953 resultados para Hipocampo ventral


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In mares, the embryo migrates to the uterus between days 5 and 6 postovulation beginning its mobility through all uterine segments, which is essential for the maternal recognition of pregnancy. During the mobility phase, the embryonic vesicle shows a linear growth rate until its fixation between days 15 and 17, when the orientation phenomenon occurs. From fixation to day 28 of pregnancy, the embryonic growth is less evident (plateau) by cross-section ultrasound examination. After this period the linear growth rate is reestablished until day 46. This plateau is attributed to the increased uterine tone that compresses the vesicle and to volume expansion, making it difficult to detect the conceptus growth only by the cross-section diameter. Around day 20, the embryo proper is visualized as an echogenic spot in the ventral aspect of the vesicle. Additionally, development of allantoic sac, embryonic heartbeat, yolk sac regression and posterior umbilical cord formation also can be visualized from days 20 to 40. An intimate interaction between uterus and conceptus is essential for the normal pregnancy development. Color-and spectral-Doppler ultrasonography can be useful for the evaluation of this interface. A gradual increase on uterine vascularity during the early pregnancy and transient changes in endometrial vascularity accompanying the vesicle location during the mobility phase have been described. Around day 38 of gestation, the formation of the endometrial cups begins and, consequently, the synthesis of the equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) induces the formation and development of supplementary corpora lutea, which are important to secrete progesterone and to maintain pregnancy until around day 120.


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Several studies have highlighted the importance of the correlation between body size and body weight. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphological structure of New Zealand White rabbits, phenotypically correlating body shape traits with body weight. For this purpose, forty rabbits, weaned at 35 days of age, were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, consisting of two treatments (female and male) with twenty replicates each. At 88 days of age, animals were weighed to determine body weight (B W), and then the following body measures were determined using a measuring tape: ventral perimeter, thoracic perimeter, wither height, croup height, ear length, and body length. Average BW was 2,220 g, and average body measures were 34.4 cm, 28.4 cm, 8.95 cm, 10.4 cm, 10.6 cm, and 36 cm respectively. No significcmt differences between sexes were found relative to the studied traits. There was no negative correlation between body measures and BW, and, except for body length, all measures were significantly correlated with BW, with ear length and ventral perimeter presenting the highest values.


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The sonographic evaluation of thyroid glands in veterinary medicine presents challenges due to the complexity of the anatomical region, professional experience and type of ultrasonography equipment. The technique is considered a versatile diagnostic method that is noninvasive and has a low cost indicated in different clinical situations. Thyroid carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is often invasive and frequently metastatic to regional lymph nodes and lungs. The prognostic indicators for survival after surgery include tumor size, histological type, mobility and presence or absence of metastasis. The objective of the present report is to demonstrate the importance of ultrasound as a complementary method in the evaluation of thyroid carcinoma in dogs. At the Dr. Halim Atique Veterinary Hospital, an eight-year-old male Pit Bull was examined due to a history of firm painless swelling, approximately six inches in diameter, in the ventral cervical region, for about two months. The sonogram showed a nodular area, with defined and regular margins, and heterogeneous hypoechoic parenchyma, with areas of cavitation and swelling of the thyroid. Histopathology of the nodule was consistent with carcinoma. After thyreoidectomy and hormone replacemet, the patient is in good clinical condition.


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Background: Rumenostomy may be performed for therapeutic and digestibility research purposes in bovines, small ruminants and camelids. Several studies requires romenostomy in buffaloes in order to sample ruminal content for laboratorial assays. However, complications and outcome of rumenostomy was poorly studied in buffaloes. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to describe a two-stage rumenostomy technique in buffaloes, focused on intra and post-operative period.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Murrah buffaloes were submitted to a 36-h and 12-h of food and water fastening. The animals were given acepromazine and maintained in standing position. Flank local anesthesia was carried out. A circular skin incision was carried out in the center of the left flank, followed by divulsion of the external and internal obliques and transversus abdominus muscles, and incision of the peritoneum. Subsequently, a segment of the dorsal aspect of the rumen was grasped and pulled through the flank incision. The rumen was attached to the peritoneum and skin incision margins in four points (dorsal, ventral, cranial and caudal). Additional simple interrupted sutures attaching the rumen serosa to the skin were applied subsequently. Four additional interrupted horizontal mattress sutures were applied equidistantly, taking bites only in the skin and rumen serosa. Following 12 h, the second stage was carried out. The buffaloes were prepared and restrained as performed for the first stage. A circular flap was excised from the exteriorized rumen and the silicone romenostomy cannula was placed. Clinical parameters, postoperative recovery, weight and behavioral pain scale were assessed. Positioning and anesthesia regimen were adequate for the achievement of the procedure. However, two animals fell in the restraint chute during the first surgical stage. Mild ischemia of the exteriorized rumen segment was observed on the second surgical stage, which resulted in less hemorrhage and enhanced cannula positioning. Complete cicatrization and permanent adhesion of the rumen to the skin were achieved. No ruminal leakage to the abdominal cavity occurred. No signs of pain were reported. There were few cases of laxity of the romenostomy opening leading to drop of cannula, myiasis on the margin of the stoma site and few cases of mild ruminal content leakage on the long-term assessment.Discussion: Restraint in standing position was considered adequate, although lateral recumbence constitutes another option. However, higher risk of contamination and technical difficulties in placing the cannulas are expected if lateral recumbence is considered. In other trials using acepromazine, no accidental recumbence occurred. Xylazine was also indicated for chemical restraint of buffaloes. It is known that flexible cannulas provide better anatomic adjustment and adaptation as well as being effective for sampling ruminal content, as seen in the current study. Ruminal leakage is one of the most frequent complications of romenostomy, which may affect animal's welfare. The animals in the current study presented no variations on the body score, even though on those presenting cannula loosening or ruminal content leakage. Moreover, no significant changes of the ruminal content parameters were noticed. Myiasis was also reported following ruminal surgical interventions, which were mainly attributed to extensive breeding. Loss of the cannula, subcutaneous emphysema and suture dehiscence are common complications of romenostomy. Nonetheless, none of those complications were found on the current study. Thus, romenostomy was feasible and efficient for sampling and performing assays of the ruminal content in buffaloes.


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A maior parte das espécies de anuros adultos terrestres está constantemente exposta a altas taxas de perda de água por evaporação através da pele. A manutenção do balanço hídrico nestes animais envolve a absorção de água através da mancha pélvica, uma região da pele ventral altamente permeável à água, além da reabsorção de água a partir do fluido filtrado nos glomérulos ao longo do sistema tubular dos néfrons, bem como a partir da urina formada e estocada na bexiga urinária, em resposta à arginina vasotocina (AVT). O movimento de água através da membrana plasmática ocorre através de poros formados por proteínas integrais de membrana, conhecidas como aquaporinas (AQPs), e a regulação osmótica exercida pelo AVT envolve translocação de vesículas contendo AQPs do citoplasma para a membrana apical e, provavelmente, alteração na expressão de alguns tipos de AQPs. Resultados previamente obtidos no laboratório demonstraram a existência de variação interespecífica nas taxas de reidratação de três espécies de Rhinella, sendo que R. ornata apresentou taxas de reidratação significativamente menores que aquelas apresentadas por R. schneideri e R. icterica. Uma possível explicação para esta variação em taxas de reidratação poderia envolver diferenças na expressão de aquaporinas na mancha pélvica. Desta forma, o objetivo do projeto foi identificar e quantificar a expressão do RNAm de aquaporinas do tipo 1 (AQP-1) e de aquaporinas AVT dependentes pertencentes ao tipo 2a (AQP-t2 e AQP-t3) - quanto à classificação das AQPs entenda-se AQP -t aquelas que apresentam sequência gênica referentes a Rinella marina AQP -h a Hyla japonica.- nos seguintes tecidos: pele dorsal e pele ventral (mancha pélvica) de espécimes de R. schneideri e R. ornata totalmente hidratados e após submissão à desidratação correspondente a 70% da massa corpórea padrão. As hipótese ...


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Neste trabalho, foi feita uma revisão de importantes aspectos associados às bases neurobiológicas da Doença de Alzheimer, por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o assunto. A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que acomete geralmente pessoas acima de 65 ou 70 anos. Em pacientes com DA, nota-se a ocorrência de atrofia progressiva de várias áreas cerebrais, responsáveis pela perda de memória e de outras funções cognitivas, além da diminuição da capacidade para realizar atividades rotineiras. Inicialmente, a atrofia ocorre no lobo temporal, especialmente nas regiões responsáveis pela memória (hipocampo, córtex entorrinal) e, posteriormente, em regiões como o córtex parietal e córtex frontal. O declínio progressivo e persistente de memória recente pode ser verificado já na fase inicial da doença e, progressivamente, entram em declínio outras funções cognitivas, resultando em um comprometimento cognitivo global. Os mecanismos envolvidos na degeneração cerebral na Doença de Alzheimer estão relacionados com a neuropatologia característica da DA. Lesões cerebrais específicas levam a morte de neurônios e sinapses, e estão relacionadas a presença de placas amilóides e emaranhados neurofibrilares. Essas placas e emaranhados acometem principalmente as camadas piramidais do córtex cerebral e são responsáveis por degenerações sinápticas intensas, tanto em nível hipocampal quanto neocortical (BRAAK & BRAAK, 1991). À medida que os neurônios morrem, são perdidos sinais de entrada sinápticos em regiões do encéfalo que são críticas para a função cognitiva e de memória normal


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As células granulares do giro denteado do hipocampo são continuamente geradas na zona subgranular em mamíferos. Condições como epilepsia e envelhecimento podem alterar a proliferação celular e também certas características morfológicas das células granulares, como a formação de dendritos basais. Através da imunohistoquímica para doublecortin, marcador neuronal de células granulares imaturas, o estudo visa avaliar a proliferação destas células e quantificar o número de dendritos basais em animais epilépticos crônicos usando o modelo de Epilepsia de Lobo Temporal induzido por pilocarpina. Contatamos que a relação de células granulares com dendritos basais permanece constante no decorrer da vida do animal epiléptico de forma que esta alteração plástica das células granulares não seja fator determinante na patologia


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A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) tem sido conceituada como uma doença de caráter duplo, inicialmente por possuir um fenotípico clínico centrado na presença de uma demência progressiva que inclui comprometimento da memória como uma característica definitiva, além do envolvimento de outros domínios cognitivos ou habilidades. É caracterizada também por alterações neuropatológicas específicas que incluem lesões intraneuronais (emaranhados neurofibrilares) e extracelulares (placas senis), que podem ser acompanhados por perda sináptica e depósitos vasculares amiloides (Dubois et al, 2010). A constatação do processo neurodegenerativo se evidencia por meio da atrofia cerebral, especialmente, em hipocampo e córtex entorrinal constatada por neuroimagem (por exemplo, a ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada). Dentro desse conceito, esse estudo teve como objetivo fazer uma investigação geral com base na literatura especializada, com análise de artigos relevantes, referentes aos aspectos neurobiológicos associados à Doença de Alzheimer. Foram abordados tópicos como: atrofia cerebral, processo neurodegenerativo, biomarcadores, neuroimagem (com foco na escala de Urs et al.,2009) e aspectos clínicos


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A queda da pressão parcial de oxigênio no sangue arterial (PaO2), provocada pela hipóxia aguda, aumenta as descargas dos quimiorreceptores periféricos, carotídeos e aórticos, cujas aferências estimulam núcleos bulbares como o núcleo do trato solitário (NTS, Chitravanshi e cols., 1994, Mifflin, 1992), resultando em uma série de repostas compensatórias incluindo o aumento da VE ( Overgaard e cols., 1996, Sun e Reis, 1994). Estudos demonstraram que a via neural do quimiorreflexo periférico no NTS tem como neurotransmissores o L-glutamato e mais recentemente o ATP. Além disso, o ATP atuando em receptores purinérgicos presente na superfície ventral do bulbo estaria envolvido com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia. No entanto, a participação dos receptores purinérgicos do NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia ainda é desconhecida. Portanto, o presente estudo investigou o envolvimento dos receptores purinérgicos P2 no NTS sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias induzidas por hipóxia em ratos acordados, usando injeção bilateral de suramin (antagonista inespecífico dos receptores P2) e PPADS (antagonista seletivo dos receptores P2X). Foram utilizados ratos Holtzman (290-310g, n=4-9/grupo) com implante de cânulas guia no NTS. Para medida da pressão arterial média (PAM) e freqüência cardíaca (FC) foi inserido na artéria abdominal, através da artéria femoral, um tubo de polietileno (P-10 conectado ao P-50). Freqüência respiratória (FR), volume corrente (VC) e VE foram registrados através do método de pletismografia de corpo inteiro. Os parâmetros FR, VC, VE, PAM e FC foram registrados antes e após a injeção bilateral de salina, suramin (2 nmol/100 nl) ou PPADS (2 nmol/100 nl) no NTS durante hipóxia (7% de O2 por 35 min) ou normóxia (21% de O2)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for the development, growth and maintenance of the male reproductive system. Testosterone deficiency is common in men with diabetes in whom it may contribute to impaired performance, with consequent reduction of the activity of the androgen regulated organs, such as the prostate. However, little attention has been given to the plasma dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level, the most potent androgen, nor to the expression of the androgen receptor (AR), insulin-like growth factor type I (IGF-1) and receptor (IGF-1R) in target tissues. Here, we investigated the effect of type I diabetes mellitus on DHT plasma levels and on prostate AR, IGF-1 and IGF-1R expression during rat pubertal growth. Diabetes was induced in prepubertal male rats through administration of streptozotocin (STZ; 40 mg/kg). Diabetic, diabetic treated with insulin, and age-matched control animals were killed by overdoses of pentobarbital. The ventral prostatic lobe (VP) was dissected, weighed and processed for immunohistochemistry for AR, IGF-1 e IGF-1R; plasma T and DHT levels were also determined. Hyperglycemia at puberty reduced VP weight gain to about 50% and plasma T level to about 80% of the control levels. In contrast there were no changes in plasma DHT levels. Insulin replacement restored the VP weight gain, but not the plasma T levels, which remained 90% below the ones of controls. Immunohistochemistry showed that AR, IGF-1 and IGF-1R expression in the prostate epithelial cells did not change with hyperglycemia or insulin replacement. Thus, the AR expression in the prostate epithelial cells appears to be regulated by DHT, and to a minor extent it also controls glandular growth


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Os hormônios esteróides anabólico-androgênicos (EAA) compreendem a testosterona e seus derivados. Atletas e não atletas interessados em aumentar o desempenho esportivo, a força, a aparência física e a massa muscular têm utilizado esteróides anabólico-androgênicos sintéticos (EAAs) sem indicação médica. O uso de EAAs pode causar câncer de próstata, doença coronariana e esterilidade. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se os efeitos de altas doses de decanoato de nandrolona, do exercício físico resistido e da interação desses fatores sobre os lobos prostáticos de ratos machos adultos. Vinte ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais e tratados e pesados por oito semanas: Esteróide + Exercício (EE), Sedentário + Esteróide (ES), Veículo + Exercício (VE) e Veículo + Sedentário (VS). Eles receberam injeção i.m de decanoato de nandrolona (5mg/Kg) e veículo (propilenoglicol) (0,2 mL/Kg). O peso absoluto corpóreo e do lobo ventral da próstata foi aferido. Os lobos prostáticos foram coletados, dissecados e processados, empregando-se técnicas microscópicas (histológicas, histoquímicas e imunohistoquímicas) e morfométricas. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA bifatorial e Tukey (p<0,05). Alterações estatisticamente significativas nas massas corpórea, do lobo ventral, no índice de proliferação celular, na população de células basais e na análise dos volumes relativos dos componentes prostáticos (epitélio, estroma e lúmen) foram observadas. O decanoato de nandrolona determinou o aumento da proliferação celular, sugerindo o desenvolvimento da hiperplasia hormonal. De modo geral, as respostas não foram homogêneas para os parâmetros analisados, visto que os tecidos apresentam níveis de expressão de receptores de andrógenos, afinidade de ligação e vias metabólicas de conversão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study aims to determine surface skin doses in dogs (with suspected pulmonary metastasis) submitted to chest X-rays using the technique of thermoluminescence dosimetry. Twenty seven exams from different dogs were performed at the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu). The doses were evaluated using thermoluminescent dosimeters of calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium (CaSO4:Dy) produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN). The pulmonary metastasis exams are carried out in three projections, one dorsal-ventral and two lateral-lateral. During the procedures the projection thicknesses and source-skin surface distances were registered. To simulate the dog phantom the dosimeters were positioned in a cubic simulator (30x30x30 cm) of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filled with water and irradiated according to the parameters of projections with the X-ray energies ranging from 45 to 70 kV. To estimate the surface skin dose the dose-response curves were obtained for X-ray energies of 50 and 70 kV using the diagnostic X-ray beam machine of the Instruments Calibration Laboratory of IPEN for doses of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.0 mGy. The main difficulty of this work was the dog immobilization that is reflected in poor-quality diagnostic imaging and, consequently, demands the repetition of the exams, which contributes to the increase of the doses received by the animals being studied and the clinical staff. The doses evaluated in this type of procedure are between 0.43 and 4.22 mGy. This research has shown to be extremely important for the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures, and as a parameter in the individual monitoring of pet’s owners who assist the animal positioning and occupationally exposed workers of the Department of Veterinary Radiology


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chauliocheilos saxatilis, new genus and species, is described from headwater streams of the rio Itamarandiba, upper rio Jequitinhonha basin, southeastern Brazil. The new genus is diagnosed from all other Loricariidae members by having a unique labial appendix at laterodorsal portion of lower lip, associated to the proximal region of insertion of the maxillary barbel. From all Hypoptopomatinae genera, Chauliocheilos can be distinguished by having two additional series of lateral plates, one between the dorsal and mid-dorsal series, and the other between the mid-ventral and ventral series. In addition, the great number of lateral plates, the absence of the iris operculum, and the posterior dorsal-fin insertion contacting the neural spine of eighth vertebra, are other useful features to recognize the genus. The phylogenetic position of Chauliocheilos among the Hypoptopomatinae, as well as the morphology and possible functions of the labial appendix, are discussed.