937 resultados para chiral enoates
There are several classes of homogeneous Fermi systems that are characterized by the topology of the energy spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles: (i) gapless systems with a Fermi surface, (ii) systems with a gap in their spectrum, (iii) gapless systems with topologically stable point nodes (Fermi points), and (iv) gapless systems with topologically unstable lines of nodes (Fermi lines). Superfluid 3He-A and electroweak vacuum belong to the universality class 3. The fermionic quasiparticles (particles) in this class are chiral: they are left-handed or right-handed. The collective bosonic modes of systems of class 3 are the effective gauge and gravitational fields. The great advantage of superfluid 3He-A is that we can perform experiments by using this condensed matter and thereby simulate many phenomena in high energy physics, including axial anomaly, baryoproduction, and magnetogenesis. 3He-A textures induce a nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. With 3He-A one can simulate event horizons, Hawking radiation, rotating vacuum, etc. High-temperature superconductors are believed to belong to class 4. They have gapless fermionic quasiparticles with a “relativistic” spectrum close to gap nodes, which allows application of ideas developed for superfluid 3He-A.
The emergence of biochemical homochirality was a key step in the origin of life, yet prebiotic mechanisms for chiral separation are not well constrained. Here we demonstrate a geochemically plausible scenario for chiral separation of amino acids by adsorption on mineral surfaces. Crystals of the common rock-forming mineral calcite (CaCO3), when immersed in a racemic aspartic acid solution, display significant adsorption and chiral selectivity of d- and l-enantiomers on pairs of mirror-related crystal-growth surfaces. This selective adsorption is greater on crystals with terraced surface textures, which indicates that d- and l-aspartic acid concentrate along step-like linear growth features. Thus, selective adsorption of linear arrays of d- and l-amino acids on calcite, with subsequent condensation polymerization, represents a plausible geochemical mechanism for the production of homochiral polypeptides on the prebiotic Earth.
Reasoning from two basic principles of molecular physics, P invariance of electromagnetic interaction and the second law of thermodynamics, one would conclude that mirror symmetry retained in the world of chiral molecules. This inference is fully consistent with what is observed in inorganic nature. However, in the bioorganic world, the reverse is true. Mirror symmetry there is definitely broken. Is it possible to account for this phenomenon without going beyond conventional concepts of the kinetics of enantioselective processes? This study is an attempt to survey all existing hypotheses containing this phenomenon.
To investigate the molecular mechanism for stereospecific binding of agonists to beta 2-adrenergic receptors we used receptor models to identify potential binding sites for the beta-OH-group of the ligand, which defines the chiral center. Ser-165, located in transmembrane helix IV, and Asn-293, situated in the upper half of transmembrane helix VI, were identified as potential binding sites. Mutation of Ser-165 to Ala did not change the binding of either isoproterenol isomer as revealed after transient expression in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells. In contrast, a receptor mutant in which Asn-293 was replaced by Leu showed substantial loss of stereospecific isoproterenol binding. Adenylyl cyclase stimulation by this mutant after stable expression in CHO cells confirmed the substantial loss of stereospecificity for isoproterenol. In a series of agonists the loss of affinity in the Leu-293 mutant receptor was strongly correlated with the intrinsic activity of the compounds. Full agonists showed a 10-30-fold affinity loss, whereas partial agonists had almost the same affinity for both receptors. Stereospecific recognition of antagonists was unaltered in the Leu-293 mutant receptor. These data indicate a relationship between stereospecificity and intrinsic activity of agonists and suggest that Asn-293 is important for both properties of the agonist-receptor interaction.
In the last decade, phosphonate and quinoxaline cavitand have been extensively studied, highlighting their outstanding recognition properties. Their successful applications in material science and sensing open the way to new potential applications, such as border security, environmental monitoring and chiral recognition. The present thesis explores the recognition properties of phosphonate and quinoxaline cavitands towards new targets, for molecular recognition and sensing applications. Chapter 2 highlights the enantioselective behavior of phosphonate cavitands towards chiral guests in the solid state and in solution. Phosphonate cavitands were exploited for the molecular recognition of L-lactic acid (chapter 3), a widespread natural molecule which offer multiple potential applications, and a human sweat marker used for the detection of human presence (chapter 4). The second part is devoted to sensing applications of quinoxaline cavitands. Chapter 5 describes the use of QxCav for the preconcentration of drugs precursors, while chapter 6 reports the design, synthesis and grafting of a rigidified EtQxBox on a silicon wafer.
As reações de adição aldólica entre a cetimina 1 e aldeídos aromáticos foram inicialmente efetuadas à temperatura ambiente, em sistema bifásico constituído por uma fase aquosa básica (KOH 10% ou NaOH 5% m/v) e por uma fase orgânica (aldeído), na ausência de solventes e de catalisadores, observando-se baixa conversão em produto. Porém, quando se utilizou o catalisador aliquat®-336, foi possível reduzir a concentração da base (NaOH 1%), com conversão total da imina em produto que, na maioria dos casos, era uma mistura de duas oxazolidinas isoméricas de estereoquímica cis e trans. Esses compostos puderam ser isolados e purificados por recristalização de etanol ou metanol. Em todas as reações efetuadas com benzaldeído, m-clorobenzaldeído e p-nitrobenzaldeído, não se observou excesso diastereomérico significativo. No entanto, as reações com p-clorobenzaldeído mostraram-se diastereosseletivas, conduzindo, à temperatura ambiente, quase que exclusivamente à oxazolidina de estereoquímica cis. A comparação entre o resultado de reações efetuadas a curto e longo tempo de reação, ou em diferentes temperaturas, permitiu concluir que o aldol de estereoquímica anti é o produto cinético, o qual se transforma lentamente na oxazolidina cis. O produto termodinâmico (aldol syn) cicliza rapidamente, não sendo observado nos espectros de RMN de H dos produtos brutos de reação, mas sim seu produto ciclizado, a oxazolidina trans. Tentativas de obter os produtos de reação com excesso enantiomérico, pelo emprego de catalisadores de transferência de fase assimétricos, não foram bem sucedidas.
Neste trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de hidróxi-calcogenetos (Se e Te) frente a biotransformações, empregando enzimas isoladas em meio orgânico ou aquoso e empregando microorganismos (fungos). Estudos comparativos sobre a influência de diversas variáveis, como solvente, temperatura, imobilização enzimática e estrutura do hidróxi-calcogeneto, foram realizados. Inicialmente os compostos foram sintetizados utilizando métodos descritos na literatura, em seguida foi estudada a resolução de hidróxiselenetos em meio orgânico empregando lipases isoladas (Esquema 1), (ver arquivo), incluindo um estudo de imobilização da PSL em diversos suportes, além do estudo da influência da variação do solvente, da temperatura, da lipase, etc. Na resolução em meio aquoso empregando enzimas isoladas, primeiramente os hidróxi-selenetos foram acetilados quimicamente e depois realizado uma triagem (com dez enzimas de diferentes fontes) empregando indicador de pH colori métrico. Posteriormente os acetatos dos hidróxi-selenetos (Esquema 2) (ver arquivo) foram submetidos à resolução enzimática em meio aquoso empregando as enzimas que foram selecionadas na triagem enzimática. As biotransformações utilizando fungos foram realizadas empregando células inteiras de algumas linhagens de Aspergillus terreus. Na seqüência foi realizada a resolução de hidróxi-teluretos em meio orgânico utilizando lipases isoladas (Esquema 3)(ver arquivo). Nessas resoluções também foi estudada a influência da variação do solvente, da lipase, do tempo, etc. De forma a demonstrar a importância dos compostos resolvidos, um hidróxi-seleneto quiral e dois hidróxi-teluretos quirais foram usados para preparar compostos pertencentes a classes de unidades estruturais de vasta ocorrência em produtos naturais: um álcool alílico e duas lactonas (Esquema 4)(ver arquivo).
A presente tese trata das reações de sulfanilação de algumas 2-sulfinilciclanonas racêmicas pelo método de catálise por transferência de fase (CTF), seja usando cloreto de benziltrietilamônio (TEBAC) seja usando catalisador quirálico. As reações de sulfanilação pelo método de CTF empregando TEBAC, forneceram produtos sulfanilados em altos rendimentos (75-93%), enquanto que as reações empregando a mesma metodologia, utilizando catalisadores quirálicos, conduziram não só a altos rendimentos, mas também a um aumento no excesso diastereomérico. Foram determinadas as configurações relativas da 2metilsulfanil- 2-metilsulfinilciclopentanona e 2-p-tolilsulfanil-2metilsulfinilcicloexanona pela análise de difração de Raios-X como sendo 2S*SS*. A parte final da Tese contém reações de sulfanilação da 2-metilsulfinilciclopentanona e 2-metilsulfinilcicloexanona opticamente ativas. É digno de nota que estas, ao contrário da 2-p-tolilsulfinil ciclanonas, descritas na literatura, conduziram a produtos sulfanilados estáveis. Finalmente, a tese mostra um exemplo de condensação aldólica assimétrica partindo da 2-metilsulfanil-2-metilsulfinilcicloexanona opticamente ativa. Com base no conhecimento da configuração deste último composto, foi possível esclarecer o mecanismo da indução assimétrica.
The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azomethine ylides and alkenes is efficiently catalysed by [{(Sa)-Binap-Au(tfa)}2] (Binap=2,2′-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1′-binaphthyl; tfa=trifluoroacetyl). Maleimides, 1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene, chalcone and nitrostyrene were suitable dipolarophiles even when using sterically hindered 1,3-dipole precursors. The results obtained in these transformations improve the analogous ones obtained in the same reactions catalysed by [Binap–Ag(tfa)]. In addition, computational studies have also been carried out to demonstrate both the high enantioselectivity exhibited by the chiral gold(I) complex, and the non-linear effect observed in this transformation.
(Sa)-Binam-D-prolinamide (20 mol%), instead of (Sa)-binam-L-prolinamide, in combination with chloroacetic acid (100 mol%) is an efficient organocatalyst for the direct aldol reaction between α-keto esters as electrophiles and alkyl and α-functionalised ketones, under quasi solvent-free conditions, providing access to highly functionalised chiral quaternary γ-keto α-hydroxyesters with up to 92% ee.
Dimeric anthracenyldimethyl-derived Cinchona ammonium salts are used as chiral organocatalysts in 5 mol% for the phase-transfer enantioselective alkylation reaction of 2-alkoxycarbonyl-1-indanones with activated bromides. The corresponding adducts bearing a new all-carbon quaternary center are obtained usually in high yield and with moderate and opposite enantioselectivity (up to 55%) when using ammonium salts derived from quinidine and its pseudoenantiomer quinine as organocatalysts. These catalysts can be almost quantitatively recovered by precipitation in ether and reused.
Recoverable (Sa)-binam-l-prolinamide in combination with benzoic acid is used as catalysts in the direct aldol reaction between cycloalkyl, alkyl, and α-functionalized ketones and aldehydes under solvent-free reaction conditions. Three different methods are assayed: simple conventional magnetic stirring, magnetic stirring after previous dissolution in THF and evaporation, and ball mill technique. These procedures allow one to reduce not only the amount of required ketone to 2 equiv but also the reaction time to give the aldol products with regio-, diastereo-, and enantioselectivities comparable to those in organic or aqueous solvents. Generally anti-isomers are mainly obtained with enantioselectivities up to 97%. The reaction can be carried out under these conditions also using aldehydes as nucleophiles, yielding after in situ reduction of the aldol products the corresponding chiral 1,3-diols with moderate to high enantioselectivities mainly as anti-isomers. The aldol reaction has been studied by the use of positive ESI-MS technique, providing the evidence of the formation of the corresponding enamine−iminium intermediates.
N-Tosyl-(Sa)-binam-L-prolinamide is an efficient catalyst for the aqueous aldol reaction, between glyoxylic acid, as monohydrate or aqueous solution, and ketones. This reaction led to the formation of chiral α-hydroxy-γ-keto carboxylic acids in high levels of diastereo- and enantioselectivities achieving mainly anti aldol products.
This paper reviews the present state of the catalytic enantioselective Reformatsky reaction. Advancements in asymmetric versions of this reaction have recently led to a considerable extension of its scope and applicability, principally due to the use of highly active chiral ligands and very specific reaction conditions.
Wet unsupported and supported 1,1′-binaphthalene-2,2′-diamine (BINAM) derived prolinamides are efficient organocatalysts under solvent-free conditions at room temperature to perform the synthesis of chiral tacrine analogues in good yields (up to 93%) and excellent enantioselectivies (up to 96%). The Friedländer reaction involved in this process takes place with several cyclohexanone derivatives and 2-aminoaromatic aldehydes, and it is compatible with the presence of either electron-withdrawing or electron-donating groups at the aromatic ring of the 2-aminoaryl aldehyde derivatives used as electrophiles. The reaction can be extended to cyclopentanone derivatives, affording a regioisomeric but separable mixture of products. The use of the wet silica gel supported organocatalyst, under solvent-free conditions, for this process led to the expected product (up to 87% enantiomeric excess), with its reuse being possible at least up to five times.