992 resultados para Attendance to the citizen


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A general direct technique of solving a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction by a semi-infinite plane is presented. Taking account of the correct edge-conditions, the unique solution of the problem is derived, by means of Jones' method in the theory of Wiener-Hopf technique, in the case of incident plane wave. The solution of the half-plane problem is found out in exact form. (The far-field is derived by the method of steepest descent.) It is observed that it is not the Wiener-Hopf technique which really needs any modification but a new technique is certainly required to handle the peculiar type of coupled integral equations which the Wiener-Hopf technique leads to. Eine allgemeine direkte Technik zur Lösung eines gemischten Randwertproblems in der Theorie der Beugung an einer halbunendlichen Ebene wird vorgestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung der korrekten Eckbedingungen wird mit der Methode von Jones aus der Theorie der Wiener-Hopf-Technik die eindeutige Lösung für den Fall der einfallenden ebenen Welle hergeleitet. Die Lösung des Halbebenenproblems wird in exakter Form angegeben. (Das Fernfeld wurde mit der Methode des steilsten Abstiegs bestimmt.) Es wurde bemerkt, daß es nicht die Wiener-Hopf-Technik ist, die wirklich irgend welcher Modifikationen bedurfte. Gewiß aber wird eine neue Technik zur Behandlung des besonderen Typs gekoppelter Integralgleichungen benötigt, auf die die Wiener-Hopf-Technik führt.


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An enantiospecific synthesis of the 5-8-5 tricyclic ring system present in the basmane diterpenes has been accomplished, starting from ethyl 3-isopropyl-2-methylene-1-methylcyclopentane-acetate readily available in five steps from (R)-limonene] employing an RCM reaction for the annulation of cyclooctane and an intramolecular rhodium carbenoid CH insertion reaction for the construction of the cyclopentane ring.


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In order to generate normal Penrose tilings by inflation/deflation, decisions have to be made regarding the matching of the rhombuses/tilings with their neighbours. We show here that this decision-making problem can be avoided by adopting a deflation/inflation procedure which uses the decorated rhombuses with identical boundaries. The procedure enables both kinds of inflated rhombuses to match in any orientation along their edges. The tilings so generated are quasiperiodic. These structures appear to have a close relationship with the growth mechanism of quasicrystals.


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Since begging East European Roma became a common view in the streets of larger Nordic cities, vivid discussions about their presence and activities have been carried out in the mass media. This thesis examines the public debates in Finland and Norway through a discursive analysis and comparison of press content from the two countries. The aim of the study is firstly to identify the prominent discourses which construct certain images of the beggars, as well as the elements and internal logics that these discourses are constructed around. But in addition to scrutinizing representations of the Roma, also an opposite perspective is applied. In accordance with the theoretical concept of ‘othering’, debates about ‘them’ are assumed to simultaneously reveal something significant about ‘us’. The second research question is thus what kind of images of the ideal Finnish and Norwegian societies are reflected in the data, and which societal values are salient in these images. The analysis comprises 79 texts printed in the main Finnish and Norwegian quality newspapers; Helsingin Sanomat and Aftenposten. The data consists of news articles, editorials, columns and letters to the editor from a three-month period in the summer of 2010. The analysis was carried out within the theoretical and methodological framework of critical discourse analysis as outlined by Norman Fairclough. A customized nine-step coding scheme was developed in order to reach the most central dimensions of the texts. Seven main discourses were identified; the Deprivation-solidarity, Human rights, Order, Crime, Space and majority reactions, Authority control, and Authority critique discourse. These were grouped into two competing normative stances on what an ideal society looks like; the exclusionary and the inclusionary stance. While the exclusionary stance places the begging Roma within a frame of crime, illegitimate use of public space and threat to the social order, the other advocates an attitude of solidarity and humanitarian values. The analysis points to a dominance of the former, although it is challenged by the latter. The Roma are “individualized” by quoting and/or presenting them by name in a fair part of the Finnish news articles. In Norway, the opposite is true; there the beggars are dominantly presented as anonymous and passive. Overall, the begging Roma are subjected to a double bind as they are faced with simultaneous expectations of activity and passivity. Theories relating to moral panics and ‘the good enemy’ provide for a deepened understanding of the intensity of the debates. Keywords: East European Roma, begging, media, newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat, Aftenposten, critical discourse analysis, Norman Fairclough, othering, ideal society, moral panics, good enemy, double bind, Finland, Norway


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The rate of breakage of feed in ball milling is usually represented in the form of a first-order rate equation. The equation was developed by treating a simple batch test mill as a well mixed reactor. Several case of deviation from the rule have been reported in the literature. This is attributed to the fact that accumulated fines interfere with the feed material and breaking events are masked by these fines. In the present paper, a new rate equation is proposed which takes into account the retarding effect of fines during milling. For this purpose the analogy of diffusion of ions through permeable membranes is adopted, with suitable modifications. The validity of the model is cross checked with the data obtained in batch grinding of ?850/+600 ?m size quartz. The proposed equation enables calculation of the rate of breakage of the feed at any instant of time.


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Using a modified Green's function technique the two well-known basic problems of scattering of surface water waves by vertical barriers are reduced to the problem of solving a pair of uncoupled integral equations involving the “jump” and “sum” of the limiting values of the velocity potential on the two sides of the barriers in each case. These integral equations are then solved, in closed form, by the aid of an integral transform technique involving a general trigonometric kernel as applicable to the problems associated with a radiation condition.


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Native and derived ribosomal particles from the mycelial cells of Microsporum canis grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide were compared by CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. Since the buoyant densities of ribonucleoprotein complexes are dependent on the protein-RNA ratio, they reflect the composition of these particles. The native monosomes from cells grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide had a buoyant density of 1.585 g/cc. The native 60S subunits showed a density of 1.540 g/cc from cells grown in both presence and absence of cycloheximide, while the derived subunits showed a density of 1.610 g/cc. The derived 40S subunits had a density of 1.550 g/cc while the native 40S showed a major species of density 1.535 g/cc with three other minor species ranging in densities from 1.450-1.390 g/cc. The mycelia grown in the presence of cycloheximide showed an increased proportion of native 40S subunits in the density range of 1.450-1.390 g/cc, indicating that the drug enhances factor binding to native ribosomal subunits in M. canis.


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Målet för Pro Gradu-avhandlingen är att undersöka hur Europeiska unionen (EU) marknadsförs genom användningen av värderande adjektiv i tre genrer av skriftlig kommunikation från EU till medlemsstaternas medborgare. Undersökningen är inriktad på tre forskningsfrågor: hur marknadsföringen av EU syns i användningen av värderande adjektiv i de tre genrerna, vilka de centrala skillnaderna mellan de tre genrerna är gällande användningen av värderande adjektiv, samt på vilket sätt texterna uppfyller sitt kommunikativa syfte, nämligen att informera allmänheten om EU:s verksamhet och marknadsföra EU som en giltig och handlingskraftig union. Den teoretiska ramen för undersökningen grundar sig på genreanalys, kommunikationsteori och teorier om hur författarens värdering (stance) syns i texter. Skillnaden mellan genre, texttyp och register diskuteras, och teoridelen redogör även för begreppet diskurssamfund, dvs. den grupp personer som i ett yrkesmässigt eller institutionellt sammanhang producerar och använder sig av en genre enligt dess kommunikativa konventioner. Materialet behandlas även utgående från Egon Werlichs indelning av texttyper i deskriptiva, narrativa, expositära, argumentativa och instruktiva texter. Materialet består av tre delar som representerar var sin genre: informationsbroschyrer, pressmeddelanden och den Allmänna rapporten om Europeiska unionens verksamhet, som utges av EU varje år. Storleken på varje del av materialet varierar mellan 20 000 - 30 000 ord. Materialet har valts på basis av de teman texterna behandlar, och kriterierna för urvalet är bl.a. att texterna behandlar ämnen som har anknytning till medborgarnas vardag, att de är riktade till allmänheten, och att de finns tillgängliga på Internet. Undersökningen är genomförd som en kvalitativ genreanalys. Materialet analyseras först utgående från kontexten och det samhälleliga sammanhanget enligt Vijay K. Bhatias metodik för analys av obekanta genrer. Det kommunikativa syftet, författaren och den tilltänkta läsarkretsen, dvs. målgruppen för kommunikationen, fastställs. Värderande adjektiv som uttrycker författarens hållning har plockats ur texten manuellt och med hjälp av konkordansprogrammet AntConc, och placerats i 16 kategorier enligt de värden de uttrycker. Varje genre analyseras sedan språkligt med utgångspunkt i adjektivlistorna, varefter resultaten jämförs med varandra. Undersökningen visar att pressmeddelandena innehåller det största antalet värderande adjektiv, medan informationsbroschyrerna innehåller det minsta antalet värderande adjektiv. Den Allmänna rapporten om Europeiska unionens verksamhet innehåller delar med tätt förekommande värderande adjektiv, i synnerhet i stycken som behandlar mer kontroversiella ämnen. I alla tre genrer sammanfaller ett högt antal värderande adjektiv med argumentativ text, och argumentativ text förekommer främst då ämnet som diskuteras rör sig på en mer abstrakt nivå, t.ex. om EU:s värderingar och grundläggande principer, eller då texten behandlar sådan politik som delar allmänhetens uppfattning. För EU utgör alla tre genrer viktiga kanaler för kommunikationen till medlemsstaternas medborgare, och EU kan genom sitt informationsmaterial och sina officiella publikationer informera om, förklara och marknadsföra sin verksamhet på ett sätt som avser att upprätthålla och förbättra EU:s image. Utarbetandet av lämpliga texter är ändå krävande på grund av den heterogena målgruppen, och det är en utmaning i sig att få fram rätt budskap bland det stora utbudet information som finns tillgängligt på Internet.


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The higher levels of cytochrone P-450 dependent enzyme activities reported earlier are traced to higher levels of cytochrome P-450 (CYPIIB1/B2 like) messenger RNA in the chloroquine resistant than the sensitive strains. The messenger RNA is also induced by phenobarbitone in the sensitive strain. Pretreatment with phenobarbitone affords partial protection to chloroquine toxicity in the sensitive strain and this is not due to a differential accumulation of the drug.


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Recently we presented a microscopic expression for dielectric friction on a rotating dipole. This expression has a rather curious structure, involving the contributions of the transverse polarization modes of the solvent and also of the molecular length scale processes. It is shown here that under proper limiting conditions, this expression reduces exactly to the classical continuum model expression of Nee and Zwanzig [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 6353 (1970)]. The derivation requires the use of the asymptotic form of the orientation‐dependent total pair correlation function, the neglect of the contributions of translational modes of the solvent, and also the use of the limit that the size of the solvent molecules goes to zero. Thus, the derivation can be important in understanding the validity of the continuum model and can also help in explaining the results of a recent computer simulation study of dielectric relaxation in a Brownian dipolar lattice.


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Despite a significant growth in food production over the past half-century, one of the most important challenges facing society today is how to feed an expected population of some nine billion by the middle of the 20th century. To meet the expected demand for food without significant increases in prices, it has been estimated that we need to produce 70-100 per cent more food, in light of the growing impacts of climate change, concerns over energy security, regional dietary shifts and the Millennium Development target of halving world poverty and hunger by 2015. The goal for the agricultural sector is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, rural development, environmental, social justice and food consumption outcomes. However, there remain significant challenges to developing national and international policies that support the wide emergence of more sustainable forms of land use and efficient agricultural production. The lack of information flow between scientists, practitioners and policy makers is known to exacerbate the difficulties, despite increased emphasis upon evidence-based policy. In this paper, we seek to improve dialogue and understanding between agricultural research and policy by identifying the 100 most important questions for global agriculture. These have been compiled using a horizon-scanning approach with leading experts and representatives of major agricultural organizations worldwide. The aim is to use sound scientific evidence to inform decision making and guide policy makers in the future direction of agricultural research priorities and policy support. If addressed, we anticipate that these questions will have a significant impact on global agricultural practices worldwide, while improving the synergy between agricultural policy, practice and research. This research forms part of the UK Government's Foresight Global Food and Farming Futures project.