988 resultados para Agir


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O estudo exploratório de caso que teve como objetivo analisar o processo de comunicação utilizado pelos profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, na Unidade de Saúde de Maruípe, no município de Vitória, capital do Espírito Santo. Como amostra, escolhemos a Região de Maruípe, que possui o maior número de habitantes da capital, segundo dados do IBGE/2000 e em que a estratégia atinge toda a população. A coleta de dados se realizou pela aplicação de questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas, semiabertas e fechadas aos integrantes de duas equipes de Saúde da Família que, voluntariamente, decidiram participar da pesquisa. Foram aplicados dois tipos diferentes de questionários: um para oito Agentes Comunitários de Saúde e outro para treze membros da equipe. Os dados foram quantificados e analisados qualitativamente visando refletir sobre a importância da comunicação nas ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde, e sua relação com a atenção básica municipal e a redução do número de internações nos hospitais por causas básicas. Com base na teoria crítica, na teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas e nos recentes estudos latino-americanos sobre a importância da comunicação como insumo na saúde, analisamos os instrumentos de comunicação utilizados pela equipe e a forma como essa comunicação se estabelece, a fim de traçar um protocolo de sugestões para minimizar os problemas de comunicação no desenvolvimento das ações.


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A discussão sobre a formação de Professores sempre foi um desafio, especialmente em se tratando dos caminhos e descaminhos acerca das práticas cotidianas e, muito mais, ainda hoje, com a inserção da tecnologia dentro das salas de aula. A pesquisa investigou se o uso da tecnologia favorece a interação professor-aluno e se isso se torna um facilitador na busca de novos conhecimentos, colaborando para a alteração da prática cotidiana. Para desenvolver tais discussões realizamos uma revisão da literatura e da legislação sobre a formação de professores no contexto brasileiro e sobre a formação de professores e as tecnologias. Elaboramos análises das ações do Governo Federal, privilegiando o contexto do Estado de São Paulo por ser o foco da nossa investigação. Para a realização da pesquisa de campo contamos com a colaboração de professores do Ensino Fundamental II e do Ensino Médio de Escolas Estaduais e os responsáveis das Oficinas Pedagógicas das Diretorias de Ensino dos Municípios de Santo André e Mauá para a aplicação de um questionário e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento. Verificamos que os esforços de implantação de projetos desenvolvidos pela rede estadual esbarram na burocracia e na descontinuidade, provocadas pela mudança de administração, onde se priorizam os interesses pessoais em detrimento dos interesses coletivos. Em contrapartida, encontramos os formadores nas Diretorias de Ensino, que precisam atender todas as questões administrativas e políticas, e, ao mesmo tempo, darem conta da formação continuada dos professores, resolvendo problemas que, muitas vezes, estão longe de suas possibilidades e verificamos também que o uso da tecnologia na atividade docente ainda não é o esperado, ou seja, estes professores não fazem uso pedagógico do computador, porém, o uso aumentou sistematicamente, mas trazê-lo para a sala de aula ainda é um desafio e reflete a forma de agir e de pensar dos professores envolvidos no processo desta pesquisa.


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Esta pesquisa surge da minha preocupação sobre os valores pedagógicos no ensino superior: quais são, quais os seus fundamentos filosóficos, como são concebidos e aplicados na prática docente e especificamente na formação de professores em um curso de Pedagogia. Os conhecimentos, saber-fazer, métodos e habilidades que são mobilizados diariamente, nas salas de aula, com o fim de formar outros professores, também são partes desta busca. O referencial fundamenta-se nas concepções de Paulo Freire sobre valores pedagógicos e sobre educação, a partir da sua visão antropológica, gnosiológica e política do ser humano e de uma sociedade mais justa e equilibrada. O objetivo freiriano é uma educação libertadora que supere as contradições entre opressores e oprimidos, para evitar, por meio da educação, que elas sejam mantidas ou resolvidas a partir de uma solução individual ou por meios violentos. Somente um conjunto de valores pedagógicos bem assimilados e praticados, por parte dos docentes e daqueles que participam do processo educativo, permitem a superação da opressão: diálogo, humildade, fé nos homens, pensar crítico, ética, amor. A aceitação e realização desses valores permitirão não somente melhorar a educação em si, mas a sociedade como um todo. A pesquisa inclui reflexões sobre o ensino brasileiro e a qualidade dos professores com relação ao agir na formação e na sua própria transformação individual como seres críticos, ao usar os valores pedagógicos objeto do pensamento de Freire. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados: leitura de textos e artigos de Paulo Freire e de outros comentadores e educadores brasileiros e estrangeiros; questionários fechados que permitiram coletar dados sobre o clima e a cultura organizacional e verificar que a educação nacional ainda está presa a estruturas históricas tradicionais, as quais se manifestam em conteúdos e metodologias que não resolvem a crise educacional do nosso país. Esses questionários foram aplicados a alguns professores, escolhidos por amostragem, do curso de Pedagogia de uma instituição superior em São Paulo. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam que as opiniões dos professores entrevistados revelam um enfoque pouco participativo. Em alguns aspectos, eles demonstram que não há o hábito de diálogo sobre os problemas educacionais, como também não há abertura para medidas inovadoras que poderiam contribuir para com a qualidade do ensino e aprendizado. Isso demonstra o abismo entre o discurso e a prática docente colaborando para a falta de inspiração e de consciência crítica que todo profissional deve possuir, como valor pedagógico.(AU)


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A população e as comunidades escolares vêm pressionando e cobrando as autoridades dos Sistemas de Justiça e da Educação por uma intervenção coerente e efetiva na resolução de conflitos que se estabelecem no ambiente escolar, uma vez que o atual modelo de Justiça, o retributivo, não tem sanado a situação. A Justiça restaurativa surge então como uma nova maneira para enfrentar esse problema e uma de suas estratégias é o círculo restaurativo, caracterizado como um grupo para restauração das relações e dos conflitos. Esta pesquisa visa: descrever e analisar os elementos estruturais dos círculos restaurativos e os fenômenos do campo grupal em processos restaurativos realizados no ambiente escolar para intervir em situações de conflito. A amostra foi composta de cinco práticas restaurativas que envolveram pré-círculo, círculo e o pós-círculo mediados por um facilitador e dois co-facilitadores. O tratamento dos dados se deu a partir da análise dos elementos estruturais da justiça restaurativa (cerimônia de abertura e fechamento, bastão de fala, e processo decisório consensual), considerando tais elementos iguais ao setting de base psicanalítica, visto que neste caso especifico, tem como objetivo deixar claro aos participantes do grupo qual é a proposta de funcionamento do mesmo; e de uma análise de conteúdo organizada a partir de categorias pré-definidas, segundo conceitos psicanalíticos (resistência, acting/atuação e insight/elaboração). Os resultados mostraram que foram estabelecidos elementos estruturais (setting) favorável ao encontro dos participantes e que predominaram no campo aspectos positivos, o que resultou no bom reestabelecimento do convívio em todos os casos analisados. Os elementos estruturais estabelecidos para a realização do círculo restaurativo criaram um espaço seguro onde os participantes se ligaram de modo positivo, mesmo com a situação de conflito. Considera-se importante creditar a figura do facilitador (Psicólogo) parte da realização da resolução do conflito. Conclui-se que a função continente; o manejo e compreensão das resistências, actings e dos insights contribuíram para que o campo grupal configurasse em coesão ao invés da desintegração. Finalmente, cabe acrescentar que a experiência demonstrou que as crianças e adolescentes respondem muito bem quando são convidados a participar de um círculo restaurativo e ali aprendem a agir de acordo com os valores vivenciados como em um processo educativo.


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Sendo os núcleos do CEPAM, e consequentemente os coordenadores de núcleo, um caso único no panorama educativo regional e sem paralelo ao nível nacional, este estudo reveste-se de primordial importância no sentido de evidenciar a pertinência dum cargo intermédio (de coordenador de núcleo) numa estrutura divizionalizada como o CEPAM. Neste estudo de caso, pretendeu-se dar a entender as verdadeiras funções do cargo de coordenador de núcleo do CEPAM, bem como compreender os seus limites, o seu raio de ação e os constrangimentos contíguos a esta incumbência. Por outro lado, pretendeu-se verificar ainda, quais as motivações manifestadas pelos coordenadores de núcleo para o exercício do encargo supracitado, aliadas ao reconhecimento dado pelos diversos atores da comunidade educativa, não esquecendo as relações interpessoais entretanto fomentadas. O cargo de coordenador de núcleo, segundo a diretora do CEPAM, é tido como um cargo de Liderança intermédia, pese embora a larga maioria dos coordenadores em funções considerarem que tal cargo, na realidade, ostenta os pergaminhos de gestão intermédia. No entanto, esta perceção, algo desalinhada, acaba por refletir uma panóplia de entendimentos diferenciados, dos diferentes sujeitos, relativamente ao modo de estar e de agir enquanto coordenadores de núcleo.


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The advancement of nanotechnology in the synthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles (NP's) has played an important role in the development of new technologies for various applications of nano-scale materials that have unique properties. The scientific development in the last decades in the field of nanotechnology has sought ceaselessly, the discovery of new materials for the most diverse applications, such as biomedical areas, chemical, optical, mechanical and textiles. The high bactericidal efficiency of metallic nanoparticles (Au and Ag), among other metals is well known, due to its ability to act in the DNA of fungi, viruses and bacteria, interrupting the process of cellular respiration, making them important means of study, in addition to its ability to protect UVA and UVB. The present work has as its main objective the implementation of an innovative method in the impregnation of nanoparticles of gold in textile substrate, functionalized with chitosan, by a dyeing process by exhaustion, with the control of temperature, time and velocity, thus obtaining microbial characteristics and UV protection. The exhausted substrates with colloidal solutions of NPAu's presented the colours, lilac and red (soybean knits) due to their surface plasmon peak around 520-540 nm. The NPAu's were synthesized chemically, using sodium citrate as a reducing agent and stabilizer. The material was previously cationised with chitosan, a natural polyelectrolyte, with the purpose of functionalising it to enhance the adsorption of colloid, at concentrations of 5, 7, 10 and 20 % of the bonding agent on the weight of the material (OWM). It was also observed, through an experimental design 23 , with 3 central points, which was the best process of exhaustion of the substrates, using the following factors: Time (min.), temperature (OC) and concentration of the colloid (%), having as a response to variable K/S (ABSORBÂNCIA/ Kubelka-Munk) of the fibres. Furthermore, it was evidenced as the best response, the following parameters: concentration 100%, temperature 70 ºC and time 30 minutes. The substrate with NPAu was characterised by XRD; thermal analysis using TGA; microstructural study using SEM/EDS and STEM, thus showing the NP on the surface of the substrate confirming the presence of the metal. The substrates showed higher washing fastness, antibacterial properties and UV radiation protection.


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The reformist movements in the field of mental health have pointed battle flags, among which the prioritization of production of mental health care out of the asylum environment should be highlighted, aiming the reduction of psychiatric beds, greater control over the hospitalization, family co-participation and the rescue of the citizenship of the social players involved. With the progressive reduction of asylum beds, associated with a lot of structural problems in the health services, the occurrence of crises outside the hospital environment has been increasingly frequent, thus giving the family an important therapeutic role. In face of this scenario, there is an urgent need to understand the social construction of the care for psychiatric emergencies, identifying the meanings assigned by family members to their constituent aspects. This study seeks to answer the following research question: what are the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a mixed approach, making use of multimethods: for collection, the semi-structured interview and the Technique of Free Association of Words; for data analysis, the Thematic Analysis of Bardin and its steps was used, with the informational support of the softwares ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte) and Iramuteq (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires); and the theoretical support of social representations. The study participants totaled 72, and they were selected from the following criteria: older than18 years, with degree of kinship with users suffering from some mental and behavioral disorder, and who have already witnessed a situation of crisis, rescued by the SAMU or other means and taken to the psychiatric hospital or general emergency room. Preliminary results point out: 1.Previous note of the research project with the aim to disseminate it in the scientific community and ensure the intellectual property of the work; 2.The contextual analysis of the care for emergencies in the study place. Reflection about the phenomenon provide a name to the care for the psychiatric emergencies, which is called immediate context; the technical and operational aspects that influence the care, as a specific/ general context; and mental health policies in Brazil are identified as metacontext; 3. The systematic review from randomized clinical trials in the databases PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, SciELO and SCIRUS, with the use of the descriptors: ‘Physical restraint’, ‘Psychiatric emergency services’, ‘Restraint’, ‘Physical and Emergency Services’, ‘Psychiatric’. Only one work met the search protocol criteria: a short-term essay that records limited results about the proportion of people who are in restraint and seclusion. It does not show statistically significant results in relation to indications, contraindications and risks of the use of physical restraint; 4. The social representations of the care for psychiatric emergencies. The study results point to the presence of five thematic categories: 1. feeling in the face of the crisis/care; 2. thoughts and perspectives about the crisis/care; 3. centrality of care in the medical- medication-hospitalization triad; 4. the thinking/acting in the face of the use of physical restraint and police force; 5. periodicity of crises. The central core of the representation is in the first category, whilst the peripheral elements are in the third and fifth categories. The contrast zone is in the second and fourth categories. The sadness is the most prominent element of the structure. The social representations about the care for psychiatric crises are at a time of transition between the hegemonic and reformist models, with the traditional aspects being predominant, but already showing peripheral and contrast elements that point to a possible change in the representational field.


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The notion of habitus, developed by Pierre Bourdieu, and laying it down with the teaching practice and vice versa comprise the analysis undertaken here. Naturally, concepts such as field, capital and symbolic power, also prepared by him throughout their sociological research, represent important tools in this research work about the components that make up the Faculty practice. Thus, we focus on the actions that characterize this practice and which has the habitus its triggering mechanism, i.e. a device that not only produces the actions, but also changes from them. Based on this perspective, therefore, we are using as methodological feature the collective subject discourse (DSC) and your software (Qualiquantsoft), which aim to understand how certain collective thinking regarding the issues that afflict him. In addition, we undertook during the fieldwork, participant observation techniques as a tool to capture some nuances that permeate the school environment. Our proposal was to observe in what circumstances the objective conditions experienced by teachers in elementary schools I in Parnamirim-RN, tend to conflict with the provisions incorporated by them in their daily life. To put it another way, it means that it is not always the practice can reconcile Professorial what had previously been prescribed and thus widely accepted, with the way to perceive, evaluate and act for each. Although usually pass unnoticed, this disharmony is more common than you think. Proof of this are the looks directed those who fortuitously doubters fail to adapt immediately to regulations imposed by the education system (SE).


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Studies using neuronal tract-tracer in rat have shown that the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial division of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and dorsal premammillary nucleus are highly connected. When the rat is exposed to predator or its odor these nuclei have shown a expression of Fos and their lesion reduces defensive behavior against predator. This set of nuclei was named the Hypothalamic Defense System. However, little is known about the response of this system to the odor of different predators or its role in mice. In this work, we exposed Swiss mice to two different predators odor (cat and snake) to verify the Fos expression in the Hypothalamic Defense System, as well as the defensive behaviors displayed. The analysis showed that the mice exposure to cat odor had an increased expression of Fos protein compared to control, while those exposed to snake odor showed no rise in Fos expression, which was corroborated by the behavioral data. Our results indicate that this distinct circuit in mice seems to act differentially to odorous stimuli of different predators, causing distinct behavioral responses of mice and that the odor of snake seems not to be perceived by Swiss mice as a threatening stimulus.


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This study aims to analyze citizen participation in state policy decisions, as an essential element of legitimacy in the branches of government, especially in the sphere of the Executive, in the context of deliberative democracy. But, this study still has the desideratum to understand the citizen's role in public life, especially in the sphere of the Executive Branch, in order to effect the Fundamental Right to Public Administration proba, efficient and honest. Thus, to achieve this mister, the proposal is to expose the pesamento the classic contractualist, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Rousseau about the legitimacy of governments, through the statutes, and the question of the general will and majority rule as well how to present the comments of Thomas Jefferson on popular sovereignty and dialogical citizen participation in matters of local interest. After, it will be studied the theories of Fundamental Rights in order to demonstrate the need for the Civil Service should be veiled in a more specific custody rights, given the deep crisis in the Public Administrative practice due, especially, corruption. On the other side, the fundamentality of management also covers the aspect of the development of cities, which decisively affects the development of man, which, to join a deliberative governance program needs to be politicized, adopting full participation, dialogue, as duty citizen. Furthermore, taking as most heart, will be presented the doctrine of Jürgen Habermas, whose Discourse Theory element is to be followed for the implementation of a This study aims to analyze citizen participation in state policy decisions, as an essential element of legitimacy in the branches of the government, especially in the sphere of the Executive, in the context of deliberative democracy. But, this study also has the desideratum to understand the citizen's role in public life, especially in the sphere of the Executive Branch, in order to actualize the Fundamental Right to a just, efficient and honest Public Administration. Thus, to achieve this necessity, the proposal is to expose the thought of the classic contractualist thinkers, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Rousseau about the legitimacy of governments, through the statutes, and the question of the general will and majority rule as well as how to present the comments of Thomas Jefferson on popular sovereignty and dialogical citizen participation in matters of local interest. Later on, the theories of Fundamental Rights will be studied in order to demonstrate that the need for the Civil Service should be veiled in a more specific right custody, given the deep crisis in the Public Administrative practice due to, especially, the corruption. On the other hand, the fundamentality of management also covers the aspect of the development of cities, which decisively affects the development of man, who, to join a deliberative governance program, needs to be politicized, adopting full participation and dialogue as a citizen responsibility. Furthermore, taking as the major heart, it will be presented the doctrine of Jürgen Habermas whose Discourse Theory element is to be followed for the implementation of a broad deliberative and emancipatory democracy, with effective citizen participation. It will also be considered the Condorcet Constitution Project as a comparative link in the linking of the public deliberative will, and the Central Power, in the face of the Theory of “Sluice” Habermas. The proposal, based on communicative action, must allow a continuous flux and influx process of social interests towards the exercise of administrative power. The dialogical deal, brought to the center of the decisions, will allow discussions in the public scope, and may contribute to the legitimacy of government actions, inasmuch as it creates the feeling of politicization demanded by the man in a democratic state.


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As we are aware, the classroom is emerging as a continuous build learning experiences and environment, however, for students also it functions as a place also to be due to socializing with friends. However, not always these elements complement each other, so as harmoniously as we are aware that there are many difficulties, both in the act of learning as in interpersonal relations between them. From this, we understand that it is for the school to seek ways to contemplate such issues so that they feel inserted both with regard to this learning as well as being able to interact with themselves and with others, in a participatory manner, to live well socially. Thus, we find ourselves facing a similar situation with a 9th grade class where the students had certain limitations to have a good relationship with one another, causing thus problems in learning. On the other hand, this difficulty as affectively interact with each other, also, was increased by the difficulty that some students had to speak for themselves and to show their feelings and emotions, getting even more difficult this interaction at school. Thus, we found ourselves obliged to act immediately and need to bring about change in this picture. So it came out the idea of the application of an intervening action which started taking shapefrom a pedagogical project that we developed in other classes in previous years, this time adapted to the situation experienced by the group. The project, framed in the qualitative research and characterized from the action research approach took shape, and elected as its main objective to seek possible alternatives to develop the communicative competence of students, which is why we invest in exercise oral communication (speaking and listening) in order to promote the use of language, the interpersonal involvement facilitating thus their participation both in the classroom and in social life. To fulfill this goal, we set out to develop a didactic book whose support materialized through the autobiographical narrative (molded in writing production) and worked along a structured instructional sequence in three distinctstages that dialogued with each other. Therefore, we base our study from the socio-historical conception and dialogue proposed by Bakhtin in line with the sociodiscursivo interactionism of Bronckart and resort to other scholars as Dolz and Schneuwly, Marcuschi among others. The development of all stages of the project not only has had an immediate effect on what we proposed ourselves as also yielded us very gratifying moments reinforcing to us that the classroom environment goes far beyond the fact ministering content. And that work with orality, with views on affective interaction of these students resulted in a project, so to speak, exciting.


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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Nowadays the rapid growth of urban centers, the accumulation of social and environmental demands, the relationship between public policy and increasingly complex problems accentuates the feeling that cities undergo an urban crisis. This crisis is especially characterized by its multidimensionality, which goes through economic, cultural, ethical, environmental and, above all, political issues. In order to study the core of this crisis that is manifested by the urbanization process and has in its exacerbation on the metropolitan areas was conducted conceptual and theoretical study of the meaning of sustainable development applied to the everyday reality of cities, extracting from this debate concepts, such as: sustainable territorial development, administrative sustainability and political sustainability. Looking forward to test this the practical applicability of these theoretical concepts studied, an empirical study was done on the reality of metropolitan solid waste in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. According to the recent theoretical debate, the waste comprises a sector of the urban environmental crisis that best represents the relationship between man and environment. Ensuring the multidimensionality of environmental issues through the “Saber Ambietal” (LEFF, 2005), was made a extensive qualitative study correlating the concepts of sustainable territorial development, metropolitan governance and “Saber Ambiental” applied on solid waste. The results point to the real challenges of municipal government in understanding the real situation, take action and change the inertia in which have operated in recent decades. The results also showed the importance of transforming environmental issues in political, in other words, struggle for ideas, ideological and ethical references.


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Nowadays the rapid growth of urban centers, the accumulation of social and environmental demands, the relationship between public policy and increasingly complex problems accentuates the feeling that cities undergo an urban crisis. This crisis is especially characterized by its multidimensionality, which goes through economic, cultural, ethical, environmental and, above all, political issues. In order to study the core of this crisis that is manifested by the urbanization process and has in its exacerbation on the metropolitan areas was conducted conceptual and theoretical study of the meaning of sustainable development applied to the everyday reality of cities, extracting from this debate concepts, such as: sustainable territorial development, administrative sustainability and political sustainability. Looking forward to test this the practical applicability of these theoretical concepts studied, an empirical study was done on the reality of metropolitan solid waste in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. According to the recent theoretical debate, the waste comprises a sector of the urban environmental crisis that best represents the relationship between man and environment. Ensuring the multidimensionality of environmental issues through the “Saber Ambietal” (LEFF, 2005), was made a extensive qualitative study correlating the concepts of sustainable territorial development, metropolitan governance and “Saber Ambiental” applied on solid waste. The results point to the real challenges of municipal government in understanding the real situation, take action and change the inertia in which have operated in recent decades. The results also showed the importance of transforming environmental issues in political, in other words, struggle for ideas, ideological and ethical references.