890 resultados para 360103 Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Objective Analyzing the conceptions of supervision of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (ESF - Estratégia Saúde da Família) in relation to community health workers (ACS – Agente Comunitário de Saúde), taking for reference the work process and the power relations. Method A qualitative study, in which 18 interviews were carried out with nurses from the ESF in the countryside of the state of Goiás. Following transcription, the data were subjected to thematic content analysis and the following categories were identified: Supervision with that sees it all and Supervision is participating and working together. Results Among the findings, it is clear the character of control and monitoring that is carried out primarily through printed instruments and home visits, which constitute vertical and impositive relations, and suffer influence of the local health management. Another finding is the supervision as acting together and with the educational perspective. Conclusion The supervision carried out does not provide the changes intended by the ESF.
Cabo Verde é um país que tem vindo a sofrer mudanças nas mais diversas áreas nomeadamente na intensificação das relações económicas e comerciais com o resto do mundo e do mercado de capitais. Tudo isto leva a que o país seja procurado por empresas estrangeiras com o intuito de investir no país devido a sua estabilidade política. Mas é preciso acompanhar essa evolução em todas as áreas e neste sentido sente-se a necessidade de ter um documento contabilístico moderno e credível visto que o nosso PNC não tinha sido objecto de mudança deste a sua implementação em 1984. É neste sentido que surge o SNCRF como intuito de servir como instrumento para que as empresas nacionais e as internacionais sedeados no país possam fazer a apresentação das suas contas com elevada qualidade e a um custo baixo. O trabalho visa demonstrar as implicações e os benefícios decorrentes dessa implementação. Cape Verde is a country that has undergone changes in several areas including the intensification of economic and trade relations with the rest of the world and the capital market. All this means that the country is looking for foreign companies in order to invest in the country due to its political stability. But this development is needed in all areas and in this sense he feels the need of having modern accounting documents and credible as our PNC had not been subject to such change its implementation in 1984. It is this sense that emerges as the SNCRF order to serve as an instrument for the national and international companies based in the country to make the presentation of their accounts with a high quality and low cost. The paper demonstrates the implications and benefits arising from the implementation constraints.
Protomeliturga turnerae (Ducke, 1907) represents the monotypic tribe Protomeliturgini (Andrenidae, Panurginae). The species is oligolectic on flowers of Turnera L. (Turneraceae). A survey of bees on flowers of Turneraceae and of material in entomological collections showed that P. turnerae is common and endemic in Northeastern Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to Alagoas. In João Pessoa, Paraíba, we studied the reproductive biology and mating behavior of P. turnerae and its relations to plants. At the study site, the species was univoltine with males emerging 5-8 days before the females. Soon after emergence the males established territories on flowers of Turnera subulata Smith which they occupied during several days. Parts of each territory overlapped with those of 1 to 3 other males. On the average, a territory comprised 124 flowers, 59 being shared with other males. Males showed two mating strategies: patrolling the flowers of T. subulata in which females collected pollen or waiting in a specific flower inside the territory for arriving females. P. turnerae showed multiple mating. On the average, a male mated 7 times a day, each copula lasting 3 to 25 sec. We observed 2 to 3 males attempting to copulate with the same female. At the end of anthesis of T. subulata the males stopped flying activity and remained inside flowers until their closure.
A lo largo de esta investigación se ha intentado estudiar el grado en el que el tema de género está incorporado dentro de las políticas agrarias de Cabo Verde, así como el impacto que estas generan sobre la modificación de los patrones sociales convencionales. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis socioeconómico de género en dos comunidades del interior de la isla de Santiago, que son beneficiadas por la implementación de lo que hasta hoy es considerado como el proyecto hídrico con fines agrícolas más importante del país: la presa de Poilão. El estudio antropológico llevado a cabo en estas comunidades ha ayudado a comprender la realidad cotidiana de la población rural caboverdiana, especialmente en todo lo referente a las relaciones de poder y a las relaciones de género existentes en la actualidad.
Extensive field and experimental evidence in a variety of environments show that behavior depends on a reference point. This paper provides an axiomatic characterization of this dependence. We proceed by imposing gradually more structure on both choice correspondences and preference relations, requiring increasingly higher levels of rationality, and freeing the decision-maker from certain types of inconsistencies. The appropriate degree of behavioral structure will depend on the phenomenon that is to be modeled. Lastly, we provide two applications of our work: one to model the status-quo bias, and another to model addictive behavior.
The Network Revenue Management problem can be formulated as a stochastic dynamic programming problem (DP or the\optimal" solution V *) whose exact solution is computationally intractable. Consequently, a number of heuristics have been proposed in the literature, the most popular of which are the deterministic linear programming (DLP) model, and a simulation based method, the randomized linear programming (RLP) model. Both methods give upper bounds on the optimal solution value (DLP and PHLP respectively). These bounds are used to provide control values that can be used in practice to make accept/deny decisions for booking requests. Recently Adelman [1] and Topaloglu [18] have proposed alternate upper bounds, the affine relaxation (AR) bound and the Lagrangian relaxation (LR) bound respectively, and showed that their bounds are tighter than the DLP bound. Tight bounds are of great interest as it appears from empirical studies and practical experience that models that give tighter bounds also lead to better controls (better in the sense that they lead to more revenue). In this paper we give tightened versions of three bounds, calling themsAR (strong Affine Relaxation), sLR (strong Lagrangian Relaxation) and sPHLP (strong Perfect Hindsight LP), and show relations between them. Speciffically, we show that the sPHLP bound is tighter than sLR bound and sAR bound is tighter than the LR bound. The techniques for deriving the sLR and sPHLP bounds can potentially be applied to other instances of weakly-coupled dynamic programming.
The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) in a French-speaking Swiss sample and its relationship with personality dimensions and work engagement. The heterogeneous sample of 391 participants (Mage = 39.59, SD = 12.30) completed the CAAS-International and a short version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. To assess personality dimensions, participants completed either the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (n=283) or the NEO-FFI-R (n=108). The internal consistencies for the four subscales and total scores of the CAAS ranged from good to excellent, and skewness and kurtosis values indicated that scores were normally distributed. Gender differences and cor- relations with age were small or negligible. Several CFA models confirmed the factor structure of the French version of the CAAS-International, with loadings very similar to the ones observed for the international form. Adaptability was related to different personality dimensions, particularly neuroticism and conscientiousness, and also to work engagement. When predicting work engage- ment, career adaptability had a significant incremental validity over personality dimensions. Fi- nally, career adaptability partially moderated the relationship between personality and work engagement, suggesting that career adaptability also contributes to regulating the expression of personality dispositions.
O artigo procura compreender de forma sincrónica as linhas fundamentais da política externa de Cabo Verde e seus reflexos nas relações internacionais, abarcando o período, desde a independência à actualidade. A perspectiva central é a de que a independência em 1975 representou uma nova era para o Estado de Cabo Verde, embora se tenha propalado a ideia de um Estado inviável. A estratégia para ultrapassar esta situação passava por uma aposta activa nas relações internacionais, nomeadamente numa política externa pragmática que se ajustasse num quadro de concertação e interacção com outros Estados. Procuramos, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar e interpretativa, analisar os fenómenos sociais-internacionais que se configuram na política externa cabo-verdiana, sabendo que estes se relacionam tanto no campo da história e da sociologia como no campo da ciência política e das relações internacionais. Propõe-se novos desafios para a política externa cabo-verdiana, numa conjuntura internacional abalada pela crise financeira, uma aposta para uma maior integração regional no continente africano, aproveitando de forma estratégica o continente como nova fronteira de desenvolvimento.
This paper provides an explicit cofibrant resolution of the operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. Thus it defines the notion of homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras with the required homotopy properties. To define this resolution we extend the theory of Koszul duality to operads and properads that are defind by quadratic and linear relations. The operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras is shown to be Koszul in this sense. This allows us to prove a Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for such an operad and to give an explicit small quasi-free resolution for it. This particular resolution enables us to describe the deformation theory and homotopy theory of BV-algebras and of homotopy BV-algebras. We show that any topological conformal field theory carries a homotopy BV-algebra structure which lifts the BV-algebra structure on homology. The same result is proved for the singular chain complex of the double loop space of a topological space endowed with an action of the circle. We also prove the cyclic Deligne conjecture with this cofibrant resolution of the operad BV. We develop the general obstruction theory for algebras over the Koszul resolution of a properad and apply it to extend a conjecture of Lian-Zuckerman, showing that certain vertex algebras have an explicit homotopy BV-algebra structure.
This work proposes novel network analysis techniques for multivariate time series.We define the network of a multivariate time series as a graph where verticesdenote the components of the process and edges denote non zero long run partialcorrelations. We then introduce a two step LASSO procedure, called NETS, toestimate high dimensional sparse Long Run Partial Correlation networks. This approachis based on a VAR approximation of the process and allows to decomposethe long run linkages into the contribution of the dynamic and contemporaneousdependence relations of the system. The large sample properties of the estimatorare analysed and we establish conditions for consistent selection and estimation ofthe non zero long run partial correlations. The methodology is illustrated with anapplication to a panel of U.S. bluechips.
L’èxit de l’iniciativa ciutadana europea (ICE) com a instrument de democràcia directa a nivell europeu està directament relacionat amb la seva promulgació. Els ciutadans d’arreu Europa han d’estar informats sobre aquest nou mecanisme per tal que es dugui a terme, la qual cosa suposa una dificultat. Aquest estudi qualitatiu ens mostra els recursos i problemes en la divulgació de les ICE. Una anàlisi basat en entrevistes amb diferents organitzadors d’aquestes ICE que ens dona algunes idees sobre les seves estratègies de comunicació, així com l’ús d’eines de comunicació i relacions amb els mitjans de comunicació. A banda de les dificultats lingüístiques i financeres hi ha altres obstacles més específics relacionats amb l’ICE.
Water tanks offer from many centuries ago solutions in South India for several problems related with water scarcity. They are a traditional water harvesting system wide spread in this territory, allowing a potential decentralized and participatory management of the local population on their own resources. Although water tanks¿ main function is irrigation, they have many other uses, functions and natural resources associated, involving stakeholders in the villages apart from those farmers making use of the irrigation. Water tanks provide a variety of landscapes and biodiversity that creates a valuable heterogeneous territory. The complexity of such an ecosystem should be managed with an integral perspective, considering all the elements involved and their relations, and understanding that water tanks are not just water deposits. This multidisciplinary study tries to demonstrate the idea of water tanks as ecosystems, describing and analyzing deeply and in an unprecedentedly way the functions, uses, natural resources and stakeholders. The research also focuses in the assessment of the ecosystemic perception of the local population of some villages in Tamil Nadu, employing diverse anthropological methodology.
Summary: Terms of address as a means of expressing self and social relations in television debates
La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que se caracteriza por unapérdida de peso superior al saludablemente recomendado, conductas para perder peso y evitarel aumento de peso, miedo a la obesidad y distorsión de la imagen corporal. Tanto la incidenciacomo la prevalencia de este tipo de trastornos ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimasdécadas, son varios los estudios que afirman que hay una estrecha relación entre la influencia delos factores socioculturales y el grado de distorsión de la imagen corporal en este tipo depacientes.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la influencia que ejercen los medios de comunicación ylos grupos sociales en la distorsión de la imagen corporal de pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.Para lograr este objetivo se realizará un estudio fenomenológico con pacientes de 16 a 21 añosque se visiten en un hospital de día de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Los datos serecogerán mediante de una entrevista semiestructurada basada en los ítems del cuestionario deinfluencia de los modelos estéticos corporales (CIMEC). El análisis de los datos obtenidos serápor edición, transcribiendo la entrevista, identificando los segmentos significativos paraposteriormente poderlos analizar.En relación con las consideraciones finales, es un estudio que dentro de la subjetividad podríaser realmente útil para conocer desde el punto de vista del paciente cómo influyen los medios decomunicación y las relaciones sociales en la anorexia nerviosa, permitiendo la propuesta deacciones futuras que ayuden a estos adolescentes y adultos jóvenes a hacer frente a la presiónque ejerce la sociedad.