987 resultados para School hygiene


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, and an increase in the availability of fish to consumers, with nutritional status baseline data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. In a cross-sectional survey, baseline anthropometric data was collected from 768 children, aged 3-60 months in 389 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 576 children and 292 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant information, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with DATAEASE registered and EPI-INFO registered software, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of stunted children in fishing households was high at 40%, while the prevalence of wasted and underweight children was likewise high at 10% and 29% respectively. Children from non-fishing households had a marginally lower prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight with 37%, 7% and 25 % respectively, although these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the fact that the survey was carried out during a period of relative food abundance, the prevalence of wasting and underweight children is likely to be much higher during periods of food shortage. The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight was relatively high for children aged 3 to 23 months, suggesting an increased risk of malnutrition during this period, most likely associated with inadequate weaning practices. The prevalence of malnourishment amongst women of child-bearing age was relatively high, irrespective of occupation of the household, with an average of 11% undernourished and 6% wasted. Vaccination coverage was very low while infant and child mortality were extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. Based on the ethical obligation to maximise the potential benefits of the survey, recommendations for activities to improve community nutrition and health were made for communication to relevant authorities. (PDF contains 52 pages)


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, managing the fisheries on a sustainable basis, with follow-up data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. A similar survey, conducted in 1996, provided the baseline against which data from the current survey was evaluated. In a cross-sectional survey, anthropometric data was collected from 576 children aged 3-60 months in 282 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 374 children and 181 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant data, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with a specially designed Microsoft Access application, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. Statistical significance testing was done using EPI-INFO" software. The results of the follow-up survey indicate a slight increase in the percentage of stunted pre-school children in fishing households around Kainji Lake, from 40% in 1996 to 41% in 1999. This increase is however not statistically significant (p= 0.704). Over the same period, the percentage of stunted children in non-fishing households increased from 37% to 39% (p= 0.540), which is also not statistically significant. Likewise, there were no statistically significant differences between the 1996 and 1999 results for the prevalence of either wasted or underweight children in fishing households. The same applies to children from non-fishing households. In addition, vaccination coverage remains very low while infant and child mortality rates continue to be extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. There has been no perceptible and lasting improvement in the standard of living of fishing households over the course of the second project phase as indicated by the persistently high prevalence of stunting. The situation is the same for the control group, indicating that for the region as a whole, a number of factors beyond the immediate influence of the project continue to negatively impact on the standard of living. The results also show that the project activities have not had any negative long-term effect on the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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Esta tese tem como objeto a regulação política da sexualidade no âmbito da família por saberes e instituições médicas brasileiras (1838-1940). Orienta-se pelo interesse em analisar continuidades e descontinuidades na construção de objetos, estratégias e táticas políticas direcionados para a regulação higiênica e eugênica do casamento e da sexualidade infantil. De inspiração foucaultiana, inscreve-se no campo da história dos saberes e está subsidiada por um conjunto heterogêneo de documentos (teses, artigos de periódicos, livros, anais etc.) circunscritos, majoritariamente, ao campo da medicina. Analisa a constituição de uma defesa higiênica dos casamentos no pensamento médico novecentista, voltada para remanejamentos das figuras de esposa e marido na nova configuração de família que começava a se esboçar no Brasil, contrastando-a com a regulação católica da moral sexual colonial. Em seguida, descreve a visibilidade higiênica que a medicina dará a infância no século XIX, problematizando especificamente o interesse pelo tema da masturbação, que articula simultaneamente a família, centrada na figura da mãe, e a escola na convocação de zelar pela criança. Partindo das contradições sociais que se apresentaram na construção do projeto liberal nacional a partir da década de 1870, discute a apropriação do discurso da degenerescência pelo saber médico-psiquiátrico brasileiro, que propiciou uma leitura da brasilidade marcada pelo excesso sexual e pela condição degenerada da miscigenação, a fim de pensar as condições de possibilidade para a emergência do projeto de eugenia matrimonial institucionalizado nas primeiras décadas do século XX e toma como táticas a campanha pela compulsoriedade do exame pré-nupcial, o combate aos casamentos consanguíneos, o controle do contágio venéreo e o aconselhamento sexual dos casais. Analisa a campanha de educação sexual, cuja pretensão de instituir uma sciencia sexual no Brasil, de legitimidade controversa, tinha como horizonte viabilizar uma profilaxia sexual que mitigasse a produção da criminalidade, das perversões sexuais e das doenças nervosas, bem como os desajustes familiares, a partir da fabricação de um novo objeto, qual seja, a sexualidade infantil, no qual incidirá uma nova pedagogia. Nesse particular, aponta particularidades discursivas da difusão das idéias freudianas entre higienistas brasileiros. Finalmente, sinaliza a constituição da higiene mental da criança como um novo domínio para a psiquiatria brasileira, que tomou a intensa circulação afetiva intrafamiliar como ponto de ancoragem para um projeto de normalização social, ainda centrado na eugenia, mas já atravessado por uma psicologia da adaptação.


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Afirmar a sociedade brasileira nos quadros da modernidade foi o anseio de intelectuais de campos variados no contexto das décadas iniciais do século XX. Neste cenário, a educação era considerada uma via possível para promover mudanças de hábitos, conformando a população a partir dos referenciais modernos. Se a escola assumiu papel de destaque por ser um espaço a partir do qual seria possível educar a infância, a importância de outras instâncias educativas também era considerada, dentre as quais, destacamos a família, pensada como espaço fundamental de socialização. A educação ministrada no espaço privado deveria, no entanto, ser consoante com os ideais preconizados à época, para isso fazia-se necessário intervir sobre ele, educando os agentes do seu interior. Neste estudo, analisamos as ações encaminhadas pelo Serviço de Ortofrenia e Higiene Mental (SOHM), que funcionou no Rio de Janeiro, então Distrito Federal, no período de 1934 a 1939. Este Serviço, chefiado por Arthur Ramos, visava prevenir e corrigir os problemas dos escolares, considerando as relações culturais e sociais importantes para uma compreensão global destes indivíduos. Como as relações familiares e o espaço doméstico eram aspectos a serem conhecidos e modificados quando necessário e, como os pais eram chamados a colaborar com as ações do Serviço de formas diversas, buscamos analisar estratégias variadas destinadas a intervir no espaço doméstico, focalizando as prescrições voltadas a este e alguns aspectos da dinâmica estabelecida nas relações entre as famílias e a escola, através do SOHM.


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O projeto de higienização, com efeitos sentidos ainda no século XIX, atravessou as primeiras décadas dos novecentos propondo intervenções cada vez mais incisivas na população brasileira, porém pautadas no princípio da educação higiênica. O pressuposto de que era necessário conscientizar e educar higienicamente a população, ao invés de impor apenas a obediência a medidas legislativas, tornou a escola primária um dos principais escopos das iniciativas em proveito da formação de hábitos sadios. Este olhar sobre a escola primária exigiu do professorado o preparo para lidar com tais desafios. Esta dissertação situa- se no âmbito da proposta de refletir acerca da interferência dos discursos e conhecimentos médico-higiênicos na formação e ofício da docência primária. Para tal efeito, tomamos como algumas das principais fontes os compêndios escolares de higiene, endereçados às escolas normais, bem como os programas da disciplina, produzidos para conduzir o ensino na Escola Normal do Distrito Federal. Tendo em vista que este aparato didático-pedagógico, composto pelos compêndios e pela disciplina de Higiene, manteve forte relação com o que se difundiu acerca do professorado primário a respeito de seu papel na campanha higiênica , também fez parte da perspectiva deste estudo o exame dos discursos proferidos nos congressos médicos e educacionais. Tais discursos nos auxiliaram no sentido de perceber a retórica que requisitava o alargamento do papel do professorado primário, no contexto das primeiras décadas do século XX, impulsionando uma suposta adequação do plano de formação docente às emergências da saúde pública. Ademais, as iniciativas voltadas para o aperfeiçoamento dos professores primários, fora das escolas normais, também se expressaram como discursos destas novas atribuições: tratamos dos cursos de aperfeiçoamento em higiene, promovidos por instituições distintas. Tornava-se necessário disciplinar a infância e suscitar nela novos hábitos. Portanto, os professores primários foram convocados a se constituírem braços direitos dos higienistas.


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The potential for changes to onboard handling practices in order to improve the fate of juvenile school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi) discarded during trawling were investigated in two Australian rivers (Clarence and Hunter) by comparing a purpose-built, water-filled sorting tray against a conventional dry tray across various conditions, including the range of typical delays before the start of sorting the catch (2 min vs. 15 min). Juvenile school prawns (n= 5760), caught during 32 and 16 deployments in each river, were caged and sacrificed at four times: immediately (T0), and at 24 (T24), 72 (T72), and 120 (T12 0) hours after having been discarded. In both rivers, most mortalities occurred between T0 and T24 and, after adjusting for control deaths (<12%), were greatest for the 15-min conventional treatment (up to 41% at T120). Mixed-effects logistic models revealed that in addition to the sampling time, method of sorting, and delay in sorting, the weight of the catch, salinity, and percentage cloud cover were significant predictors of mortality. Although trawling caused some mortalities and comparable stress (measured as L -lactate) in all school prawns, use of the water tray lessened the negative impacts of some of the above factors across both the 2-min and 15-min delays in sorting so that the overall discard mortality was reduced by more than a third. When used in conjunction with selective trawls, widespread application of the water tray should help to improve the sustainability of trawling for school prawns.


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Some antibullying interventions have shown positive outcomes with regard to reducing violence. The aim of the study was to experimentally assess the effects on school violence and aggressiveness of a program to prevent and reduce cyberbullying. The sample was comprised of a randomly selected sample of 176 adolescents (93 experimental, 83 control), aged 13-15 years. The study used a repeated measures pre-posttest design with a control group. Before and after the program, two assessment instruments were administered: the "Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado" (CUVE-R [School Violence Questionnaire- Revised]; Alvarez Garcia et al., 2011) and the "Cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva" (CAPI-A [Premeditated and Impulsive Aggressiveness Questionnaire]; Andreu, 2010). The intervention consisted of 19 one-hour sessions carried out during the school term. The program contains 25 activities with the following objectives: (1) to identify and conceptualize bullying/cyberbullying; (2) to analyze the consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, promoting participants' capacity to report such actions when they are discovered; (3) to develop coping strategies to prevent and reduce bullying/cyberbullying; and (4) to achieve other transversal goals, such as developing positive variables (empathy, active listening, social skills, constructive conflict resolution, etc.). The pre-posttest ANCOVAs confirmed that the program stimulated a decrease in: (1) diverse types of school violence teachers' violence toward students (ridiculing or publicly humiliating students in front of the class, etc.); students' physical violence (fights, blows, shoves... aimed at the victim, or at his or her property, etc.); students' verbal violence (using offensive language, cruel, embarrassing, or insulting words... toward classmates and teachers); social exclusion (rejection or exclusion of a person or group, etc.), and violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT; violent behaviors by means of electronic instruments such as mobile phones and the Internet); and (2) premeditated and impulsive aggressiveness. Pre-posttest MANCOVA revealed differences between conditions with a medium effect size. This work contributes an efficacious intervention tool for the prevention and reduction of peer violence. The conclusions drawn from this study have interesting implications for educational and clinical intervention.


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Este estudo possui o interesse em ampliar as discussões, no campo da história da educação, sobre o uso de cartilhas como dispositivos por meio dos quais se procurou pôs em circulação, no espaço escolar, os ideais higiênicos, cuja aquisição permitiria a construção de uma vida vista como saudável e feliz. As cartilhas analisadas são: Cartilha de Higiene, de 1922, de Antônio de Almeida Júnior, médico e educador, conhecido por ter tido envolvimento no Movimento da Escola Nova; e Cartilha de Higiene, de 1936, de Renato Kehl, médico e defensor da eugenia no Brasil. As obras em questão foram produzidas em um cenário em que proliferaram intervenções oriundas do campo médico, entre outros campos científicos, com vistas à conformação da sociedade brasileira em bases modernas. Pretende-se analisar esses livros, valorizando sua dimensão de objeto cultural, explorando o caráter prescritivo de que se revestem, dirigido às crianças, em vários aspectos de sua vida escolar e doméstica, e ainda as representações produzidas sobre infância, família, escola e saúde.


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This is a report on the results of the Frame Survey conducted in the Uganda side of Lake Victoria during August 2010 by the LVFO Institutions, namely: the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) Uganda and the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) in close collaboration with the District Fisheries offices of Busia, Bugiri, Mayuge, Jinja, Mukono, Kampala, Wakiso, Mpigi, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai. The authors are grateful to the LVEMP II, for providing funds for the survey and the LVFO secretariat coordination. Fisheries Frame surveys have been carried out on Lake Victoria biannually since 2000 to determine the number of fishers, fish landing sites, and facilities at the landing sites, as well as the composition of fishing crafts, their mode of propulsion, fishing gears and the fish species they target. This information is used to guide development and management of the lake’s fisheries. Following the reorganisation of landing sites into Beach Management Units (BMUs), the number of landing sites decreased from 597 in 2000 to 435 in 2008. The survey in 2010 showed an increase to 503 landing sites, an indication that new landing sites are coming up. The fish landing sites continue to have inadequate facilities such as fish shades, cold rooms to service the fisheries industry and very few (5%) have access to electricity and 32% had access to all weather roads. There has been some progressive improvement in the landing site coverage of basic hygiene and sanitation facilities, especially public toilet facilities from 17% in 2000 to 39% in 2010; and portable water from 4% to 17% respectively. However more effort is required to cover all landing sites. Most landing sites (83%) have access to mobile phone networks which eases communication. 46% of landing sites had access to a Health clinic and 64% had a Primary school within a radius of 2 km.


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A survey of processing hygiene in the Sri Lankan prawn industry has shown that the incoming raw material has extremely high bacterial loadings; about 50% of samples analysed had a total count in excess of 10,000,000/g. Although beheading reduces the count, ineffective temperature control during processing means that the final total count of raw, shell-on, P.U.D. and P.A.D. prawns, as well as cooked prawns, is in excess of 1,000,000/g. - the maximum level specified by many importing countries.


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Of 262 personnel tested, 137 (52%) were found to be positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Among individual companies the prevalence of S. aureus ranged from 92% (Company No. 1) to 22% (Company No. 2). Although five companies provided a sanitiser hand-dip, this was found to be ineffective for the control of S. aureus. Provision of hand-washing facilities, of protective clothing and of toilet facilities was found to be inadequate for an export food industry.