895 resultados para Dwellings -- Heating and ventilation -- Environmental aspects
The efficient use of materials and natural recourses, for ecological and economic reasons, has become more and more important in all industries. In the forest industries this means higher levels of closure in the material circulations of the mills. One possibility to reduce wastewater discharge is to re-use part of the 2nd clarifier effluent as process water. The main target of this thesis was to evaluate the technical suitability of several mechanical and chemical tertiary treatment methods for water re-use. Some of the tested methods seemed to have high potential for the removal of some specific constituents from the wastewater. Tertiary treatment is needed because higher levels of closure may cause problems with increasing amounts of non-process elements in different points of kraft pulp process. The aspect of sustainable development was taken into account by evaluating positive and negative environmental effects of the treatment processes. Environmental benefits can be gained by using some of the tertiary treatment methods tested. These methods should still be researched more for system optimization.
A retrospective study of the epidemiological and clinic-pathological aspects of cattle and buffaloes with degenerative joint disease (DJD) was conducted in the state of Pará, Brazil. From 1999 to 2014, eleven cattle and 24 buffaloes were evaluated. All the treated animals with suspected DJD underwent a clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system. In seven cattle and eight buffaloes with clinical signs of the disease postmortem examination was performed. The common clinical signs observed in both species were chronic lameness, stiff gait, postural changes, audible crackles in the affected limb, prolonged recumbency, difficulty in getting up and progressive weight loss. The lesions observed at necropsy were: irregular articular surfaces, erosion of the articular cartilage and the underlying bone tissue, and proliferation of the periarticular bone tissue with formation of osteophytes. The most affected joints in cattle and buffaloes wereof the hind limb. In buffaloes, the main predisposing factor to the onset of DJD was phosphorus deficiency. In cattle, defects of the anatomical conformation of the hind limbs, chronic trauma due to the activities performed, such as semen collection, and advanced age possibly contributed to the emergence of the disease.
This study is a part of the Ecologically Friendly Port Ust-Luga (EFP) project. The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental status of the Finnish ports and, more specifically, the Port of HaminaKotka. An analysis of the environmental status is performed mainly as a literature review, because the Finnish ports must comply with Finnish and EU legislation and with the binding international regulations and conventions created by different organizations. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has done groundbreaking work in the field of maritime safety and maritime environmental protection. The MARPOL convention has a great impact on decreasing pollution from international shipping and it applies to 99% of the world’s merchant tonnage. Pollution prevention covers: Oil pollution, Chemical pollution, Air pollution and GHG Emissions, Dumping of Wasted and Other Matters, Garbage, Sewage, Port Reception Facilities, Special Areas under MARPOL and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. There is also Pollution Prevention for other treaties like anti-fouling systems used on ships, the transfer of alien species by ships’ ballast water and the environmentally sound recycling of ships. There are more than twenty different EU and international regulations that influence ports and port operations in Finland. In addition, there is also national legislation that has an effect on Finnish ports. For the most part, the legislation for ports is common in the EU area, but the biggest and most important difference between the legislation in Finland and other EU countries is due to the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure. The Act states that the environmental impact assessment procedure shall be applied to projects that may have significant adverse environmental impacts, due to the special features of Finland`s nature and environment. In this Act, the term environmental impact refers to the direct and indirect effects inside and outside Finnish territory of a project or operations on human health, living conditions and amenity; soil, water, air, climate, organisms, interaction between them and biodiversity; community structure, buildings, landscape, townscape and cultural heritage; utilization of natural resources. In Finland, the Environmental Permit requires that ports collect all necessary information concerning environmental effects and make required reports to the Finnish authorities, stakeholders and the public. Commonly, environmental reporting is public and environmental achievements are emphasized in reporting and in media. At the moment, the problem in environmental reporting is that it’s difficult to compare data from different ports. There is enough data concerning the environmental effects and performance, but the manner of reporting and the quality of the data varies between ports. There are differences in the units and codes used, in some cases the information is not sufficient and it can even be rather unreliable. There are also differences regarding the subjects that are emphasized in reporting.
The aim of the present set of studies was to explore primary school children’s Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR) and its role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. The specific goals were to determine if it was possible to identify a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency that indexes children’s tendency to recognize and utilize quantitative relations in non-explicitly mathematical situations and to determine if this tendency has an impact on the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in late primary school. To this end, we report on six original empirical studies that measure SFOR in children ages five to thirteen years and the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in ten- to thirteen-year-olds. SFOR measures were developed to determine if there are substantial differences in SFOR that are not explained by the ability to use quantitative relations. A measure of children’s conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations of rational numbers and the density of rational numbers is utilized to capture the process of conceptual change with rational numbers in late primary school students. Finally, SFOR tendency was examined in relation to the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in these students. Study I concerned the first attempts to measure individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in 86 Finnish children from the ages of five to seven years. Results revealed that there were substantial inter-individual differences in the spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in these tasks. This was particularly true for the oldest group of participants, who were in grade one (roughly seven years old). However, the study did not control for ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, so it was not clear if these differences were due to ability or SFOR. Study II more deeply investigated the nature of the two tasks reported in Study I, through the use of a stimulated-recall procedure examining children’s verbalizations of how they interpreted the tasks. Results reveal that participants were able to verbalize reasoning about their quantitative relational responses, but not their responses based on exact number. Furthermore, participants’ non-mathematical responses revealed a variety of other aspects, beyond quantitative relations and exact number, which participants focused on in completing the tasks. These results suggest that exact number may be more easily perceived than quantitative relations. As well, these tasks were revealed to contain both mathematical and non-mathematical aspects which were interpreted by the participants as relevant. Study III investigated individual differences in SFOR 84 children, ages five to nine, from the US and is the first to report on the connection between SFOR and other mathematical abilities. The cross-sectional data revealed that there were individual differences in SFOR. Importantly, these differences were not entirely explained by the ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, suggesting that SFOR is partially independent from the ability to use quantitative relations. In other words, the lack of use of quantitative relations on the SFOR tasks was not solely due to participants being unable to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, but due to a lack of the spontaneous attention to the quantitative relations in the tasks. Furthermore, SFOR tendency was found to be related to arithmetic fluency among these participants. This is the first evidence to suggest that SFOR may be a partially distinct aspect of children’s existing mathematical competences. Study IV presented a follow-up study of the first graders who participated in Studies I and II, examining SFOR tendency as a predictor of their conceptual knowledge of fraction magnitudes in fourth grade. Results revealed that first graders’ SFOR tendency was a unique predictor of fraction conceptual knowledge in fourth grade, even after controlling for general mathematical skills. These results are the first to suggest that SFOR tendency may play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Study V presents a longitudinal study of the development of 263 Finnish students’ rational number conceptual knowledge over a one year period. During this time participants completed a measure of conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations and the density of rational numbers at three time points. First, a Latent Profile Analysis indicated that a four-class model, differentiating between those participants with high magnitude comparison and density knowledge, was the most appropriate. A Latent Transition Analysis reveal that few students display sustained conceptual change with density concepts, though conceptual change with magnitude representations is present in this group. Overall, this study indicated that there were severe deficiencies in conceptual knowledge of rational numbers, especially concepts of density. The longitudinal Study VI presented a synthesis of the previous studies in order to specifically detail the role of SFOR tendency in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Thus, the same participants from Study V completed a measure of SFOR, along with the rational number test, including a fourth time point. Results reveal that SFOR tendency was a predictor of rational number conceptual knowledge after two school years, even after taking into consideration prior rational number knowledge (through the use of residualized SFOR scores), arithmetic fluency, and non-verbal intelligence. Furthermore, those participants with higher-than-expected SFOR scores improved significantly more on magnitude representation and density concepts over the four time points. These results indicate that SFOR tendency is a strong predictor of rational number conceptual development in late primary school children. The results of the six studies reveal that within children’s existing mathematical competences there can be identified a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency named spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations. Furthermore, this tendency is found to play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in primary school children. Results suggest that conceptual change with the magnitude representations and density of rational numbers is rare among this group of students. However, those children who are more likely to notice and use quantitative relations in situations that are not explicitly mathematical seem to have an advantage in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. It may be that these students gain quantitative more and qualitatively better self-initiated deliberate practice with quantitative relations in everyday situations due to an increased SFOR tendency. This suggests that it may be important to promote this type of mathematical activity in teaching rational numbers. Furthermore, these results suggest that there may be a series of spontaneous quantitative focusing tendencies that have an impact on mathematical development throughout the learning trajectory.
Weeds have a negative influence on several fruit tree characteristics, such as yield, making it difficult to management practices in orchards. Alternative weed management methods, aiming to reduce the use of herbicides, have become attractive since herbicides are costly and cause environmental degradation. The use of cultivars with greater competitive ability against weeds has attracted international attention. The objective of this work was to evaluate the floristic composition and growth of weeds under the canopies of irrigated custard apple tree progenies. Twenty halfsibling progenies around three years of age were evaluated in a random block design with five replicates and four plants per plot. A circle with a 0.5 m² area was established around the trunk of each plant. Floristic composition, fresh matter, and dry matter mass of the above-ground part of the weeds, were evaluated in this area. Root collar and canopy diameters, as well as leaf area of the progenies were also evaluated. Fifty-eight weed species were recorded. The five weed families with the most species were Leguminosae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae and Sterculiaceae, in decreasing order. The number of weed species per plot ranged from 6 to 18, but there was no difference between the mean percentages of different weeds under the canopies of the progenies. The lowest weed fresh and dry matter masses occurred in progenies JG1 and SM8, respectively. There were no differences between progenies with regard to root collar diameter and leaf area; however, one of the lowest weed dry matter yields was observed under the canopy of progeny FE4, which showed the largest canopy diameter.
Weeds cause significant reduction in the irrigated rice crop yield. Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) is adapted to irrigate environment. Information on the competitive ability of the weed to the culture, and their environmental adaptation, are scarce. In this study, we sought to determine the initial growth and competitive ability of yellow nutsedge and irrigated rice, as a function of cultivar growth cycle. Initial growth and competition studies were conducted in a randomized complete design in a greenhouse in the agricultural year 2010/11. For the initial growth study, the treatments consisted of a factorial combination of a biotype of yellow nutsedge and two rice cultivars in the function of the vegetative cycle (BRS Querência: early cycle - IRGA 424: intermediate cycle) and six evaluation times (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 days after emergence). Were evaluated: plant height, leaf area, aboveground dry biomass and root dry biomass. In the competitive ability study in the replacement series, the cultivar BRS Querência (early cycle) and yellow nutsedge were utilized and tested in different proportions of competition (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100). Were evaluated leaf area and aboveground dry biomass. In general, rice cultivars have an adaptive value equivalent to yellow nutsedge. IRGA 424 cultivar has less height than weed, becoming the weed control more important in this cultivar. For rice crop, intraspecific competition is more important, whereas for the weed, interspecific competition is the most pronounced.
Determining the periods of weed competition with crops helps the producer to choose the most appropriate time to use weed control practices. This strategy allows for the reduction of the number of herbicide applications, reducing costs and the environmental impact of pesticides. The objectives were to determine the period before the interference (PBI) of crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris) competing with flooded rice, the critical period of interference prevention (CPIP) of crabgrass with soybean and the effects of competition on the grains yield and their components. Experiments were conducted with the coexistence of BRS Querência rice cultivar with crabgrass, for periods of 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 110 days after emergency (DAE) and Fundacep 53RR soybean cultivar, whose periods of coexistence and control of crabgrass were 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 156 DAE. Rice can grow with crabgrass infestation until 18 DAE, while soybean should remain free from the presence of crabgrass in the period between 23 and 50 DAE. The grain yield and its components, in the crops studied, are affected when grown with crabgrass.
S-metolachlor is a preemergent herbicide used for the control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds in more than 70 agricultural crops worldwide. Recently, Smetolachlor has been used to control imidazolinone-resistant red rice in rice-soybean rotation in lowland environments of the Southern Brazil. However, limited information concerning the environmental fate of S-metolachlor in lowland soil is available in the literature. Thus, this review was designed to describe the major transport and dissipation processes of Smetolachlor in attempting to improve weed management programs used in rice-soybean rotation and mitigate environmental contamination of lowland areas.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli yhtenäistää Etelä-Karjalan alueen erilaisia tapoja toimia alueke-räyksen suhteen. Aluekeräyksellä tarkoitetaan jätteiden keräystä pisteiltä, joihin kotitaloudet, jotka eivät kuulu kiinteistökohtaiseen keräykseen, voivat tuoda syntypaikkalajitellun kuiva- eli sekajätteensä. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa siitä, minkälaiset ovat eri kuivajätehuoltovaihtoehtojen ilmastonmuutos- ja kustannusvaikutukset. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten ympäristönäkökohdat voidaan ottaa huomioon kuljetuskilpailutuksissa. Tutkimuksessa kerättiin tietoa internetistä, opinnäytetöistä ja tieteellisistä artikkeleista sekä yritysten edustajilta. Kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen laskennassa hyödynnettiin GaBi 6.0 -elinkaariarviointiohjelmaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella aluekeräyspisteet kannattaa sijoittaa reiteille, joita asukkaat käyttävät vähintään kerran viikossa ja mitkä ovat optimaalisesti myös kuljetusurakoitsijan kannalta. Taajama-alueelle ei nähty suositeltavaksi sijoittaa aluekeräyspisteitä. Suositeltavina astioina aluekeräyspisteille nähtiin syväkeräyssäiliöt, joiden tyhjennys onnistuu samalla keräyskalustolla kuin kiinteistöjen jäteastioiden, kun ajoneuvo on varustettu puominosturilla. Suositeltavaksi nähtiin myös harventaa jäteastioiden talvityhjennystiheyksiä, jos tyhjennystiheys on vakio ympäri vuoden, sillä pääosa aluekeräyspisteiden käyttäjistä on loma-asukkaita. Tyhjennystiheyksien harvennuksella olisi mahdollista saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä. Tutkimuksessa laskettiin kuivajätteen elinkaarenaikaisia kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä kuivajätteen keräyksestä loppusijoitukseen ja energiahyötykäyttöön. Energiahyötykäyttökohteiksi valittiin Riihimäen, Kotkan sekä Leppävirran (suunnitteilla) jätteenpolttolaitokset. Tulosten pohjalta kuivajätteen energiahyötykäyttö oli loppusijoitusta selkeästi parempi vaihtoehto. Kuivajätteen keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjen vaikutus oli pieni. Kuivajätteen kuljetusmatkan pituus jätteenpolttolaitokselle ei ole siis ratkaisevassa roolissa kokonaiskasvihuonekaasupäästöjä tarkasteltaessa. Etäisyyttä suurempi vaikutus onkin kuivajätteen koostumuksella, polttolaitosten vuosihyötysuhteilla ja korvattavilla polttoaineilla. Jatkossa suositellaan selvittämään vielä vaihtoehtoisia käsittelytapoja kuivajätteen sisältämälle sekamuovijakeelle, jonka poltosta aiheutuu merkittävä osuus (noin 74 %) kuivajätteen polton kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä. Ajankohtaisia kuljetuskilpailutuksia varten tarkasteltiin vielä tarkemmin keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjä. Tulosten pohjalta havaittiin, että keräys- ja kuljetuspäästöjä on mahdollista vähentää reilusti (46–74 %) siirtymällä dieselistä biopolttoaineiden käyttöön. Tuloksiin vaikuttaa kuitenkin merkittävästi, minkälaisista raaka-aineista biopolttoaineet on valmistettu. Kuivajätteen keräyspäästöjä on mahdollista pienentää myös päivittämällä aluekeräyspisteverkostoa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kustannuksia aluekeräyspisteiden astioiden uusinnasta tai korjauksesta kuivajätteen loppusijoitukseen tai energiahyötykäyttöön asti. Merkittävimmät kustannukset aiheutuivat kuivajätteen loppusijoituksesta, energiahyötykäytöstä sekä keräyksestä. Kustannusten näkökulmasta keräyksen rooli oli siis suurempi. Työn lopussa annettiin vielä vinkkejä, joiden avulla jätehuoltoyritykset voivat tehdä jätekuljetushankintoja ympäristönäkökohdat huomioiden. Usein selkein tapa huomioida ympäristönäkökohdat kuljetuskilpailutuksissa on asettaa riittävän tiukkoja pakollisia vaatimuksia, jolloin voi valita hinnaltaan halvimman vaihtoehdon. Kuljetuspalvelun hankinnassa tulee huomioida ainakin energiankulutus, hiilidioksidi-, typenoksidi-, hiilivety- ja hiukkaspäästöt. Lainsäädäntö ei määrää vähimmäistasoja, vaan hankintaa tehdessä kannattaa kartoittaa markkinatilanne, jotta vaatimukset osaa asettaa oikealle tasolle. Markkinoille kannattaa myös tiedottaa tulevaisuuden tarpeista ja suunnitelmista. Suuria hankintakokonaisuuksia suositellaan pilkottavan pienempiin osiin, jotta pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset pystyvät myös osallistumaan tarjouskilpailuihin. Kannustus innovaatioiden huomioimiseen hankinnoissa on lisääntynyt myös jätehuollon alalla. Selvitettyjen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen perusteella oli merkille pantavaa, miten suuri vaikutus polttolaitoksen valinnalla oli kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin. Oleellista onkin huomioida ympäristönäkökohdat myös energiahyötykäyttökohdetta valittaessa.
(Monostromatic green algae (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) of São Paulo and Paraná states (Brazil): distribution, growth, and reproduction). Culture studies were used for taxa identification and to understand aspects of the biology and physiology of monostromatic green blades growing in various sites along the coast of São Paulo state (23º30'-25ºl2'S, 45º10'-48ºW) and one site in Paraná state (25º35'S, 48º21'W), southeast and south Brazil, respectively. Possible variations of the growth rate, age of reproduction and life history were tested under different conditions of temperature, salinity and day length. Two species were found: Ulvaria oxysperma (Kützing) Bliding and Monostroma sp. The first one has been previously reported for many temperate and tropical estuaries around the world. Green monostromatic blades with the same life-history and ontogeny as Monostroma sp. have been reported so far only for the tropical coast of Brazil. Species are distinct in their ontogeny of the thallus (constant under different conditions) and limiting temperatures of survival. U. oxysperma grows and reproduces from 10 to 25ºC and dies when maintained at 30ºC; Monostroma sp. does not reproduce at 15ºC and survives at 30ºC. The different salinities and day lengths that were tested had no significant effect on either species.
In the last two centuries, papers have been published including measurements of the germination process. High diversity of mathematical expressions has made comparisons between papers and some times the interpretation of results difficult. Thus, in this paper is included a review about measurements of the germination process, with an analysis of the several mathematical expressions included in the specific literature, recovering the history, sense, and limitations of some germination measurements. Among the measurements included in this paper are the germinability, germination time, coefficient of uniformity of germination (CUG), coefficient of variation of the germination time (CVt), germination rate (mean rate, weighted mean rate, coefficient of velocity, germination rate of George, Timsons index, GV or Czabators index; Throneberry and Smiths method and its adaptations, including Maguires rate; ERI or emergence rate index, germination index, and its modifications), uncertainty associated to the distribution of the relative frequency of germination (U), and synchronization index (Z). The limits of the germination measurements were included to make the interpretation and decisions during comparisons easier. Time, rate, homogeneity, and synchrony are aspects that can be measured, informing the dynamics of the germination process. These characteristics are important not only for physiologists and seed technologists, but also for ecologists because it is possible to predict the degree of successful of a species based on the capacity of their harvest seed to spread the germination through time, permitting the recruitment in the environment of some part of the seedlings formed.
Sisäilman laatuun vaikuttaa moni eri tekijä. Sisäilma on tavallisesti laadultaan hyvää silloin, kun tilojen käyttäjät ovat siihen tyytyväisiä. Hyvän sisäilman saavuttamiseksi tulee ilmanvaihdon, lämmityslaitteiden, siivouksen ja talon rakenteiden olla kunnossa. Tämä työ on tehty Helsingin kaupungin Tilakeskukselle, ja se on osa vuoden jatkuvaa projektia, jossa selvitetään siivouksen riittävyyttä ja sen vaikutusta koulujen sisäilmaan. Työn tavoitteena on luoda siivouksen laadunvarmistusmenetelmä, jonka avulla voidaan varmistaa toteutunut siivouksen taso. Lisäksi projektissa selvitetään, pystytäänkö siivouksen palvelusopimus toteuttamaan käytännössä kunnolla. Työssä kehitettävät menetelmät ovat subjektiivinen ja objektiivinen pölyisyyden arviointi sekä kyselylomake koulujen opettajille. Työssä kehitetyn menetelmän laatutasojen raja-arvot noudattavat INSTA 800 -standardissa esitettäviä arvoja. Kehitettyä menetelmää käytettiin suoritetuissa lähtö- ja nollatasomittauksissa. Mittauksista saadut tulokset vastasivat silmämääräisesti tiloissa tehtyjä havaintoja.
Espinhaço and Mantiqueira are two mountain ranges of great importance in Brazil. In the uppermost parts of these areas, unique ecosystems occur, generally associated with rock outcrops, they are collectively called High Altitude Rocky Complexes. These environments show distinct soil and biota characteristics in relation to the surrounding biome. The soils are generally shallow, coarse textured, with high Al3+ and varying amounts of organic matter. Entisols, Inceptsols and Histosols are dominant, directly associated with the rock outcrops, and forming a complex mosaic of soils. Some of these soils are endemic, based on peculiar conditions of parent materials, topography and vegetation, and this pedodiversity is important for detecting unique and endangered soils. In these soils, organic matter is highly humified, with a great amount of soluble forms and conspicuous presence of charcoal. Spodic horizons and dark water rivers are typically associated with quartzite and quartzite outcrops, formed by illuviation of organic compounds, being less common in granitic rocks. The very low nutrient content of these soils and other environmental limitations required the development of specific physiological and morphological plant adaptations. Most high altitude environments are unstable under current climatic conditions, and anthropic interventions may be accelerating this process. Detailed soil surveys are necessary for a better understanding of the role of these soils in ecological processes and for the development of adequate conservation policies.
We studied the flora of vegetation islands on rock outcrops on the Itatiaia Plateau (22°21'S and 44°40'W), at 2,400 m.a.s.l. A total of 114 vascular plant species, which correspond to ca. 20%-25% of the currently inventoried flora of the plateau, were sampled in 197 small vegetation islands (total area of 0.034 ha). Xerophytes and hydrophytes were often found side by side due to environmental heterogeneity at a small scale, explaining in part the high species diversity. Rock outcrops may support floras quite distinct from those in neighbouring habitats, due to the action of strong environmental filters, but in Itatiaia the geographic distribution patterns among rupicolous plants appear to mimic those described for the whole flora around it, with 15.1% of narrow endemic species and six strictly rupicolous plants. Underlining the "temperate" nature of the high elevation climate in Itatiaia, the sampled flora was dominated by species of the families Asteraceae and Poaceae, and the number of CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) species was very low. A few endemic species of tropical origin - Pleurostima gounelleana (Beauv.) Men. (Velloziaceae) and Fernseea itatiaiae (Wawra) Baker (Bromeliaceae) - play a crucial role in this vegetation, as pioneer mat-formers facilitating later establishment of numerous other species. Hemicryptophytes prevail in the sampled flora, while therophytes are exceptionally rare and mainly consist of opportunistic species associated with disturbances. Numerous microhabitats and strong environmental gradients in these high elevation rock outcrops afford opportunities for establishment of a highly diversified flora. These island-like environments may represent an important refuge for grassland species from fire and other disturbances in the surrounding grasslands.
In awake rats a single recurrent larger tidal volume (deep breaths) occurs at regular intervals, followed by oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate. In the present study we recorded the changes in blood pressure, heart rate and ventilation during the wakefulness-sleep cycle identified by electrocorticographic records in order to determine whether the deep breaths and cardiovascular oscillations were associated with changes in the electrocorticogram. During several episodes of slow-wave sleep (SWS) in 7 rats the deep breaths and oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate were preceded by SWS desynchronization. The interval between deep breaths during SWS was 71 ± 4 s, the period between initial desynchronization and the generation of deep breaths was 3.98 ± 0.45 s and the duration of SWS desynchronization was 11 ± 0.65 s. Hypotension (-16 ± 1 mmHg) and tachycardia (+15 ± 5 bpm) were observed during deep breaths in the SWS state. These data indicate that the oscillations in arterial pressure and heart rate during SWS are associated with deep breaths, which in turn are preceded by desynchronization of the electrocorticogram in this state of sleep