985 resultados para third place


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In proposing theories of how we should design and specify networks of processes it is necessary to show that the semantics of any language we use to write down the intended behaviours of a system has several qualities. First in that the meaning of what is written on the page reflects the intention of the designer; second that there are no unexpected behaviours that might arise in a specified system that are hidden from the unsuspecting specifier; and third that the intention for the design of the behaviour of a network of processes can be communicated clearly and intuitively to others. In order to achieve this we have developed a variant of CSP, called CSPt, designed to solve the problems of termination of parallel processes present in the original formulation of CSP. In CSPt we introduced three parallel operators, each with a different kind of termination semantics, which we call synchronous, asynchronous and race. These operators provide specifiers with an expressive and flexible tool kit to define the intended behaviour of a system in such a way that unexpected or unwanted behaviours are guaranteed not to take place. In this paper we extend out analysis of CSPt and introduce the notion of an alphabet diagram that illustrates the different categories of events that can arise in the parallel composition of processes. These alphabet diagrams are then used to analyse networks of three processes in parallel with the aim of identifying sufficient constraints to ensure associativity of their parallel composition. Having achieved this we then proceed to prove associativity laws for the three parallel operators of CSPt. Next, we illustrate how to design and construct a network of three processes that satisfy the associativity law, using the associativity theorem and alphabet diagrams. Finally, we outline how this could be achieved for more general networks of processes.


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Drawing on ethnographic interviews with customers, this paper looks at the experience of dining at Dans le Noir?, a restaurant in London where eating is carried out in complete darkness. As an exemplary gastro-tourist site within the expanding leisure economy at which sensory alterity is sought, we argue that the transformation of the usual unreflexive habits of sensing while dining offer opportunities to encounter difference and reflect upon our culturally located ways of sensing the world. In focusing upon the altered experience of apprehending space, eating and socialising in the absence of light, we contend that this dining experience offers broader suggestions about how we might reconsider the qualities and potentialities of darkness, a condition which has been historically feared and reviled in the west.


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Sex, Time and Place extensively widens the scope of what we might mean by 'queer London studies'. Incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives – including social history, cultural geography, visual culture, literary representation, ethnography and social studies – this collection asks new questions, widens debates and opens new subject terrain. Featuring essays from an international range of established scholars and emergent voices, the collection is a timely contribution to this growing field. Its essays cover topics such as activist and radical communities and groups, AIDS and the city, art and literature, digital archives and technology, drag and performativity, lesbian London, notions of bohemianism and deviancy, sex reform and research and queer Black history. Going further than the existing literature on Queer London which focuses principally on the experiences of white gay men in a limited time frame, Sex, Time and Place reflects the current state of this growing and important field of study. It will be of great value to scholars, students and general readers who have an interest in queer history, London studies, cultural geography, visual cultures and literary criticism.


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Resumo I – Prática Pedagógica. No início da aula de contrabaixo pergunta-se: «queres tocar em pé ou sentado?» É uma pergunta que poucos professores fazem, não só porque exige que o aluno saiba tocar das duas maneiras, mas principalmente porque cada professor tem a sua escola e opta por uma forma de ensinar, que acha que é a melhor para o aluno. Será mais conveniente dar a escolher ou determinar a posição com que o aluno vai tocar? Neste trabalho, procuram-se as respostas, analisando as várias posturas que se podem ensinar quando se toca contrabaixo. Começando pela questão elementar de estar sentado ou em pé e passando pelos vários detalhes que determinam o posicionamento do aluno em relação ao instrumento, como por exemplo, a altura a que se põe o instrumento ou a forma de apoio dos pés, acaba-se por fazer uma reflexão sobre a melhor forma de ensinar nos dias de hoje. A prática pedagógica deste ano letivo de estágio, consiste concretamente na observação das posturas adotadas por três alunos em particular. Foram ensinadas novas posturas a dois alunos e aperfeiçoadas as posturas já ensinadas a uma terceira aluna. Os resultados finais foram reveladores para a investigação que foi feita em simultâneo.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web


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Com base no modelo de Resposta à Intervenção (RtI), este estudo centrouse em três objetivos: construir um instrumento vocacionado para a determinação do nível de competências fundamentais, do 1º ao 6º anos, na disciplina de Matemática; avaliar o valor preditivo do instrumento sobre a necessidade de intervenção; examinar o efeito de uma intervenção planeada com base na avaliação diagnóstica desse instrumento. Para dar resposta ao primeiro e segundo objetivos foram consideradas duas amostras de conveniência: a primeira, constituída por 5 docentes, avaliou a versão teste do instrumento e a segunda, constituída por 6 docentes, avaliou a sua versão final (perfazendo um total de 75 alunos). Recorrendo ao método kmeans, os resultados mostraram que o instrumento é de útil e fácil aplicação, permitindo aos docentes avaliarem e identificarem o grupo de desempenho a que pertence cada aluno, em relação à média dos resultados da respetiva turma. Relativamente ao terceiro objetivo, foi constituída uma amostra de 7 alunos de uma turma do 4º ano. A intervenção decorreu ao longo de 11 semanas, com 2 sessões semanais, cuja duração variou entre 10 a 35 minutos. Para avaliar os efeitos da intervenção, foi realizado um pré e um pós-teste, assim como 2 sessões de avaliação intermédia (checkpoints), tendo-se recorrido ao teste não paramétrico de Friedman e ao teste de Wilcoxon, para avaliar a significância das diferenças entre os tempos e os níveis de suporte, para o aluno resolver a tarefa com sucesso, respetivamente. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatiscamente significativas, particularmente entre as duas avaliações intermédia consideradas.


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O presente relatório descreve o Estágio Curricular desenvolvido na instituição pública Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) I.P./ Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte (ARHN), na Divisão dos Recursos Hídricos do Litoral (DRHL) no Porto, no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil, ramo de Infraestruturas, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). Os principais objetivos do Estágio prendem-se com a gestão de zonas costeiras, particularizando-se o caso na orla costeira Caminha-Espinho. Dá-se especial enfoque ao estudo da erosão costeira, suas consequências e soluções que a possam minimizar. Este estudo divide-se em três trabalhos principais. O primeiro identifica e caracteriza as ocupações situadas no Domínio Público Marítimo (DPM), no troço de costa em estudo. No segundo, estima-se o balanço sedimentar ocorrido durante uma década com recurso a informação geográfica (altimétrica) de 2001 e 2011. Por fim, o terceiro trabalho apresenta algumas intervenções de defesa costeira, que foram possíveis de visitar durante a sua fase de execução. As principais ferramentas utilizadas para este estudo foram softwares de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), como o ArcGis ou o QGIS. Estes três trabalhos encontram-se em anexo a este relatório.


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The scope of the present work is to study the legal protection conferred upon the consumer in Angola, especially as regards electronic communication agreements. Its purpose is to promote consumers’ rights and contribute to its defence given the relatively privileged position of professionals in their relationship with consumers. With this in mind, we have made a description of the Consumer Law in Angola based on the Angolan Constitution (as the law that establishes the fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens) and on the Consumer’s Defence Law, which, as the basic law regarding consumers’ rights, provides the framework for this dissertation. We have analysed several aspects relating to consumer relationships, starting from its concept and rights of consumers and covering the legal and contractual mechanisms put in place for their protection. We have also analysed the Advertising Law with a view to better understand consumer’s rights before advertising campaigns carried out by professionals whilst promoting their goods and services and, additionally, to understand the duties and principles that shall be complied with in such campaigns with the purpose to protect the rights and interests of consumers. From a criminal point of view, we have briefly covered the crimes against consumers provided for in the Penal Code and the Law of Infractions against the Economy. In the second part of this work, we have summarised the institutions that protect the rights and interests of consumers, which include the Public Prosecutor Office, the National Institute for the Defence of the Consumers and the Consumers’ Associations. The third and last part of this work covers electronic communications agreements. Given the fact that there is no specific legislation in this matter, our analysis was based on the Civil Code – specifically the part relating to contracts – the Law on General Contractual Terms and Conditions and the Consumer’s Defence Law. We have analysed the formation of contracts, compliance and consumers’ rights resulting from contract breach. We further have appealed to the Angolan legislator to legislate certain aspects of consumer relationships, especially those where breach of consumers’ rights are blatant and facilitated by the lack of specific laws addressing such cases.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp


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The purpose of the present work is to analyse and provide kixikila legal framework under Angolan law. Kixikila, despite being a legally atypical agreement, is a socially typical contract, governed essentially by the practices and customs in Angola and concluded throughout the country. With the above purpose in mind, this thesis is structured in five chapters: the first one aims at better understanding its features and, therefore, it describes the kixikila in accordance with oral research, direct observation and the contributions of scholars that have examined this matter. The second chapter aims at qualifying the kixikila as a legal transaction. For this purpose, we have analysed its requirements, formation stages, content and form, characteristics, rights and obligations of the parties, effects and compliance. We have also covered the reasons that explain why this type of agreement shall be legally protected in line with the protection conferred upon other legal agreements, taking into account its economic and social function. The third chapter covers the vicissitudes which may occur during the term of the kixikila agreement, as well as the enforcement mechanisms in face of breach and its termination. The fourth chapter aims at qualifying this agreement by comparing its most relevant characteristics with those of typical agreements, with a view to determining its legal nature based upon the similarity with other contractual types. This chapter further makes a comparative synthesis between the contracts in analysis. The fifth chapter analyses the legal nature and legal framework applicable to kixikila taking into account mixed-purpose contracts and sui generis contracts. We conclude that practices and customs in Angola take precedence as regards kixikila. Lastly, we attach additional information, such as excerpts of interviews with some individuals intervening in kixikila, the functional structure of kixikila and examples of kixikila, as well as demonstrative lists of countries where this type of agreement takes place and the obligations arising therefrom.