991 resultados para Rosenthal Compact
ABSTRACT Broiler poultry is highly dependent on artificial lightening. Power consumption costs of artificial lighting systems is the second largest expense related to broiler industry, second only to feed expenses. Therefore, the current study focused to analyze technical and economic feasibility of replacing incandescent lamps already used in aviaries with other lamp types. Costs related to power consumption, implementation and maintenance of the lighting systems were evaluated with the aid of financial mathematics using net present value, return over investment and payback. Systems composed of six lamp types were analyzed in two different configurations to meet the minimum illuminance of 5 and 20 lux and for use in conventional sheds and dark house. The lamps tested were incandescent (LI) of 100 W, compact fluorescent (CFL) of 34 W, mixed (ML) 160 W sodium vapor (SVL) of 70 W, tubular fluorescent T8 (TFL T8) of 40 W and tubular fluorescent T5 (TFL T5) of 28 W. For the systems tested, it was found that the tubular fluorescent lamps T8 and T5 showed the best results of technical and economic feasibility.
Pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia vaihtoehtoisella yksityisen kopioinnin hyvitysmaksujärjestelmällä voisi olla Suomessa. Hyvitysmaksulla tarkoitetaan korvausta, joka maksetaan oikeudesta tehdä teoskappaleesta kopioita yksityiseen käyttöön. Maksu on Suomessa sisällytetty vuodesta 1984 alkaen kopiointilaitteiden hintoihin ja näin vyörytetty valmistajilta ja maahantuojilta kuluttajien maksettavakasi. Maksun alaisia laitteita ovat esimerkiksi C- kasetit, CD- levyt, digiboxit ja ulkoiset kovalevyt. Tutkielmassa kuvataan hyvitysmaksujärjestelmän historiallista kehitystä nykyiseen muotoonsa, sen toimivuutta eri intressiryhmien näkökulmasta sekä arvioidaan varteenotettavia vaihtoehtoja nykyiselle järjestelmälle. Aina uusiutuvan haasteen hyvitysjärjestelmän kehittämisessä muodostaa teknologian jatkuva muuntuminen ja uusien kopiointitekniikoiden yleistyminen. Siihen tekijänoikeuksia koskevat säädökset ovat vastanneet puutteellisesti tai jälkikäteen. Tutkimuskysymyksiä tarkastellaan virallistenlähteiden, kirjallisuuden ja asiasta julkaistujen, eri intressitahojen kannanottojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen toteutus on sekoitus kvalitatiivista, historiallista ja lainopillista tarkastelua sekä oikeustaloustiedettä. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että hyvitysmaksujärjestelmä ei tällä hetkellä suoriudu sille asetetuista tehtävistä tyydyttävästi, ja vaihtoehtoisen järjestelmän etsiminen on ajankohtaista. Varteenotettavaksi vaihtoehdoksi yksityiseen käyttöön tapahtuvan kopioinnin korvaamiseksi tekijöille ja tuottajille on tässä tutkielmassa arvioitu korvauksen toteuttaminen viestintärahaston kautta. Tämä ratkaisisi monet nykyiset ongelmat, ja näyttäisi tutkimuksen pohjalta arvioituna olevan paras vaihtoehto. Tähän siirtyminen vaatii kuitenkin ratkaisua kohtuullisen hyvityksen määrittämisen ongelmaan.
Jehova's witeness patients deny to receive heterologous blood transfusion even under life risk. They also neither agree with auto transfusion when the their own blood is stored days or weeks before surgery procedures. Percutaneous renal surgery can have complications and, among them, intense hemorrhage that can demand for open surgery. The authors report a case of a 32 year old patient with complete coralliform lithiasis in the right kidney who was submitted to percutaneous renal surgery with removing 400 ml of total blood accompanied subsequently of hemodilution and blood reinfusion by the end of the procedure. A Compact Advanced from Dideco, an italian company, was used for blood recovering during surgery and reinfusing it after the filtration process, centrifugation and washing of red globules. In this particular, the authors describe a technical adaption for blood collection. Both procedures are accepted by Jehova's witness patients, once that the blood is not stored and there is contact with your veined system. This article aim to show a blood capture technical variant in the percutaneous renal surgery, as well as to present a method in similar procedures, once that is not used routinely in urological surgeries.
Euroopan Unioni kieltää matalan hyötysuhteen lamppujen käyttämisen sekä sisä- että ulkovalaisimissa. Näin ollen matalan hyötysuhteen lamput, kuten perinteiset hehkulamput tulee vaihtaa paremman hyötysuhteen lamppuihin, kuten energiansäästölamppuihin. Energiansäästölampuissa 230 V, 50 Hz verkkosähkö muunnetaan valonlähteelle sopivaksi tehoelektroniikan avulla. 50 Hz perustaajuisen virran lisäksi energiansäästölamput ottavat verkosta harmonisia yliaaltoja. Harmoniset yliaallot aiheuttavat lisähäviöitä verkostokomponenteissa, kuten muuntajissa ja johdoissa. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan millaisia vaikutuksia hehkulamppujen vaihtaminen energiansäästölamppuihin aiheuttaa pienjännitteisessä jakeluverkossa. Työssä tarkastellaan lyhyesti myös energiansäästölamppujen energiatehokkuutta, sekä sitä, millaisia rajoitteita standardit asettavat harmonisille yliaalloille.
From a flock of 175 Texel sheep 25 animals died after consumption of a sawfly larvae subsequently identified as Perreyia flavipes. The disease occurred in June-July 2006 on a farm located in the county of Encruzilhada do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Although there were 11 cattle in the same paddock, none of them was affected. High numbers of compact masses containing up to 150 larvae were scattered in the paddock where the animals were grazing. Most affected sheep showed severe apathy during 24-36 h before death, but weakness, muscular tremors and depression were also observed. Necropsy was performed on six sheep and the main macroscopic lesions were hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissues, endocardium, gallbladder wall, and abomasal mucosa. In all animals was found hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, and mild jaundice. Edema in the abomasal folds, mesentery, perirenal tissues, and gallbladder wall were also seen. The livers were yellowish with disseminated pinpoint hemorrhages in the parenchyma and had an enhanced lobular pattern. Perreyia flavipes larval body fragments and heads were found in the forestomach contents of the six sheep. Feces were scant, dry and formed balls coated by mucus and streaks of blood. Similar contents were also present at the end of the cecum. Prominent microscopic lesions included severe and diffuse periacinar or massive necrosis of hepatocytes associated with multifocal random hemorrhages. Diffuse necrosis of lymphoid follicles in lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, lymphoid depletion and necrosis in germinative centers of the spleen, and diffuse vacuolization in the renal tubular epithelia were also seen.
Tutkimus on toimeksianto Yritykseltä X, joka halusi selvitettävän, millaista markkinapotentiaalia on nähtävissä ikäihmisten palveluasumisessa Suomessa asuville venäjänkielisille. Markkinoiden analysoinnin lisäksi tutkimuksessa on selvitetty kohderyhmän kuluttajakäyttäytymistä ja ostokykyä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena ei ole antaa toimeksiantajalle valmista investointipäätöstä, vaan tuoda tietoa markkinoista ja kohderyhmästä päätöksenteon tueksi. Käytössä on ollut neljä empiiristä aineistoa. Primääriaineistona ovat asiantuntija¬haastattelut sekä kyselyt Yrityksen X venäjänkielisille työntekijöille ja maksaja-asiakkaille – eli kuntien ja sairaanhoitopiirien edustajille. Sekundääriaineistona on joukko suomalaisten Venäjä-asiantuntijoiden viime vuosien tutkimuksia. Pro gradun teoriaosuus on tiivis. Teorian on auttanut kirjoittajaa tarkastelemaan palveluasumisen markkinoita kansainvälisellä vivahteella sekä suomalaisittain uuden kuluttajaryhmän kuluttajakäyttäytymistä ja ostokykyä. Suomessa asuvia venäjänkielisiä ikäihmisiä ei ole aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltu omana kohderyhmänään, mutta heistä on tehty paljon yhteiskunnallista tutkimusta. Tätä on hyödynnetty muun muassa tarkasteltaessa kohderyhmän kulttuurisia piirteitä, sosiaalisia tapoja, kieltä ja uskontoa. Suomessa asuvista venäjänkielisistä ikäihmistä ei voi puhua yhtenäisenä ryhmänä. Osa yli 65-vuotiaista on suomen kielen taitoisia ja työssään menestyneitä, mutta monen maahanmuuttajan sosiaalinen asema laski heidän muuttaessaan Suomeen. Neuvostoliitossa asuneet ovat tottuneet niukkoihin olosuhteisiin, siihen että samassa taloudessa asui jopa kolme sukupolvea, ja että perhe piti huolta yhteiskunnan tuen ollessa niukkaa. Vaikka venäläisessä kulttuurissa vanhainkodeilla on huono maine, voidaan Suomessa asuvien ikäihmisten keskuudessa nähdä positiivista suhtautumista palveluasumista ja suomalaisia julkispalveluja kohtaan. Mikäli Yritys X rakentaa yksikön Lappeenrantaan, kannattaa potentiaalisina asiakkaina nähdä myös venäläiset terveysmatkailijat ja suunnitella palvelutarjonta laajemmin kuin vain Suomessa asuville venäjänkielisille. Mikäli yksikkö tulee Helsinkiin, on kilpailijana ortodokseille ja venäjänkielisille vanhuksille tarkoitettu Helenan vanhainkoti.
In this thesis the design of bandpass filters tunable at 400 MHz – 800 MHz was under research. Microwave filters are vital components which provide frequency selectivity in wide variety of electronic systems operating at high frequencies. Due to the occurrence of multi-frequency bands communication and diverse applications of wireless devices, requirement of tunable filters exists. The one of potential implementation of frequency-agile filters is frontends and spectrum sensors in Cognitive Radio (CR). The principle of CR is to detect and operate at a particular available spectrum without interfering with the primary user’s signals. This new method allows improving the efficiency of utilizing allocated spectrum such as TV band (400 MHz – 800 MHz). The focus of this work is development of sufficiently compact, low cost tunable filters with quite narrow bandwidth using currently available lumped-element components and PCB board technology. Filter design, different topologies and methods of tuning of bandpass filters are considered in this work. As a result, three types of topologies of bandpass filter were simulated and realised. They use digitally tunable capacitors (DTCs) for adjusting central frequency at TV "white space" spectrum. Measurements revealed that schematics presented in this work have proper output response and filters are successfully tuned by DTCs.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) operates the largest particle collider in the world. This particle collider is called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and it will undergo a maintenance break sometime in 2017 or 2018. During the break, the particle detectors, which operate around the particle collider, will be serviced and upgraded. Following the improvement in performance of the particle collider, the requirements for the detector electronics will be more demanding. In particular, the high amount of radiation during the operation of the particle collider sets requirements for the electronics that are uncommon in commercial electronics. Electronics that are built to function in the challenging environment of the collider have been designed at CERN. In order to meet the future challenges of data transmission, a GigaBit Transceiver data transmission module and an E-Link data bus have been developed. The next generation of readout electronics is designed to benefit from these technologies. However, the current readout electronics chips are not compatible with these technologies. As a result, in addition to new Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors and other technology, a new compatible chip is developed to function within the GEMs for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) project. In this thesis, the objective was to study a data transmission interface that will be located on the readout chip between the E-Link bus and the control logic of the chip. The function of the module is to handle data transmission between the chip and the E-Link. In the study, a model of the interface was implemented with the Verilog hardware description language. This process was simulated by using chip design software by Cadence. State machines and operating principles with alternative possibilities for implementation are introduced in the E-Link interface design procedure. The functionality of the designed logic is demonstrated in simulation results, in which the implemented model is proven to be suitable for its task. Finally, suggestions that should be considered for improving the design have been presented.
The objective of the present work is the experimental determination of pressure drop coefficients (loss coefficients) for elliptic and circular sections in one, two and three-row arrangements of plate fin and tube heat exchangers. The experiments permitted to correlate the dimensionless loss coefficient with the flow Reynolds number in the rectangular channel formed by the plate fins. The experimental technique consisted of the measurement of the longitudinal pressure distribution along the flow channel, for several values of air mass flow rate. The total number of data runs, each one characterized by the flow Reynolds number, was 216. The present geometry is used in compact heat exchangers for air conditioning systems, heaters, radiators, and others. Also, it is verified the influence of the utilization of elliptic tubes, instead of circular ones, in the pressure drop. The measurements were performed for Reynolds numbers ranging from 200 to 1900.
Coherent vortices in turbulent mixing layers are investigated by means of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). Subgrid-scale models defined in spectral and physical spaces are reviewed. The new "spectral-dynamic viscosity model", that allows to account for non-developed turbulence in the subgrid-scales, is discussed. Pseudo-spectral methods, combined with sixth-order compact finite differences schemes (when periodic boundary conditions cannot be established), are used to solve the Navier- Stokes equations. Simulations in temporal and spatial mixing layers show two types of pairing of primary Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices depending on initial conditions (or upstream conditions): quasi-2D and helical pairings. In both cases, secondary streamwise vortices are stretched in between the KH vortices at an angle of 45° with the horizontal plane. These streamwise vortices are not only identified in the early transitional stage of the mixing layer but also in self-similar turbulence conditions. The Re dependence of the "diameter" of these vortices is analyzed. Results obtained in spatial growing mixing layers show some evidences of pairing of secondary vortices; after a pairing of the primary Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices, the streamwise vortices are less numerous and their diameter has increased than before the pairing of KH vortices.
This doctoral thesis presents a study on the design of tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines. The electromagnetic properties of concentrated non-overlapping winding permanent magnet synchronous machines, or simply tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines (TC-PMSMs), are studied in details. It is shown that current linkage harmonics play the deterministic role in the behavior of this type of machines. Important contributions are presented as regards of calculation of parameters of TC-PMSMs,particularly the estimation of inductances. The current linkage harmonics essentially define the air-gap harmonic leakage inductance, rotor losses and localized temporal inductance variation. It is proven by FEM analysis that inductance variation caused by the local temporal harmonic saturation results in considerable torque ripple, and can influence on sensorless control capabilities. Example case studies an integrated application of TC-IPMSMs in hybrid off-highway working vehicles. A methodology for increasing the efficiency of working vehicles is introduced. It comprises several approaches – hybridization, working operations optimization, component optimization and integration. As a result of component optimization and integration, a novel integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) for off-highway working vehicles is designed. The IEHEC can considerably increase the operational efficiency of a hybrid working vehicle. The energy converter consists of an axial-piston hydraulic machine and an integrated TCIPMSM being built on the same shaft. The compact assembly of the electrical and hydraulic machines enhances the ability to find applications for such a device in the mobile environment of working vehicles.Usage of hydraulic fluid, typically used in working actuators, enables direct-immersion oil cooling of designed electrical machine, and further increases the torque- and power- densities of the whole device.
At present, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) are of great interest. Since they do not have electrical excitation losses, the highly efficient, lightweight and compact PMSGs equipped with damper windings work perfectly when connected to a network. However, in island operation, the generator (or parallel generators) alone is responsible for the building up of the network and maintaining its voltage and reactive power level. Thus, in island operation, a PMSG faces very tight constraints, which are difficult to meet, because the flux produced by the permanent magnets (PMs) is constant and the voltage of the generator cannot be controlled. Traditional electrically excited synchronous generators (EESGs) can easily meet these constraints, because the field winding current is controllable. The main drawback of the conventional EESG is the relatively high excitation loss. This doctoral thesis presents a study of an alternative solution termed as a hybrid excitation synchronous generator (HESG). HESGs are a special class of electrical machines, where the total rotor current linkage is produced by the simultaneous action of two different excitation sources: the electrical and permanent magnet (PM) excitation. An overview of the existing HESGs is given. Several HESGs are introduced and compared with the conventional EESG from technical and economic points of view. In the study, the armature-reaction-compensated permanent magnet synchronous generator with alternated current linkages (ARC-PMSG with ACL) showed a better performance than the other options. Therefore, this machine type is studied in more detail. An electromagnetic design and a thermal analysis are presented. To verify the operation principle and the electromagnetic design, a down-sized prototype of 69 kVA apparent power was built. The experimental results are demonstrated and compared with the predicted ones. A prerequisite for an ARC-PMSG with ACL is an even number of pole pairs (p = 2, 4, 6, …) in the machine. Naturally, the HESG technology is not limited to even-pole-pair machines. However, the analysis of machines with p = 3, 5, 7, … becomes more complicated, especially if analytical tools are used, and is outside the scope of this thesis. The contribution of this study is to propose a solution where an ARC-PMSG replaces an EESG in electrical power generation while meeting all the requirements set for generators given for instance by ship classification societies, particularly as regards island operation. The maximum power level when applying the technology studied here is mainly limited by the economy of the machine. The larger the machine is, the smaller is the efficiency benefit. However, it seems that machines up to ten megawatts of power could benefit from the technology. However, in low-power applications, for instance in the 500 kW range, the efficiency increase can be significant.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade do herbicida S-metolachlor em plantas de milho oriundas de sementes com diferentes características morfológicas. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, localizada no município de Capão do Leão, RS. Os tratamentos foram compostos pelas combinações de três grupos de tamanhos de sementes, classificadas em peneiras de crivo oblongo [sementes retidas nas peneiras de largura 14/64" (peneira 14), 18/64" (peneira 18) e 21/64" (peneira 21)], de dois formatos de sementes (chata e redonda) e de cinco doses do herbicida S-metolachlor (0,00; 0,48; 0,96; 1,44; e 1,92 kg ha-1), totalizando-se 30 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (3 x 2 x 5), com quatro repetições. Após a separação e classificação das sementes, procedeu-se à semeadura em vasos preenchidos com solo homogeneizado. Em cada vaso foram semeadas oito sementes de milho, na profundidade de 3,0 cm, realizando-se, 24 horas depois, a aplicação do S-metolachlor em pré-emergência. Foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: velocidade de emergência das plântulas; número total de plântulas emergidas; toxicidade visual e altura de plantas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a emergência (DAE); e biomassa seca das raízes e da parte aérea aos 21 DAE. O formato das sementes se mostrou fator importante na tolerância das plantas aos efeitos tóxicos do herbicida S-metolachlor, aplicado em pré-emergência, quando as sementes de milho são de menor tamanho, sendo observada maior toxicidade quando as plantas eram provenientes de sementes redondas. O aumento das doses aplicadas do S-metolachlor ocasionou reduções na aquisição de biomassa seca tanto da parte aérea como das raízes de plantas de milho, porém maior decréscimo se observou quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa seca das raízes.
Foi avaliada a eficácia no controle de arroz-vermelho com o herbicida nicosulfuron ou a mistura formulada de imazethapyr + imazapic. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel (UFPel), no município de Capão do Leão (RS), na estação de crescimento 2005/06, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 2 x 7, sendo o fator A os herbicidas e o fator B as doses dos herbicidas (0, 0,25, 0,50, 0,75, 1,0, 1,25 e 1,50 L ha-1). A aplicação foi feita sobre as plantas de arroz-vermelho em estádio de desenvolvimento V4. As variáveis analisadas foram controle, estatura da planta e massa seca da parte aérea. Para as variáveis respostas foi verificada interação significativa entre os fatores estudados. Incrementos nas doses dos herbicidas resultaram em respostas crescentes de controle, com redução na taxa de crescimento das plantas e produção de massa seca da parte aérea. Os resultados mostraram que o arroz-vermelho é controlado pelos herbicidas testados. A eficácia de controle não é restrita à mistura formulada de imazethapyr + imazapic, ocorrendo também com o herbicida nicosulfuron a partir de 40 g ha-1.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a tolerância de cultivares de arroz irrigado ao herbicida nicosulfuron e à mistura formulada de imazethapyr + imazapic. Para isso, foram conduzidos experimentos em casa de vegetação da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel (UFPel), no município de Capão do Leão (RS). Os tratamentos constaram de dois cultivares de arroz irrigado (IRGA 417 e IRGA 422CL) e de sete doses dos herbicidas imazethapyr + imazapic e nicosulfuron, aplicados em arroz (estádios de desenvolvimento V2 ou V4). As variáveis analisadas foram fitotoxicidade dos herbicidas, estatura de planta, massa seca da parte aérea e área foliar. Houve interações significativas entre os fatores estudados para as variáveis-respostas avaliadas. Incrementos nas doses dos herbicidas resultaram em respostas crescentes de fitotoxicidade ao arroz, resultando em redução no crescimento das plantas. O cultivar IRGA 417 foi suscetível à ação dos herbicidas. Por sua vez, a tolerância do cultivar IRGA 422CL não é restrita à mistura formulada de imazethapyr + imazapic, ocorrendo também para o herbicida nicosulfuron.