922 resultados para Afranio, Lucio
In this thesis used four different methods in order to diagnose the precipitation extremes on Northeastern Brazil (NEB): Generalized Linear Model s via logistic regression and Poisson, extreme value theory analysis via generalized extre me value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GPD) distributions and Vectorial Generalized Linea r Models via GEV (MVLG GEV). The logistic regression and Poisson models were used to identify the interactions between the precipitation extremes and other variables based on the odds ratios and relative risks. It was found that the outgoing longwave radiation was the indicator variable for the occurrence of extreme precipitation on eastern, northern and semi arid NEB, and the relative humidity was verified on southern NEB. The GEV and GPD distribut ions (based on the 95th percentile) showed that the location and scale parameters were presented the maximum on the eastern and northern coast NEB, the GEV verified a maximum core on western of Pernambuco influenced by weather systems and topography. The GEV and GPD shape parameter, for most regions the data fitted by Weibull negative an d Beta distributions (ξ < 0) , respectively. The levels and return periods of GEV (GPD) on north ern Maranhão (centerrn of Bahia) may occur at least an extreme precipitation event excee ding over of 160.9 mm /day (192.3 mm / day) on next 30 years. The MVLG GEV model found tha t the zonal and meridional wind components, evaporation and Atlantic and Pacific se a surface temperature boost the precipitation extremes. The GEV parameters show the following results: a) location ( ), the highest value was 88.26 ± 6.42 mm on northern Maran hão; b) scale ( σ ), most regions showed positive values, except on southern of Maranhão; an d c) shape ( ξ ), most of the selected regions were adjusted by the Weibull negative distr ibution ( ξ < 0 ). The southern Maranhão and southern Bahia have greater accuracy. The level period, it was estimated that the centern of Bahia may occur at least an extreme precipitatio n event equal to or exceeding over 571.2 mm/day on next 30 years.
This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.
This study is an analysis, on a trial basis, the fuel consumption of a Flex vehicle, operating with different mixtures of gasoline and ethanol in urban traffic, allowing more consistent results with the reality of the driver. Considering that most owners unaware of the possibility of mixing the fuel at the time of supply, thus enabling the choice of the most economically viable mixing gasoline / ethanol, resulting in lower costs and possibly a decrease in pollutant emission rates. Currently, there is a myth created by the people that supply ethanol only becomes viable if the value of not more than 70% of regular gasoline. However vehicles with this technology make it possible to operate with any percentage of mixture in the fuel tank, but today many of the owners of these vehicles do not use this feature effectively, because they ignore the possibility of mixing or the reason there is a deeper study regarding the optimal percentage of the mixture to provide a higher yield with a lower cost than proposed by the manufacturers.
This study is an analysis, on a trial basis, the fuel consumption of a Flex vehicle, operating with different mixtures of gasoline and ethanol in urban traffic, allowing more consistent results with the reality of the driver. Considering that most owners unaware of the possibility of mixing the fuel at the time of supply, thus enabling the choice of the most economically viable mixing gasoline / ethanol, resulting in lower costs and possibly a decrease in pollutant emission rates. Currently, there is a myth created by the people that supply ethanol only becomes viable if the value of not more than 70% of regular gasoline. However vehicles with this technology make it possible to operate with any percentage of mixture in the fuel tank, but today many of the owners of these vehicles do not use this feature effectively, because they ignore the possibility of mixing or the reason there is a deeper study regarding the optimal percentage of the mixture to provide a higher yield with a lower cost than proposed by the manufacturers.
The increase in the efficiency of photo-voltaic systems has been the object of various studies the past few years. One possible way to increase the power extracted by a photovoltaic panel is the solar tracking, performing its movement in order to follow the sun’s path. One way to activate the tracking system is using an electric induction motor, which should have sufficient torque and low speed, ensuring tracking accuracy. With the use of voltage source inverters and logic devices that generate the appropriate switching is possible to obtain the torque and speed required for the system to operate. This paper proposes the implementation of a angular position sensor and a driver to be applied in solar tracker built at a Power Electronics and Renewable Energies Laboratory, located in UFRN. The speed variation of the motor is performed via a voltage source inverter whose PWM command to actuate their keys will be implemented in an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and a TM4C microcontroller. A platform test with an AC induction machine of 1.5 CV was assembled for the comparative testing. The angular position sensor of the panel is implemented in a ATMega328 microcontroller coupled to an accelerometer, commanded by an Arduino prototyping board. The solar position is also calculated by the microcontroller from the geographic coordinates of the site where it was placed, and the local time and date obtained from an RTC (Real-Time Clock) device. A prototype of a solar tracker polar axis moved by a DC motor was assembled to certify the operation of the sensor and to check the tracking efficiency.
Dissertação (Mestrado)
Este proyecto es la continuación de otro anterior de innovación docente: PIMCD 238/2014 “Implantación de un sistema de telepatología digital para la enseñanza práctica de Anatomía Patológica General (asignatura de 2º curso del Grado en Veterinaria)”. Hemos elaborado una colección completa de preparaciones digitalizadas para todas las prácticas de histopatología de APG. Con la colección completa de preparaciones histopatológicas digitalizadas, se han realizado también guías específicas de auto-ayuda para una mejor comprensión y observación de las mismas por parte del alumno, favoreciendo el auto-aprendizaje individualizado y en grupo. Así mismo, hemos realizado un módulo de auto-aprendizaje teórico-práctico en inglés para que el alumno auto-evalúe sus conocimientos de partes de la asignatura y los conocimientos transversales de otras asignaturas del grado en veterinaria. Como complemento se ha producido un juego de “pasapalabra” con contenidos de Anatomía Patológica, con el fin de estimular el aprendizaje mediante el juego. Ambos sistemas se encuentran en el campus virtual UCM para su utilización por los alumnos de veterinaria. Al finalizar el curso se enlazarán en la página web del Dpto.
Pupil light reflex can be used as a non-invasive ocular predictor of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity. Spectral sensitivity of the pupil's response to light has, for some time, been an interesting issue. It has generally, however, only been investigated with the use of white light and studies with monochromatic wavelengths are scarce. This study investigates the effects of wavelength and age within three parameters of the pupil light reflex (amplitude of response, latency, and velocity of constriction) in a large sample of younger and older adults (N = 97), in mesopic conditions. Subjects were exposed to a single light stimulus at four different wavelengths: white (5600° K), blue (450 nm), green (510 nm), and red (600 nm). Data was analyzed appropriately, and, when applicable, using the General Linear Model (GLM), Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), Student's t-test and/or ANCOVA. Across all subjects, pupillary response to light had the greatest amplitude and shortest latency in white and green light conditions. In regards to age, older subjects (46-78 years) showed an increased latency in white light and decreased velocity of constriction in green light compared to younger subjects (18-45 years old). This study provides data patterns on parameters of wavelength-dependent pupil reflexes to light in adults and it contributes to the large body of pupillometric research. It is hoped that this study will add to the overall evaluation of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental mostrar cómo el Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) fue, desde finales de los años cuarenta hasta mediados de los años sesenta, el creador de una escuela de maestros de la luz y cómo la enseñanza de estos nuevos métodos de iluminación traspasó las fronteras de las aulas y marcó el inicio del Nuevo Cine Español. Para ello se han revisado las principales fuentes bibliográficas de los que consideramos fueron los primeros maestros de fotografía que dio el IIEC: Juan Julio Baena, Luis Enrique Torán y Luis Cuadrado, y se ha realizado un análisis fílmico de la primera obra audiovisual de cada uno en la que se instaura un ambiente de renovación, un cambio estético y el uso de unas técnicas fotográficas más realistas. Así mismo, hemos observado cómo la nueva docencia de la fotografía fue trasladada a otras personas que también llegaron a ser maestros y no estudiaron en el IIEC. Por tanto, se trata de una escuela generadora de maestros tanto dentro como fuera de sus aulas.
En este artículo se recoge la historia de la enseñanza oficial de cine en España: los dos centros en los que se llevó a cabo, sus sedes, sus directores y las prácticas de fin de carrera. Todo ello visto desde la división en tres etapas del tiempo de existencia de la enseñanza anterior a su incorporación a la universidad: la etapa fundacional, la edad de oro y la crisis que lleva al cierre. A lo largo de estas tres etapas hubo un cambio de actitud en el alumnado, desde el entusiasmo y la ilusión inicial al desencanto y rechazo absoluto hacia la Escuela en los últimos años.
El presente texto analiza la función del Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) como punto de encuentro de la cultura cinematográfica nacional entre 1947 y 1955 —los años de Victoriano López— y dirige el foco analítico a los discursos, debates e intereses que marcaron la labor del instituto en estos primeros años. Para ello, este artículo fija su atención en uno de los pocos documentos originales conservados de esa época, un boletín publicado por los alumnos en 1951, material que será aquí completado con entrevistas y los escasos documentos referentes al instituto conservados en el Archivo General de la Administración. La piedra de toque del análisis la constituyen por un lado las actividades del cineclub, organizado por los alumnos de la clase de Historia del Cine en 1951, y, en el plano discursivo, los debates en torno a la Filmología, doctrina con la que desde 1947 se intenta dotar a las actividades del Instituto de una base teórica con desiguales resultados. Se consigue así un acercamiento a las prácticas y discursos esenciales para comprender la importancia del instituto como punto central dentro de una naciente cultura cinematográfica nacional.
Aunque Víctor Erice es uno de los directores españoles más estudiados del cine español, sus trabajos en el Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas, que más tarde pasará a llamarse Escuela Oficial de Cinematografía, no se han analizado en profundidad. Salvo su práctica de tercer curso, Los días perdidos, el resto de los cortometrajes y los guiones escritos se han considerado obras menores, piezas sin importancia relevante o directamente títulos extraviados. Sin embargo, estos trabajos se encuentran en buen estado en el archivo de la Escuela Oficial de Cine custodiado por la Filmoteca Española. De Víctor Erice se conservan cuatro cortometrajes y cinco guiones cinematográficos para piezas breves. En este artículo, resumen de una investigación realizada sobre dicho material inédito, se quiere mostrar cómo estas obras presentan un valor en sí mismas y deben ser analizadas como parte importante de la filmografía de este autor. En todos estos trabajos, sin dejar de ser ejercicios de escuela, se muestra la mirada de un cineasta pleno. Así, existen elementos que serán clave en el posterior universo temático y estético de Víctor Erice. Además, el creador aborda como problemática central de sus prácticas el tema de la comunicación humana, o más propiamente el de la incomunicación. En los guiones y los cortometrajes catalogados de la etapa en la EOC se observa cómo Erice, influenciado en parte por Michelangelo Antonioni, investiga estéticamente el modo de narrar y mostrar los procesos que conducen a la incomunicación y al aislamiento de sus protagonistas.
The Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha develops from the approval of the Spanish Constitution a whole executive and legislative branch to implement its policies on environmental protection. The new legislation (Law 9/1999, of 26 May) has pursued the conservation and the integral protection of the natural elements of the territory demanding to new criteria as such the environmental quality of ecosystems or the exceptional landscape. The spread and the declaration of new natural spaces have caused a double geographical and territorial model. First, natural spaces located in rural mountainous areas with depopulation and aging problems. And second, natural spaces situated in areas densely populated
This paper deals with the relationship between different sets of archaeological legislation, material culture and communities. First it presents a historical sketch of the heritage legislation in the West and its contemporary uses. Secondly, it shows how alternative archaeological agencies, such as community archaeology, deal with these problems. The discussion is especially relevant in Brazil, where contract archaeology is presently overwhelming, and the issue is raised in the last part of the paper.
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.