943 resultados para GaAs single crystal
The optical properties of cubic GaN epitaxial layers were investigated by modulated photoreflectance (PR) and photoluminescence in the temperature interval from 5 to 300 K. The epilayers were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using a nitrogen RIF-activated plasma source. The PR spectra show a transition which is well fitted using the third-derivative functional form of the unperturbed dielectric function, which we interpret as band-to-band transition. Our results allow determination of the temperature dependence of the main gap of c-GaN and give insights into the residual strain in the film, as well as allow us to estimate the binding energy of the complex formed by an exciton bound to a neutral acceptor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Hybrid reflections (HRs) involving substrate and layer planes (SL type) [Morelhao et al., Appl. Phys. Len. 73 (15), 2194 (1998)] observed in Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) grown InGaP/GaAs(001) structures were used as a three-dimensional probe to analyze structural properties of epitaxial layers. A set of (002) rocking curves (omega-scan) measured for each 15 degrees in the azimuthal plane was arranged in a pole diagram in phi for two samples with different layer thicknesses (#A -58 nm and #B - 370 nm) and this allowed us to infer the azimuthal epilayer homogeneity in both samples. Also, it was shown the occurrence of (1 (1) over bar3) HR detected even in the thinner layer sample. Mappings of the HR diffraction condition (omega:phi) allowed to observe the crystal truncation rod through the elongation of HR shape along the substrate secondary reflection streak which can indicate in-plane match of layer/substrate lattice parameters. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
We used photoluminescence spectroscopy in order to investigate the carriers escape mechanisms in In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum wells grown on top of nominal (001) and 2°-, 4°-and 6°-off (001) towards (111)A GaAs substrates. We described the escape processes using two models that fit the Arrhenius plot of the integrated PL intensity as a function of the inverse of the sample temperature. In the first model, we considered equal escape probability for electrons and holes. In the second one, we assumed that a single type of carrier can escape from the well. At high temperature, the first model fits the experimental data well, whereas, between 50 K and 100 K, the second model has to be taken into account to describe the data. We observed that the escape activation energy depends on the misorientation angle. An unusual behavior was noted when the full width at half maximum of the photoluminescence main emission was plotted as a function of the sample temperature. We showed that the escape process of the less-confined carriers drives this behavior. © 1999 Academic Press.
The design of a Gilbert Cell Mixer and a low noise amplifier (LNA), using GaAs PHEMT technology is presented. The compatibility is shown for co-integration of both block on the same chip, to form a high performance 1.9 GHz receiver front-end. The designed LNA shows 9.23 dB gain and 2.01 dB noise figure (NF). The mixer is designed to operate at RF=1.9 GHz, LO=2.0 GHz and IF=100 MHz with a gain of 14.3 dB and single sideband noise figure (SSB NF) of 9.6 dB. The mixer presents a bandwith of 8 GHz.
Silicon crystal exhibits a ductile regime during machining prior to the onset of fracture when appropriate cutting conditions are applied. The present study shows that the ductile regime is a result of a phase transformation which is indirectly evidenced by the amorphous phase detected in the machined surface. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) planar view studies were successfully performed on monocrystalline silicon (1 0 0) single point diamond turned. TEM electron diffraction patterns show that the machined surface presents diffuse rings along with traces of crystalline material. This is attributed to crystalline silicon immersed in an amorphous matrix. Furthermore, only diffuse rings in the diffraction patterns of the ductile chip are detected, indicating that it is totally amorphous. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
5 We employ the circular-polarization-resolved magnetophotoluminescence technique to probe the spin character of electron and hole states in a GaAs/AlGaAs strongly coupled double-quantum-well system. The photoluminescence (PL) intensities of the lines associated with symmetric and antisymmetric electron states present clear out-of-phase oscillations between integer values of the filling factor. and are caused by magnetic-field-induced changes in the population of occupied Landau levels near to the Fermi level of the system. Moreover, the degree of circular polarization of these emissions also exhibits the oscillatory behavior with increasing magnetic field. Both quantum oscillations observed in the PL intensities and in the degree of polarizations may be understood in terms of a simple single-particle approach model. The k . p method was used to calculate the photoluminescence peak energies and the degree of circular polarizations in the double-quantum-well structure as a function of the magnetic field. These calculations prove that the character of valence band states plays an important role in the determination of the degree of circular polarization and, thus, resulting in a magnetic-field-induced change of the polarization sign.
We present an experimental study of the nonlinear optical absorption of the eutectic mixture E7 at the nematic-isotropic phase transition by the Z-scan technique, under continuous-wave excitation at 532 nm. In the nematic region, the effective nonlinear optical coefficient beta, which vanishes in the isotropic phase, is negative for the extraordinary beam and positive for an ordinary beam. The parameter , whose definition in terms of the nonlinear absorption coefficient follows the definition of the optical-order parameter in terms of the linear dichroic ratio, behaves like an order parameter with critical exponent 0.22 +/- 0.05, in good agreement with the tricritical hypothesis for the nematic-isotropic transition.
We use Z-scan technique to investigate the nonlinear optical response of the thermotropic liquid crystal E7 in the neighborhood of the nematic-isotropic phase transition. The analysis of the data for the nonlinear optical birefringence is compatible with an effective critical exponent of the order parameter, beta = 0.28 +/- 0.03, which is close to the classical value, beta = 0.25, for a tricritical point. The nonlinear optical absorption in the nematic range depends on the geometrical configuration of the nematic director with respect to the polarization beam, and vanishes in the isotropic phase.
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is the fourth enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway and has been exploited as the target for therapy against proliferative and parasitic diseases. In this study, we report the crystal structures of DHODH from Leishmania major, the species of Leishmania associated with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, in its apo form and in complex with orotate and fumarate molecules. Both orotate and fumarate were found to bind to the same active site and exploit similar interactions, consistent with a ping-pong mechanism described for class 1A DHODHs. Analysis of LmDHODH structures reveals that rearrangements in the conformation of the catalytic loop have direct influence on the dimeric interface. This is the first structural evidence of a relationship between the dimeric form and the catalytic mechanism. According to our analysis, the high sequence and structural similarity observed among trypanosomatid DHODH suggest that a single strategy of structure-based inhibitor design can be used to validate DHODH as a druggable target against multiple neglected tropical diseases such as Leishmaniasis, Sleeping sickness and Chagas' diseases. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Seit Frühjahr 2004 wird der Crystal Ball-Detektor am Photonenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons für Koinzidenzexperimente zur Untersuchung der Struktur der Nukleonen genutzt. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Kalorimeters, insbesondere der neuen Detektorelektronik, bilden einen Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Komponenten wurden neu konstruiert oder auf ihre Verwendbarkeit geprüft und nögenfalls modifiziert. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Aufbauphase wurden Experimente zur Produktion von $pi$- und $eta$-Mesonen am Proton mit mehr als 2500 Stunden Strahlbetrieb durchgeführt. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildet die erstmalige Messung der Helizitätsasymmetrie I$^odot$ in der Photoproduktion zweier neutraler Pionen. Zum Verstädnis des Anregungsspektrums der Nukleonen müssen Experimente mit polarisierten Photonen und/oder polarisierten Targets durchgeführt werden. Da Modelle trotz unterschiedlicher Annahmen unpolarisiert gemessene Größen vergleichbar gut reproduzieren, ist die Bestimmung der auf Modellunterschiede empfindlichen Polarisationsobservablen unumgäglich. Im Gegensatz zur Einpionproduktion tritt in der Zweipionproduktion eine Einfachpolarisationsobservable auf, die mit zirkular polarisierten Photonen am unpolarisierten Proton gemessen werden kann. Diese wurde in der Reaktion $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^0$ $pi^0$ und in $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^+$ $pi^-$ energie- und winkelabhägig bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse weichen stark von den Modellvorhersagen ab.
Der erste experimentelle Test der GDH-Summenregel für das Proton wurde 1998 am MAMI-Beschleuniger der Universität Mainz durchgeführt. Ferner wurde ein Pilot-Experiment mit einem polarisierten Deuteron-Target vorgenommen. Dieselbe Kollaboration führte 2003 ein auf das Deuteron ausgerichtetes Experiment durch mit der Absicht, die GDH-Summenregel für das Neutron zu untersuchen. Der in beiden Experimenten verwendete Aufbau erlaubt nicht nur die Messung des totalen Wirkungsquerschnitts, sondern auch gleichzeitig einzelne Teilreaktionen zu studieren. In dieser Arbeit werden die Daten des Deuteron-Pilot-Experiments von 1998 analysiert. Desweiteren wird eine Studie der Helizitätsabhängigkeit der differenziellen Wirkungsquerschnitte für drei Pion-Photoproduktionskanäle des Deuterons in der oberen Hälfte der Delta-Resonanz präsentiert. Diese Ergebnisse werden mit einem theoretischen Modell verglichen. Dabei wurde eine hinreichend gute Übereinstimmung für die unpolarisierten Reaktionen gefunden, während für die polarisierten Kanäle kleinere Diskrepanzen beobachtet wurden. Der Targetpolarisationsgrad ist einer der relevanten Parameter, der für eine absolute Normalisierung der Wirkungsquerschnitte notwendig ist. Die Analyse dieses Parameters für die 2003er Daten wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellt. Zur Zeit ist in Mainz ein Frozen-Spin-Target im Bau. Es wird als Target für polarisierte Protonen oder polarisierte Deuteronen für zukünftige Experimente mit dem Crystal Ball zur Verfügung stehen. Die Vorbereitungen der verschiedenen Subsysteme dieses Aufbaus stellten einen wichtigen Teil dieser Arbeit dar. Die fundamentalen Grundlagen der Methode und deren technische Umsetzung, sowie der momentane Status der Aufbauarbeiten am Target werden im Detail präsentiert.
Diese Dissertation untersucht den Einfluss von Eiskristallform und räumlicher Inhomogenität von Zirren auf das Retrieval von optischer Wolkendicke und effektivem Eispartikelradius. Zu diesem Zweck werden flugzeuggetragene spektrale Messungen solarer Strahlung sowie solare und langwellige Strahlungstransfersimulationen durchgeführt. Flugzeuggetragene spektrale aufwärtsgerichtete Radianzen (Strahldichten) sind mit dem SMART-Albedometer (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem) während des CIRCLE-2 (CIRrus CLoud Experiment-2) Feldexperiments im Mai 2007 gemessen worden. Basierend auf diesen Radianzdaten werden mittels eines Wolkenretrievalalgorithmus optische Wolkendicken und effektive Eispartikelradien anhand von eindimensionalen Strahlungstransferrechnungen bestimmt. Die Auswirkung der Annahme unterschiedlicher Eiskristallformen auf die retrievten Parameter wird durch Variation der Einfachstreueigenschaften der Eispartikel untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird mittels Strahlungstransferrechnungen auch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform auf den Strahlungsantrieb von Eiswolken ermittelt. Die Frage nach dem relativen Einfluss von räumlicher Wolkeninhomogenität und Eiskristallform wird anhand von dreidimensionalen und independent pixel approximation (IPA) Strahlungssimulationen untersucht. Die Analyse basiert auf einer Modelleiswolke, die aus Daten des NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) TC4 (Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling) Feldexperiments im Sommer 2007 in Costa Rica erzeugt wurde. Lokal gesehen können beide Effekte - Eiskristallform und räumliche Eiswolkeninhomogenität - die gleiche Grössenordnung haben und zu einer Unter- bzw. Überschätzung der retrievten Parameter um 40 – 60% führen. Gemittelt über die ganze Wolke ist jedoch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform viel bedeutender als der von räumlichen Inhomogenitäten.
A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.
Adding conductive carbon fillers to insulating thermoplastic resins increases composite electrical and thermal conductivity. Often, as much of a single type of carbon filler is added to achieve the desired conductivity, while still allowing the material to be molded into a bipolar plate for a fuel cell. In this study, varying amounts of three different carbons (carbon black, synthetic graphite particles, and carbon fiber) were added to Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer. The in-plane thermal conductivity of the resulting single filler composites were tested. The results showed that adding synthetic graphite particles caused the largest increase in the in-plane thermal conductivity of the composite. The composites were modeled using ellipsoidal inclusion problems to predict the effective in-plane thermal conductivities at varying volume fractions with only physical property data of constituents. The synthetic graphite and carbon black were modeled using the average field approximation with ellipsoidal inclusions and the model showed good agreement with the experimental data. The carbon fiber polymer composite was modeled using an assemblage of coated ellipsoids and the model showed good agreement with the experimental data.
One dimensional magnetic photonic crystals (1D-MPC) are promising structures for integrated optical isolator applications. Rare earth substituted garnet thin films with proper Faraday rotation are required to fabricate planar 1D-MPCs. In this thesis, flat-top response 1D-MPC was proposed and spectral responses and Faraday rotation were modeled. Bismuth substituted iron garnet films were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering and structures, compositions, birefringence and magnetooptical properties were studied. Double layer structures for single mode propagation were also fabricated by sputtering for the first time. Multilayer stacks with multiple defects (phase shift) composed of Ce-YIG and GGG quarter-wave plates were simulated by the transfer matrix method. The transmission and Faraday rotation characteristics were theoretically studied. It is found that flat-top response, with 100% transmission and near 45o rotation is achievable by adjusting the inter-defect spacing, for film structures as thin as 30 to 35 μm. This is better than 3-fold reduction in length compared to the best Ce-YIG films for comparable rotations, thus allows a considerable reduction in size in manufactured optical isolators. Transmission bands as wide as 7nm were predicted, which is considerable improvement over 2 defects structure. Effect of repetition number and ratio factor on transmission and Faraday rotation ripple factors for the case of 3 and 4 defects structure has been discussed. Diffraction across the structure corresponds to a longer optical path length. Thus the use of guided optics is required to minimize the insertion losses in integrated devices. This part is discussed in chapter 2 in this thesis. Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. We investigated or measured the deposition parameters optimization, crystallinity, surface morphologies, composition, magnetic and magnetooptical properties. A very high crystalline quality garnet film with smooth surface has been heteroepitaxially grown on (111) GGG substrate for films less than 1μm. Dual layer structures with two distinct XRD peaks (within a single sputtered film) start to develop when films exceed this thickness. The development of dual layer structure was explained by compositional gradient across film thickness, rather than strain gradient proposed by other authors. Lower DC self bias or higher substrate temperature is found to help to delay the appearance of the 2nd layer. The deposited films show in-plane magnetization, which is advantageous for waveguide devices application. Propagation losses of fabricated waveguides can be decreased by annealing in an oxygen atmosphere from 25dB/cm to 10dB/cm. The Faraday rotation at λ=1.55μm were also measured for the waveguides. FR is small (10° for a 3mm long waveguide), due to the presence of linear birefringence. This part is covered in chapter 4. We also investigated the elimination of linear birefringence by thickness tuning method for our sputtered films. We examined the compressively and tensilely strained films and analyze the photoelastic response of the sputter deposited garnet films. It has been found that the net birefringence can be eliminated under planar compressive strain conditions by sputtering. Bi-layer GGG on garnet thin film yields a reduced birefringence. Temperature control during the sputter deposition of GGG cover layer is critical and strongly influences the magnetization and birefringence level in the waveguide. High temperature deposition lowers the magnetization and increases the linear birefringence in the garnet films. Double layer single mode structures fabricated by sputtering were also studied. The double layer, which shows an in-plane magnetization, has an increased RMS roughness upon upper layer deposition. The single mode characteristic was confirmed by prism coupler measurement. This part is discussed in chapter 5.