ottamalla käyttöön LEAN 5S. Värikoodaus nopeuttaa tunnistusta huomattavasti ja LEAN 5S puolestaan auttaa pitämään tuotantotilat aina järjestyksessä. Jatkotutkimuksessa tulisi parantaa tuotantotilojen järjestelyä ja miettiä yrityksen käytössä olevan varastonhallintaohjelmiston soveltuvuutta.
In the past decade, systems that extract information from millions of Internet documents have become commonplace. Knowledge graphs -- structured knowledge bases that describe entities, their attributes and the relationships between them -- are a powerful tool for understanding and organizing this vast amount of information. However, a significant obstacle to knowledge graph construction is the unreliability of the extracted information, due to noise and ambiguity in the underlying data or errors made by the extraction system and the complexity of reasoning about the dependencies between these noisy extractions. My dissertation addresses these challenges by exploiting the interdependencies between facts to improve the quality of the knowledge graph in a scalable framework. I introduce a new approach called knowledge graph identification (KGI), which resolves the entities, attributes and relationships in the knowledge graph by incorporating uncertain extractions from multiple sources, entity co-references, and ontological constraints. I define a probability distribution over possible knowledge graphs and infer the most probable knowledge graph using a combination of probabilistic and logical reasoning. Such probabilistic models are frequently dismissed due to scalability concerns, but my implementation of KGI maintains tractable performance on large problems through the use of hinge-loss Markov random fields, which have a convex inference objective. This allows the inference of large knowledge graphs using 4M facts and 20M ground constraints in 2 hours. To further scale the solution, I develop a distributed approach to the KGI problem which runs in parallel across multiple machines, reducing inference time by 90%. Finally, I extend my model to the streaming setting, where a knowledge graph is continuously updated by incorporating newly extracted facts. I devise a general approach for approximately updating inference in convex probabilistic models, and quantify the approximation error by defining and bounding inference regret for online models. Together, my work retains the attractive features of probabilistic models while providing the scalability necessary for large-scale knowledge graph construction. These models have been applied on a number of real-world knowledge graph projects, including the NELL project at Carnegie Mellon and the Google Knowledge Graph.
Imagine being told that your wage was going to be cut in half. Well, that’s what’s soon going to happen to those who make money from Bitcoin mining, the process of earning the online currency Bitcoin. The current expected date for this change is 11 July 2016. Many see this as the day when Bitcoin prices will rocket and when Bitcoin owners could make a great deal of money. Others see it as the start of a Bitcoin crash. At present no one quite knows which way it will go. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by someone known as Satoshi Nakamoto, borrowing from a whole lot of research methods. It is a cryptocurrency, meaning it uses digital encryption techniques to create bitcoins and secure financial transactions. It doesn’t need a central government or organisation to regulate it, nor a broker to manage payments. Conventional currencies usually have a central bank that creates money and controls its supply. Bitcoin is instead created when individuals “mine” for it by using their computers to perform complex calculations through special software. The algorithm behind Bitcoin is designed to limit the number of bitcoins that can ever be created. All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public database known as a blockchain. Every time someone mines for Bitcoin, it is recorded with a new block that is transmitted to every Bitcoin app across the network, like a bank updating its online records.
OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira
A decision-maker, when faced with a limited and fixed budget to collect data in support of a multiple attribute selection decision, must decide how many samples to observe from each alternative and attribute. This allocation decision is of particular importance when the information gained leads to uncertain estimates of the attribute values as with sample data collected from observations such as measurements, experimental evaluations, or simulation runs. For example, when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security must decide upon a radiation detection system to acquire, a number of performance attributes are of interest and must be measured in order to characterize each of the considered systems. We identified and evaluated several approaches to incorporate the uncertainty in the attribute value estimates into a normative model for a multiple attribute selection decision. Assuming an additive multiple attribute value model, we demonstrated the idea of propagating the attribute value uncertainty and describing the decision values for each alternative as probability distributions. These distributions were used to select an alternative. With the goal of maximizing the probability of correct selection we developed and evaluated, under several different sets of assumptions, procedures to allocate the fixed experimental budget across the multiple attributes and alternatives. Through a series of simulation studies, we compared the performance of these allocation procedures to the simple, but common, allocation procedure that distributed the sample budget equally across the alternatives and attributes. We found the allocation procedures that were developed based on the inclusion of decision-maker knowledge, such as knowledge of the decision model, outperformed those that neglected such information. Beginning with general knowledge of the attribute values provided by Bayesian prior distributions, and updating this knowledge with each observed sample, the sequential allocation procedure performed particularly well. These observations demonstrate that managing projects focused on a selection decision so that the decision modeling and the experimental planning are done jointly, rather than in isolation, can improve the overall selection results.
Objetivou-se compreender a humanização do atendimento à criança na Atenção Básica na visão dos profissionais. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Natal-RN, Brasil. Dezesseis profissionais responderam a um formulário contendo questões referentes ao atendimento à criança, à humanização e às práticas realizadas para humanizar o atendimento. Os dados foram categorizados por temas e analisados a partir dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização. Para os profissionais, humanizar o atendimento envolve acolher, escutar, aconselhar sobre o que está sendo realizado com a criança, valorizar a família, e tornar o sujeito ativo no atendimento, mesmo que de forma incipiente. A maioria dos profissionais descreveu atendimento que valorizava parte dos princípios da política de humanização, mesmo com dificuldades para implementá-los na rotina. Requer, portanto, estímulos e atualização dos profissionais para uma postura autocrítica sobre o atendimento
Since 2005, harmonized catch assessment surveys (CASs) have been implemented on Lake Victoria in the three riparian countries Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania to monitor the commercial fish stocks and provide their management advice. The regionally harmonized standard operating procedures for CASs have not been wholly followed due to logistical difficulties. Yet the new approaches adopted have not been documented. This study investigated the alternative approaches used to estimate fish catches on the lake with the aim of determining the most reliable one for providing management advice and also the effect of current sampling routine on the precision of catch estimates provided. The study found the currently used lake-wide approach less reliable and more biased in providing catch estimates compared to the district based approach. Noticeable differences were detected in catch estimates between different months of the year. The study recommends future analyses of CAS data collected on the lake to follow the district based approach. Future CASs should also consider seasonal variations in the sampling design by providing for replication of sampling. The SOPs need updating to document the procedures that deviate from the original sampling design.
County cadastral wall map showing towns (townships), numbered town survey divisions, irregular rural property tracts, rural buildings, and rural householders' names.