994 resultados para intermediate band width manganites


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For large size- and chemical-mismatched isovalent semiconductor alloys, such as N and Bi substitution on As sites in GaAs, isovalent defect levels or defect bands are introduced. The evolution of the defect states as a function of the alloy concentration is usually described by the popular phenomenological band anticrossing (BAC) model. Using first-principles band-structure calculations we show that at the impurity limit the N-(Bi)-induced impurity level is above (below) the conduction- (valence-) band edge of GaAs. These trends reverse at high concentration, i.e., the conduction-band edge of GaAs1-xNx becomes an N-derived state and the valence-band edge of GaAs1-xBix becomes a Bi-derived state, as expected from their band characters. We show that this band crossing phenomenon cannot be described by the popular BAC model but can be naturally explained by a simple band broadening picture.


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Harmonic millimeter wave (mm-wave) generation and frequency up-conversion are experimentally demonstrated using optical injection locking and Brillouin selective sideband amplification (BSSA) induced by stimulated Brillouin scattering in a 10-km single-mode fiber. By using this method, we successfully generate third-harmonic mm-wave at 27 GHz (f(LO) - 9 GHz) with single sideband (SSB) modulation and up-convert the 2GHz intermediate frequency signal into the mm-wave band with single mode modulation of the SSB modes. In addition, the mm-wave carrier obtains more than 23 dB power gain due to the BSSA. The transmission experiments show that the generated mm-wave and up-converted signals indicate strong immunity against the chromatic dispersion of the fibers.


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The dependence of the excitonic lifetime on the well width has been studied in conventional GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. Two clearly different variations of the measured excitonic lifetime have been observed. For wide well widths, we find a nearly linear decrease of the lifetime with decreasing well width. However, when the well is further decreased, a saturation and even increase of the lifetime with decreasing well width are observed. The experimental data are compared with the theory of radiative excitonic recombination, and show that well width dependence of the measured photoluminescence lifetime can be attributed mainly to the change of the excitonic effective volume and the overlap integral as well.


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A systematic investigation on the photoluminescence (PL) properties of InxGa1-xAs/AlyGa1-xAs (x = 0.15, y = 0, 0.33) strained quantum wells (SQWs) with well widths from 1.7 to 11.0 nm has been performed at 77 K under high pressure up to 40 kbar. The experimental results show that the pressure coefficients of the exciton peaks corresponding to transitions from the first conduction subband to the heavy-hole subband increase from 10.05 meV/kbar of 11.0 nm well to 10.62 meV/kbar of 1.8 nm well for In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs SQWs. However, the corresponding pressure coefficients slightly decrease from 9.93 meV/kbar of 9.0 nm well to 9.73 meV/kbar of 1.7 nm well for In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.33Ga0.67As SQWs. Calculations based on the Kronig-Penney model reveal that the increased or decreased barrier heights and the increased effective masses with pressure are the main reasons of the change in the pressure coefficients.


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The empirical pseudopotential method within the virtual crystal approximation is used to calculate the band structure of Mg1-xZnySySe1-y, which has recently been proved to be a potential semiconductor material for optoelectronic device applications in the blue spectral region. It is shown that MgZnSSe can be a direct or an indirect semiconductor depending on the alloy composition. Electron and hole effective masses are calculated for different compositions. Polynomial approximations are obtained for both the energy gap and the effective mass as functions of alloy composition at the GAMMA valley. This information will be useful for the future design of blue wavelength optoelectronic devices as well as for assessment of their properties.


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The usual application of the Lei-Ting balance equation method for treating electron transport problems makes use of a Fermi distribution function for the electron motion relative to the center of mass. It is pointed out that this presumes the existence of a moving frame of reference that is dynamically equivalent to the rest frame of reference, and this is only true for electrons with a constant effective mass. The method is thus inapplicable to problems where electrons governed by a general energy-band dispersion E(k) are important (such as in miniband conduction). It is demonstrated that this difficulty can be overcome by introducing a distribution function for a drifting electron gas by maximizing the entropy subject to a prescribed average drift velocity. The distribution function reduces directly to the usual Fermi distribution for electron motion relative to the center of mass in the special case of E(k)=($) over bar h(2)\k\(2)/2m*. This maximum entropy treatment of a drifting electron gas provides a physically more direct as well as a more general basis for the application of the balance equation method.


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N+ GaAs-n GaInP lattice-matched heterostructures, grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy, have been studied by capacitance-voltage, current-voltage and current-temperature techniques. This allowed the determination of the conduction band offset in three different and independent ways. The value obtained (0.24-0.25 eV) has been verified by photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation on a 90 angstrom thick GaAs well in GaInP grown under the same conditions.


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The band structure of the Zn1-xCdxSySe1-y quaternary alloy is calculated using the empirical pseudopotential method and the virtual crystal approximation. The alloy is found to be a direct-gap semiconductor for all x and y composition. Polynomial approximation is obtained for the energy gap as a function of the composition x and y. Electron and hole effective masses are also calculated along various symmetry axes for different compositions and the results agree fairly well with available experimental values.


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We have studied the radiative excitonic lifetime as a function of the well width in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells. An increasing lifetime with decreasing well width has been observed in very narrow and high quality GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells, and attributed to the reduced overlap of the electron and hole wave functions and the increase of the exciton effective volume. This is the first observation of its kind in the conventional GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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Although metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) is generally regarded as a non-equillibrium process, it can be assumed that a chemical equilibrium is established at the vapor-solid interface in the diffusion limited region of growth rate. In this paper, an equilibrium model was proposed to calculate the relation between vapor and solid compositions for II-VI ternary alloys. Metastable alloys in the miscibility gap may not be obtained when the growth temperature is lower than the critical temperature of the system. The influence of growth temperature, reactor pressure, input VI/II ratio, and input composition of group VI reactants has been calculated for ZnSSe, ZnSeTe and ZnSTe. The results are compared with experimental data for the ZnSSe and ZnSTe systems.


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The existing interpretation of the T-1 temperature dependence of the low-field miniband conduction is derived from certain concepts of conventional band theory for band structures resulting from spatial periodicities commensurable with the dimensionalities of the system. It is pointed out that such concepts do not apply to the case of miniband conduction, where we are dealing with band structures resulting from a one-dimensional periodicity in a three-dimensional system. It is shown that in the case of miniband conduction, the current carriers are distributed continuously over all energies in a sub-band, but only those with energies within the width of the miniband contribute to the current. The T-1 temperature dependence of the low-field mobility is due to the depletion of these current-carrying carriers with the rise of temperature.


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The photoluminescence from InxG1-xAs/GaAs strained quantum wells with thickness from 30 to 160 angstrom have been studied at 77 K under hydrostatic pressure up to 60 kbar. It was found that the pressure coefficients of the exciton peaks corresponding to transitions from the first conduction subband to the heavy-hole subband increased with reduced well width, in contrast to the case of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells. Calculations revealed that the increased barrier height with pressure was the major cause of the change in the pressure coefficients. Two peaks related to indirect transitions were observed at pressures higher than 50 kbar. They are attributed to type-I transitions from the lowest conduction-band edge, which are the strain splitted X(xy) valleys, to the heavy-hole subband in the InxGa1-xAs well.