1000 resultados para Educação infantil. Formação de professores. Estágio supervisionado


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The youth has been calling attention due to the large number of social problems resulting from the risky behaviors. One of the behaviors that stand out is the use of alcohol because, besides being the first drug to be used by children and adolescents, this population begins to use increasingly early. Another behavior that is becoming concern in that particular group, also with early start, is the unprotected sex, causing problems as the unplanned pregnancy, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. However, one factor is becoming relevant and requiring further study, the number of young women developing sexually transmitted diseases and becoming risk drinkers. In this direction, this study has as objective to discuss the high number of alcohol use among young women, the vulnerability that this use causes for the unprotected sex and the importance of these subjects teachers training. It should be noted, finally, the lack of training of teachers to work with the thematic ones, and mainly, the need to deconstruct gender stereotypes, an obstacle in preventing the use of alcohol, other drugs and sexually transmitted diseases.


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The current study aims to examine the training potential of an extension project, to work with the issue of sexuality in the daily school environment, as well as the redefinition of values and prejudices on the part of students. Sexuality relates to the pursuit of pleasure, manifested from birth to death. It is believed that the school environment is permeated with sexuality and the school can not deny its role in informing and training young people to experience it sensibly and safe. The extension project in question is intended to constitute as training space for Biological Sciences undergraduates at a public university, to provide conditions for reflection and subjectification of issues related to sexuality, favoring the training of more qualified teachers to deal with the subject in school environment. We used a qualitative methodology, using as instruments to collect data: questionnaires consisting of open-ended questions answered by members and former members of the design and analysis of mentoring records of supervision. It appears that participation in the project is perceived as significant and indicated as responsible for changes in conceptions, prejudices, stereotypes and attitudes regarding the theme of sexuality. Participants feel better prepared to work with the theme in their teaching practice.


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At the beginning of the 21st century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. For a complex and global crisis, which has implications of a social, economic, technological nature, etc., solutions will probably not come from a single source, but rather the sum of efforts of society as a whole (including all its instances, government, business, population, etc.). The objective of this review was to discuss the need to produce “environmental” professionals who, through their activities, are in some way involved with the quality of the environment. We believe that, ultimately, it is the quality of the environment that will ensure the quality of life in a fairer society. Thinking about the training of teachers, as environmental educators in undergraduate (bachelor) universities, means having as a reference the idea of wholeness (environmental, political, educational, social, scientific, etc.) in the diversity that these areas possess. Even though there are many difficulties involved in getting this topic included in the university structure, based on a complex approach, we believe this is one of the best paths toward environmental training.


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As políticas educacionais inclusivas, difundidas a partir dos anos 1990, vêm favorecendo o aumento do número de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) matriculados em classe comum, no entanto, os professores que os recebem, em sua maioria, estão despreparados para atendê-los. Tomando como base essa situação, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de analisar as orientações contidas nas diretrizes curriculares dos cursos de licenciatura em relação à preparação dos futuros professores para inclusão de alunos com NEE. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental. Foram selecionados recortes temáticos nos textos das referidas diretrizes de maneira a identificar os extratos que contemplavam recomendações ou comentários referentes ao processo de formação dos professores em relação à inclusão de alunos com NEE. Pelos resultados obtidos nos documentos analisados, constata-se, com raras exceções, uma significativa carência de orientações claras e amplas a respeito do tema em questão. Portanto, considera-se que as referidas diretrizes precisam ser aprimoradas em relação à questão em pauta. Com base nos conhecimentos desenvolvidos na área, sugere-se que as mesmas orientem a inserção de pelo menos uma disciplina sobre o tema inclusão de alunos com NEE; a inserção de conteúdos afins nas demais disciplinas dos cursos de licenciatura; a disponibilização de estágios em salas de aulas inclusivas, bem como a indicação dos conteúdos a serem trabalhados. Avalia-se que a efetividade do processo de inclusão dos alunos com NEE assenta-se na articulação entre as políticas educacionais e as políticas de formação dos professores.


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This paper aims to trigger a reflection on inclusive education in early childhood education, considering education as an inclusive educational model endorsed by public policies, but still far from school reality. The reflection aims to think about necessary changes since early childhood education,because this is the first stage of basic education and it is a critical period in development and learning process of children with disabilities. The construction of the inclusive school since early childhood education involves thinking about its space, time, professional, educational resources etc..,turning to the possible access, retention and development to students with disabilities, students that, because of their particular characteristics, have a special educational necessity. The text discusses, among other things, the necessity to rethink pedagogical practice as a key of school inclusion in early childhood education. The inclusive pedagogical practice should be constituted by the junction of the acquired knowledge by the teacher throughout his career and by the availability to seek new ways to do it considering students diversity and their individual characteristics.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo observar las contribuciones del teletándem en la formación profesional de profesores de español/LE. Para este fin, hemos utilizado grabaciones de sesiones en chat y tareas derivadas de las interacciones en este ambiente, entre alumnos brasileños y uruguayos. El enfoque metodológico utilizado para la recopilación y el análisis de los datos está vinculado a la hipótesis de la investigación cualitativa, de carácter interpretativo. Los datos analizados demuestran que la participación en el proyecto ha contribuido al desarrollo profesional del futuro profesor de español/LE, ya que las actividades complementan la calidad de la formación académica.


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The article is concerned with the professional development of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). The study aimes at: (a) articulating a context for discussion on issues related to teaching SFL, and (b) identifying the main difficulties related to linguistic content and methodological aspects that students who are teachers have in regard to their professional development as SFL teachers. Participants were undergraduate student-teachers of Modern Languages who participate in the project Centro de Línguas e Desenvolvimento de Professores (CLDP). Data analysis was conducted according to the Qualitative-Interpretive Paradigm and Action Research. The results show that participation in the CLDP Project creates an academic context that facilitates the professional development of SFL teacher as the activities complement the quality of their academic education.


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Bajo la perspectiva discursiva, específicamente francesa y según estudios realizados por Hall (2002), Souza Santos (2005) entre otros, que están analizando el concepto de identidad, como los estudios de Celada (2002, 2009, 2010), Serrani (1997, 2003, 2005) y Zoppi-Fontana (2009), con relación al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera, verificamos que la construcción de la identidad se da en proceso de constante reconfiguración, visto que aprender otra lengua implica entrar en contacto con otros modos de ver y de nombrar el mundo, y de este modo es necesario “desplazarse” de sí mismo y reconfigurarse con relación a otro(s) hablante(s) de esta nueva lengua a ser aprendida. En nuestro caso se trata de aprender y enseñar lenguas próximas: portugués y español, con rasgos lingüístico-discursivos de aproximaciones y de distanciamientos. Para tanto, este estudio preliminar tiene como objetivos: verificar como acontece actualmente la constitución de la(s) identidad(es) en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en Brasil y de Portugués Lengua Extranjera (PLE) en Argentina, en especial en la formación del profesor de estas lenguas; observar contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, los que posibilitan la inserción del profesor de Portugués (PLE) en Argentina y del profesor de Español (ELE) en las regiones enfocadas, considerando las Leyes brasileña y argentina que determinan la oferta de la enseñanza de las referidas lenguas: Ley 26.468, de enero de 2009, que determina la oferta obligatoria del Portugués en Argentina y la Ley no. 11.161, de agosto de 2005, sobre la enseñanza de la Lengua Española en Brasil. La metodología, de tipo interpretativista, presupone como instrumentos la realización de análisis de las Leyes que promueven la enseñanza de ELE en Brasil y de PLE en Argentina, así como de entrevistas, preguntas e análisis de los datos levantados.


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This article aims to trace a historical development of language teacher education in Brazil and abroad, as well as to discuss the tenets of Vygotsky’s sociocultural perspective as a theoretical basis on which teacher development can be anchored in the contemporary world. Since learning to teach is now understood as a complex and long process of development, which results from the participation in social practices and contexts associated with teaching and learning, we intend to discuss how such a theory is in line with an interpretive view of reality and provides elements for the (re)construction and transformation of teaching practices. In this view, knowledge is understood as intimate and dynamically linked to experience, highlighting the role of human agency in our own development.


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O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar e discutir aspectos da formação de professores para o ensino de ciências nos anos iniciais da escolarização, focalizando abordagens que podem ser contempladas nos processos formativos para uma adequada compreensão da natureza da ciência. Desenvolvemos um estudo teórico, a partir da literatura científica, apresentando e discutindo algumas propostas: trabalhar a história e filosofia da ciência; inserir práticas diversificadas como a experimentação em uma abordagem investigativa; explorar a relação CTSA; usar diferentes fontes para estudo, preparação das aulas e seleção de atividades. Entendemos que trabalhar nesse sentido pode contribuir para a valorização da área de Ciências por parte dos professores em formação e para o enriquecimento da prática educativa com as crianças.


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Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve