992 resultados para 360° partnership strategy
This artcle describes work done with enterprise architecture of the National Digital Library. The National Digital Library is an initiative of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Its purpose is to promote the availability of the digital information resources of archives, libraries and museums, and to develope the long-term preservation of digital cultural heritage materials. Enterprise architectures are a tool for strategic management and planning. An enterprise architecture also functions as an aid at a more practical level. It shows, for example, what kind of changes and improvements may be made in one system without overlap or conflict with other systems.
Tämä kandidaatintutkielma paneutuu teknisen suunnittelun ulkoistamiseen partnership-suhtein. Kyseessä on aihe, joka on monille teollisuusyrityksille hyvin ajankohtainen ja tärkeä, sillä teknisen suunnittelun asema yrityksen arvoketjussa on usein merkittävä. Lisäksi talouden globalisoituessa ja teknologisen kehityksen edetessä nopeasti on teknisen suunnittelun tehtävistä suoriutuminen riittävällä tehokkuudella vaikeutunut. Ulkoistaminen onkin levinnyt myös tämän aiemmin hyvin salatun toiminnon alueelle. Partnership-suhde, joka läheisen kanssakäymisen turvin voi lisätä ulkoistamisesta saatavia hyötyjä, on nähty monessa yrityksessä keinoksi selviytyä nykytalouden haasteista teknisen suunnittelunsa saralla. Tutkielma etsii vastauksia siihen millaisia motiiveja, hyötyjä ja riskejä teknisen suunnittelun ulkoistamiseen liittyy tämän tietyn ulkoistamisrakenteen vaihtoehdon yhteyteen. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen nojautuva analyysi esittää, että partnership-suhteisiin hakeutumiselle motiivina voi olla tämän suhdemuodon kanssakäymisen syvyyttä ja tehokkuutta lisäävä vaikutus. Tästä koituvan läheisen yhteistoiminnan seurauksena ulkoistava yritys ei pelkästään kykene suoriutumaan suunnittelutehtävistään eri tilanteissa, vaan myös parantamaan suunnittelutyön laatua. Toisaalta tilanteeseen liittyy lukuisia riskejä, joiden suunnittelutyötä hankaloittavat vaikutukset vain korostuvat partnership-suhteeseen tehdyn sitoutumisen vuoksi. Tutkielma luo siis yleiskäsityksen siitä, että partnership-suhde voi todella olla tehokas keino ulkoistamiseen teknisen suunnittelun kaltaisen tietointensiivisen toiminnon kohdalla, mutta helppo ja ongelmaton vaihtoehto se ei suinkaan ole.
Brazil was the first country in Latin America to establish and regulate this type of reserve, and there are currently more than 700 Private Nature Heritage Reserves (RPPN in Portuguese) officially recognized by either federal or state environmental agencies. Together, these RPPN protect more than a half million hectares of land in the country. The coastal forests in the southern part of Bahia State extend 100 to 200 km inland, gradually changing in physiognomy as they occupy the dryer inland areas. The coastal forest has been subjected to intense deforestation, and currently occupies less than 10% of its original area. For this work the creation processes of the RPPN were consulted to obtain the data creation time, size of property, the condition of the remaining forest, succession chain and the last paid tax. After that, interviews with the owners were made to confirm this data. Sixteen RPPN have been established in this region until 2005. Their sizes vary from 4.7 to 800 ha. Ten of these RPPN are located within state or federal conservation areas or their buffer zones. In spite of the numerous national and international conservation strategies and environmental policies focused on the region, the present situation of the cocoa zone is threatening the conservation of the region's natural resources. The establishment of private reserves in the cocoa region could conceivably improve these conservation efforts. This type of reserve can be established under a uniform system supported by federal legislation, and could count on private organizations.
Marine litter is an international environmental problem that causes considerable costs to coastal communities and the fishing industry. Several international and national treaties and regulations have provisions to marine litter and forbid disposal of waste into the sea. However, none of these regulations state a responsibility for public authorities to recover marine litter from the sea, like they do for marine litter that washes up on public beaches. In a financial evaluation of a value chain for marine litter incineration it was found out that the total costs of waste incineration are approximately 100 ─ 200 % higher than waste fees offered by waste contractors of ports. The high costs of incineration are derived from the high calorific value of marine litter and therefore a high incineration cost for the waste, and long distances between ports that are taking part in a project for marine litter recovery from the sea and an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility. This study provides a possible solution to diverting marine litter from landfills to more environmentally sustainable EfW use by using a public-private partnership (PPP) framework. PPP would seem to fit as a suitable cooperative approach for answering problems of current marine litter disposal in theory. In the end it is up to the potential partners of this proposed PPP to decide whether the benefits of cooperation justify the required efforts.
Strategic partnerships have become a key to competitive advantage and success in a dynamic, global business environment. Partnering provides a strategic response to complex offerings that need multiple sources of technology and knowledge, allowing companies to offer a wider range of services and solutions to meet their customers’ needs. Companies that collaborate with strategic partners in sales channels may significantly grow their business and improve their prospects of winning major contracts. As a consequence, companies are increasingly transforming their go-to-market strategies and sales channel structures to align with the need to create added value to customers together with a business partner. The research objective of this case study is to review and assess the success of an established sales channel partnership in IT services industry and to find ways how to develop it towards a strategic collaboration. The research consists of two main parts. The first part reviews the literature, concluding with the identification of the critical success factors for partnering. The second part sets out for the case findings, focusing on how the success of the established sales channel partnership is perceived by key executives within the partner organizations, and further what actions are required to make the sales channel partnership and joint go-to-market more strategic.
ELY Centres strategy brocshure.
Strategic alliances as an international entry strategy: Finnish cleantech SMEs and the Indian market
The demand for environmental technologies, also called cleantech, is growing globally but the need is especially high in emerging markets such as India where the rising economy and rapid industrialisation have led to increasing energy needs and environmental degradation. The market is of great potential also for the Finnish cleantech cluster that represents advanced expertise in several fields of environmental technologies. However, most of the Finnish companies in the field are SMEs that face challenges in their internationalisation due to their limited resources. The objective of this study was to estimate, whether strategic alliances could be an efficient entry strategy for Finnish cleantech SMEs entering the Indian market. This was done by studying what are the key factors influencing the international entry mode decision of Finnish cleantech SMEs, what are the major factors affecting the entry of Finnish cleantech SMEs to the Indian market and how do Finnish cleantech SMEs use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process. The study was realised as a qualitative multi-case study through theme interviews of Finnish cleantech SME representatives. The results indicated that Finnish cleantech SMEs prefer to enter international markets through non-equity and collaborative modes of entry. These entry modes are chosen because of the small size and limited resources of companies, but also because they want to protect their innovative technologies from property rights violations. India is an attracting market for Finnish cleantech SMEs mainly because of its size and growth, but insufficient environmental regulation and high import tariffs have hindered entry to the market. Finnish cleantech SMEs commonly use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process but the use is rather one-sided. Most of the formed strategic alliances are low-commitment, international contractual agreement in sales and distribution. Alliance partner selection receives less attention. In the future, providing Finnish cleantech SMEs with international experience and training could help in diversifying the use of strategic alliances and increase their benefits to SME internationalisation.
A strategy process was completed in the ESF project “Promotion of Work-related Immigration”, which was implemented at Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia, and an immigration strategy was drawn up for Northern Ostrobothnia on the basis of the process. Information was collected about the situation in Northern Ostrobothnia from the point of view of immigration and the future availability of labour. The intention was to use the information as background material for the strategy. Employers’ need for support in recruiting foreign labour was investigated with a broad inquiry, to which 1000 respondents replied. The strategy process was carried out together with an outside consultant (Net Effect Oy) by arranging three workshops and a seminar where the workshop results were summarised. A large number of companies, authorities, municipalities, associations, project actors and immigrants engaged in immigration issues participated in the workshops. The draft strategy is based on their experiences about immigration and on statistical data, background inquiries and surveys. To ensure the accuracy of the draft strategy, comments were requested from several parties and received from 64 organisations. The core of the immigration strategy consists of an initial analysis, values, a vision and priorities. The strategy is composed of three priorities. The key aim of the priority Internationalisation and Supporting Diversity is to support diversity in schools, workplaces and people’s everyday lives e.g. through attitude development and by promoting internationalisation in companies and education institutions. The aim of the priority Supporting Entrepreneurship and Recruiting Foreign Labour is to promote entrepreneurship among immigrants and the recruitment of foreign labour and to develop the forecasting of educational needs. The priority Developing Integration Services, Regional Cooperation and Networks, in turn, seeks to develop the service structure and policies of immigrant integration and to increase cooperation and exchange of information between regional actors engaged in integration issues. The aim is to use the strategy as a guideline document for immigration issues in Northern Ostrobothnia. The strategy is used to coordinate the existing organisations and operations dealing with immigration issues. In addition, it contains a future-oriented focus and underlines the management of new immigration projects and operations. The main party responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Immigration Committee. In addition, responsible parties have been assigned to each measure. The implementation of the immigration strategy will be monitored annually on the basis of indicators.
Supporting patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), using a protective mechanical ventilation strategy characterized by low tidal volume and limitation of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is a standard practice in the intensive care unit. However, these strategies can promote lung de-recruitment, leading to the cyclic closing and reopening of collapsed alveoli and small airways. Recruitment maneuvers (RM) can be used to augment other methods, like positive end-expiratory pressure and positioning, to improve aerated lung volume. Clinical practice varies widely, and the optimal method and patient selection for recruitment maneuvers have not been determined, considerable uncertainty remaining regarding the appropriateness of RM. This review aims to discuss recent findings about the available types of RM, and compare the effectiveness, indications and adverse effects among them, as well as their impact on morbidity and mortality in ARDS patients. Recent developments include experimental and clinical evidence that a stepwise extended recruitment maneuver may cause an improvement in aerated lung volume and decrease the biological impact seen with the traditionally used sustained inflation, with less adverse effects. Prone positioning can reduce mortality in severe ARDS patients and may be an useful adjunct to recruitment maneuvers and advanced ventilatory strategies, such noisy ventilation and BIVENT, which have been useful in providing lung recruitment.
According to several surveys and observations, the percentage of successfully conducted IT projects without over-budgeting and delays in time schedule are extremely low. Many projects also are evaluated as failures in terms of delivered functionality. Nuldén (1996) compares IT projects with bad movies; after watching for 2 hours, one still tries to finish it even though one understands that it is a complete waste of time. The argument for that is 'I've already invested too much time to terminate it now'. The same happens with IT projects: sometimes the company continues wasting money on these projects for a long time, even though there are no expected benefits from these projects. Eventually these projects are terminated anyway, but until this moment, the company spends a lot. The situation described above is a consequence of “escalation of commitment” - project continuation even after a manager receives negative feedback of the project’s success probability. According to Keil and Mähring (2010), even though escalation can occur in any type of project, it is more common among complex technological projects, such as IT projects. Escalation of commitment very often results in runaway projects. In order to avoid it, managers use de-escalation strategies, which allow the resources to be used in more effective. These strategies lead to project termination or turning around, which stops the flow of wasted investments. Numbers of researches explore escalation of commitment phenomena based on experiments and business cases. Moreover, during the last decade several frameworks were proposed for de-escalation strategy. However, there is no evidence of successful implementation of the de-escalation of commitment strategy in the literature. In addition, despite that fact that IT project management methodologies are widely used in the companies, none of them cover the topic of escalation of commitment risks. At the same time, there are no researches proposing the way to implement de-escalation of commitment strategy into the existing project management methodology The research is focused on a single case of large ERP implementation project by the consulting company. Hence, the main deliverables of the study include suggestions of improvement in de-escalation methods and techniques in the project and in the company. Moreover, the way to implement these methods into existing project management methodology and into the company general policies is found.
This thesis investigated the contemporary phenomenon of detail engineering outsourcing. The case organization had pursued a new outsourcing approach with a trusted partner. The goal of this empirical study was to examine the impact of the consequential partnership outsourcing arrangement. Particularly, the beneficence of the arrangement was evaluated based on the underlying organizational routine and the long-term economic implications of its performance outcome. The case study was needed, as the unit will likely have to rely on such distance outsourcing arrangements more and more in the future, and understanding on the impact of such operations is needed. The main findings revealed that the new outsourcing arrangement is not currently a very attractive strategic option for organizing production. The benefits which stem from the emerged, unique engineering project routine are not significant enough to make the arrangement an advantageous one, especially since increasing partnering costs are being met. This conclusion was drawn via the extended transaction cost view. Benchmarking was done in reliance to an old arrangement from which the new pursuit was a departure from. The case study then enlightened the engineering unit on the impact of its strategic maneuver by combining the routines-theory framework with contemporary methods of governance structure evaluation. Through this, it was shown that greater efforts are needed to make the new outsourcing approach a more beneficial one. However, the studied arrangement was seen to inhold potential for better results. The findings can be used to capitalize on this.
Realizou-se a pesquisa com o intuito de avaliar os resultados clínicos da denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal por curetagem em cães com displasia coxofemoral. Foram estudados, para tanto, 97 cães, sem predileção racial ou sexual, de 1-7 anos de idade, com diagnóstico clínico e radiográfico de displasia coxofemoral. Para avaliação dos resultados da técnica cirúrgica, de curetagem das fibras nervosas do periósteo acetabular cranial e dorsal, exames clínicos foram realizados no momento pré-operatório (exame inicial), e pós-operatório, nos dias dois, sete, 14, 21, 30, 60, 180 e 360. Todos os animais foram avaliados quanto à claudicação, dor à movimentação e toque, grau de atrofia muscular, sensibilidade dolorosa ao teste de Ortolani, e qualidade de vida. A denervação reduziu a claudicação, e dor à movimentação e toque à partir de dois dias de pós-operatório, reduziu atrofia muscular aos 60 dias pós-operatórios, e melhorou a qualidade de vida dos pacientes tratados, sob a ótica dos proprietários e veterinários aos 360 dias de pós-operatório. A dener-vação acetabular dorsal é técnica factível no tratamento da dor conseqüente à displasia coxofemoral em cães, com decréscimo significativo desta após dois dias da intervenção cirúrgica, aumenta qualidade de vida e proporciona maior atividade aos pacientes com proprietários satisfeitos quanto aos resultados do procedimento. A técnica cirúrgica deve incluir a curetagem das fibras nervosas do periósteo acetabular tanto da região cranial quanto dorsal.
This study concentrates on how to develop a brand communication strategy for ecommerce SMEs in Chinese cosmetic market with new media channels. This study is a qualitative research. Data collection consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is from the case company’s websites, observation of benchmarked companies and observation of the case company. Secondary data will be collected from relevant websites and reliable databases. In order to explore the research questions, comparative benchmarking was conducted to develop brand communication strategy for case company April. The results of the study illustrate that e-commerce SMEs have to consider brand positioning strategy, brand awareness strategy, brand attitude strategy, brand media strategy and the brand benefits as well to develop brand communication strategy.