1000 resultados para doenças físicas


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Os microsatélites, também chamados STRs (Short Tandem Repeat), são pequenas sequências de DNA que consistem numa sequência de repetições de um motivo que varia de um a seis pares de bases. Existem em quase todos os cromossomas humanos e podem situar-se nos exões ou nos intrões. Estes últimos são altamente polimórficos e são por isso utilizados na identificação de indivíduos em testes de paternidade e também em estudos de genética de populações. A combinação dos vários genótipos possíveis faz com que cada indivíduo possua um perfil único, que permite a sua identificação. Existem também microsatélites associados a exões ou a regiões promotoras dos genes, normalmente repetições trinucleotídicas CGG/CCG ou CAG/CTG, associados a doenças neurodegenerativas como a síndrome do X-frágil e a doença de Huntington. Neste trabalho caracterizaram-se geneticamente várias populações humanas dos arquipélagos da Madeira, Açores e Cabo Verde. A partir do estudo dos microsatélites do cromossoma Y, foram definidas idades de coalescência que permitiram concluir que as cópias do gene DAZ situado no cromossoma Y são o resultado de um processo evolutivo estando a sua evolução associada a alguns haplogrupos. Verificou-se também a ocorrência de possíveis mutações nos SNPs que definem os haplogrupos, através da comparação dos microsatélites do cromossoma Y dentro de cada haplogrupo, especialmente no haplogrupo E3b. Verificou-se existir uma associação entre o número de repetições CAG e GGC do gene Receptor de Androgénios (AR), situado no cromossoma X, e a infertilidade especialmente quando combinados os dois polimorfismos, parecendo haver um efeito protector dos alelos maiores e alguma susceptibilidade para os alelos menores. Quando se estudou o número de repetições GGC do gene FMR1 em doentes com suspeita de síndrome de X-frágil observaram-se diferenças significativas quando comparadas com a população em geral e com um grupo de sobredotados. Essa diferença deveu-se principalmente à presença do alelo 29 em quase todos os indivíduos do primeiro grupo o que por si só não constitui um factor de risco mas poderá ser uma indicação da associação deste alelo com outra mutação no mesmo gene que possa ser responsável por este fenótipo.


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Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se estabelecer o perfil urinário de níveis de biomarcadores do stress oxidativo (5-HMU; UAc; MDA; 8-OHdG) em indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controlo) comparando com o de doenças cardiovasculares (grupo CVD) de modo a avaliar o seu potencial como possíveis biomarcadores da possibilidade de ocorrência de CVD. A extração dos compostos alvos foi realizada por recurso a uma nova técnica extrativa - microextração com adsorvente empacotado em seringa (MEPS) controlada digitalmente (eVol). A análise dos biomarcadores foi efetuada por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UHPLC) utilizando como coluna analítica a HSS T3 (100 mm × 2,1 mm, 1,7 μm de tamanho da partícula) e com um sistema deteção de fotodiodos (PDA). Otimizaram-se os parâmetros experimentais com influência no processo extrativo, nomeadamente no que se refere ao tipo de adsorvente, á influência do pH, ao volume de amostra, ao número de ciclos extrativos, lavagem e ao volume de eluição. Foram ensaiadas diferentes condições experimentais e selecionadas as que corresponderam a uma maior eficiência extrativa, expressa pela área total relativa dos analitos e reprodutibilidade. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando como adsorvente C8, o pH da amostra ajustado a 6, o adsorvente foi carregado com 5x50 μL de amostra e a eluição com 1x50 μL de 0,01% ácido formico e 3x50 μL de 20% metanol. Para a separação cromatográfica dos analitos usou-se uma fase móvel binária (0,01% ácido fórmico:20% metanol), em modo isocrático e um fluxo de 250 μL min-1. O método analítico foi validado em termos de seletividade, linearidade, limite de deteção (LOD), limite de quantificação (LOQ), efeito matriz, exatidão e precisão (intra e interdias) e aplicada a determinação de biomarcadores alvo nos dois grupos estudados, obtiveram-se bons resultados em termos seletividade e linearidade (R2>0,9906), os valores de LOD e LOQ obtidos foram baixos, variando entre 0,00005 - 0,72 μg mL-1 e 0,00023 – 2,31 μg mL-1 respetivamente. Os resultados da percentagem de recuperação (91,06 – 123,02 %), precisão intra-dia (0,95 – 8,34 %), precisão inter-dia (4,58 -6,33 %) e o efeito de matriz (60,11 – 110,29 %) deste método foram satisfatórios. A aplicação da metodologia validada aos dois grupos em estudo permitiu concluir que as concentrações de UAc e MDA entre os dois grupos, contrariamente ao 5-HMU e ao 8- OhdG cujas concentrações são estatisticamente diferentes entre o grupo controlam e o grupo CVD.


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Mammography is a diagnostic imaging method in which interpretation depends on knowledge of radiological aspects as well as the clinical exam and pathophysiology of breast diseases. In this work a mammography phantom was developed to be used for training in the operation of mammographic x-ray equipment, image quality evaluation, self-examination and clinical examination of palpation. Polyurethane was used for the production of the phantoms for its physical and chemical properties and because it is one of the components normally used in prostheses. According to the range of flexibility of the polyurethane, it was possible to simulate breasts with higher or lower amount of adipose tissue. Pathologies such as areolar necrosis and tissue rejection due to surgery reconstruction after partial mastectomy were also simulated. Calcifications and nodules were simulated using the following materials: polyethylene, poly (methyl methacrylate), polyamide, polyurethane and poly (dimethyl silicone). Among these, polyethylene was able to simulate characteristics of calcification as well as breast nodules. The results from mammographic techniques used in this paper for the evaluation of the phantoms are in agreement with data found in the literature. The image analyses of four phantoms indicated significant similarities with the human skin texture and the female breast parenchyma. It was possible to detect in the radiographic images produced regions of high and low radiographic optical density, which are characteristic of breasts with regions of different amount of adipose tissue. The stiffnesses of breast phantoms were adjusted according to the formulation of the polyurethane which enabled the production of phantoms with distinct radiographic features and texture similar to human female breast parenchyma. Clinical palpation exam of the phantoms developed in this work indicated characteristics similar to human breast in skin texture, areolar region and parenchyma


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Extractivism mineral is considered an activity highly degrading, due to the large volume of material that he moves in the form of ore and residues. The vast majority of mining companies do not show any technology or economically viable application that will allow the recycling of mineral residue, these being launched in areas receiving located the "open skies" degrade the environment. In Rio Grande do Norte to the production of ceramic red restricts their activities to the production of products such as: solid bricks, ceramic blocks, tiles, among others. Seeking to unite experiences and technical information that favor sustainable development, with important benefits to the construction sector and civil society in general, the present work studies the incorporation of the residue of scheelite in ceramic matrix kaolinitic, coming from the municipality of Boa Saúde - RN, in percentage of 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30% 40% and 50 %, by evaluating its microstructure, physical properties and formulation. The raw materials were characterized through the trials of X ray fluorescence, Diffraction of X rays, Differential Thermal Analysis and Termogravimetric Analysis. The samples were formed and fired at temperatures of 850o, 900o, 1000o, 1050o, 1100o, 1150o and 1200 oC, with isotherm of 1 hour and heating rate of 10 oC/min. Assays were performed technological of loss to fire, Water Absorption, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density, Mass Loss in Fire and Bending Resistance; in addition to the Scanning Electron Microscopy, analyzing their physical and mechanical properties. The use of residue of scheelite in ceramic mass kaolinitic provided a final product with technological properties that meet the technical standards for the production of bricks and roofing tiles, with the percentage of 20% of waste that showed the best results


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O Eucalyptus grandis é uma das espécies mais cultivadas no Brasil devido à sua produtividade e qualidade da madeira. Avaliaram-se o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto tratado (0 a 40 t ha-1 base seca) e uma dose de adubo mineral nos atributos físicos e químicos da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de árvores com cinco anos de idade, no Município de Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil. O tipo de solo foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (argila = 120 g kg-1 na camada de 0-20 cm) e o clima, como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), a altura das árvores e o volume de madeira foram obtidos em todas as parcelas de oito árvores com DAP na classe de maior freqüência. As caracterizações físicas e químicas da madeira foram realizadas de acordo com as normas da ABTCP, TAPPI e ABNT. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a densidade básica da madeira, mas não afetou os teores de celulose, lignina, extrativos e o poder calorífico da madeira. O decréscimo de densidade da madeira pela adubação com lodo de esgoto foi compensado pela maior produtividade de madeira.


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Objetivo: analisar o estado da arte dos aspectos diagnósticos, periciais e jurisprudenciais das LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos / Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho) no Brasil. Materiais e Método: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, com formato documental, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A avaliação evolutiva da legislação previdenciária relacionada as LER/DORT foi realizada através da pesquisa no banco de dados disponibilizado pelo Governo Federal e mediante a consulta ao DATAPREV/Sislex. A avaliação dos aspectos diagnósticos foi instrumentalizada através, principalmente, de artigos científicos publicados entre 2003 e 2008, nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola e francesa, relacionados com os métodos de diagnósticos complementares das LER-DORT (ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada, ultrassonografia e eletroneuromiografia). As jurisprudências foram obtidas através da busca dos julgados sobre o tema, entre 2003 e 2008, pertencentes ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Tribunais Regionais Federais, Tribunal Superior do Trabalho e Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho. Resultados: foram identificados 48 artigos abordando os aspectos diagnósticos das LER-DORT, observando-se que os exames por ressonância magnética, ultrassonografia e eletromiografia demonstraram ser mais efetivos, dentro das suas especificidades, para a complementação do exame clínico de patologias relacionadas às LER-DORT. A análise das 123 jurisprudências selecionadas demonstrou, de forma geral, que as LER-DORT equiparam-se ao acidente de trabalho, devendo apresentar nexo de causalidade (atestado através de laudo médico-pericial) e, ainda, ensejam a ação por danos morais, a qual, devido à EC nº 45 passou a ser competência da Justiça do Trabalho. O Estado da arte dos aspectos periciais encontra-se representado pela vigência da Instrução Normativa n. 98/2003, a qual traz como aspecto fundamental a determinação de novos parâmetros a serem considerados na definição de um quadro de LER-DORT, dispondo, ainda, sobre a conduta ética que deve ser adotada pelo médico perito, bem como chama a atenção para a necessidade dessas doenças do trabalho serem comunicadas às autoridadades competentes, através da emissão da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusão: as LER-DORT representam, hoje, um problema de importante impacto, não apenas previdenciário, mas também econômico em diversos países, nos quais o Brasil encontra-se inserido. Estudos sobre o estado da arte relacionados às LER-DORT são fundamentais para auxiliar na construção de um modelo crítico e consciente que colabore com a garantia de sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário no Brasil


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The elaboration of profiles with characteristics that can be parameters in the different categories of sports modalities and the investment in scientific studies have revealed a significant importance in the development of new generations of athletes. Based in the exposed, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare the somatotype characteristics, physical qualities and genetic markers of Brazilian male volleyball players in the 14-17 category playing at different levels (international, national and regional). We used a scale, stadiometer, pachymeter, and adipometer to evaluate somatotype, attack and block reach test, medicine ball toss, 30-meter agility test , the AAHPER -30 test to evaluate basic physical qualities and the dermatoglyphic method to identify genetic markers. The results show the superiority of the national team over the other squads in the somatotype component (ectomorphy), and in the level of basic physical qualities. We found no significant difference in genetic markers among the teams studied. We conclude that Brazilian volleyball players at different performance levels have characteristics peculiar to the sport, with height and physical qualities being significantly different among these teams. The results confirm de necessity of knowing the athletes specific characteristics when dealing with high performance teams using nutrition, medicine, physiology and genetics specific knowledges to achieve a better sportive development


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The objective of this study of comparative descriptive character went aimed at to analyze the characteristics dermatoglyphics, anthropometrics and the basic physical qualities, in 180 selected scholars in a stratified way, distributed like this: 10 year-old boys = 32; 09 years = 32; 08 years = 32; 10 year-old girls = 28; 09 years = 28; 08 years = 28), studying the fundamental teaching of the School Good Municipal Hope, located in the area east, in the Neighborhood of the Crowned, in the city of Manaus, Amazon. For identification of the dermatoglyphics characteristics collected, was the fingerprints; for evaluation of the corporal mass, height and IMC, they were used a digital scale with an estadiometer of the mark Filizola. The tests: to sit down and to reach flexibility); Horizontal Impulse or I jump in distance stopped (force of inferior members); Flex and extension of the trunk (it Forces abdominal); Flexion and extension of the arms in suspension in the bar (Force of superior members); 30 meters (Speed) and 9 minutes (Resistance applied aerobic) was to evaluate the basic physical qualities. The results demonstrated that differences didn't exist among the goods, in most of the studied variables, and the existent differences among the ages of 8, 9 and 10 years, they demonstrate a normality tendency in the infantile development


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This work demonstrates the importance of using tools used in geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial data analysis (SDA) for the study of infectious diseases. Analysis methods were used to describe more fully the spatial distribution of a particular disease by incorporating the geographical element in the analysis. In Chapter 1, we report the historical evolution of these techniques in the field of human health and use Hansen s disease (leprosy) in Rio Grande do Norte as an example. In Chapter 2, we introduced a few basic theoretical concepts on the methodology and classified the types of spatial data commonly treated. Chapters 3 and 4 defined and demonstrated the use of the two most important techniques for analysis of health data, which are data point processes and data area. We modelled the case distribution of Hansen s disease in the city of Mossoró - RN. In the analysis, we used R scripts and made available routines and analitical procedures developed by the author. This approach can be easily used by researchers in several areas. As practical results, major risk areas in Mossoró leprosy were detected, and its association with the socioeconomic profile of the population at risk was found. Moreover, it is clearly shown that his approach could be of great help to be used continuously in data analysis and processing, allowing the development of new strategies to work might increase the use of such techniques in data analysis in health care


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Health and life quality can be preserved and improved by the regular practice of physical activity. Sedentarism is an undesirable condition and represents risk for the health. This study has as objective to analyze the caloric cost and the basic physical qualities in college students of different technical levels. The research was descriptive and applied to 35 students, volunteers, from 19 to 34 years old, from both sexes, participants of the Dance Body of State University of Piauí, in the city of Teresina, in the activities of folkloric dance and walking. The caloric cost was evaluated with the accelerometer Caltrac 100/100 Plan, the basic physical qualities through the sitting and reaching test (flexibility); the vertical impulsion test, crouch (inferior members strength); the abdominal test (located muscular resistance); and the Burpee test (motor coordination). The participants were separated in two groups according to their time of practice: group 1 (beginners), group 2 (advanced). The parametric tests t by Student and correlation by Pearson were used, observing a significance p<0,05 in the sense of comparing the observed results, which showed that there are no significant differences between the two groups of students, according to the time of practice, in which concerns the caloric cost. The results of Strength, Resistance and Co-ordination test did not differ so much between the two groups. On the other hand, in the variable flexibility significant differences were observed (sig.p = 0,0022 << 0,05) between the observed groups, being Group 1 (31,5 ± 6,3) meaningfully less than Group 2 (38,1 ± 4,9), which constitutes a difference of about 21%. Such results present relations of caloric cost compensation between the studied groups, the motivation to the beginners group and flexibility to tne advanced group, justifying the lack of significant distinctions. In this sense the folkloric dance, as a physical activity, appears to be efficient, for significant co-relations are still noticed between the caloric cost levels of the dance with the walking, besides not presenting expressive differences between them.


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The aim of this research was to analyse genetic markers, anthropometry and basic physical qualities in the differret stages of sexual maturation in swimmers in Paraíba. It is characterised as a descriptive cross sectional study. The sample was composed of 119 swimmers (males) that were divided among the stages of sexual maturation, from 7 to 17,9 years of age. They were associated to a local federation, the Confederação Brasileira de Desportes Aquáticos. The tests used were: genetic markers dermatoglyphics; Anthropometry body mass, stature, arm span, fat percentage and somatotype; physical qualities speed tests (25 meters crawl), strength (vertical jump) to inferior limbs, verarm throwing arremesso of a 2kg medicineball to superior limbs and abdominal), resistence (12 minutes to swimming), agility (he multistage 20-meter shuttle run test), flexibility (sit and reach test ) and coodination (stroke index); power of swimming (mean velocity in 25 meters mutiplied by body mass) and the self assessment of the sexual maturation supervised by a pediatric specialist. In the analyses we used the test normality of Shapiro-Wilk, then, we used ANOVA- one way followed by Post-Hoc test of Scheffé. The data showed in dermatogliphics a genetic tendence to velocity (L>W) with a predominance of the meso-ectomorphic somatotype profile; in relation to the physical qualities there was an evolution of the results in every stage due to the antropometric variables, except in the coordination tests. There were no significative differences between the stages. We conclude that swimming in Paraíba is composed of a signicative number of velocists with a mesomorph somatotype profile and low fat percentage, and that made it posssible to us to recomend that the trainings must be individual and according to personal characteristics of each athlete, and that the used variables must be specific for every region of the country. This dissertation presents a relation of multidiciplinar interface and its content has an application in Physical Education and Medicine


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Effects of a Cordia salicifolia (porangaba) extract on the labeling of blood cells (BCs) with technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) and on the morphology of red BCs were evaluated. Labeling of cellular and molecular structures with (99m)Tc depends on a reducing agent. Some physical characteristics, as visible absorbance spectrum, electric conductivity, and refractive index of this porangaba extract, were also determined. Blood samples from Wistar rats were incubated with porangaba extract or with 0.9% NaCl (control). Labeling of blood constituents with (99m)Tc was performed. Plasma (P) and BCs, both soluble (SF-P and SF-BC) and insoluble (IF-P and IF-BC) fractions, were separated. The radioactivity in each fraction was counted, and the percentage of radioactivity incorporated (%ATI) was calculated. Blood smears were prepared, fixed, and stained, and the morphology of the red BCs was evaluated. Data showed an absorbance peak at 480 nm and electric conductibility and refractive index concentration-dependent. Porangaba extract decreased significantly (P < .05) the BC, IF-P, and IF-BC %ATI, and no modifications were verified on the shape of red BCs. Analysis of the results reveals that some physical parameters could be useful to aid in characterizing the extract studied. Moreover, it is possible that chemical compounds of this extract could have chelating/redox actions or be capable of binding to plasma and/or cellular proteins


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Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate physical characteristics and to examine association between somatotype and performance in collegiate runners of 100 m and 400 m. Methods: The sample, male runners (n=39) competing at the regional level in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, had height, body mass, skinfolds, limb circumference and skeletal breadths measured. Then, the somatotype was calculated by Health-Carter method. Races (100 m and 400 m) were held to assess athletic performance. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the total sample, as well as for the 100 m and 400 m groups, and established four subgroups, named quartiles. For analysis between groups of runners (100 m x 400 m) was used Student's t test for independent samples. To examine the relationship between the race times and anthropometric variables, was used the Pearson correlation test. The somatotype dispersion distance and somatotype spatial distance were calculated among subgroups. One-way analysis of variance, the Wilcoxon test followed of Tukey post test, and correlation analysis were used with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Somatotype with mesomorphy and ectomorphy dominance was exhibited by 100 m and 400 m athletes. Endomorphy was low in both groups, especially in 400m runners, who had more elongated body types than 100 m runners. When separately compared by athletic performance quartile, 100 m sprinters of better qualifications (G100-G1) had somatotype with dominant mesomorphy, whereas 400 m runners had somatotype with dominant ectomorphy. A significant correlation (r = -0.55, p=0.008) between calf circumference and 100 m race times was observed showing the importance of muscularity, whereas a significant correlation was found between height and 400 m race times (r = -0.53, p=0.02) showing the importance of linearity. Conclusion: Runners of 100 and 400 may show differences in physical characteristics, depending on the level of athletic performance. Anthropometric periodic evaluations may help in the training process of these athletes. However, more specific assessment parameters should be taken into account, because somatotype by itself has not power to predict whether an individual will succeed in racing speed


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Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (DLPC) are lymphoid system diseases characterized by the abnormal proliferation of mature lymphocytes that affect B cells, T lymphocytes and NK cells. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relevance of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry in patients with prolonged lymphocytosis and / or cytomorphological changes compatible with lymphoproliferative diseases. In this study 460 patients (244 men and 216 women) with DLPC were evaluated. Were analyzed by flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies consisting of CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD10, CD19, CD22, CD23, CD25, CD38, CD45, CD16/CD56, and HLADR heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. It also examines information regarding age, gender of patients and laboratory data as leucocytes, cytomorphological analysis, platelet count and hemoglobin determination. The results showed 398 cases of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders and 62 of DLPC B cell lymphoproliferative diseases T. B showed the following distribution : 253 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 42 cases of multiple myeloma ( MM ), 37 cases of lymphoma non - Hodgkin lymphoma in leukemic phase (NHL) , 17 cases of pro- B lymphocytic leukemia ( B -PLL), 15 cases of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL ), 12 cases of plasma cell leukemia ( PCL), 9 cases of lymphoma Burkitt (Linf B), 8 cases of leukemia villous cells ( LCV), 3 cases of splenic lymphoma with villous cells (LECV), a case of follicular lymphoma (LF) and a Waldenströn macroglobulinemia ( MW). The diseases source NK / T were 23 cases of peripheral T cell lymphoma (LCTP), 14 cases of T prolymphocytic leukemia (T -PLL), 10 cases of leukemia T of large granular lymphocytes (LGL -T) 9 cases of leukemia cells of adult T (LCTA), 5 cases of Sezary syndrome (SS) and a case of large granular NK leukemia (LGL -NK) lymphocytes. In conclusion, the combined use of the monoclonal antibody panel careful cytomorphological analysis was shown to be essential in immune diagnosis and classification of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders. This study was approved by the IRB - HUOL under number 356 / 09