990 resultados para Berry phase effect


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The performance of multiphase steels with high strength and improved toughness or ductility, such as intercritically annealed dual-phase (DP) and transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steels, is of key importance to the automotive industry. In this work we have considered the entire manufacturing process and the effects of this on the final product performance. These steels are formed to produce the required final shape and then the car is paint baked. In this work we also consider the effect of cold working and bake hardening on the fatigue life of the components.


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Large disruptions of chronobiological rhythms are documented as destabilizing individuals with bipolar disorder; however, the impact of small phase altering events is unclear. Australian suicide data from 1971 to 2001 were assessed to determine the impact on the number of suicides of a 1-h time shift due to daylight saving. The results confirm that male suicide rates rise in the weeks following the commencement of daylight saving, compared to the weeks following the return to eastern standard time and for the rest of the year. After adjusting for the season, prior to 1986 suicide rates in the weeks following the end of daylight saving remained significantly increased compared to the rest of autumn. This study suggests that small changes in chronobiological rhythms are potentially destabilizing in vulnerable individuals.


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This work investigates the effect of nanosized Al2O3 addition on the sinterability of YSZ electrolyte. (1-x)YSZ + Al2O3 ceramics with compositions x = 0 to 0.01 were prepared by the conventional mixed oxide route from a commercial powder suspension (particle size <50 nm), and sintered at 1200 to 1500 degrees C for 2 hours in air. Densification, phase evolution, and microstructure were characterized by SEM/EDS and XRD. An improvement in sintered density was observed for the samples with 0.2 to 0.5 mol% Al2O3, though depending on the sintering temperature. Only cubic zirconia was detected as crystalline phase, although XRD features suggested chemical interactions depending upon the amount of Al2O3. The grain size of YSZ was homogeneous and no second phase segregation was detected in the tested range of incorporated nano-Al2O3 and sintering temperatures.


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Biodegradation of poorly soluble polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been a challenge in bioremediation. In recent years, surfactant-enhanced bioremediation of PAH contaminants has attracted great attention in research. In this study, biodegradation of phenanthrene as a model PAHs solubilized in saline micellar solutions of a biodegradable commercial alcohol ethoxylate nonionic surfactant was investigated. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the surfactant and its solubilization capacity for phenanthrene were examined in an artificial saline water medium, and a type of marine bacteria, Neptunomonas naphthovorans, was studied for the biodegradation of phenanthrene solubilized in the surfactant micellar solutions of the saline medium. It is found that the solubility of phenanthrene in the surfactant micellar solutions increased linearly with the surfactant concentrations, but, at a fixed phenanthrene concentration, the biodegradability of phenanthrene in the micellar solutions decreased with the increase of the surfactant concentrations. This was attributed to the reduced bioavailability of phenanthrene, due to its increased solubilization extent in the micellar phase and possibly lowered mass transfer rate from the micellar phase into the aqueous phase or into the bacterial cells. In addition, an inhibitory effect of the surfactant on the bacterial growth at high surfactant concentrations may also play a role. It is concluded that the surfactant largely enhanced the solubilization of phenanthrene in the saline water medium, but excess existence of the surfactant in the medium should be minimized or avoided for the biodegradation of phenanthrene by Neptunomonas naphthovorans.


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This article presents a model of growth of naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria in the bulk water phase in the absence of disinfectant. The model considers growth with carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen balance, death and lysis of bacteria, and conversion of less biodegradable organic carbon to assimilable organic carbon. Experimental data from two raw and two treated waters were used to test the model. The model describes the increase of live and dead bacterial cells in the water phase, and its output closely matches the experimental data. Such a model has the ability to characterize water nutrient status as well as to predict behavior of indigenous heterotrophic bacteria. The ability to predict bacterial population dynamics with respect to nutrients is beneficial for water treatment optimization. The model, based on microbiological measurements, helps to characterize treated water quality and project performance in terms of water quality into a distribution system.


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This research deals with processes leading to local strengthening effects in hot-rolled dual-phase (DP) steels. For this purpose, a method was investigated to achieve local strengthening, namely, local laser heat treatment (LHT). DP sheet steels were globally and homogenously deformed with different degrees of prestrains by cold rolling and subsequently locally heat treated by laser. Following this treatment with selected parameters, the microstructure of the surface and cross section of the heat-treated area as well as the mechanical properties were evaluated by light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), hardness measurement, and tensile testing. It can be stated that with partial heat treatment, local high strengthening can be produced. At lower heat treating temperatures, this effect could be attributed to bake hardening (BH). Increasing the prestrain as well as temperature results in improving the local properties. With increased heat treating temperature, the initial microstructure near the surface is affected. Partial strengthening of DP steels by laser can open up new fields of application for locally using the strengthening effect to only influence relevant areas of interest, thus providing the potential for saving energy and designed the component's behavior.


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The increasing production of genetically-modified mouse models has necessitated studies to determine the inherent physiological characteristics of commonly used mouse strains. In this study we examined insulin secretory function in response to an intravenous bolus of glucose or glucose plus arginine in anesthetized C57BL/6, DBA/2 and 129T2 mice fed either a control or high fat diet for 6 weeks. The results show that 129T2 mice had higher fasting plasma glucose levels and lower fasting plasma insulin levels compared with C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice regardless of diet. Furthermore, 129T2 mice were glucose intolerant and secreted significantly less insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine irrespective of diet compared with the other two strains of mice. DBA/2 mice hypersecreted insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine compared with C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice. Moreover while first phase insulin secretion was appropriately increased in response to the high fat diet in C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice, this was not the case for DBA/2 mice. Mean islet area was decreased in response to a high fat diet in DBA/2 mice, while there was no dietary effect on the other two strains. This study highlights the inherent genetic differences that exist among seemingly normal strains of mice that are commonly used to make transgenic and knockout mice. Understanding these differences will provide researchers with the information to choose the appropriate genetic background on which to express their particular genetic alteration.


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The aqueous corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel with aluminum contents was examined in a 10 wt% H2SO4 (pH 0.13) solution using electrochemical techniques and surface analyses. The corrosion resistance of the new alloy steel was evaluated in terms of electrochemical parameters, such as passive current density, film, and charge transfer resistances. The results showed that a high Al content in the steel imparted better passivation behavior resulting in a lower corrosion rate. It related to the enrichment of iron carbonate and hydrocarbon by the dissolution of the carbide phase.


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Phenyl type stationary phases of increasing spacer chain length (phenyl, methyl phenyl, ethyl phenyl, propyl phenyl and butyl phenyl, with 0–4 carbon atoms in the spacer chain, respectively) were synthesised and packed in house to determine the impact that the spacer chain length has on the retention process. Two trends in the aromatic selectivity, qaromatic, were observed, depending on whether the number of carbon atoms in the spacer chain is even or odd. Linear log k′ vs ϕ plots were obtained for each stationary phase and the S coefficient was determined from the gradient of these plots. For the phenyl type phases, the S vs nc plots of the retention factors of linear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons vs the number of rings exhibit a distinct discontinuity that between 3 and 4 rings, which increases with increasing spacer chain length for even phases but decreases for odd phases. Accordingly, we suggest that the retention factors depend differently on the number of carbon atoms in the spacer chain depending on whether this number is even or odd and that this effect is caused by different orientations of the aromatic ring relative to the silica surface.


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A polyelectrolyte/polymeric semiconductor core/shell structure is developed for organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)/polyaniline core/shell nanofibers via electrospinning and solution-phase selective polymerization. The polyelectrolyte does not work as a gate dielectric, but can provide an internal modulation from the nanointerface of the 1D core/shell nanostructure. The transistor devices display very high mobilities.


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Au-doped polyacrylonitrile–polyaniline core–shell nanofibers are fabricated via electrospinning and subsequent gas-phase polymerization, providing a very high field-effect mobility of up to 11.6 cm2 V−1 s−1. This method is also suitable for other conducting polymers and may eventually lead to a new and simplified fabrication of high-performance polymer organic field-effect transistors.


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We present a newly designed electrochemical surface forces apparatus (EC-SFA) that allows control and measurement of surface potentials and interfacial electrochemical reactions with simultaneous measurement of normal interaction forces (with nN resolution), friction forces (with μN resolution), and distances (with Å resolution) between apposing surfaces. We describe three applications of the developed EC-SFA and discuss the wide-range of potential other applications. In particular, we describe measurements of (1) force–distance profiles between smooth and rough gold surfaces and apposing self-assembled monolayer-covered smooth mica surfaces; (2) the effective changing thickness of anodically growing oxide layers with Å-accuracy on rough and smooth surfaces; and (3) friction forces evolving at a metal–ceramic contact, all as a function of the applied electrochemical potential. Interaction forces between atomically smooth surfaces are well-described using DLVO theory and the Hogg–Healy–Fuerstenau approximation for electric double layer interactions between dissimilar surfaces, which unintuitively predicts the possibility of attractive double layer forces between dissimilar surfaces whose surface potentials have similar sign, and repulsive forces between surfaces whose surface potentials have opposite sign. Surface roughness of the gold electrodes leads to an additional exponentially repulsive force in the force–distance profiles that is qualitatively well described by an extended DLVO model that includes repulsive hydration and steric forces. Comparing the measured thickness of the anodic gold oxide layer and the charge consumed for generating this layer allowed the identification of its chemical structure as a hydrated Au(OH)3 phase formed at the gold surface at high positive potentials. The EC-SFA allows, for the first time, one to look at complex long-term transient effects of dynamic processes (e.g., relaxation times), which are also reflected in friction forces while tuning electrochemical surface potentials.


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Multiscale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in DP steel was carried out using both realistic microstructure-based RVE models as well as stochastic microstructures generated by Monte Carlo method. The stochastic microstructure models were shown to resemble that of realistic microstructures, enabling research on the specific aspects of the microstructure that could be difficult to control and study during experimental work. One such feature of the realistic microstructures studied in this work was the grain size and microstructure morphology. The microstructures were generated with varying average grain sizes while all other parameters, such as boundary conditions, material properties and volume fractions of martensite and ferrite were kept constant. It is found that the effect of grain size is much more pronounced during the initial localisation of the plastic deformation at and around the interface of the phases. In addition, the decrease in ductility and increase in strength of the DP steels are directly related to the refinement of grain sizes of each phase and the stress-strain partitioning in between them.


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Currently, there is a significant effort into developing novel multiphase microstructures to further improve the strength/ductility combination of advanced high-strength steels. To achieve this, the effect of the microstructure on sheet formability needs to be further understood. In this study, the effect of the microstructure on the variation of the elastic modulus in loading and unloading of DP 780 steel has been investigated. Five microstructures with varying volume fractions of ferrite and martensite were generated using different heat treatment cycles. Tension tests were performed to different strain values and the Young’s Modulus during loading and unloading was determined. The test results show that the reduction in unloading modulus with prestrain depends on the volume fraction and hardness of the martensitic phase.