964 resultados para Failure to Thrive


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[EN] Acute hypoxia (AH) reduces maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max), but after acclimatization, and despite increases in both hemoglobin concentration and arterial O2 saturation that can normalize arterial O2 concentration ([O2]), VO2 max remains low. To determine why, seven lowlanders were studied at VO2 max (cycle ergometry) at sea level (SL), after 9-10 wk at 5,260 m [chronic hypoxia (CH)], and 6 mo later at SL in AH (FiO2 = 0.105) equivalent to 5,260 m. Pulmonary and leg indexes of O2 transport were measured in each condition. Both cardiac output and leg blood flow were reduced by approximately 15% in both AH and CH (P < 0.05). At maximal exercise, arterial [O2] in AH was 31% lower than at SL (P < 0.05), whereas in CH it was the same as at SL due to both polycythemia and hyperventilation. O2 extraction by the legs, however, remained at SL values in both AH and CH. Although at both SL and in AH, 76% of the cardiac output perfused the legs, in CH the legs received only 67%. Pulmonary VO2 max (4.1 +/- 0.3 l/min at SL) fell to 2.2 +/- 0.1 l/min in AH (P < 0.05) and was only 2.4 +/- 0.2 l/min in CH (P < 0.05). These data suggest that the failure to recover VO2 max after acclimatization despite normalization of arterial [O2] is explained by two circulatory effects of altitude: 1) failure of cardiac output to normalize and 2) preferential redistribution of cardiac output to nonexercising tissues. Oxygen transport from blood to muscle mitochondria, on the other hand, appears unaffected by CH.


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Background. The surgical treatment of dysfunctional hips is a severe condition for the patient and a costly therapy for the public health. Hip resurfacing techniques seem to hold the promise of various advantages over traditional THR, with particular attention to young and active patients. Although the lesson provided in the past by many branches of engineering is that success in designing competitive products can be achieved only by predicting the possible scenario of failure, to date the understanding of the implant quality is poorly pre-clinically addressed. Thus revision is the only delayed and reliable end point for assessment. The aim of the present work was to model the musculoskeletal system so as to develop a protocol for predicting failure of hip resurfacing prosthesis. Methods. Preliminary studies validated the technique for the generation of subject specific finite element (FE) models of long bones from Computed Thomography data. The proposed protocol consisted in the numerical analysis of the prosthesis biomechanics by deterministic and statistic studies so as to assess the risk of biomechanical failure on the different operative conditions the implant might face in a population of interest during various activities of daily living. Physiological conditions were defined including the variability of the anatomy, bone densitometry, surgery uncertainties and published boundary conditions at the hip. The protocol was tested by analysing a successful design on the market and a new prototype of a resurfacing prosthesis. Results. The intrinsic accuracy of models on bone stress predictions (RMSE < 10%) was aligned to the current state of the art in this field. The accuracy of prediction on the bone-prosthesis contact mechanics was also excellent (< 0.001 mm). The sensitivity of models prediction to uncertainties on modelling parameter was found below 8.4%. The analysis of the successful design resulted in a very good agreement with published retrospective studies. The geometry optimisation of the new prototype lead to a final design with a low risk of failure. The statistical analysis confirmed the minimal risk of the optimised design over the entire population of interest. The performances of the optimised design showed a significant improvement with respect to the first prototype (+35%). Limitations. On the authors opinion the major limitation of this study is on boundary conditions. The muscular forces and the hip joint reaction were derived from the few data available in the literature, which can be considered significant but hardly representative of the entire variability of boundary conditions the implant might face over the patients population. This moved the focus of the research on modelling the musculoskeletal system; the ongoing activity is to develop subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb from medical images. Conclusions. The developed protocol was able to accurately predict known clinical outcomes when applied to a well-established device and, to support the design optimisation phase providing important information on critical characteristics of the patients when applied to a new prosthesis. The presented approach does have a relevant generality that would allow the extension of the protocol to a large set of orthopaedic scenarios with minor changes. Hence, a failure mode analysis criterion can be considered a suitable tool in developing new orthopaedic devices.


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Neuronal networks exhibit diverse types of plasticity, including the activity-dependent regulation of synaptic functions and refinement of synaptic connections. In addition, continuous generation of new neurons in the “adult” brain (adult neurogenesis) represents a powerful form of structural plasticity establishing new connections and possibly implementing pre-existing neuronal circuits (Kempermann et al, 2000; Ming and Song, 2005). Neurotrophins, a family of neuronal growth factors, are crucially involved in the modulation of activity-dependent neuronal plasticity. The first evidence for the physiological importance of this role evolved from the observations that the local administration of neurotrophins has dramatic effects on the activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections in the visual cortex (McAllister et al, 1999; Berardi et al, 2000; Thoenen, 1995). Moreover, the local availability of critical amounts of neurotrophins appears to be relevant for the ability of hippocampal neurons to undergo long-term potentiation (LTP) of the synaptic transmission (Lu, 2004; Aicardi et al, 2004). To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the modulatory role of neurotrophins in integrated neuronal systems, informations on the mechanisms about local neurotrophins synthesis and secretion as well as ditribution of their cognate receptors are of crucial importance. In the first part of this doctoral thesis I have used electrophysiological approaches and real-time imaging tecniques to investigate additional features about the regulation of neurotrophins secretion, namely the capability of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to undergo synaptic recycling. In cortical and hippocampal slices as well as in dissociated cell cultures, neuronal activity rapidly enhances the neuronal expression and secretion of BDNF which is subsequently taken up by neurons themselves but also by perineuronal astrocytes, through the selective activation of BDNF receptors. Moreover, internalized BDNF becomes part of the releasable source of the neurotrophin, which is promptly recruited for activity-dependent recycling. Thus, we described for the first time that neurons and astrocytes contain an endocytic compartment competent for BDNF recycling, suggesting a specialized form of bidirectional communication between neurons and glia. The mechanism of BDNF recycling is reminiscent of that for neurotransmitters and identifies BDNF as a new modulator implicated in neuro- and glio-transmission. In the second part of this doctoral thesis I addressed the role of BDNF signaling in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. I have generated a transgenic mouse model to specifically investigate the influence of BDNF signaling on the generation, differentiation, survival and connectivity of newborn neurons into the adult hippocampal network. I demonstrated that the survival of newborn neurons critically depends on the activation of the BDNF receptor TrkB. The TrkB-dependent decision regarding life or death in these newborn neurons takes place right at the transition point of their morphological and functional maturation Before newborn neurons start to die, they exhibit a drastic reduction in dendritic complexity and spine density compared to wild-type newborn neurons, indicating that this receptor is required for the connectivity of newborn neurons. Both the failure to become integrated and subsequent dying lead to impaired LTP. Finally, mice lacking a functional TrkB in the restricted population of newborn neurons show behavioral deficits, namely increased anxiety-like behavior. These data suggest that the integration and establishment of proper connections by newly generated neurons into the pre-existing network are relevant features for regulating the emotional state of the animal.


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Obiettivi: nonostante i miglioramenti nel trattamento, circa il 30% dei pazienti pediatrici affetti da Linfoma di Hodgkin (LH) in stadio avanzato recidiva o muore per progressione di malattia e i correnti metodi predittivi biologico-clinici non consentono di individuare tali pazienti. L’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di definire un profilo molecolare di rischio che correli con l’outcome in questi pazienti. Materiali e metodi: studio retrospettico condotto su pazienti pediatrici affetti da LH omogeneamente trattati dal 2004 in poi. Su tali pazienti è stato intrapreso uno studio di validazione di marcatori molecolari già identificati in studi esplorativi precedenti. 27 geni sono stati analizzati in RT PCR su campioni di tessuto istologico prelevato alla diagnosi fissato in formalina e processato in paraffina relativi a una coorte di 37 pazienti, 12 ad outcome sfavorevole e 25 ad outcome favorevole. Risultati: dall’analisi univariata è emerso che solo l’espressione di CASP3 e CYCS, appartenenti al pathway apoptotico, è in grado di influenzare l’EFS in modo significativo nella nostra coorte di pazienti. Lo studio delle possibili combinazioni di questi geni ha mostrato l’esistenza di 3 gruppi di rischio che correlano con l’EFS: alto rischio (down regolazione di entrambi i geni), rischio intermedio (down regolazione di uno solo dei 2 geni), basso rischio (up regolazione di entrambi i geni). Dall’analisi multivariata è emerso che CASP3 è l’unica variabile che mantiene la sua indipendenza nell’influenzare la prognosi con un rischio di eventi di oltre il doppio di chi ha un’espressione bassa di questo gene. Conclusioni: i risultati ottenuti sulla nostra coorte di pazienti pediatrici affetti da LH confermano l’impatto sulla prognosi di due marcatori molecolari CASP3 e CYCS coinvolti nel patwhay apoptotico. La valutazione del profilo di espressione di tali geni, potrebbe pertanto essere utilizzata in corso di stadiazione, come criterio di predittività.


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Specific language impairment (SLI) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder defined as an unexpected failure to develop normal language abilities for no obvious reason. Copy number variants (CNVs) are an important source of variation in the susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, a CNV study within SLI families was performed to investigate the role of structural variants in SLI. Among the identified CNVs, we focused on CNVs on chromosome 15q11-q13, recurrently observed in neuropsychiatric conditions, and a homozygous exonic microdeletion in ZNF277. Since this microdeletion falls within the AUTS1 locus, a region linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), we investigated a potential role of ZNF277 in SLI and ASD. Frequency data and expression analysis of the ZNF277 microdeletion suggested that this variant may contribute to the risk of language impairments in a complex manner, that is independent of the autism risk previously described in this region. Moreover, we identified an affected individual with a dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, caused by compound heterozygosity of two deleterious variants in the gene DPYD. Since DPYD represents a good candidate gene for both SLI and ASD, we investigated its involvement in the susceptibility to these two disorders, focusing on the splicing variant rs3918290, the most common mutation in the DPD deficiency. We observed a higher frequency of rs3918290 in SLI cases (1.2%), compared to controls (~0.6%), while no difference was observed in a large ASD cohort. DPYD mutation screening in 4 SLI and 7 ASD families carrying the splicing variant identified six known missense changes and a novel variant in the promoter region. These data suggest that the combined effect of the mutations identified in affected individuals may lead to an altered DPD activity and that rare variants in DPYD might contribute to a minority of cases, in conjunction with other genetic or non-genetic factors.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der DNA-Reparaturenzyme NBN, ATM und ATR, die wichtige Funktionen während der Reparatur von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs) besitzen, auf die Alkylanzien-induzierte Toxizität untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass verschiedene menschliche Zelllinien, welche eine Beeinträchtigung in einem dieser drei Gene aufweisen, eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber N-Methyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidin (MNNG) und dem Chemotherapeutikum Temozolomid (TMZ) zeigen. Da das DNA-Reparaturenzym MGMT die Zellen vor der Induktion des Zelltods schützt, kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Hypersensitivität der mutierten Zelllinien auf die O6-MeG-Läsion zurückzuführen ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mutationen von NBN oder ATM nicht zu einer verminderten Kapazität der Basen-Exzisions-Reparatur (BER) führen. Somit ist die erhöhte Sensitivität der mutierten Zellen sehr wahrscheinlich auf eine verminderte Reparatur der DSBs zurückzuführen, welche durch die O6-MeG-Läsion induziert werden. Damit konnte NBN, ATM und ATR als neue Faktoren in der Abwehr gegen Alkylanzien-induzierte Toxizität identifiziert werden. Dies ist von großer klinischer Bedeutung, da einerseits die drei Proteine als therapeutisches Angriffsziel Bedeutung gewinnen und andererseits verschiedene Tumore, die in der Klinik mit alkylierenden Agenzien behandelt werden, Mutationen in diesen Genen tragen.rnrnWeiterhin wurde beobachtet, dass NBN- und ATM-defiziente Zellen nach Behandlung mit methylierenden Agenzien eine ungewöhnlich hohe Nekrose-Rate aufweisen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese unabhängig von einer PARP1-Aktivierung induziert wird. Dennoch wurde in den NBN- und ATM-mutierten Zelllinien im Gegensatz zum Wildtyp eine sehr starke Verminderung der ATP-Menge nach MNNG-Behandlung beobachtet. Diese wird durch das Fehlen einer effektiven Aktivierung der AMP-Kinase in diesen Zellen verursacht. Somit kann angenommen werden, dass die hohe Nekrose-Rate auf eine ATP-Depletion zurückzuführen ist, welche durch die nicht ausreichende AMP-Kinase-Aktivierung in diesen Zellen bedingt wird. Daher konnte NBN und ATM als Faktoren des zellulären Schutzes gerichtet gegen die Induktion der „programmierten Nekrose“ identifiziert werden. Dies ist ebenfalls von klinischer Bedeutung. Tragen Tumorzellen von Tumoren, welche mit methylierenden Agenzien behandelt werden, Mutationen in einem dieser Gene, so muss mit einer vermehrten Induktion von Nekrose und daher mit einer Stimulierung des Immunsystems während der Chemotherapie gerechnet werden. Dies wäre einerseits mit erhöhten Nebenwirkungen, die sich insbesondere durch Entzündungsreaktionen äußern, verbunden. Andererseits zeigen verschiedene Arbeiten, dass die Stimulation des Immunsystems durch sterbende Tumorzellen während der Chemotherapie die Tumorregression positiv beeinflussen kann.


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In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes form the multilamellar and compacted myelin sheath by spirally wrapping around defined axons with their specialised plasma membrane. Myelin is crucial for the rapid saltatory conduction of nerve impulses and for the preservation of axonal integrity. The absence of the major myelin component Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) results in an almost complete failure to form compact myelin in the CNS. The mRNA of MBP is sorted to cytoplasmic RNA granules and transported to the distal processes of oligodendrocytes in a translationally silent state. A main mediator of MBP mRNA localisation is the trans-acting factor heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 which binds to the cis-acting A2 response element (A2RE) in the 3’UTR of MBP mRNA. A signalling cascade had been identified that triggers local translation of MBP at the axon-glial contact site, involving the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (CAM) L1, the oligodendroglial plasma membrane-tethered Fyn kinase and Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2. This model was confirmed here, showing that L1 stimulates Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2 and a remodelling of A2-dependent RNA granule structures. Furthermore, the RNA helicase DDX5 was confirmed here acting together with hnRNP A2 in cytoplasmic RNA granules and is possibly involved in MBP mRNA granule dynamics.rnLack of non-receptor tyrosine kinase Fyn activity leads to reduced levels of MBP and hypomyelination in the forebrain. The multiadaptor protein p130Cas and the RNA-binding protein hnRNP F were verified here as additional targets of Fyn in oligodendrocytes. The findings point at roles of p130Cas in the regulation of Fyn-dependent process outgrowth and signalling cascades ensuring cell survival. HnRNP F was identified here as a novel constituent of oligodendroglial cytoplasmic RNA granules containing hnRNP A2 and MBP mRNA. Moreover, it was found that hnRNP F plays a role in the post-transcriptional regulation of MBP mRNA and that defined levels of hnRNP F are required to facilitate efficient synthesis of MBP. HnRNP F appears to be directly phosphorylated by Fyn kinase what presumably contributes to the initiation of translation of MBP mRNA at the plasma membrane.rnFyn kinase signalling thus affects many aspects of oligodendroglial physiology contributing to myelination. Post-transcriptional control of the synthesis of the essential myelin protein MBP by Fyn targets is particularly important. Deregulation of these Fyn-dependent pathways could thus negatively influence disorders involving the white matter of the nervous system.rnrn


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I Comuni incarnano idealmente delle piazze in cui il dibattito politico può svilupparsi in assenza di particolari filtri ed intermediazioni, con un rapporto diretto tra cittadini ed istituzioni. Essi costituiscono uno snodo di centrale importanza nell'esercizio della sovranità popolare e, al contempo, sono terreno fertile per la sperimentazione di modelli di partecipazione democratica. Prendendo come punto di vista l'esperienza dei Comuni italiani, si è scelto di focalizzare l'attenzione su uno degli strumenti “istituzionali” – nonché uno tra i più tradizionali – di partecipazione popolare, ovvero il referendum, nelle diverse forme ed accezioni che rientrano nel campo semantico di tale espressione. Questa è generalmente impiegata per indicare tutte quelle votazioni popolari non elettive su questioni politicamente rilevanti, formulate attraverso un quesito con due o più risposte alternative tra loro. L'analisi della disciplina legislativa degli istituti di partecipazione negli enti locali e lo studio delle disposizioni statutarie e regolamentari previste dai singoli Comuni, nonché le informazioni raccolte da alcuni casi di studio, rappresentano, in questo contesto, l'occasione per indagare le caratteristiche peculiari dell'istituto referendario, la sua effettività ed il suo impatto sulla forma di governo. In particolare, si è verificata positivamente la compatibilità del referendum, classificato dalla prevalente dottrina come istituto di democrazia diretta, con le forme attuali di democrazia rappresentativa. Si è tentato, altresì, un accostamento ai concetti di democrazia partecipativa e deliberativa, evidenziando come manchi del tutto, nel procedimento referendario (che pure è dotato di massima inclusività) un momento di confronto “deliberativo”. Il raffronto tra le esperienze riscontrate nei diversi Comuni ha consentito, inoltre, di ricercare le cause di alcuni aspetti critici (scarsa affluenza, mancata trasformazione del voto in decisioni politiche, aumento del conflitto) e, al contempo, di individuarne possibili soluzioni, tracciate sulla scorta delle migliori pratiche rilevate.


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Antisaccade errors are attributed to failure to inhibit the habitual prosaccade. We investigated whether the amount of information about the required response the patient has before the trial begins also contributes to error rate. Participants performed antisaccades in five conditions. The traditional design had two goals on the left and right horizontal meridians. In the second condition, stimulus-goal confusability between trials was eliminated by displacing one goal upward. In the third, hemifield uncertainty was eliminated by placing both goals in the same hemifield. In the fourth, goal uncertainty was eliminated by having only one goal, but interspersed with no-go trials. The fifth condition eliminated all uncertainty by having the same goal on every trial. Antisaccade error rate increased by 2% with each additional source of uncertainty, with the main effect being hemifield information, and a trend for stimulus-goal confusability. A control experiment for the effects of increasing angular separation between targets without changing these types of prior response information showed no effects on latency or error rate. We conclude that other factors besides prosaccade inhibition contribute to antisaccade error rates in traditional designs, possibly by modulating the strength of goal activation.


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Oncocytomas are defined as tumors containing in excess of 50% large mitochondrion-rich cells, irrespective of histogenesis and dignity. Along the central neuraxis, oncocytomas are distinctly uncommon but relevant to the differential diagnosis of neoplasia marked by prominent cytoplasmic granularity. We describe an anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) with a prevailing oncocytic component that was surgically resected from the right fronto-insular region of a 43-year-old female. Preoperative imaging showed a fairly circumscribed, partly cystic, contrast-enhancing mass of 2 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm. Histology revealed a biphasic neoplasm wherein conventional ependymal features coexisted with plump epithelioid cells replete with brightly eosinophilic granules. Whereas both components displayed an overtly ependymal immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein and GFAP, as well as "dot-like" staining for EMA, the oncocytic population also tended to intensely react with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely, failure to bind CD68 indicated absence of significant lysosomal storage. Negative reactions for both pan-cytokeratin (MNF 116) and low molecular weight cytokeratin (CAM 5.2), as well as synaptophysin and thyroglobulin, further assisted in ruling out metastatic carcinoma. In addition to confirming the presence of "zipper-like" intercellular junctions and microvillus-bearing cytoplasmic microlumina, electron microscopy allowed for the pervasive accumulation of mitochondria in tumor cells to be directly visualized. A previously not documented variant, oncocytic ependymoma, is felt to add a reasonably relevant novel item to the differential diagnosis of granule-bearing central nervous system neoplasia, in particular oncocytic meningioma, granular cell astrocytoma, as well as metastatic deposits by oncocytic malignancies from extracranial sites.


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Neglect is defined as the failure to attend and to orient to the contralesional side of space. A horizontal bias towards the right visual field is a classical finding in patients who suffered from a right-hemispheric stroke. The vertical dimension of spatial attention orienting has only sparsely been investigated so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the specificity of this vertical bias by means of a search task, which taps a more pronounced top-down attentional component. Eye movements and behavioural search performance were measured in thirteen patients with left-sided neglect after right hemispheric stroke and in thirteen age-matched controls. Concerning behavioural performance, patients found significantly less targets than healthy controls in both the upper and lower left quadrant. However, when targets were located in the lower left quadrant, patients needed more visual fixations (and therefore longer search time) to find them, suggesting a time-dependent vertical bias.


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Hemispatial neglect - defined as the failure to attend, explore, and act upon the contralesional side of space - is a frequent and disabling neurological syndrome. Interhemispheric rivalry is considered as a major pathophysiological mechanism underlying hemispatial neglect. According to this account, the contralesional, intact hemisphere undergoes a pathological hyperactivity due to a deficient transcallosal inhibition from the damaged hemisphere. This model offers a framework for possible therapeutic interventions with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), i.e. a reduction of the pathological hyperactivity with a rTMS protocol that has lasting inhibitory effects. In the present work, we will first review evidence for the interhemispheric rivalry account coming from animals and humans. We will then describe studies showing the possibility to perturb and to restore interhemispheric balance in healthy subjects as a proof of concept for therapeutic rTMS application. Finally, we will consider studies applying rTMS as a therapeutic approach in hemispatial neglect. We conclude that rTMS is a promising approach to reduce the interhemispheric imbalance in neglect patients and to ameliorate symptoms. Newly developed protocols such as Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS) - with short stimulation times and long offline effects - seem to be particularly convenient. However, future studies should assess stimulation effects not only in clinical testing, but also on disability, considering combination with traditional therapies as well.


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Detecting small amounts of genetic subdivision across geographic space remains a persistent challenge. Often a failure to detect genetic structure is mistaken for evidence of panmixia, when more powerful statistical tests may uncover evidence for subtle geographic differentiation. Such slight subdivision can be demographically and evolutionarily important as well as being critical for management decisions. We introduce here a method, called spatial analysis of shared alleles (SAShA), that detects geographically restricted alleles by comparing the spatial arrangement of allelic co-occurrences with the expectation under panmixia. The approach is allele-based and spatially explicit, eliminating the loss of statistical power that can occur with user-defined populations and statistical averaging within populations. Using simulated data sets generated under a stepping-stone model of gene flow, we show that this method outperforms spatial autocorrelation (SA) and UST under common real-world conditions: at relatively high migration rates when diversity is moderate or high, especially when sampling is poor. We then use this method to show clear differences in the genetic patterns of 2 nearshore Pacific mollusks, Tegula funebralis (5 Chlorostoma funebralis) and Katharina tunicata, whose overall patterns of within-species differentiation are similar according to traditional population genetics analyses. SAShA meaningfully complements UST/FST, SA, and other existing geographic genetic analyses and is especially appropriate for evaluating species with high gene flow and subtle genetic differentiation.


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Mammals harbor a dense commensal microbiota in the colon. Regulatory T (Treg) cells are known to limit microbe-triggered intestinal inflammation and the CD4+ T cell compartment is shaped by the presence of particular microbes or bacterial compounds. It is, however, difficult to distinguish whether these effects reflect true mutualistic immune adaptation to intestinal colonization or rather idiosyncratic immune responses. To investigate truly mutualistic CD4+ T cell adaptation, we used the altered Schaedler flora (ASF). Intestinal colonization resulted in activation and de novo generation of colonic Treg cells. Failure to activate Treg cells resulted in the induction of T helper 17 (Th17) and Th1 cell responses, which was reversed by wild-type Treg cells. Efficient Treg cell induction was also required to maintain intestinal homeostasis upon dextran sulfate sodium-mediated damage in the colon. Thus, microbiota colonization-induced Treg cell responses are a fundamental intrinsic mechanism to induce and maintain host-intestinal microbial T cell mutualism.


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Telomerase activity is readily detectable in extracts from human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, but appears unable to maintain telomere length with proliferation in vitro and with age in vivo. We performed a detailed study of the telomere length by flow FISH analysis in leukocytes from 835 healthy individuals and 60 individuals with reduced telomerase activity. Healthy individuals showed a broad range in average telomere length in granulocytes and lymphocytes at any given age. The average telomere length declined with age at a rate that differed between age-specific breakpoints and between cell types. Gender differences between leukocyte telomere lengths were observed for all cell subsets studied; interestingly, this trend could already be detected at birth. Heterozygous carriers for mutations in either the telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) or the telomerase RNA template (hTERC) gene displayed striking and comparable telomere length deficits. Further, non-carrier relatives of such heterozygous individuals had somewhat shorter leukocyte telomere lengths than expected; this difference was most profound for granulocytes. Failure to maintain telomere homeostasis as a result of partial telomerase deficiency is thought to trigger cell senescence or cell death, eventually causing tissue failure syndromes. Our data are consistent with these statements and suggest that the likelihood of similar processes occurring in normal individuals increases with age. Our work highlights the essential role of telomerase in the hematopoietic system and supports the notion that telomerase levels in hematopoietic cells, while limiting and unable to prevent overall telomere shortening, are nevertheless crucial to maintain telomere homeostasis with age.