924 resultados para Reasonable Lenght of Process
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar abordagem teórica sobre o instituto da jurisdição na efetivação judicial do direito à saúde. Para tanto abordará a influência do princípio democrático e do valor justiça na construção de um conceito contemporâneo de processo e delimitação de seus fins. Partindo do pressuposto que a Constituição eleva a dignidade da pessoa humana ao patamar de princípio fundamental da República, concluir-se-á pelo direito à saúde como essencial para uma existência digna. A seguir, reconhecida a dupla dimensão do direito à saúde – formal e material – concluir-se-á pela sua justiciabilidade. Realizar-se-á uma abordagem sobre a influência dos princípios constitucionais de justiça na construção de um conceito moderno de jurisdição, reconhecendo à jurisdição o dever de aplicar a lei na dimensão dos direitos fundamentais, fazendo sempre o resgate dos valores substanciais neles contidos. Destacando a essencialidade do contraditório para a concretização da promessa constitucional de acesso à justiça, realizar-se-á uma análise dos aspectos processuais da efetivação judicial do direito à saúde.
A idéia central nasceu em função da atividade profissional. Assistindo no dia-a-dia a dificuldade daqueles que, inconformados com um ato praticado na fase de execução de um processo do trabalho, não encontram, com a segurança desejada, um provimento judicial adequado para submeter a apreciação de tal ato a uma decisão colegiada. Cabe agravo de petição, no prazo de 8 (oito) dias, das decisões do Juiz ou Presidente, nas execuções. Isso é o que consta da legislação específica. Problema dos mais sérios na interpretação desse comando é saber o que são “decisões” proferidas na execução trabalhista, que podem ser impugnadas por meio do recurso de agravo de petição. Essa problemática encontra-se inserida dentro de um contexto processual, daí porque tivemos que seguir um roteiro iniciando com noções básicas de processo, como instrumento utilizado pelo Estado para o exercício de sua função jurisdicional. Saindo do geral para o particular, chegamos no processo do trabalho e suas fases, nos atendo mais na de execução, como ela inicia e termina. O cerne da questão é a reação à execução, os meios reagentes, em especial o recurso, como uma decorrência do princípio do duplo grau de jurisdição, sendo ou não uma garantia constitucional. De acordo com a previsão legal, esse recurso é o agravo de petição. Tratamos dele e dos atos que o juiz pode praticar na execução trabalhista, dizendo da natureza de cada um deles. Cuidamos das decisões interlocutórias, registrando nossa preocupação quanto à dificuldade que temos para sua identificação, mormente na fase de execução. Abordamos, na parte final do trabalho, a matéria relacionada com a possibilidade ou não de recurso contra uma decisão interlocutória, ilustrando esse estudo com alguns exemplos baseados em casos concretos e a solução que foi dada a cada um deles.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O artigo procura entender as diferentes formas de tratamento dado à Amazônia. Através da noção de processo de valoração introduz uma discussão sobre significado, sua relação com o imaginário e, deste, com o simbólico. Conclui com a necessidade de interpretar as imagens relativas à Amazônia no quadro de um universo simbólico.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
What is truth? Is there a single truth or many? Is it absolute or relative? Hegel and Marx give some answers through their works. he hegelian and marxist outstanding guide themselves by the dialectical approach according to the singular understanding of each one. Yet, in Hegel as much as in Marx truth has to be seen in the relation between the subject and the object. Both of them make the efort to solve the dichotomy established by other tendencies about the subject and the object. he concept of process is central in their thought and this points at the historical essence of reality. However, it is plain that such a solution can only come out by the passage of the subject to the object (Hegel) and the other way around (Marx). In this way truth in Hegel and Marx has to be understood as an ongoing making process granting the exercise of freedom (Hegel) and an essentially social activity (Marx).
In a recent paper, "A combined tool for environmental scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting." [Giannettti BF, Barrella FA, Almeida CMVB. A combined tool for environment scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting. J Clean Prod, in press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.09.002] Ternary diagrams were proposed as a graphical tool to assist emergy analysis. The graphical representation of the emergy accounting data makes it possible to compare processes and systems with and without ecosystem services, to evaluate improvements and to follow the system performance over time. The graphic tool is versatile and adaptable to represent products, processes, systems, countries, and different periods of time.The use and the versatility of ternary diagrams for assisting in performing emergy analyses are illustrated by means of five examples taken from the literature, which are presented and discussed. It is shown that emergetic ternary diagram's properties assist the assessment of the system of the system efficiency, its dependance upon renewable and non-renewable inputs and the environmental support for dilution and abatement of process emissions. With the aid of ternary diagrams, details such as the interaction between systems and between systems and the environment are recognized and evaluated. Such a tool for graphical analysis allows a transparent presentation of the results and can serve as an interface between emergy scientists and decision makers, provided the meaning of each line in the diagram is carefully explained and understood. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is a growing search for continuous improvement within the companies which creates an obligation of reducing and when it is possible eliminating waste. Production Planning and Control Department (PCP) is not out of this question, making necessary the application of methods and creation of tools that eliminate steps which do not add value to the planning process. This paper aims to develop a tool which concentrates in just one place all the necessary information to make the packaging material requirement planning (MRP) in a agribusiness company. Besides, it also aims, in a more visual way and using devices that prevent mistakes (Poka-Yoke), to reduce the number of reviews and mistakes made by analysts. As a result, an Excel spreadsheet was developed. This spreadsheet shows what happens with the status of planning and receiving of packaging, giving some advices when some critical situation happens. The use of Lean Manufacturing Method and the action research method helped to well define the problem and to reduce the number of steps, spreadsheets and time of process in 80%, 60% and 75%, respectively
In heavy machining industries, a critical point that must be taken into account is setup. Because the characteristics of machine tools and parts to be machined, usually pieces robust and large, the preparation of these parts must be made accurately for machining has a good result as planned. As a result of the difficulty raised in the setup machining of heavy parts, companies in this segment seek alternatives to reduce the unproductive time caused by setup and optimize machining processes. One way was found that these companies create operating instructions that describe and standardize the operation between its employees, as well as deploy a control machining times to measure the unproductive time caused by the setup. This work studied a new system for the realization of centering and alignment of Rotating Deck R-9350 in CNC Milling Machine PAMA Speedram 3000, in Liebherr Brazil company. The part Rotating Deck R-9350 is a critical part in which its machining in PAMA Milling Machine is made in three phases and their setup times are quite high and involve stopping the machine. It has been tested and proposed a solution to the realization of this part of the setup without the use of the machine, but of the measuring instrument three-dimensional Laser tracker, with which the machine continued to work, while he was in the centering and alignment of other parts. It was noted that the instrument technically attended the need and it was possible to perform this operation more accurately
Currently, with the competitiveness that is seen in the market, it is crucial to the success of the business, develop new strategies to keep and win new customer preference. To ensure the success of a particular service or product, the secret is to continually meet the wishes and demands of the customers, which are the key parts of the business, through innovation, variety and quality assurance. To achieve this goal managers should be aware of all types of process that exist in the company, as they are primarily responsible and interested by quality service, customer satisfaction and consequently, generating favorable financial results. A tool used to ensure good results to business is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that seeks to hear and interpret customers requirements and turn them into essential features for a project
In an industry, being a big one or small one, the process improvement is always a focus for it to increase in the market. The improvement, if searched in a simple meaning, brings the unique meaning of change to better. However the meaning of process improvement can take much more than a superficial point of view. Kaizen, Process improvement, Continuous improvement, they are some denotations much more comprehensive of a such a term carried of so many meanings. A good concept of improvement if to search inside processes a more appropriate way, a more succinct, a more economic way to realize it. The idea is to make the process in a better way. In this graduation thesis, there will be presented a process improvement realized in a Vale do Paraíba company. For that, it was used the DMAIC to obtain, measure and control the process improvement. It should be noted that the goal is to present and discuss a process improvement
In this paper we study the process of manufacture of wire drawn steel bars 9254, from rolled wire rod. These bars are used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of coil springs, which make up the system damping of several vehicles. The wire drawing process consists of the steps of pre-straightening, shot peening, drawing, cutting and polishing. The study aims to search for the configuration of process variables, which present the best result with respect to bending. To this were maintained settings prestraightening and mechanical stripping and varied angles and stringer polish being studied to replace the spinneret with a working angle, for a string with two working angles. To assist in the analysis of the results was the tool used DOE Software Minitab, which assesses the variation in results according to each parameter and the interaction parameters. It was thus possible to determine the best condition for wire drawing
The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises
Currently the service sectors have an increasingly important role in the productive sector because they can represent a great advantage to the consumer. In this graduate work a study was conducted with the objective of process improveme nt services in the sector of technical assistance in a factory machinery and equipment. Through process mapping, through the technical blueprint, and time study were able to identify opportunities for improvement for reducing the time customer service, as well as the proposed performance indicators for the service
In this paper we discussed the possibility of installing a photovoltaic panel in a house in order to reduce electrical consumption. Brazil is a country with a huge solar resource and photovoltaic technology allows transforming solar energy into electricity, helping to decentralize energy production. To enlarge the field of view, the study compares with the equivalent in a Spanish city, discussing how the law favors the initiative of using this type of energy. It will be seen that, with the encouragement of the government, the project can be done because the installation is amortized over a reasonable period of time, about eight years in Spain and three in Brazil