992 resultados para Flour mills


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A number of different electron acceptors are tested for efficacy in the oxidation of water to oxygen, photocatalysed by titanium dioxide. The highly UV-absorbing metal ion electron acceptors, Ce4+ and Fe3+, appear ineffective at high concentration (10(-2) M), due to UV-screening, but more effective at lower concentrations (10(-3) M). The metal-depositing electron acceptor, Ag+, is initially effective, but loses activity upon prolonged irradiation due to metal deposition which promotes electron-hole recombination as well as UV-screening the titania particles. Most striking of the electron acceptors tested is persulfate, particularly in alkaline solution (0.1 M NaOH). The kinetics of the photo-oxidation of water by persulfate, photocatalysed by titania are studied as a function of pH, [S2O82-] and incident light intensity (I). The initial rate of water oxidation increases with pH, is directly proportional to the concentration of persulfate present and depends upon I-0.6. The TiO2/alkaline persulfate photosystem is robust and shows very little evidence of photochemical wear upon repeated irradiation. The results of this work are discussed with regard to previous work in this area and current mechanistic thinking. The formal quantum efficiency of the TiO2/alkaline persulfate photosystem was estimated as ca. 2%. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Communication: Coatings Of Yellow gamma-WO3 are deposited on glass by APCVD of WOCl4 and either ethanol or ethylacetate at 350-450degreesC. The yellow films show significant photoactivity for the destruction of stearic acid, and photoinduced superhydrophilicity. Preparation of blue reduced WO2.92 films from the same reaction at higher substrate temperatures of 500-600degreesC (Figure) is also found to be possible. These films show no photoactivity, but can be converted into the fully stoichiometric photoactive form simply by heating in air.


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The photo-oxidation of water is studied in presence of UV-light (lambda


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An overview of the use of semiconductor photocatalysis for water purification is given. The basic principles of semiconductor photocatalysis are described along with the current understanding of the underlying reaction mechanism(s) and how it fits in with the major features of the observed Langmuir-Hinshelwood-type kinetics of pollutant destruction. These features are illustrated based on literature on the destruction of aqueous solutions of 4-chlorophenol as a pollutant, using titanium dioxide as the photocatalyst. The range of organic and inorganic pollutants that can be destroyed by semiconductor photocatalysis are reported and discussed. The basic considerations that need to be made when designing a reactor for semiconductor photocatalysis are considered. These include: the nature of the reactor glass, the type of illumination source, and the nature and type of semiconductor photocatalyst. The key basic photoreactor designs are reported and discussed, including external illumination, annular, and circular photoreactors. Actual designs that have been used for fixed and thin falling film semiconductor photocatalyst reactors are illustrated and their different features discussed. Basic non-concentrating and concentrating solar photoreactors for semiconductor photocatalysis are also reported. The design features of the major commercial photocatalytic reactor systems for water purification are reported and illustrated. Several case studies involving commercial photocatalytic reactors for water purification are reported. An attempt is made briefly to compare the efficacy of semiconductor photocatalysis for water purification with that of other, more popular and prevalent water purification processes. The future of semiconductor photocatalysis as a method of purifying water is considered.


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We demonstrate that UV illumination of nanocrystalline TiO2 films in the presence of excess organic hole scavengers can result in the deoxygenation of a closed environment. The kinetics of deoxygenation are investigated under continuous UV illumination as a function of film preparation and hole scavenger employed. Optimum deoxygenation is observed using methanol as a hole scavenger, although efficient deoxygenation is also observed for a range of different polymer/TiO2 nanocomposite films deposited on glass and plastic substrates. Transient absorption spectroscopy is used to probe the kinetics of the deoxygenation reaction, focusing on the kinetics of the reduction of oxygen by photogenerated TiO2 electrons. Under aerobic conditions, this oxygen reduction reaction is observed to exhibit first order kinetics with a rate constant of 70 s(-1), more than one order of magnitude faster than alternative reaction pathways for the photogenerated electrons. These observations are discussed in terms of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood equation for photocatalytic action. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The basic principles of semiconductor photochemistry, particularly using titania as a semiconductor photocatalyst, are discussed. When a platinum group metal or its oxide is deposited onto the surface of a sensitised semiconductor the overall efficiency of the reactions it takes part in are often improved, especially when the deposits are used as hydrogen and oxygen catalysts, respectively. Methods of depositing metal or metal oxide are examined, and a particular focus is given to a photodeposition process that uses a sacrificial electron donor. Platinum group metal and platinum group metal oxide coated semiconductor photocatalysts are prominent in heterogeneous systems that are capable of the photoreduction, oxidation and cleavage of water. There is a recent renaissance in work on water-splitting semiconductor-sensitised photosystems, but there are continued concerns over their irreproducibility, longevity and photosynthetic nature.


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A wide range of organic pollutants can be destroyed by semiconductor photocatalysis using titania. The purification of water and air contaminated with organic pollutants has been investigated by semiconductor photocatalysis for many years and in attempts to improve the purification rate platinum and palladium have been deposited, usually as fine particles, on the titania surface. Such deposits are expected to improve the rate of reduction of oxygen and so reduce the probability of electron-hole recombination and increase the overall rate of the reaction. The effectiveness of the deposits is reviewed here and appears very variable with reported rate enhancement factors ranging from 8 to 0.1. Semiconductor photocatalysis can be used to purify air (at temperatures > 100 degrees C) and Pt deposits can markedly improve the overall rate of mineralisation. However, volatile organic compounds containing an heteroatom can deactivate the photocatalyst completely and irreversibly. Factors contributing to the success of the processes are considered. The use of chloro-Pt(IV)-titania and other chloro-platinum group metals-titania complexes as possible visible light sensitisers for water and air purification is briefly reviewed.


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A novel route involving atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) is reported for coating Nb2O5 onto glass substrates via the reaction of NbCl5 and ethyl acetate at 400-660degreesC. Raman spectroscopy is shown to be a simple diagnostic tool for the analysis of these thin films. The contact angle of water on Nb2O5-coated glass drops on UV irradiation from 60degrees to 5-20degrees. XPS Analysis showed that the Nb:O ratio of the film was 1:2.5. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction showed that all films were crystalline, with only a single phase being observed; this has some preferred orientation in the (201) plane of Nb2O5. The niobium(V) oxide materials show minimal photocatalytic ability to degrade organic material.


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Details of the novel luminescence of the leuco forms of the thiazine dyes, methylene blue and thionine, are reported, including their emission maxima, quantum yields and lifetimes of the luminescence. Other work shows that this luminescence is independent of reducing agent type and solution pH and is a common feature of most thiazine dyes.


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The kinetics of the alkaline hydrolysis of trinitrotoluene, TNT, in an aqueous solution is a possible approach to destroying the active agent in unwanted munitions. The kinetics are shown to have a rapid initial step, step A, in which a highly coloured species, X (lambda(max) = 450 nm) is formed via an equilibrium reaction: TNT + OH- double left right arrow X. The bimolecular rate constant for the forward part of this equilibrium process, k(1), is: 0.099 +/- 0.004, 0.32 +/- 0.02 and 1.27 +/- 0.05 dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1), at 25, 40 and 60degreesC, respectively. The activation energy for the forward process is 60 kJ mol(-1). The first-order rate constant for the reverse of this process, k(-1), is: (5.3 +/- 2.6) x 10(-4), (1.2 +/- 1.0) x 10(-3) and (7.7 +/- 2.9) x 10(-3) s(-1) at 25, 40 and 60degreesC, respectively. The activation energy for the overall equilibrium process (k(1)/k(-1)) is ca. -5 kJ mol(-1). The subsequent alkaline hydrolysis of X to form the final product P, i.e. step B, is much slower than step A and appears to comprise two processes coupled in series, i.e. steps B1 (X +2OH(-) --> Z) and B2 (Z+OH- --> P). At 25degreesC, Step B1 appears rate determining throughout the decay process. At 45 degreesC and, more so, at 60degreesC, step B appears increasingly biphasic with increasing alkaline concentrations, as step B2 begins to compete with step B1 for position as the rate determining step. The trimolecular rate constant for step B1 is: 0.017 +/- 0.001, 0.0085 +/- 0.0002 and 0.0011 +/- 0.0001 dm(6) mol(-2) s(-1) at 25, 40 and 60degreesC, respectively, and the process has an activation energy of 64 kJ mol(-1). The transition from uniform kinetics, described by step B1, to mixed kinetics, described by steps B1 and B2, as the reaction temperature and alkali concentration are increased most likely occurs because (a) step B2 has a lower activation energy than B1, although it was not possible to measure the former parameter, and (b) step B2 has a lower (1st) order dependence upon [OH-] compared with that of step B1 (2nd). The bimolecular rate constant for step B2 is 0.0035 +/- 0.03 dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) at 60degreesC. A brief NMR study of the initial hydrolysis product in water, acetone and chloroform, coupled with UV/visible spectra, provides evidence that species X is a Meisenheimer complex.


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leuco-Methylene Blue has a previously unrecognized, very reactive, UV-driven triplet state photochemistry and, in particular, undergoes photo-oxidative quenching with dissolved oxygen.


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Thick paste TiO2 films are prepared and tested for photocatalytic and photoinduced superhydrophilic (PSH) activity. The films are effective photocatalysts for the destruction of stearic acid using near or far UV and all the sol-gel films tested exhibited a quantum yield for this process of typically 0.15 %. These quantum yields are significantly greater (4-8-fold) than those for titania films produced by an APCVD technique, including the commercial self-cleaning glass product Activ(TM). The films are mechanically robust and optically clear and, as photocatalysts for stearic acid removal, are photochemically stable and reproducible. The kinetics of stearic acid photomineralisation are zero order with an activation energy of ca. 2.5 Kj mol(-1). All titania films tested, including those produced by APCVD, exhibit PSH. The light-induced fall, and dark recovery, in the water droplet contact angle made with titania paste films are similar in profile shape to those described by others for thin titania films produced by a traditional sol-gel route. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pilkington Glass Activ(TM) represents a possible suitable successor to P25 TiO2, especially as a benchmark photocatalyst film for comparing other photocatalyst or PSH self-cleaning films. Activ(TM) is a glass product with a clear, colourless, effectively invisible, photocatalytic coating of titania that also exhibits PSH. Although not as active as a film of P25 TiO2, Activ(TM) vastly superior mechanical stability, very reproducible activity and widespread commercial availability makes it highly attractive as a reference photocatalytic film. The photocatalytic and photo-induced superhydrophilitic (PSH) properties of Activ(TM) are studied in some detail and the results reported. Thus, the kinetics of stearic acid destruction (a 104 electron process) are zero order over the stearic acid range 4-129 monolayers and exhibit formal quantum efficiencies (FQE) of 0.7 X 10(-5) and 10.2 x 10(-5) molecules per photon when irradiated with light of 365 +/- 20 and 254 nm, respectively; the latter appears also to be the quantum yield for Activ(TM) at 254 nm. The kinetics of stearic acid destruction exhibit Langmuir-Hinshelwood-like saturation type kinetics as a function of oxygen partial pressure, with no destruction occurring in the absence of oxygen and the rate of destruction appearing the same in air and oxygen atmospheres. Further kinetic work revealed a Langmuir adsorption type constant for oxygen of 0.45 +/- 0.16 kPa(-1) and an activation energy of 19 +/- 1 Kj mol(-1). A study of the PSH properties of Activ(TM) reveals a high water contact angle (67) before ultra-bandgap irradiation reduced to 0degrees after prolonged irradiation. The kinetics of PSH are similar to those reported by others for sol-gel films using a low level of UV light. The kinetics of contact angle recovery in the dark appear monophasic and different to the biphasic kinetics reported recently by others for sol-gel films [J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 1028]. Overall, Activ(TM) appears a very suitable reference material for semiconductor film photocatalysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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When TiO2 powder was irradiated with a laser light (>0.8 MW peak pulse power (PPP) at 355 nm) a visible change in its colour from white to dark blue was observed. The initial rate of change of the total colour difference was related to the laser light intensity and the longer the irradiation time the more substantial the colour change. The result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies showed that the crystal structure of the TiO2 developed a more rutile form after laser exposure. ESR studies indicated that the colour change was associated with the generation of Ti(III) species in the photocatalyst. Electron microscopic studies showed that more spherical shaped particles of TiO2 were observed after laser treatment although the average particle size remained largely unchanged. No significant changes in the band gap or the surface area of the laser modified TiO2 were observed. The laser modified photocatalyst showed no enhancement in activity for the destruction of methylene blue, rhodamine B and stearic acids, indicating that the rutile/anatase ratio is unimportant in the destruction of the test pollutants used in this work, via TiO2 photocatalysis


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The preparation and characterization of thick (9 mum), clear, mechanically robust and photocatalytically active films of nanocrystalline anatase titania are described. XRD and SEM analysis show the films comprise 13 nm particles of anatase TiO2. Thin (54 nm) films of the 'paste' TiO2, along with sol-gel titania films made by a more traditional route are also prepared and characterised. All titania films mediate the photocatalytic destruction of stearic acid with a quantum yield of 0.0016 +/- 0.0003. using either 365 nm (i.e. BLB) or 254 nm (germicidal) light. P25 TiO2 films also appear to mediate the same process with a similar formal quantum efficiency. Of all the films tested, the thick paste TiO2 films are the most ideally suited for use with near UV light, for reasons which are discussed. All the titania films tested exhibit photoinduced superhydrophilicity.