879 resultados para Nano-packaging
Understanding how the brain works will require tools capable of measuring neuron elec-trical activity at a network scale. However, considerable progress is still necessary to reliably increase the number of neurons that are recorded and identified simultaneously with existing mi-croelectrode arrays. This project aims to evaluate how different materials can modify the effi-ciency of signal transfer from the neural tissue to the electrode. Therefore, various coating materials (gold, PEDOT, tungsten oxide and carbon nano-tubes) are characterized in terms of their underlying electrochemical processes and recording ef-ficacy. Iridium electrodes (177-706 μm2) are coated using galvanostatic deposition under different charge densities. By performing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in phosphate buffered saline it is determined that the impedance modulus at 1 kHz depends on the coating material and decreased up to a maximum of two orders of magnitude for PEDOT (from 1 MΩ to 25 kΩ). The electrodes are furthermore characterized by cyclic voltammetry showing that charge storage capacity is im-proved by one order of magnitude reaching a maximum of 84.1 mC/cm2 for the PEDOT: gold nanoparticles composite (38 times the capacity of the pristine). Neural recording of spontaneous activity within the cortex was performed in anesthetized rodents to evaluate electrode coating performance.
Nowadays, the consumption of goods and services on the Internet are increasing in a constant motion. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) mostly from the traditional industry sectors are usually make business in weak and fragile market sectors, where customized products and services prevail. To survive and compete in the actual markets they have to readjust their business strategies by creating new manufacturing processes and establishing new business networks through new technological approaches. In order to compete with big enterprises, these partnerships aim the sharing of resources, knowledge and strategies to boost the sector’s business consolidation through the creation of dynamic manufacturing networks. To facilitate such demand, it is proposed the development of a centralized information system, which allows enterprises to select and create dynamic manufacturing networks that would have the capability to monitor all the manufacturing process, including the assembly, packaging and distribution phases. Even the networking partners that come from the same area have multi and heterogeneous representations of the same knowledge, denoting their own view of the domain. Thus, different conceptual, semantic, and consequently, diverse lexically knowledge representations may occur in the network, causing non-transparent sharing of information and interoperability inconsistencies. The creation of a framework supported by a tool that in a flexible way would enable the identification, classification and resolution of such semantic heterogeneities is required. This tool will support the network in the semantic mapping establishments, to facilitate the various enterprises information systems integration.
RESUMO - Objetivos: Caracterizar a evolução do consumo de medicamentos da área cardiovascular entre 2002 e 2011. Caracterizar a evolução dos internamentos com diagnóstico principal cardiovascular, da taxa de mortalidade intra-hospitalar e da idade média dos doentes no episódio de internamento. Estabelecer relação entre o consumo de medicamentos e os episódios de internamento. Metodologia: Por consulta à base de dados do Infarmed, determinar a evolução do consumo de medicamentos por distrito de Portugal continental, medido em embalagens consumidas/1000 habitantes. Por consulta à base de dados de GDH, determinar a evolução do nº de internamentos por doença cardiovascular dos residentes em cada distrito, determinado em internamentos/1000 habitantes. Determinar a evolução da taxa de mortalidade dos episódios, avaliada em mortes/ 100 episódios. Determinar a evolução da idade média. Correlação estatística entre o consumo e nº internamentos, mortalidade e idade. Regressão linear simples entre o consumo e nº internamentos, mortalidade e idade. Resultados: O consumo de cardiotónicos e antiarrítmicos diminuiu, -26,45% e -16,48%, respetivamente. O consumo de anti hipertensores, vasodilatadores e antidislipidémicos aumentou, respetivamente, 78,73%; 11,18% e 180,91%. A incidência de EAM aumentou 0,03%, a de IC 0,97% e a de AVC diminuiu -21,42%. A mortalidade diminuiu para EAM, IC e AVC, respetivamente, -31,48%; -18,03% e -15,06%. A idade média de ocorrência de EAM manteve-se, a de IC aumentou 2,2 anos e a de AVC aumentou 1,5 anos. 23,9% da variação da incidência de AVC pode ser explicada pelo consumo. A variação da taxa de mortalidade por EAM, IC e AVC que pode ser explicada pelo consumo é de 30,9%; 13,0% e 32,9%. O consumo explica 48,3% e 73,5%, da variação da idade média de ocorrência de internamentos por IC e AVC, respetivamente. Os anti hipertensores e os antidislipidémicos são as subclasses com correlação estatisticamente significativa mais relevante com a diminuição da taxa de mortalidade e aumento da idade média. Conclusão: O consumo explica sensivelmente 50% do aumento da idade média, e em menor percentagem a evolução do nº de internamentos e da taxa de mortalidade. As subclasses dos anti hipertensores e dos antidislipidémicos são as principais responsáveis pelo aumento do consumo, mas também são as que tem correlação estatisticamente significativa mais forte com os ganhos em saúde.
INTRODUCTION: The emergence of drug resistance is one of the main problems concerning malaria treatment. The use of counterfeit and/or substandard antimalarial drugs can contribute to the development of parasite resistance. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of antimalarial drugs distributed in Brazil. METHODS: Samples containing chloroquine phosphate, mefloquine hydrochloride, primaquine phosphate, and quinine sulfate tablets were delivered to the Rio de Janeiro central storeroom (CENADI), state storerooms (SS), and Basic Health Units (BHUs) in the north region of Brazil - a total of 10 sample sets. After 5 months of storage, the samples were collected, and in vitro quality control analyses according to official and published methods were performed. RESULTS: Inadequate drug storage conditions were found in two SS and in all BHUs evaluated. There were no quality deviations found in the chloroquine samples. The quinine samples exhibited weight variation above the allowed limits. The primaquine samples were found to have packaging deficiency. The release of mefloquine in samples from some regions showed a statistically significant difference when compared with the CENADI samples. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to periodically evaluate the quality and storage conditions of essential drugs. The quality deviations found with the primaquine and quinine samples are not related to storage conditions and must be addressed urgently. The decreased mefloquine release from tablets is related to formulation problems or influenced by inadequate storage conditions, prompting further investigation. Even with the mentioned problems, the samples would probably not contribute to resistant parasite selection.
A proteção dos recursos hídricos tem uma enorme importância ecológica, sendo a água um recurso indispensável à Vida e fundamental para o bem-estar de uma sociedade. Para isso, muitos dos poluentes que afetam a qualidade deste recurso natural são detetados e eliminados nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Porém, o impacto dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e de Cuidado Pessoal (PPCPs), usados à escala global, carece ainda da atenção necessária, dado que os meios técnicos atualmente disponíveis para detetar estes produtos são dispendiosos ou insuficientes. Dentro daquela classe de produtos, destaca-se o Ibuprofeno, uma vez que este composto, sendo lipossolúvel, tem a capacidade para se acumular nas gorduras dos seres vivos e, por conseguinte, persistir no meio-ambiente com efeitos nocivos. Para além desse facto, por diferentes vias de reação, o Ibuprofeno tem potencial para gerar produtos de carácter semelhante. No entanto, pouco esforços têm sido feitos no sentido de o detetar. Assim, pretendeu-se com este projeto desenvolver metodologias com vista à deteção de muito baixas concentrações (entre o nano e o picoMolar) daquele composto em meio aquoso. Foi utilizada a tecnologia de Língua Eletrónica por Espectroscopia de Impedância e, para tentar melhorar a sensibilidade do sensor à molécula-alvo, foram utilizados filmes finos à base de nanotubos de carbono e de diferentes polieletrólitos, preparados pela técnica de Camada-sobre-Camada (LbL, do inglês Layer-by-Layer). A caracterização destes filmes foi feita pela técnica Espectrofotometria na faixa dos Ultravioleta e Visível. Para além da análise de diferentes concentrações de Ibuprofeno, foram ainda analisadas soluções de Cloreto de Sódio, com o intuito de perceber se o sensor é versátil na deteção de outro tipo de compostos, sendo, então, o sal um composto barato e relevante neste âmbito, uma vez que a água na Natureza apresenta sempre alguma salinidade. O trabalho compreendeu ainda o desenvolvimento de um programa informático para automatizar o processo de aquisição dos dados espectrais de impedância, recolhidos pelo analisador HAMEG Programmable LCR Bridge HM8118, o que foi feito com sucesso. Posteriormente, os dados foram tratados pelo procedimento estatístico de Análise de Componentes Principais, que permitiu discriminar espacialmente e sequencialmente as diferentes concentrações dos compostos analisados.
Consumers’ indecisions about the ethical value of their choices are amongst the highest concerns regarding ethical products’ purchasing. This is especially true for Fair Trade certified products where the ethical attribute information provided by the packaging is often unacknowledged by consumers. While well-informed consumers are likely to generate positive consumer reactions to ethical products and increase its ethical consumption, less knowledgeable buyers show different purchasing patterns. In such circumstances, decisions are often driven by socio-cultural beliefs about the low functional performance of ethical or sustainable attributes. For instance, products more congruent with sustainability (e.g., produce) are considered to be simpler but less tasty than less sustainable products. Less sustainable products instead, are considered to be more sophisticated and to provide consumers with more hedonic pleasures (e.g., chocolate mousse). The extent that ethicality is linked with experiences that provide consumers with more pain than pleasure is also manifested in pro-social social behaviors. More specifically through conspicuous self-sacrificial consumption experiences like running for charity in marathons with wide public exposure. The willingness of consumers to engage in such costly initiatives is moderated by gender differences and further, mediated by the chronic productivity orientation of some individuals to use time in a productive manner. Using experimental design studies, I show that consumers (1) use a set of affective and cognitive associations with on-package elements to interpret ethical attributes, (2) implicitly associate ethicality with simplicity, and that (3) men versus women show different preferences in their forms of contribution to pro-social causes.
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) may induce metastases when detached from the primary tumor. The numbers of these cells in blood offers a valuable prognostic indication. Magnetoresistive sensing is an attractive option for CTC counting. In this technique, cells are labeled with nancomposite polymer beads that provide the magnetic signal. Bead properties such as size and magnetic content must be optimized in order to be used as a detection tool in a magnetoresistive platform. Another important component of the platform is the magnet required for proper sensing. Both components are addressed in this work. Nanocomposite polymer beads were produced by nano-emulsion and membrane emulsification. Formulations of the oil phase comprising a mixture of aromatic monomers and iron oxide were employed. The effect of emulsifier (surfactant) concentration on bead size was studied. Formulations of polydimethilsiloxane (PDMS) with different viscosities were also prepared with nano-emulsion method resulting in colloidal beads. Polycaprolactone (PCL) beads were also synthetized by the membrane emulsification method. The beads were characterized by different techiques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, the magnet dimensions of the platform designed to detect CTCs were optimized through a COMSOL multiphysics simulation.
To find sustainable solutions for the production of energy, it is necessary to create photovoltaic technologies that make every photon count. To pursue this necessity, in the present work photodetectors of zinc oxide embedded with nano-structured materials, that significantly raise the conversion of solar energy to electric energy, were developed. The novelty of this work is on the development of processing methodologies in which all steps are in solution: quantum dots synthesis, passivation of their surface and sol-gel deposition. The quantum dot solutions with different capping agents were characterized by UVvisible absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The obtained quantum dots have dimensions between 2 and 3nm. These particles were suspended in zinc acetate solutions and used to produce doped zinc oxide films with embedded quantum dots, whose electric response was tested. The produced nano-structured zinc oxide materials have a superior performance than the bulk, in terms of the produced photo-current. This indicates that an intermediate band material should have been produced that acts as a photovoltaic medium for solar cells. The results are currently being compiled in a scientific article, that is being prepared for possible submission to Energy and Environmental Science or Nanoscale journals.
Cancer is a well-known disease with a significant impact in society not only due to its incidence, more evident in more developed countries, but also due to the expenses related to medical treat-ments. Cancer research is considered an increasingly logical science with great potential for the development of new treatment options. Advances in nanomedicine have resulted in rapid devel-opment of nanomaterials with considerable potential in cancer diagnostics and treatment. The combination of diagnosis and treatment in a single nano-platform is named theranostic. In this PhD thesis a theranostic system for osteosarcoma was proposed, composed by a magnetic core, a polymeric coating, and a chemotherapeutic drug. The presence of a specific targeting agent, in this case a monoclonal antibody, provides high specificity to the proposed theranostic system. For the core of the proposed theranostic system, stable aqueous suspensions of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with an average diameter of 9 nm were produced. Chitosan-based poly-meric nanoparticles with a hydrodynamic diameter around 150 nm were successfully produced. Incorporation of iron oxide nanoparticles into the polymeric ones increased their hydrodynamic diameter to at least 250 nm. A monoclonal antibody specific for a transmembranar protein (car-bonic anhydrase IX) present in solid tumors was developed by hybridoma technology. Functional hybridomas producing the desired monoclonal antibodies were obtained. The proposed theranostic system functionality was evaluated in separated parts of its components. Uncoated and coated iron oxide nanoparticles with chitosan-based polymers generated heat under the application of an external alternating magnetic field. Uncoated iron oxide nanoparticles sta-bilized with oleic acid were able to enhance contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. Drug deliv-ery studies were conducted in chitosan-based polymeric nanoparticles without and with the in-corporation of iron oxide nanoparticles, demonstrating to be an effective drug delivery platform for doxorubicin. The theranostic system proposed in this PhD thesis is very promising for cancer theranostic, demonstrating to be applicable in solid tumors such as osteosarcoma.
A comunicação estratégica poderá ser entendida como a comunicação alinhada com a estratégia global de uma organização para alcançar o seu posicionamento estratégico. Ou seja, para alcançar o sucesso, uma organização precisa de ter uma comunicação consistente com a sua identidade e, ao mesmo tempo, adequada ao seu público-alvo e ao tipo de sector onde se insere. Só desta forma consegue conquistar a confiança e fidelidade dos consumidores, essenciais para o alcance dos objectivos. Em relação à alteração comportamentos, é essencial que as empresas costruam uma estratégia de comunicação coerente e consistente, adaptando as mensagens e os públicos-alvo escolhidos. Neste âmbito da alteração de comportamentos, estudou-se neste trabalho a Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), uma associação portuguesa sem fins lucrativos, que actua no âmbito da gestão e reciclagem de resíduos de embalagens. Procurou estudar-se a evolução da sua comunicação ao longo dos anos e a forma como adaptou as suas mensagens, de forma a conseguir incutir na sociedade portuguesa a importância do comportamento de reciclagem de resíduos. Neste estudo, procedeu-se a uma análise individualizada de cada uma das campanhas de comunicação da SPV e, posteriormente, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário, para verificar a eficácia das mesmas campanhas perante o público-alvo. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho consistiu na distribuição de um inquérito por questionário online, que permitiu recolher uma amostra probabilística por conveniência. Em seguida, recolhidos e tratados os dados referentes às 482 respostas recebidas, utilizou-se o programa SPSS (Stastitical Package for the Social Sciences) para analisar, tratar e discutir os resultados obtidos. Estes resultados demonstraram que, de facto, não houve uma grande percentagem de inquiridos que se lembram das campanhas da SPV. Os resultados são positivos e não desmentem a qualidade e coerência das mensagens, mas a verdade é que a percentagem de indivíduos que não se lembra de algumas campanhas chega a ser elevada (em especial nas campanhas iniciais da organização, quando existia falta de uma estratégia coerente). Justifica-se este facto, em parte, pelo excesso de informação e estímulos a que as pessoas estão sujeitas, pelo que a informação que retêm não fica para sempre, acabando por dar lugar a outras informações. Os indivíduos são inconscientemente selectivos com a informação que processam e guardam, pois não seria possível guardar toda a informação que lhes é transmitida. No que diz respeito à comunicação estratégica que visa alterar uma atitude e, posteriormente, um comportamento, conclui-se que, no geral, o comportamento das pessoas inquiridas aparenta ter sido influenciado pela comunicação da SPV, caso contrário, as respostas afirmativas quanto à reciclagem e de concordância com algumas das afirmações teriam sido inferiores. Ou seja, mesmo reconhecendo o carácter um pouco enviesado da amostra (não deverá ser considerada representativa da população portuguesa), é possível dizer que a estratégia de comunicação da SPV (em especial a partir de 2005) foi eficiente. Palavras-
The effect of freeze–thaw cycles on concrete is of great importance for durability evaluation of concrete structures in cold regions. In this paper, damage accumulation was studied by following the fractional change of impedance (FCI) with number of freeze–thaw cycles (N). The nano-carbon black (NCB), carbon fiber (CF) and steel fiber (SF) were added to plain concrete to produce the triphasic electrical conductive (TEC) and ductile concrete. The effects of NCB, CF and SF on the compressive strength, flexural properties, electrical impedance were investigated. The concrete beams with different dosages of conductive materials were studied for FCI, N and mass loss (ML), the relationship between FCI and N of conductive concrete can be well defined by a first order exponential decay curve. It is noted that this nondestructive and sensitive real-time testing method is meaningful for evaluating of freeze–thaw damage in concrete.
Polymer binder modification with inorganic nanomaterials (NM) could be a potential and efficient solution to control matrix flammability of polymer concrete (PC) materials without sacrificing other important properties. Occupational exposures can occur all along the life cycle of a NM and “nanoproducts” from research through scale-up, product development, manufacturing, and end of life. The main objective of the present study is to analyse and compare different qualitative risk assessment methods during the production of polymer mortars (PM) with NM. The laboratory scale production process was divided in 3 main phases (pre-production, production and post-production), which allow testing the assessment methods in different situations. The risk assessment involved in the manufacturing process of PM was made by using the qualitative analyses based on: French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety method (ANSES); Control Banding Nanotool (CB Nanotool); Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne method (EPFL); Guidance working safely with nanomaterials and nanoproducts (GWSNN); Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro, Italy method (ISPESL); Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials (PMSN); and Stoffenmanager Nano. It was verified that the different methods applied also produce different final results. In phases 1 and 3 the risk assessment tends to be classified as medium-high risk, while for phase 2 the more common result is medium level. It is necessary to improve the use of qualitative methods by defining narrow criteria for the methods selection for each assessed situation, bearing in mind that the uncertainties are also a relevant factor when dealing with the risk related to nanotechnologies field.
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a particular immunopathological subtype of breast cancer that lacks expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER/PR) and amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene. Characterized by aggressive and metastatic phenotypes and high rates of relapse, TNBC is the only breast cancer subgroup still lacking effective therapeutic options, thus presenting the worst prognosis. The development of targeted therapies, as well as early diagnosis methods, is vital to ensure an adequate and timely therapeutic intervention in patients with TNBC. This review intends to discuss potentially emerging approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of TNBC patients, with a special focus on nano-based solutions that actively target these particular tumors.
This paper reports on the changes in the structural and morphological features occurring in a particular type of nanocomposite thin-film system, composed of Au nanoparticles (NPs) dispersed in a host TiO2 dielectric matrix. The structural and morphological changes, promoted by in-vacuum annealing experiments of the as-deposited thin films at different temperatures (ranging from 200 to 800 C), resulted in a well-known localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) phenomenon, which gave rise to a set of different optical responses that can be tailored for a wide number of applications, including those for optical-based sensors. The results show that the annealing experiments enabled a gradual increase of the mean grain size of the Au NPs (from 2 to 23 nm), and changes in their distributions and separations within the dielectric matrix. For higher annealing temperatures of the as-deposited films, a broad size distribution of Au NPs was found (sizes up to 100 nm). The structural conditions necessary to produce LSPR activity were found to occur for annealing experiments above 300 C, which corresponded to the crystallization of the gold NPs, with an average size strongly dependent on the annealing temperature itself. The main factor for the promotion of LSPR was the growth of gold NPs and their redistribution throughout the host matrix. On the other hand, the host matrix started to crystallize at an annealing temperature of about 500 C, which is an important parameter to explain the shift of the LSPR peak position to longer wavelengths, i.e. a red-shift.