901 resultados para (E-EPA)
"January, 1988."
"Cooperative agreement number CR-815829."
The 17-acre landfill southwest of Decatur on the south bank of the Sangamon River was permitted in 1974 as a demolition debris landfill. It originated as an open dump in 1918. The site had a history of not complying with the state landfill rules in the 1980s. The landfill also exceeded its permitted waste disposal limits, by the time that the operations stopped in 1991. The owner failed to comply with an August 1994 court order requiring proper cover to be installed and maintained. Visible leachate seeps (leachate is water that has traveled through the landfill and contacts waste material) and exposed refuse were observed along the bank of the Sangamon River. ... This landfill was one of the 33 landfills in Illinois identified by the Illinois EPA in 1998 as most in need of immediate repairs. The state legislature responded by passing legislation that allocated $50 million over five years to address these 33 sites. These 33 landfills are being managed through the Abandoned Landfill Program.
This document was prepared in response to a recommendation by the Governor's Small Business Environmental Task Force. It is intended to provide a guide or roadmap to assist you in determining whether your business requires an Air, Land or Water Pollution Control Permit from the Illinois EPA.
Because you generate waste, it is your responsibility to determine how to properly manage and dispose of your waste. This fact sheet discusses special waste, who must obtain a generator identification number, and who must use uniform hazardous waste manifests, which are required for both nonhazardous and hazardous special waste. ... Depending on the types of waste you generate, you may need a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and/or Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) generator identification number. The first step in determining whether you need an identification number is to identify the types and amounts of waste you generate.
"Contract no. CR-815829."
Illinois EPA's initial evaluation of this site revealed problems such as erosion, exposed waste, low areas at the surface that allowed water to pond, and leachate seeps water that becomes contaminated after contact with landfill waste).
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) was asked by the Illinois General Assembly to examine whether the State should address further potential restrictions on power plant pollution. This request was made under Section 9-10 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act). This is a report of the Illinois EPA's findings. The Illinois EPA has prepared this report of its findings to date based on consideration of a broad spectrum of issues including health benefits, the impact of the reliability of the power grid, the impact on consumer utility rates and the impact on jobs and Illinois' economy. It provides an overview of the principal issues, presents a review of the information we have gathered that addresses those issues, lists information gaps, and uncertainties and finally, lists the work that remains to develop a solution that does not create unintended adverse economic consequences for the people of Illinois.
In 2004, both Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA investigated the location of a former battery cracking and recycling operation in Gilberts. The main site is located immediately north of the intersection of Railroad and Mill Streets bounded to Galligan Road on the east and the Chicago and Northwestern Railway on the west. It is in an area that is mostly wooded near both industrial and residential properties. Lead acid batteries were cracked open to recover the lead. Some of the lead seeped into the ground along with acid contained in the batteries. Extensive environmental sampling last summer identified a six-acre area of gross contamination (mainly lead). Later, a second area of contamination was discovered to the southwest, where the Village of Gilberts Public Works building is now located, west of the railroad tracks - this is known as the Tower Hill Road site.
Soil contamination on the Elm Street site is located mainly underneath and near the building foundation. Groundwater contamination appears to extend beyond the property boundaries to the west towards the Fox River, which is approximately 1100 feet west of the site. The groundwater contamination is located in a mixed industrial, commercial and residential area. It is not clear at this point whether there may be multiple sources of contamination in the area. Currently the public water supply is only available to some properties along Route 120, where there is a water main in place. Most of the homes and businesses in the area use private wells for their water source.
Contamination in soil and groundwater was found during an investigation of a property located on the east side of the Fox River in McHenry, at 3004 W. Elm Street (Route 120) during 2003-2006. The property, currently owned by Inverse Investments, Inc., is enrolled in an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) cleanup program. It is the location of a car rental establishment. Gem Cleaners occupied the site from 1970 to 1977, after which it was occupied by a carpet dealer, an automotive repair facility, and a tire store. Historic use of solvents at the former dry cleaner location has resulted in contamination of the soil and groundwater with chlorinated organic compounds.
Cover title.
A compilation of reports submitted to the Illinois EPA by Illinois hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Includes a brief discussion of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
The city of Marion has applied to the Illinois EPA for Section 401 water quality certification to construct a 1,172 surface acre, raw water impoundment reservoir on Sugar Creek, southeast of Creal Springs, Williamson County, Illinois. This proposal and the impacts are described in the Final EIS, DSI, and DSII. The proposed project will involve the construction of a reservoir on Sugar Creek and the mitigation for affected wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the United States.