941 resultados para secret shopping


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In recent years, global online shopping grows rapidly, China's growth rate is far greater than the average level of the world. Online shopping as a new type of shopping patterns gradually drew the researcher's attention. There were so many existing researches on the relationship between consumer characteristic and online shopping attitude and intention, but few togethered the different abstract levels of consumer characteristic in one research. In this study, 3M Model was introduced as theory guide of whole research work, the Chinese consumers who knew about the online shopping was the research object, questionnaire survey was used to collect the data, different abstract levels of consumer characteristic were togethered in a hierarchical model, tried to establish a model to explain the relationship between different abstract levels of consumer characteristic and online shopping attitude and intention. In addition, the study also compared the models posed by data from different consumer groups. The results showed that: First, consumers’ openness, need for arousal, assessment of online shopping experience, perceived risk of online shopping would affect their online shopping attitude and online shopping intention. Second, openness, need for arousal indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through the perceived risk of online shopping. Third, the perceived risk of online shopping indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through online shopping attitude. Fourth, assessment of online shopping experience indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through the perceived risk of online shopping and online shopping attitude. Fifth, only online shopping attitude would directly affect online shopping intention. It also worked as a mediator variable in the final model. Sixth, network age, risk propensity did not significantly affect the online shopping attitude and online shopping intention. Seventh, freight fluctuation can affect student more than in-service on online shopping intention.


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The study explored consumers' evaluation factor system and the zone of tolerance in the service quality, and the impact on consumer behavior in two branches of trade: the shopping center and the architectural material corporation, with the method of questionnaire survey. The main conclusions are as following: 1) The basic factors on service quality of shopping center are five, such as assurance、tangibles、the services of the post-selling、convenience and reliability. 2) There are also five factors on service quality of the architectural material corporation, such as the supplying of the products, the abilities of the salesmen, courtesy, package and the information. 3) The zones of tolerance of the factors in service quality are difference. In some way, they reflect the importance of the factors. 4) the service quality and its factors have positive impacts on the consumer behaviors. 5) In the branch of glass producing in our country, the service quality of a corporation is significant below the ideal level, even if it is a good one which the consumers expressed positive purchase intention on the corporate. The service quality of the coporate on which the consumers expressed uncertain purchase intention, is in nearby of the minimum acceptable level.


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Interface has been becoming a more significant element today which influences the development of shopping on-line greatly. But in practice the attention arisen from society and study made are quite inadequate. Under this circumstance, I focus my study on the purpose of improving understanding of the engineering psychological factors, which definitely will play a crucial role in shopping on-line representation in future, and of the relations between them through the following experimental research. I hope it can give a basic reference to the practical application of shopping on-line representation pattern and continuous study. In current thesis, an analysis was made on the basis of engineering psychology principles from three aspects, i.e. person (users), task and information environment. It was considered that system overview and information behavior model would have great impact on the activities of users on the web and that representation pattern of information system would affect the forming of system overview and behavior pattern and then further after the performances of users in information system. Based on above-mentioned statement, a three-dimensional conceptual model was presented which demonstrates the relations between the crucial factors, which are media representation pattern, system hierarchy and objects in information unit. Thereafter, eight study hypothesis, which are about engineering psychological factors of virtual reality (VR) representation in shopping on-line system, was taken out and four experiments were followed up to testify the hypothesis. -In experiment one, a research was made to study how the three kinds of single media representation pattern influence the forming of system overview and information behavior from the point view of task performance, operating error, overall satisfactory and mental workload etc. -In experiment two, a study of how the combined media representation pattern of system hierarchy influences users' behavior was carried out. -In experiment three, a study of the hierarchy structure feature of VR representation pattern and the tendency of its width and depth to the effects of system behavior was made. -In experiment four, a study of the location relations between different parties in VR scene (information unit) was made. The result is as follows: -During structure dimensional state: Width-increasing caused more damage to the speed of users than depth-increasing in VR representation pattern. Although the performance of subjects was quite slow in wider environment, yet the percentage rate of causing errors was in lowest level. -During hierarchy representation pattern: 1. Between the representation patterns of the three media, no significant differences was found in terms of the speed of fulfilling the task, error rate, satisfactory, mental workload etc. But the pattern with figure- aided gained the worst results on all of these aspects. 2. During primary stage of the task and the first level of the hierarchy, the speed of subjects' performance in VR pattern was slower than that in text pattern. While with developing of the task and going deeper level of the hierarchy, the speed of users' performance in VR representation pattern reached to the highest level. 3. Effects in VR representation pattern was better than that in text pattern in higher level of the system. The representation pattern in highest level has greatest impact on the performance of the system behavior, whereas results of the only VR representation in the middle part of hierarchy would be worst. 4. Activity error in single media representation pattern was more than that in combined media representation pattern. 5. Individual differences among subjects had effects on the representation pattern of the system. During VR environment, behavior tendency of party A had a significant negative correlation to the quantities of errors. -In VR-scene representation: Physical-distance and flash influenced the subjects' task performance greatly, while psychological-distance has no outstanding impact. Subjects' accurate rate of performing increased if objects with same relation were in the same structure position, in the state of close psychological-distance or if the object target flashed (not reliable). Although the article limits the topic only on the present-existing questions and analysis of shopping-on-line, as a matter of fact, it can also apply for other relevant purposes on the web. While the study of this article only gives its emphasis on the researching-task with definite goal, making no consideration of other task conditions and their relations with other navigation tools. So I hope it lay a good start to make continuous research in this areas.


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This research aims to discuss it is the complexity of interpersonal association and job autonomy that influence the predictive validity of personality for job performance. In addition, for service profession, incumbents' personality can predict not only contextual performance, but also task performance. Salesclerks in shopping center and life insurance agents are selected as subjects. The job performance rating scale is produced by using Critical Incidents Technique. The research method is measuring NEO-PI and collecting direct supervisors' rating of salespeople's job performance. The research results are as follows: 1. The factor analysis result of job performance is different from the west. That is to say, the support for organizations which belongs to contextual performance in the west can not be distinguished from task performance. Therefore, in China, or to say in the shopping center selected, task performance includes both technical proficiency and the support for organizations, and contextual performance includes job dedication and interpersonal facilitation. 2. For salespeople, personality can be the antecedent of contextual performance and task performance as well. However, the predictive validity for task performance is very low. 3. The more complexity of interpersonal association, the stronger relationship between personality and job performance. 4a. The correlation between job performance and facets of Big Five is higher than the one between job performance and factors of Big Five, such as Agreeableness, whose facets have different impacts on job performance, some positive and others negative. 4b. The correlation between personality and the items of job performance rating scale is higher than the one between personality and the factors of job performance. 4. Working experience is the moderator of the relationship between personality and job performance. For salesclerks, only if the working experience of subjects is less than 3 years, achievement striving-one facet of conscientiousness-is significantly correlated with the ratio of finished sales volume at 0.01 level.


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A fundamental understanding of the information carrying capacity of optical channels requires the signal and physical channel to be modeled quantum mechanically. This thesis considers the problems of distributing multi-party quantum entanglement to distant users in a quantum communication system and determining the ability of quantum optical channels to reliably transmit information. A recent proposal for a quantum communication architecture that realizes long-distance, high-fidelity qubit teleportation is reviewed. Previous work on this communication architecture is extended in two primary ways. First, models are developed for assessing the effects of amplitude, phase, and frequency errors in the entanglement source of polarization-entangled photons, as well as fiber loss and imperfect polarization restoration, on the throughput and fidelity of the system. Second, an error model is derived for an extension of this communication architecture that allows for the production and storage of three-party entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. A performance analysis of the quantum communication architecture in qubit teleportation and quantum secret sharing communication protocols is presented. Recent work on determining the channel capacity of optical channels is extended in several ways. Classical capacity is derived for a class of Gaussian Bosonic channels representing the quantum version of classical colored Gaussian-noise channels. The proof is strongly mo- tivated by the standard technique of whitening Gaussian noise used in classical information theory. Minimum output entropy problems related to these channel capacity derivations are also studied. These single-user Bosonic capacity results are extended to a multi-user scenario by deriving capacity regions for single-mode and wideband coherent-state multiple access channels. An even larger capacity region is obtained when the transmitters use non- classical Gaussian states, and an outer bound on the ultimate capacity region is presented


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This paper discusses the hardware foundations of the cryptosystem employed by the Xbox(TM) video game console from Microsoft. A secret boot block overlay is buried within a system ASIC. This secret boot block decrypts and verifies portions of an external FLASH-type ROM. The presence of the secret boot block is camouflaged by a decoy boot block in the external ROM. The code contained within the secret boot block is transferred to the CPU in the clear over a set of high-speed busses where it can be extracted using simple custom hardware. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving the Xbox security system. One lesson of this study is that the use of a high-performance bus alone is not a sufficient security measure, given the advent of inexpensive, fast rapid prototyping services and high-performance FPGAs.


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Nos ultimos anos, o consumo mundial de cafe tem-se modificado substancialmente. Observa-se crescente procura por produtos de boa qualidade, tornando possivel a segmentacao do mercado com produtos de alto valor agregado. As projecoes indicam que o consumo mundial de cafe para o ano 2010 sera de 120 milhoes de sacas, sendo 70% da especie arabica e 30%, da robusta. Do consumo total estimado, 15% sao de cafes especiais, ou seja: cerca de 18 milhoes de sacas (Anuario Estatistico do Cafe, 1998). O conjunto de cafes especiais engloba, principalmente, as seguintes classes: expresso, organico, ecologico, descafeinado, aromatizado e cappuccino. O cafe expresso e um dos principais responsaveis pelo crescimento do segmento de cafes especiais. Seu consumo tomou impulso no Brasil a partir da decada de 1980, com a proliferacao de shopping centers por todo o Pais. Atualmente, domina boa parte do mercado interno nas principais cidades brasileiras, ocupando aproximadamente 100% dos pontos de vendas em shopping centers e em cafeterias (coffee-shops). Mesmo em restaurantes e padarias, tradicionais usuarios do cafe de coador, o expresso conquistou um espaço importante. O trabalho visa a analisar as informacoes estatisticas existentes no agronegocio do cafe com enfase no cafe expresso. Teve como referencias: informacoes de 1991 e 1997, obtidas da base de dados da InterScience - Informacao e Tecnologia Aplicada; pesquisa realizada pela Associacao Brasileira da Industria de Cafe (ABIC), em 1998, observando o perfil da industrializacao e da producao de cafe expresso; e Anuario Estatistico do Cafe (1998 e 1999). Com base nas informacoes estatisticas de consumo, industrializacao e participacao brasileira na producao e observando os dados de producao de cafes especiais, fez-se uma sintese das informacoes estatisticas existentes no agronegocio do cafe, para visualizar, com base na situacao atual, as perspectivas de mercado para o consumo do cafe expresso no Brasil. Esse consumo tem dado sinais de recuperacao nos ultimos anos visto que no periodo de 1990 a 1998 passou de 8,2 para 12,5 milhoes de sacas, aumentando 52,3%. O agronegocio do cafe brasileiro tem uma crescente oportunidade nos mercados interno e externo para o cafe expresso. Seus agentes devem estar atentos a esse importante mercado com perspectivas de expansao nos proximos anos. O aumento nos investimentos em marketing e necessario para criar o habito de adquirir produtos de boa qualidade, aumentando o mercado do cafe expresso que atualmente responde por 5% do consumo de cafe no Brasil.


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Li, Longzhuang, Liu, Yonghuai, Obregon, A., Weatherston, M. Visual Segmentation-Based Data Record Extraction From Web Documents. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, 2007, pp. 502-507. Sponsorship: IEEE


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Maddrell, John, 'The Scientist Who Came in from the Cold: Heinz Barwich's Flight from the GDR', Intelligence and National Security (2005) 20(4) pp.608-630 RAE2008


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Watt, D. (Ed.). (2004). The Paston Women: Selected Letters. Library of Medieval Women. Rochester: D. S. Brewer. RAE2008


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Garrod, Brian; Fyall, A.; Leask, A., (2002). 'Scottish visitor attractions: managing visitor impacts'. Tourism Management 23(3), 265-279. RAE2008


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos de obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, ramo de Marketing e Publicidade


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We consider the problem of building robust fuzzy extractors, which allow two parties holding similar random variables W, W' to agree on a secret key R in the presence of an active adversary. Robust fuzzy extractors were defined by Dodis et al. in Crypto 2006 [6] to be noninteractive, i.e., only one message P, which can be modified by an unbounded adversary, can pass from one party to the other. This allows them to be used by a single party at different points in time (e.g., for key recovery or biometric authentication), but also presents an additional challenge: what if R is used, and thus possibly observed by the adversary, before the adversary has a chance to modify P. Fuzzy extractors secure against such a strong attack are called post-application robust. We construct a fuzzy extractor with post-application robustness that extracts a shared secret key of up to (2m−n)/2 bits (depending on error-tolerance and security parameters), where n is the bit-length and m is the entropy of W . The previously best known result, also of Dodis et al., [6] extracted up to (2m − n)/3 bits (depending on the same parameters).


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This study contexualises the relationship between the armed forces and the civil authority in Ireland using and revising the theoretical framework advanced by Huntington. It tracks the evolution of the idea of a representive body for soldiers in the late 1980s, to the setting up of statutory associations under the Defence Amendment Act 1990. The study considers Irish soldiers political agitation and their use of peaceful democratic activities to achieve their aims. It highlights the fundamental policy arguments that were made against the idea of representation for the army and positions those arguments in the study of civil-military relations. Utilising unique access to secret Department of Defence files, it reveals in-depth ideological arguments advanced by the military authories in Ireland against independent representation. This thesis provides an academic study of the establishment of PDFORRA. It answers key questions regarding the change in the position of Irish government who were categorically opposed to the idea of representation in the army. It illustrates the involvement of other agencies such as the European Organisation of Military Associations (Euromil) reveals reciprocal support by the Irish associations to other emerging groups in Spain. Accessing as yet unpublished Department of Defence files, study analyses tension between the military authorities and the government. It highlights for the first time the role of enlisted personnel in the shaping of new state structures and successfully dismmisses Huntingtons theoretical contention that enlisted personnel are of no consequence in the study of civil-military relations. It fills a gap in our understanding, identified by Finer, as to how politicisation of soldiers takes place. This thesis brings a new dimension to the discipline of civil-military relations and creates new knowledge that will enhance our understanding of an area not covered previously.


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Traditionally, attacks on cryptographic algorithms looked for mathematical weaknesses in the underlying structure of a cipher. Side-channel attacks, however, look to extract secret key information based on the leakage from the device on which the cipher is implemented, be it smart-card, microprocessor, dedicated hardware or personal computer. Attacks based on the power consumption, electromagnetic emanations and execution time have all been practically demonstrated on a range of devices to reveal partial secret-key information from which the full key can be reconstructed. The focus of this thesis is power analysis, more specifically a class of attacks known as profiling attacks. These attacks assume a potential attacker has access to, or can control, an identical device to that which is under attack, which allows him to profile the power consumption of operations or data flow during encryption. This assumes a stronger adversary than traditional non-profiling attacks such as differential or correlation power analysis, however the ability to model a device allows templates to be used post-profiling to extract key information from many different target devices using the power consumption of very few encryptions. This allows an adversary to overcome protocols intended to prevent secret key recovery by restricting the number of available traces. In this thesis a detailed investigation of template attacks is conducted, along with how the selection of various attack parameters practically affect the efficiency of the secret key recovery, as well as examining the underlying assumption of profiling attacks in that the power consumption of one device can be used to extract secret keys from another. Trace only attacks, where the corresponding plaintext or ciphertext data is unavailable, are then investigated against both symmetric and asymmetric algorithms with the goal of key recovery from a single trace. This allows an adversary to bypass many of the currently proposed countermeasures, particularly in the asymmetric domain. An investigation into machine-learning methods for side-channel analysis as an alternative to template or stochastic methods is also conducted, with support vector machines, logistic regression and neural networks investigated from a side-channel viewpoint. Both binary and multi-class classification attack scenarios are examined in order to explore the relative strengths of each algorithm. Finally these machine-learning based alternatives are empirically compared with template attacks, with their respective merits examined with regards to attack efficiency.