917 resultados para High intensity


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Partially end-pumped slab laser is an innovative solid state laser, namely InnoSlab. Combining the hybrid resonator with partially end-pumping, the output power can be scaled with high beam quality. In this paper, the output intensity distributions are simulated by coordinate transformation fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, comparing the thermal lens influence. As the simulated curves showed, the output mode is still good when the thermal lens effect is strong, indicating the good thermal stability of InnoSlab laser. Such a new kind of laser can be designed and optimized on the base of this simulation.


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Nd3+ -codoped and Al3+-Nd3+-codoped high silica glasses have been prepared by sintering nanoporous glasses impregnated with Nd3+ stop and Al3+ ions. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters Omega(2,4,6) of Nd3+-doped high silica glasses were obtained and used to analyze aluminum codoping effects. Fluorescence properties of Nd3+-doped high silica glasses strongly depend on the Al3+ concentration. While Nd3+ ion absorption and emission intensities of obviously increase when aluminum is added to Nd3+-doped high silica glasses, fluorescence lifetimes decrease and aluminum codoping has almost no influence on the radiative quantum efficiencies. This indicates that aluminum codoping is responsible for an anti-quenching effect through a local modification of rare-earth environments rather than through physical cluster dispersion.


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Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses have been prepared by sintering nanoporous glasses. The absorption, fluorescent spectra and fluorescent lifetimes have been measured and the emission cross-section and minimum pump intensities were calculated. Codoping aluminum ions enhanced the fluorescence intensity of Yb-doped high silica glass obviously. The emission cross-sections of Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses were 0.65 and 0.82 pm(2), respectively. The results show that Yb-Al-codoped high silica glass has better spectroscopic properties for a laser material. The study of high silica glass doped with ytterbium is helpful for its application in Yb laser systems, especially for high-power and high-repetition lasers. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eu2+-doped high silica glass (HSG) is fabricated by sintering porous glass which is impregnated with europium ions. Eu2+-doped HSG is revealed to yield intense blue emission excited by ultraviolet (UV) light and near-infrared femtosecond laser. The emission profile obtained by UV excitation can be well traced by near-infrared femtosecond laser. The upconversion emission excited by 800 nm femtosecond laser is considered to be related to a two-photon absorption process from the relationship between the integrated intensity and the pump power. A tentative scheme of upconverted blue emission from Eu2+-doped HSG was also proposed. The HSG materials presented herein are expected to find applications in high density optical storage and three-dimensional color displays. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A new kind of Nd3+, -doped high silica glass (SiO2 > 96% (mass fraction)) was obtained by sintering porous glass impregnated with Nd3+, ions. The absorption and luminescence properties of high silica glass doped with different Nd3+, concentrations were studied. The intensity parameters Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6), spontaneous emission probability, fluorescence lifetime, radiative quantum efficiency, fluorescence branching ratio, and stimulated emission cross section were calculated using the Judd-Ofelt theory. The optimal Nd3+ concentration in high silica glass was 0.27% (mole fraction) because of its high quantum efficiency and emission intensity. By comparing the spectroscopic parameters with other Nd3+ doped oxide glasses and commercial silicate glasses, the Nd3+-doped high silica glasses are likely to be a promising material used for high power and high repetition rate lasers.


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The far-field intensity distribution (FFID) of a beam generated by a phase-unifying mirror resonator was investigated based on scalar diffraction theory. Attention was paid to the parameters, such as obscuration ratio and reflectivity of the phase-unifying mirror, that determine the FFID. All analyses were limited to the TEM00 fundamental mode. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, the static and dynamic performance of multi quantum-well (MQW) 1.3 μm InGaAsP Fabry Perot lasers is assessed experimentally and theoretically to identify the mechanisms responsible for impaired high speed performance at elevated temperature. Initially, threshold currents and spontaneous emission spectra are characterized for a range of temperatures from room temperature to 85 °C to indicate a significant increase in non-radiative current contributions. Preliminary estimates are made for the contributions of leakage and Auger recombination rates, found from the dependence of integrated spontaneous emission with carrier density. Drift-diffusion modelling is found to accurately predict the trend of threshold currents over temperature. Using gain modelling good agreement is found between the measured and predicted integrated spontaneous emission intensity. Gain measurements at 85 °C indicate a reduction in RIN frequency to 63% of the 25 °C value which matches well with experimental small signal performance.


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The fastest ever 11.25Gb/s real-time FPGA-based optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) transceivers utilizing 64-QAM encoding/decoding and significantly improved variable power loading are experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, incorporating advanced functionalities of on-line performance monitoring, live system parameter optimization and channel estimation. Real-time end-to-end transmission of an 11.25Gb/s 64-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal with a high electrical spectral efficiency of 5.625bit/s/Hz over 25km of standard and MetroCor single-mode fibres is successfully achieved with respective power penalties of 0.3dB and -0.2dB at a BER of 1.0 x 10(-3) in a directly modulated DFB laser-based intensity modulation and direct detection system without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The impacts of variable power loading as well as electrical and optical components on the transmission performance of the demonstrated transceivers are experimentally explored in detail. In addition, numerical simulations also show that variable power loading is an extremely effective means of escalating system performance to its maximum potential.


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We present a fast, high-throughput method for characterizing the motility of microorganisms in 3D based on standard imaging microscopy. Instead of tracking individual cells, we analyse the spatio-temporal fluctuations of the intensity in the sample from time-lapse images and obtain the intermediate scattering function (ISF) of the system. We demonstrate our method on two different types of microorganisms: bacteria, both smooth swimming (run only) and wild type (run and tumble) Escherichia coli, and the bi-flagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We validate the methodology using computer simulations and particle tracking. From the ISF, we are able to extract (i) for E. coli: the swimming speed distribution, the fraction of motile cells and the diffusivity, and (ii) for C. reinhardtii: the swimming speed distribution, the amplitude and frequency of the oscillatory dynamics. In both cases, the motility parameters are averaged over \approx 10^4 cells and obtained in a few minutes.


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We develop an analytical theory of high-power passively mode-locked lasers with a slow absorber; the theory is valid at pulse energies well exceeding the saturation energy. We analyze the Haus modelocking master equation in the pulse-energy-domain representation, approximating the intensity profile function by a series in the vicinity of its peak value. We consider the high-power operation regime of subpicosecond blue-violet GaN mode-locked diode lasers, using the approach developed. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.


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Nanotube forest behaves as highly absorbent material when they are randomly placed in sub-wavelength scales. Furthermore, it is possible to create diffractive structures when these bulks are patterned in a substrate. Here, we introduce an alternative to fabricate intensity holograms by patterning fringes of nanotube forest on a substrate. The result is an efficient intensity hologram that is not restricted to sub-wavelength patterning. Both the theoretical and experimental analysis was performed with good agreement. The produced holograms show a uniform behaviour throughout the visible spectra. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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There were large losses of exotic species Elodea nuttallii during summer in eutrophic lakes of the middle and lower reaches of the Yanatze River, China. To investigate the main causes, the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was studied and compared with that of native species Ceratopkyllum demersum by using an aquaria system in the laboratory. Under 4500 lx light intensity and 12-h L/12-h D cycle, E. nuttallii cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution at 39 degrees C showed a positive growth rate during the first 15 days, and the growth rate was higher than that at 35 degrees C. But after 15 days, the growth rates became negative for those cultured both at 39 and 35 degrees C. However, the growth rate was positive for more than 20 days for those cultured at 25 degrees C. Under the same conditions, the growth rate, productivity and chlorophyll content of E. nuttallii were significantly higher than that of C. demersum. Heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was also stronger than that of C. demersum. The optimal temperature for the growth of the two plants depended on the experimental period: both plants grew at an optimal rate at higher temperature if the experimental period was short; nevertheless the plants achieved optimal growth at a lower temperature if the experiment was conducted for a longer period. At the same light intensity, the heat tolerance of C. demersum in tap water with sediment was markedly stronger than that of E. nuttallii at 39 degrees C. Average growth rate of C. demersum was 4.5 times higher than that of E. nuttallii within 25 days. The positive growth period lasted for less than 25 days for E. nuttallii and for more than 25 days for C. demersum. When they were cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution and in tap water with sediment, the growth rate of C. demersum increased from 0.4 to 79.4 mg/d.g fresh weight (FW) within 20 days. E. nuttallii increased from 8.3 to 24.4 mg/d-g FW within 20 days. Both grew better in tap water with sediment than in 1/5 Hoaglands solution. The results demonstrated that the nutritional status of the water other than the high temperature affected the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii during summer. E. nuttallii has great ecological safe risk in China.


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Hot-pressed laminates with a [0/90]48 lay-up, consisting of 83% by volume of ultra high molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibres, and 17% by volume of polyurethane (PU) matrix, were cut into cantilever beams and subjected to transverse end-loading. The collapse mechanisms were observed both visually and by X-ray scans. Short beams deform elastically and collapse plastically in longitudinal shear, with a shear strength comparable to that observed in double notch, interlaminar shear tests. In contrast, long cantilever beams deform in bending and collapse via a plastic hinge at the built-in end of the beam. The plastic hinge is formed by two wedge-shaped microbuckle zones that grow in size and in intensity with increasing hinge rotation. This new mode of microbuckling under macroscopic bending involves both elastic bending and shearing of the plies, and plastic shear of the interface between each ply. The double-wedge pattern contrasts with the more usual parallel-sided plastic microbuckle that occurs in uniaxial compression. Finite element simulations and analytical models give additional insight into the dominant material and geometric parameters that dictate the collapse response of the UHMWPE composite beam in bending. Detailed comparisons between the observed and predicted collapse responses are used in order to construct a constitutive model for laminated UHMWPE composites. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The photoluminescence (PL) intensity enhancement and suppression mechanism on surface plasmons (SPs) coupling with InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) have been systematically studied. The SP-QW coupling behaviors in the areas of GaN cap layer coated with silver thin film were compared at different temperatures and excitation powers. It is found that the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of the light emitting diodes (LEDs) varies with temperature and excitation power, which in turn results in anomalous emission enhancement and suppression tendency related to SP-QW coupling. The observation is explained by the balance between the extraction efficiency of SPs and the IQE of LEDs


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Effects of interface roughness and dislocation density on the electroluminescence (EL) intensity of InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) are investigated. It is found that the EL intensity increases with the number of satellite peaks in the x-ray diffraction experiments of InGaN MQW samples. It is indicated that the rough interface will lead the reduction of EL intensity of InGaN MQW samples. It is also found that the EL intensity increases with the decrease of dislocation density which is characterized by the x-ray diffraction measurements. It is suggested that the EL intensity of InGaN MQWs can be improved by decreasing the interface roughness and dislocation density.