864 resultados para Electrical Impedance Tomography, Rats, Ventilation, Ventilation Distribution, Intensive Care


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Within the past 15 years, significant advances in the imaging of multiorgan and complex trauma primarily due to the improvement of cross-sectional imaging have resulted in the optimization of the expedient diagnosis and management of the polytrauma patient. At the forefront, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has become the cornerstone of modern emergency departments and trauma centers. In many institutions, MDCT is the de facto diagnostic tool upon trauma activation. In the setting of pelvic imaging, MDCT (with its high spatial resolution and sensitivity as well as short acquisition times) allows for rapid identification and assessment of pelvic hemorrhage leading to faster triage and definitive management. In trauma centers throughout the world, angiography and minimally invasive catheter-based embolization techniques performed by interventional radiologists have become the standard of care for patients with acute pelvic trauma and related multiorgan hemorrhage. In an interdisciplinary setting, embolization may be performed either alone or as an adjunct procedure with open or closed reduction and stabilization techniques. A team-based approach involving multiple disciplines (e.g., radiology, traumatology, orthopedic surgery, intensive care medicine) is crucial to monitor and treat the actively bleeding patient appropriately.


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OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS Study of the clinical evolution of a primary ear, nose, and throat infection complicated by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. STUDY DESIGN Retrospective case-control study. PATIENTS AND METHODS From 1998 to 2010, 23 patients at our institution were diagnosed with a septic thrombosis of the internal jugular vein. Diagnostics included microbiologic analysis and imaging such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. Therapy included broad-spectrum antibiotics, surgery of the primary infectious lesion, and postoperative anticoagulation. The patients were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS The primary infection sites were found in the middle ear (11), oropharynx (8), sinus (3), and oral cavity (1). Fourteen patients needed intensive care unit treatment for a mean duration of 6 days. Seven patients were intubated, and two developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. An oropharynx primary infection site was most prone to a prolonged clinical evolution. Anticoagulation therapy was given in 90% of patients. All 23 patients survived the disseminated infection without consecutive systemic morbidity. CONCLUSION In the pre-antibiotic time, septic internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis was a highly fatal condition with a mortality rate of 90%. Modern imaging techniques allow early and often incidental diagnosis of this clinically hidden complication. Anticoagulation, intensive antibiotic therapy assisted by surgery of the primary infection site, and intensive supportive care can reach remission rates of 100%. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 3b. Laryngoscope, 2014.


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OPINION STATEMENT Children who present with acute neurological symptoms suggestive of a stroke need immediate clinical assessment and urgent neuroimaging to confirm diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the investigation of first choice due to limited sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) for detection of ischaemia. Acute monitoring should include monitoring of blood pressure and body temperature, and neurological observations. Surveillance in a paediatric high dependency or intensive care unit and neurosurgical consultation are mandatory in children with large infarcts at risk of developing malignant oedema or haemorrhagic transformation. Thrombolysis and/or endovascular treatment, whilst not currently approved for use in children, may be considered when stroke diagnosis is confirmed within 4.5 to 6 h, provided there are no contraindications on standard adult criteria. Standard treatment consists of aspirin, but anticoagulation therapy is frequently prescribed in stroke due to cardiac disease and extracranial dissection. Steroids and immunosuppression have a definite place in children with proven vasculitis, but their role in focal arteriopathies is less clear. Decompressive craniotomy should be considered in children with deteriorating consciousness or signs of raised intracranial pressure.


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The rheoencephalogram (REG) is the change in the electrical impedance of the head that occurs with each heart beat. Without knowledge of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (Q) and the REG, the utility of the REG in the study of the cerebral vasculature is greatly limited. The hypothesis is that the relationship between the REG and Q when venous outflow is nonpulsatile is^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ where K is a proportionality constant and Q is the mean Q.^ Pulsatile CBF was measured in the goat via a chronically implanted electromagnetic flowmeter. Electrodes were implanted in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, and the REG was measured with a two electrode impedance plethysmograph. Measurements were made with the animal's head elevated so that venous flow pulsations were not transmitted from the heart to the cerebral veins. Measurements were made under conditions of varied cerebrovascular resistance induced by altering blood CO(,2) levels and under conditions of high and low cerebrospinal fluid pressures. There was a high correlation (r = .922-.983) between the REG calculated from the hypothesized relationship and the measured REG under all conditions.^ Other investigators have proposed that the REG results from linear changes in blood resistivity proportional to blood velocity. There was little to no correlation between the measured REG and the flow velocity ( r = .022-.306). A linear combination of the flow velocity and the hypothesized relationship between the REG and Q did not predict the measured REG significantly better than the hypothesized relationship alone in 37 out of 50 experiments.^ Jacquy proposed an index (F) of cerebral blood flow calculated from amplitudes and latencies of the REG. The F index was highly correlated (r = .929) with measured cerebral blood flow under control and hypercapnic conditions, but was not as highly correlated under conditions of hypocapnia (r = .723) and arterial hypotension (r = .681).^ The results demonstrate that the REG is not determined by mean cerebral blood flow, but by the pulsatile flow only. Thus, the utility of the REG in the determination of mean cerebral blood flow is limited. ^


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Objetivo: Analizar la mortalidad en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) del Hospital Central de Mendoza y evaluar el valor predictivo de la escala APACHE II (Evaluación Fisiológica Aguda y de Salud Crónica). Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y observacional de los pacientes ingresados a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Central de Mendoza, desde el 01/11/06 hasta el 31/03/08. Se calculó la distribución de sexos y de edades de la muestra, la estadía promedio, principales motivos de ingreso a la UCI y la puntuación APACHE II en las primeras 24 horas de internación. Se calculó la mortalidad esperada y la mortalidad obtenida global y se analizó el coeficiente entre ambas mortalidades. Resultados: Se incluyeron 904 pacientes, 61,82% masculinos y 38,18% femeninos, con una edad media 46 años (±19,36). Estadía promedio en la UCI 8,5 días promedio. El principal motivo de internación fueron los Traumatismos Encéfalocraneanos (TEC) con un 27,7% del total (86% asociados a politraumatismo grave). La mortalidad global obtenida fue del 41,48% vs. 24,08% esperable, con un coeficiente de mortalidad de 1,72 (p<0,0001). Conclusiones: La UCI estudiada presenta por las características de la población asistida un elevado índice de mortalidad global. La mortalidad obtenida fue 72% mayor a la mortalidad esperable según la puntuación APACHE II, demostrando esta Escala un bajo valor predictivo en nuestra UCI. La diferencia entre mortalidades podría parcialmente explicarse por la alta prevalencia de entidades con mortalidades subvaloradas por este modelo pronóstico, como pacientes politraumatizados y neurocríticos. En nuestro estudio, la Escala APACHE II presentó una franca subestimación de la mortalidad en ambas patologías. Sugerimos la realización de un estudio de regresión logística local para determinar un factor de corrección y/o adicionar puntos al valor APACHE II según el diagnóstico de ingreso del paciente. Asimismo, proponemos evaluar el empleo de medidas alternativas para predecir mortalidad, como sistemas de tercera generación (por ejemplo: APACHE III, MPM II y SAPS II).


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Conceptualization of groundwater flow systems is necessary for water resources planning. Geophysical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization methods were used to investigate the groundwater flow system of a multi-layer fractured sedimentary aquifer along the coastline in Southwestern Nicaragua. A geologic survey was performed along the 46 km2 catchment. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied along a 4.4 km transect parallel to the main river channel to identify fractures and determine aquifer geometry. Additionally, three cross sections in the lower catchment and two in hillslopes of the upper part of the catchment were surveyed using ERT. Stable water isotopes, chloride and silica were analyzed for springs, river, wells and piezometers samples during the dry and wet season of 2012. Indication of moisture recycling was found although the identification of the source areas needs further investigation. The upper-middle catchment area is formed by fractured shale/limestone on top of compact sandstone. The lower catchment area is comprised of an alluvial unit of about 15 m thickness overlaying a fractured shale unit. Two major groundwater flow systems were identified: one deep in the shale unit, recharged in the upper-middle catchment area; and one shallow, flowing in the alluvium unit and recharged locally in the lower catchment area. Recharged precipitation displaces older groundwater along the catchment, in a piston flow mechanism. Geophysical methods in combination with hydrochemical and isotopic tracers provide information over different scales and resolutions, which allow an integrated analysis of groundwater flow systems. This approach provides integrated surface and subsurface information where remoteness, accessibility, and costs prohibit installation of groundwater monitoring networks.


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Os smart grids representam a nova geração dos sistemas elétricos de potência, combinando avanços em computação, sistemas de comunicação, processos distribuídos e inteligência artificial para prover novas funcionalidades quanto ao acompanhamento em tempo real da demanda e do consumo de energia elétrica, gerenciamento em larga escala de geradores distribuídos, entre outras, a partir de um sistema de controle distribuído sobre a rede elétrica. Esta estrutura modifica profundamente a maneira como se realiza o planejamento e a operação de sistemas elétricos nos dias de hoje, em especial os de distribuição, e há interessantes possibilidades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento possibilitada pela busca da implementação destas funcionalidades. Com esse cenário em vista, o presente trabalho utiliza uma abordagem baseada no uso de sistemas multiagentes para simular esse tipo de sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica, considerando opções de controle distintas. A utilização da tecnologia de sistemas multiagentes para a simulação é baseada na conceituação de smart grids como um sistema distribuído, algo também realizado nesse trabalho. Para validar a proposta, foram simuladas três funcionalidades esperadas dessas redes elétricas: classificação de cargas não-lineares; gerenciamento de perfil de tensão; e reconfiguração topológica com a finalidade de reduzir as perdas elétricas. Todas as modelagens e desenvolvimentos destes estudos estão aqui relatados. Por fim, o trabalho se propõe a identificar os sistemas multiagentes como uma tecnologia a ser empregada tanto para a pesquisa, quanto para implementação dessas redes elétricas.


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Considerando que o petróleo quando extraído dos poços em águas profundas chega a ter teor de água superior a 50% e que antes de ser enviado à refinaria deve ter uma quantidade de água inferior a 1%, torna-se necessário o uso de técnicas de redução da quantidade de água. Durante a extração do petróleo formam-se emulsões de água em óleo que são muito estáveis devido a um filme interfacial contendo asfaltenos e/ou resinas ao redor das gotas de água. Nesse trabalho é apresentada a utilização de ondas estacionárias de ultrassom para realizar a quebra dessas emulsões. Quando gotículas de água com dimensões da ordem de 10m, muito menores que o comprimento de onda, são submetidas a um campo acústico estacionário em óleo, a força de radiação acústica empurra as gotículas para os nós de pressão da onda. Uma célula de coalescência com frequência central ao redor de 1 MHz, constituída por quatro camadas sendo uma piezelétrica, uma de acoplamento sólido, uma com o líquido e outra refletora, foi modelada empregando o método da matriz de transferência, que permite calcular a impedância elétrica em função da frequência. Para minimizar o efeito do gradiente de temperatura entre a entrada e a saída da cavidade da célula, quando está em operação, foram utilizados dois transdutores piezelétricos posicionados transversalmente ao fluxo que são excitados e controlados independentemente. Foi implementado um controlador digital para ajustar a frequência e a potência de cada transdutor. O controlador tem como entrada o módulo e a fase da corrente elétrica no transdutor e como saída a amplitude da tensão elétrica e a frequência. Para as células desenvolvidas, o algoritmo de controle segue um determinado pico de ressonância no interior da cavidade da célula no intervalo de frequência de 1,09 a 1,15 MHz. A separação acústica de emulsões de água em óleo foi realizada em uma planta de laboratório de processamento de petróleo no CENPES/PETROBRAS. Foram testados a variação da quantidade de desemulsificante, o teor inicial de água na emulsão e a influência da vazão do sistema, com uma potência de 80 W. O teor final de água na emulsão mostrou que a aplicação de ultrassom aumentou a coalescência de água da emulsão, em todas as condições testadas, quando comparada a um teste sem aplicação de ultrassom. Identificou-se o tempo de residência no interior da célula de separação como um fator importante no processo de coalescência de emulsões de água e óleo. O uso de desemulsificante químico é necessário para realizar a separação, porém, em quantidades elevadas implicaria no uso de processos adicionais antes do repasse final do petróleo à refinaria. Os teores iniciais de água na emulsão de 30 e 50% indicam que o uso da onda estacionária na coalescência de emulsões não tem limitação quanto a esse parâmetro. De acordo com os resultados obtidos em laboratório, essa técnica seria indicada como uma alternativa para integrar um sistema de processamento primário em conjunto com um separador eletrostático.


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The sediments of Hydrate Ridge/Cascadia margin contain extensive amounts of gas hydrate. A total of 57 sediment samples including gas hydrate were preserved in liquid nitrogen and have been imaged using computerized tomography to visualize hydrate distribution and shape. The analysis gives evidence that gas hydrate in vein and veinlet structures is the predominant shape in the deeper gas hydrate stability zone with dipping angles from 30° to 90°(vertical).


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Background and Objectives: This pilot project assessed the acceptability of a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise programme following breast cancer treatment, and the impact on presence of lymphoedema, fitness, body composition, fatigue, mood and quality of life. Methods: Ten women completed the programme and measures of fitness (submaximal ergometer test), body composition (bio-electrical impedance), lympoedema (bio-electrical impedance and arm circumferences), fatigue (revised Piper Fatigue Scale), mood (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), quality of life (FACT-B) and general well-being, at baseline, completion of the programme, and 6-week and 3-month follow-up. Results: Participation in the programme caused no adverse effect on the presence of lymphoedema. There was a trend towards reduction in fatigue and improved quality of life across the testing phases. Women rated the programme extremely favourably, citing benefits of the support of other women, trained guidance, and the opportunity to experience different types of exercise. Conclusions: A mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program in a group format is acceptable to women following breast cancer treatment, with the potential to reduce fatigue and improve quality of life, without exacerbating or precipitating lymphoedema. This pilot work needs to be confirmed in larger randomised studies. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective. To study the acid-base effects of crystalloid strong ion difference (SID) during haemodilution. Design. Prospective in vivo study. Setting. University laboratory. Subjects. Anaesthetised, mechanically ventilated Sprague-Dawley rats. Interventions. Rats were studied in seven groups of three. Each group underwent normovolaemic haemodilution with one of seven crystalloids, with SID values from 0 to 40 mEq/l. Six exchanges of 9 ml crystalloid for 3 ml blood were performed. Measurements and main results. [Hb] fell from 142+/-17 to 44+/-10 g/l (p


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Aim To develop an appropriate dosing strategy for continuous intravenous infusions (CII) of enoxaparin by minimizing the percentage of steady-state anti-Xa concentration (C-ss) outside the therapeutic range of 0.5-1.2 IU ml(-1). Methods A nonlinear mixed effects model was developed with NONMEM (R) for 48 adult patients who received CII of enoxaparin with infusion durations that ranged from 8 to 894 h at rates between 100 and 1600 IU h(-1). Three hundred and sixty-three anti-Xa concentration measurements were available from patients who received CII. These were combined with 309 anti-Xa concentrations from 35 patients who received subcutaneous enoxaparin. The effects of age, body size, height, sex, creatinine clearance (CrCL) and patient location [intensive care unit (ICU) or general medical unit] on pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters were evaluated. Monte Carlo simulations were used to (i) evaluate covariate effects on C-ss and (ii) compare the impact of different infusion rates on predicted C-ss. The best dose was selected based on the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Results A two-compartment linear model with additive and proportional residual error for general medical unit patients and only a proportional error for patients in ICU provided the best description of the data. Both CrCL and weight were found to affect significantly clearance and volume of distribution of the central compartment, respectively. Simulations suggested that the best doses for patients in the ICU setting were 50 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (4.2 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). The best doses for patients in the general medical unit were 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 100 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (8.3 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). These best doses were selected based on providing the lowest equal probability of either being above or below the therapeutic range and the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Conclusion The dose of enoxaparin should be individualized to the patients' renal function and weight. There is some evidence to support slightly lower doses of CII enoxaparin in patients in the ICU setting.


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The Laryngeal Mask Airway is a reusable device for maintaining the patency of a patient's airway during general anaesthesia. The device can be reused after it has been cleaned and sterilized. Protein contamination of medical instruments is a concern and has been found to occur despite standard sterilization techniques. The reason for the concern relates to the possibility of the transmission of prions and the risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder such as Creutzveldt-Jacob disease. The purpose of this study was to quantify the amount of protein contamination that occurs, and to relate this to the number of times the Laryngeal Mask Airway has been used. Fifty previously used Classic Laryngeal Masks were collected after routine sterilization and packaging. The devices were immersed in protein detecting stain and then visual inspection performed to assess the degree and distribution of the staining. The researcher was blinded to the number of times the Laryngeal Mask Airway had been used. Linear regression analysis of the degrees of staining of the airway revealed that protein contamination occurs after the first use of the device and this increases with each subsequent use. This finding highlights the concern that the currently used cleaning and sterilization methods do not prevent the accumulation of proteinaceous material on Laryngeal Mask Airways. Consideration should be given to the search for more efficient cleaning and sterilization techniques or the use of disposable devices.


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Aim: To identify an appropriate dosage strategy for patients receiving enoxaparin by continuous intravenous infusion (CII). Methods: Monte Carlo simulations were performed in NONMEM, (200 replicates of 1000 patients) to predict steady state anti-Xa concentrations (Css) for patients receiving a CII of enoxaparin. The covariate distribution model was simulated based on covariate demographics in the CII study population. The impact of patient weight, renal function (creatinine clearance (CrCL)) and patient location (intensive care unit (ICU)) were evaluated. A population pharmacokinetic model was used as the input-output model (1-compartment first order output model with mixed residual error structure). Success of a dosing regimen was based on the percent of Css that is between the therapeutic range of 0.5 IU/ml to 1.2 IU/ml. Results: The best dose for patients in the ICU was 4.2IU/kg/h (success mean 64.8% and 90% prediction interval (PI): 60.1–69.8%) if CrCL60ml/min, the best dose was 8.3IU/kg/h (success mean 65.4%, 90% PI: 58.5–73.2%). Simulations suggest that there was a 50% improvement in the success of the CII if the dose rate for ICU patients with CrCL