943 resultados para Butler, Judith, 1956-. Frames of war
Posttraumatic stress and PTSD are becoming familiar terms to refer to what we often call the invisible wounds of war, yet these are recent additions to a popular discourse in which images of and ideas about combat-affected veterans have long circulated. A legacy of ideas about combat veterans and war trauma thus intersects with more recent clinical information about PTSD to become part of a discourse of visual media that has defined and continues to redefine veteran for popular audiences. In this dissertation I examine realist combat veteran representations in selected films and other visual media from three periods: during and after World Wars I and II (James Allen from I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, Fred Derry and Al Stephenson from The Best Years of Our Lives); after the Vietnam War (Michael from The Deer Hunter, Eriksson from Casualties of War), and post 9/11 (Will James from The Hurt Locker, a collection of veterans from Wartorn: 1861-2010.) Employing a theoretical framework informed by visual media studies, Barthes’ concept of myth, and Foucault’s concept ofdiscursive unity, I analyze how these veteran representations are endowed with PTSD symptom-like behaviors and responses that seem reasonable and natural within the narrative arc. I contend that veteran myths appear through each veteran representation as the narrative develops and resolves. I argue that these veteran myths are many and varied but that they crystallize in a dominant veteran discourse, a discursive unity that I term veteranness. I further argue that veteranness entangles discrete categories such as veteran, combat veteran, and PTSD with veteran myths, often tying dominant discourse about combat-related PTSD to outdated or outmoded notions that significantly affect our attitudes about and treatment of veterans. A basic premise of my research is that unless and until we learn about the lasting effects of the trauma inherent to combat, we hinder our ability to fulfill our responsibilities to war veterans. A society that limits its understanding of posttraumatic stress, PTSD and post-war experiences of actual veterans affected by war trauma to veteranness or veteran myths risks normalizing or naturalizing an unexamined set of sociocultural expectations of all veterans, rendering them voice-less, invisible, and, ultimately disposable.
The era between the close of the nineteenth century and the onset of the First World War witnessed a marked increase in radical agitation among Indian and Irish nationalists. The most outspoken political leaders of the day founded a series of widely circulated newspapers in India and Ireland, placing these editors in the enviable position of both reporting and creating the news. Nationalist journalists were in the vanguard of those pressing vocally for an independent India and Ireland, and together constituted an increasingly problematic contingent for the British Empire. The advanced-nationalist press in Ireland and the nationalist press in India took the lead in facilitating the exchange of provocative ideas—raising awareness of perceived imperial injustices, offering strategic advice, and cementing international solidarity. Irish and Indian press coverage of Britain’s imperial wars constituted one of the premier weapons in the nationalists’ arsenal, permitting them to build support for their ideology and forward their agenda in a manner both rapid and definitive. Directing their readers’ attention to conflicts overseas proved instructive in how the Empire dealt with those who resisted its policies, and also showcased how it conducted its affairs with its allies. As such, critical press coverage of the Boxer Rebellion, Boer War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I bred disaffection for the Empire, while attempts by the Empire to suppress the critiques further alienated the public. This dissertation offers the first comparative analysis of the major nationalist press organs in India and Ireland, using the prism of war to illustrate the increasingly persuasive role of the press in promoting resistance to the Empire. It focuses on how the leading Indian and Irish editors not only fostered a nationalist agenda within their own countries, but also worked in concert to construct a global anti-imperialist platform. By highlighting the anti-imperial rhetoric of the nationalist press in India and Ireland and illuminating their strategies for attaining self-government, this study deepens understanding of the seeds of nationalism, making a contribution to comparative imperial scholarship, and demonstrating the power of the media to alter imperial dynamics and effect political change.
This booklet contains information on citizenship and voting in elections in Iowa. It provides a simple means of answering questions asked of election officials. Written by George B. Mather, with illustrations by Dale Ballantyne,
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The Exchange of Prisoners in the West Indies in Queen Anne’s War by Ruth Bourne – Winthrop College College Textbook Treatments of American History by Jess C. Burt, Jr. – Presbyterian College The Report of the French Minster of War to the National Legislative Assembly, January 11, 1792 by Charles N. Sisson – Coker College
"Este trabajo plantea la pregunta por las causas de las resistencias femeninas a la recepción de los discursos de igualdad de género. En su hipótesis central afirma que tales resistencias obedecen a límites propios del discurso y que, en consecuencia, éste no puede ser considerado como universalmente aceptable. Los límites que se identifican en el texto se centran en las condiciones sociales y económicas de posibilidad, en las barreras que genera el discurso victimizante, en la pervivencia del privilegio de seguridad y en las consecuencias que sobre las estructuras sociales resultan del proceso de asimilación de los nuevos roles de género."
El presente trabajo comprende la construcción de las trayectorias de vida de cinco mujeres transexuales en ejercicio de prostitución en Bogotá a partir de la identificación de los desplazamientos en el terreno corporal, de auto-reconocimiento y de genitalidad en sus procesos de transformación y/o tránsito dentro del espacio generizado. La identificación de lo que he denominado “agentes de transformación específicos” y “condiciones de posibilidad existentes” guía el proceso de la caracterización y análisis de sus experiencias dentro de la(s) transexualidad(es). A diferencia de una línea cronológica o de avance en el tránsito, la noción de espacio generizado me permite reconocer la importancia de las diferencias, la complejidad y la variedad de velocidades y direcciones que pueden presentarse en las experiencias con el cuerpo.
El propósito de esta monografía es comprender cuál ha sido el rol de la Unión Africana (UA), dentro de la misión de paz AMISOM en el periodo de 2007- 2013. Por ello, el trabajo abarca aspectos geopolíticos e históricos, que han influido en la configuración del conflicto armado de Somalía y que han llevado progresivamente a la creación, evolución e implementación de mecanismos como las misiones de paz. Además, se abarcan los planteamientos del neo-funcionalismo y el neo-regionalismo para comprender las estructuras y las dinámicas propias de la UA y así, comprender la naturaleza tanto de sus acciones, como de sus propósitos; propósitos que aclaman el fomento del panafricanismo. Desde aquí se puede entender como su rol ha contribuido con el crecimiento del mercado de la industria militar en la región, a costa de la responsabilidad de proteger. Por último, se concluye que dichas dinámicas han llevado a la creación de comunidades de inseguridad.
La presente monografía tiene como objeto de estudio los procesos de conversión al Islam y los cambios subsecuentes que se producen en las subjetividades femeninas de tres mujeres musulmanas en Bogotá. Para ello, se hace uso de diversas teorías sociológicas con las cuales se analiza el proceso de conversión religiosa como un acto social y las implicaciones de esta en las nuevas subjetividades femeninas islámicas. La metodología utilizada son las historias de vida, herramienta que permitió comparar experiencias de socialización a la luz de los procesos de conversión religiosa. Como resultado de esta investigación se encontró que existen diferentes tipos de conversiones, las cuales pueden ser catalogadas como fallidas o exitosas, en donde la subjetividad presentará mayores o menores cambios como consecuencia de estas.
El presente trabajo son analizan las representaciones nacionalistas elaboradas por la sociedad bogotana en el marco de la celebración del Centenario de Simón Bolívar en 1883. La celebración es tomada como una puesta en escena, en la medida en que es un evento en donde los ámbitos de producción y recepción se entrelazan en un solo momento. En este sentido, se parte desde las concepciones nacionalistas impulsadas por los políticos de la Regeneración, la cual consintió en la modernización de Colombia a través de la tradición, para luego evidenciar cómo estas ideas y conflictos en torno a diversos ideales de nación se entablaron en el ámbito del Centenario. En el Centenario se pregona un cese a las hostilidades internas, una unidad nacional y una identificación del país bajo la figura de Simón Bolívar como padre y caudillo de la patria en la búsqueda hacia ‘la civilización’ y el ‘progreso’ de la nación. Así, el presente trabajo aporta a los estudios históricos en clave cultural de las celebraciones centenarias en Colombia y su incidencia en la construcción de la nación durante el siglo XIX.
A finite-strain solid–shell element is proposed. It is based on least-squares in-plane assumed strains, assumed natural transverse shear and normal strains. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to define local (integration-point) orthogonal frames-of-reference solely from the Jacobian matrix. The complete finite-strain formulation is derived and tested. Assumed strains obtained from least-squares fitting are an alternative to the enhanced-assumed-strain (EAS) formulations and, in contrast with these, the result is an element satisfying the Patch test. There are no additional degrees-of-freedom, as it is the case with the enhanced-assumed-strain case, even by means of static condensation. Least-squares fitting produces invariant finite strain elements which are shear-locking free and amenable to be incorporated in large-scale codes. With that goal, we use automatically generated code produced by AceGen and Mathematica. All benchmarks show excellent results, similar to the best available shell and hybrid solid elements with significantly lower computational cost.
A finite-strain solid–shell element is proposed. It is based on least-squares in-plane assumed strains, assumed natural transverse shear and normal strains. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to define local (integration-point) orthogonal frames-of- reference solely from the Jacobian matrix. The complete finite-strain formulation is derived and tested. Assumed strains obtained from least-squares fitting are an alternative to the enhanced-assumed-strain (EAS) formulations and, in contrast with these, the result is an element satisfying the Patch test. There are no additional degrees-of-freedom, as it is the case with the enhanced- assumed-strain case, even by means of static condensation. Least-squares fitting produces invariant finite strain elements which are shear-locking free and amenable to be incorporated in large-scale codes. With that goal, we use automatically generated code produced by AceGen and Mathematica. All benchmarks show excellent results, similar to the best available shell and hybrid solid elements with significantly lower computational cost.
Collecting and analysing data is an important element in any field of human activity and research. Even in sports, collecting and analyzing statistical data is attracting a growing interest. Some exemplar use cases are: improvement of technical/tactical aspects for team coaches, definition of game strategies based on the opposite team play or evaluation of the performance of players. Other advantages are related to taking more precise and impartial judgment in referee decisions: a wrong decision can change the outcomes of important matches. Finally, it can be useful to provide better representations and graphic effects that make the game more engaging for the audience during the match. Nowadays it is possible to delegate this type of task to automatic software systems that can use cameras or even hardware sensors to collect images or data and process them. One of the most efficient methods to collect data is to process the video images of the sporting event through mixed techniques concerning machine learning applied to computer vision. As in other domains in which computer vision can be applied, the main tasks in sports are related to object detection, player tracking, and to the pose estimation of athletes. The goal of the present thesis is to apply different models of CNNs to analyze volleyball matches. Starting from video frames of a volleyball match, we reproduce a bird's eye view of the playing court where all the players are projected, reporting also for each player the type of action she/he is performing.
In the early twentieth century, musicology was established as an academic discipline in the United States. Nonetheless, with the exception of Iberian medieval and Renaissance repertories, U.S. scholars largely overlooked the music of the Spanish- and Portuguese- speaking world. Why should this have been the case, especially in light of Spain’s strong historical presence in the United States? This autobiographical essay examines this question by tracing the career of an individual musicologist, the Hispanist musicologist Carol A. Hess. Evaluated here are disciplinary shifts in U.S. musicology —methodological, philosophical, and ideological— over the past thirty years. These transformations have combined to make this repertory a viable field of study today. Musicologists in the United States can now make their careers by specializing in Iberian and Latin American music, as well as the music of the Hispanic diaspora. They research topics ranging from the avant-garde composer Llorenç Barber to the rapper Nach Scratch or the popular bandleader Xavier Cugat and his U.S. audiences of the 1940s, while others also pursue the time-tested areas of medieval and Renaissance music. Iberian and Latin American music is regularly offered in postsecondary institutions while instructors now have a variety of textbooks and other pedagogical resources from which to choose. All add up to a disciplinary freedom that would have been unthinkable only a few decades ago.
The idea of the tragic is unthinkable. It is precisely within the moment in which an ordinary human being, a heroine or a hero – incapable of scrutinizing fully their own position within the whole – is invited to respond, to accept or refuse it all, that the tragic unfolds, changing their life irremediably. What are the causes and the consequences of "god’s arrival", as in case of Dionysus who visits Pentheus’ home in Euripides’ "The Bacchae"? Through episodes in the stories of characters from Ancient Greek dramas – such as Oedipus, Antigone, Ajax, Io, through Dostoevsky’s or Kafka’s imagery, in Prince Myshkin’s, the Ridiculous Man’s or Gregor Samsa’s experiences, this doctoral research proposes to examine the aspects which compete in the creation of a tragic hero. Theatrical performances – such as Jan Fabre’s "Mount Olympus: To Glorify the Cult of Tragedy, a 24-Hour Performance", immersed in a cycle of life, death and re-birth; Oliver Frljić’s "Trilogija o hrvatskom fašizmu", in its careful analysis of the wounds of a heritage of war; and Cristian Ceresoli’s and Silvia Gallerano’s tragic testimony of an estranged, almost soulless body in "La Merda" – open up the dialogue on our contemporary idea of the tragic. This doctoral work chooses excess as its privileged channel through which to approach the concept of the tragic – by its nature elusive, hostile to any definition, strictly personal and, thus, visible only through one’s own lens. In an excess of pain, devotion, desire, rage, arrogance or beauty, opposites collide, time concentrates into a moment and the hero is invited to choose, to live or die, to transform.
O estudo desenvolvido no presente documento teve como alvo um edifício antigo construído entre 1930 e 1940 no concelho de Coruche, com construção característica da sua época. Numa fase inicial analisou-se de que forma se comporta o edifício em termos térmicos e energéticos, com base nas metodologias de cálculo apresentadas pelo regulamento térmico em vigor (RCCTE, 2006), e de seguida foram analisadas várias soluções existentes para a reabilitação térmica e energética do edifício que poderá ser concretizada, essencialmente devido às soluções para isolamento térmico das paredes, pavimentos e cobertura, assim como devido às soluções para vidros e caixilharia dos vãos envidraçados. Numa fase posterior, foi estudada a aplicação isolada das várias soluções de reabilitação consideradas, tendo sido simulada a aplicação de várias espessuras de isolante para as soluções da envolvente opaca e vários tipos de vidro duplo e caixilharia para as soluções da envolvente envidraçada, de forma a perceber-se a implicação que cada uma tem quanto à variação das necessidades energéticas do edifício. Por fim, foram calculados os custos de aplicação das várias soluções estudadas, com auxílio de um software de orçamentação, de forma que estas possam ser comparadas em termos da relação custo/benefício, em que, o benefício de cada solução será a variação provocada nas necessidades energéticas do edifício com aplicação da mesma. Assim, procurará encontrar-se para o edifício em estudo não só as soluções mais vantajosas em termos energéticos mas também as mais rentáveis, e procurará perceber-se se um investimento numa intervenção de reabilitação deste género conduzirá a um período de retorno do investimento reduzido, que possa ser considerado aceitável.