896 resultados para secret shopping
The ability and right to have secrets may be a condition of social ethics (Derrida, A Taste for the Secret), but at the same time the nature of secrets is that they undermine themselves. Once told, secrets are no longer secret but are known. Even to name them as possibilities is to bring them into view as objects of knowledge. Secrets are thus always in some ways partial secrets, but their “openness” also connotes the lack of certainty of any knowledge about them, their evasiveness, their lack of fixity, and hence, their partial character and openness to change. In this article, I explore partial secrets in relation to a 2011 interview study of HIV support in the United Kingdom, where HIV’s relatively low prevalence and high treatment access tends toward its invisibilization. I suggest that in this context, HIV is positioned ambiguously, as a “partial secret,” in an ongoing and precarious tension between public knowledge and acceptance of HIV, HIV’s constitution as a condition of citizenship attended by full human rights, and HIV’s being resecreted through ongoing illness, constrained resources, citizenly exclusion, and the psychological and social isolation of those affected.
Herausgeberwerk (Litzcke & Schuh): 1. Modewellen des Managements 2. Wohin die Reise geht - Folgen des Wertewandels für die Führungskräfteentwicklung 3. Umgang mit Veränderungen - Psychologie für ein erfolgreiches Changemanagement 4. Weiterentwicklung des öffentlichen Dienstes durch Evaluation 5. Qualiätsmanagement im Bundesnachrichtendienst 6. Unternehmen BfV - Realität oder Trugschluss?
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Tese de mestrado, Estudos Românicos (Cultura Portuguesa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011
Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Comparatistas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014
A dissertação baseia-se numa leitura do conto “Uma aventura secreta do marquês de Bradomín”. Este texto narrativo destaca questões relacionadas com a ficção contemporânea portuguesa, como a construção da personagem com estatuto de protagonista, oscilando entre ser real e ser ficcional, a autoria feminina, a importância do dizer e do silêncio. A personagem feminina apresenta a sua história partilhada com o marquês de Bradomín e os sentidos mudam em consonância com as condições temporal e discursiva; a simbologia torna-se um acto de ideologia e de interpretação, uma vez que a expressividade humana está para além das palavras, produzindo silêncios enquanto se discursa. A personagem escreve por palavras que ocultam outras, que são apenas aludidas e, como a narradora recorre à memória, o seu texto discursivo pode apresentar-se de forma lacunar, com a desculpa do esquecimento. Neste caso, os sentidos podem ser sempre outros e o (in)dizível persiste.
An increasing number of producers, retailers and third-party logistics providers are interested in carrying out energy assessments of their product supply chain. This is due to sensitivity about climate change and carbon emissions, but also to high energy prices. This paper presents an analytical approach developed to measure energy use in logistics activities in product supply chains. The approach (based on the Life Cycle Approach) quantifies energy use in transport and logistics activities at all stages of a product supply chain. The work has demonstrated that such an assessment approach based on the supply chain is useful in comparing the energy use implications of different strategies. This supply chain approach can be used to consider options such as sourcing and distribution centre locations, transport modes, road freight vehicle types and weights, vehicle load factors, empty running, transport distance and the balance between consumer shopping trips and delivery to the home.
Freight transportation system is critical to economic activity but it carries significant environmental costs, notably GHG emissions and climate change : energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions is increasing faster in freight transport than in other sectors and this increase is primarily the result of increased trade. This paper compares the transport activities, associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions of different supply chains for a range of products in three countries: Belgium, France and United Kingdom. Among the products considered are furniture and ‘fruits & vegetables’. For each of these products, different supply chains, involving more or less transport activity and associated energy consumption are analysed in each country. The comparison highlights some of the main factors that influence GHG emissions for different supply chains and illustrates how they vary according to product and country of final distribution. In more detail, the paper addresses the main differences between the supply chains of these products namely, the origin of their sourcing, the logistical organisation between production and retail and different types of retail outlet. The origin of the sourcing impact is mainly related to distance. The impact of the logistical organisation between raw material and retail on GHG emissions is linked to the mode and vehicle choice and to the load factor. As for retail, the consumer trip emissions, between his home and the retail outlet, are also an important part of the whole supply chain emissions. It is worthwhile to notice that our goal in this project is to consider the whole supply chain, from production to consumption. Therefore a particular focus is put on the mobility behaviours of consumers purchasing the studied products during their shopping and dropping back home activities related to these products. Especially a web based survey has been conducted and the gathered results offer an opportunity for drawing a more detailed picture of the associated CO2 emissions. This paper uses the results of an ongoing research on supply chain energy efficiency, funded by ADEME (the French Energy Agency) through the French program on transport research (PREDIT). This research is based on a comprehensive review of the various approaches to quantifying the environmental impacts of supply chains together with data collection from a range of organisations including manufacturers, retailers and transport companies. We will first present the developed methodologies, then the results corresponding to each studied product will be described. A discussion of the potential application of the research approach to the wider debate about the environmental impact of freight transport and the scope for GHG emissions reduction targets to be achieved will be included.
Freight transportation system is critical to economic activity but it carries significant environmental costs, notably GHG emissions and climate change : energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions is increasing faster in freight transport than in other sectors and this increase is primarily the result of increased trade. This paper compares the transport activities, associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions of different supply chains for a range of products in three countries: Belgium, France and United Kingdom. Among the products considered are furniture and fruits & vegetables. For each of these products, different supply chains, involving more or less transport activity and associated energy consumption are analysed in each country. The comparison highlights some of the main factors that influence GHG emissions for different supply chains and illustrates how they vary according to product and country of final distribution. In more detail, the paper addresses the main differences between the supply chains of these products namely, the origin of their sourcing, the logistical organisation between production and retail and different types of retail outlet. The origin of the sourcing impact is mainly related to distance. The impact of the logistical organisation between raw material and retail on GHG emissions is linked to the mode and vehicle choice and to the load factor. As for retail, the consumer trip emissions, between his home and the retail outlet, are also an important part of the whole supply chain emissions. It is worthwhile to notice that our goal in this project is to consider the whole supply chain, from production to consumption. Therefore a particular focus is put on the mobility behaviours of consumers purchasing the studied products during their shopping and dropping back home activities related to these products. Especially a web based survey has been conducted and the gathered results offer an opportunity for drawing a more detailed picture of the associated CO2 emissions. This paper uses the results of an ongoing research on supply chain energy efficiency, funded by ADEME (the French Energy Agency) through the French program on transport research (PREDIT). This research is based on a comprehensive review of the various approaches to quantifying the environmental impacts of supply chains together with data collection from a range of organisations including manufacturers, retailers and transport companies. We will first present the developed methodologies, then the results corresponding to each studied product will be described. A discussion of the potential application of the research approach to the wider debate about the environmental impact of freight transport and the scope for GHG emissions reduction targets to be achieved will be included.
Congressional dominance theory holds that not only can the US Congress control the executive, it does. The terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001 and the Bush administration's ensuing global 'war on terror' suggest a different result. Bush's response to 9/11 signalled not only new directions in US foreign and domestic policy but a new stage in the aggrandisement of presidential power in the United States and a further step in the marginalisation of the Congress. Informed by a constitutional doctrine unknown to the framers of the US Constitution, the Bush administration pursued a presidentialist or 'ultra-separationist' governing strategy that was disrespectful to the legislature's intended role in the separated system. Using its unilateral powers, in public and in secret, claiming 'inherent' authority from the Constitution, and exploiting the public's fear of a further terrorist attack and of endangering the lives of US troops abroad, the administration skilfully drove its legislation through the Congress. Occasionally, the Congress was able to extract concessions - notably in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, when partisan control of the government was split - but more typically, for most of the period, the Congress acquiesced to administration demands, albeit with the consolation of minor concessions. The administration not only dominated the lawmaking process, it also cowed legislators into legitimating often highly controversial (and sometimes illegal) administration-determined definitions of counter-terrorism and national security policy. Certainly, the Congress undertook a considerable amount of oversight during the period of the 'war on terror'; lawmakers also complained. But the effects on policy were marginal. This finding held true for periods of Democratic as well as Republican majorities.
The paper reviews the study and use of urban consolidation centres (UCCs) which are a freight transport initiative intended to reduce goods vehicle traffic, vehicle-related greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. An international literature review has identified 114 UCC schemes in 17 countries (12 in the European Union (EU) and 5 outside the EU) that have been the subject of either a feasibility study, trial or a fully operational scheme in the last 40 years. The period from 2006 to 2010 has been the most active 5-year period in terms of UCC study, trial and scheme generation since the first UCC study was carried out in the early 1970s. Five countries account for the majority of all the 114 UCC schemes identified: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. The vast majority of UCCs serve either all or part of an urban area. Examples of UCCs serving a single property (such as an airport or shopping centre) and construction sites have also been identified. Key organizational, operational, and financial issues that are critical to the success of UCCs are discussed. The traffic and environmental impacts of UCC trials and fully operational schemes are also reviewed.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Este estudo enquadra-se no âmbito do Marketing e Comportamento do Consumidor e tem como tema Promoção no Ponto de Venda. Esta investigação tem como objectivo conhecer a percepção e comportamento de grupos de consumidores face a promoções no ponto de venda. O desenvolvimento deste projecto procurou encontrar resposta para os objectivos de investigação propostos através da realização de um inquérito por questionário. Toda a investigação empírica teve por base os resultados obtidos através de 156 questionários online a consumidores, maiores de 18 anos, de super e hipermercados e centros comerciais. Foi utilizada uma amostra por conveniência, para a qual foi enviado questionário online através de email e redes sociais. Realizou-se então este estudo e os resultados demonstraram que as promoções continuam a motivar o consumo e a despoletar a compra imediata e em maior quantidade. Estas conclusões são diferenciadas face às categorias de produto, com maior interesse por parte do consumidor em relação às promoções nos bens essenciais e moda, e face às tipologias de promoção, cuja preferência de promoção são as que têm incidência no preço. No nosso estudo encontramos quatro segmentos de consumidores, que de uma forma global registam auto percepção de consumidores inteligentes, que procuram com a promoções optimizar a relação qualidade preço, e que são pouco impulsivos no consumo. Concluímos que as promoções no ponto de venda são técnicas de marketing em que os gestores de marketing devem continuar a apostar pois é um factor critico de sucesso no incremento de vendas.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil