972 resultados para visual culture


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This thesis presents a new vision-based decision and control strategy for automated aircraft collision avoidance that can be realistically applied to the See and Avoid problem. The effectiveness of the control strategy positions the research as a major contribution toward realising the simultaneous operation of manned and unmanned aircraft within civilian airspace. Key developments include novel classical and visual predictive control frameworks, and a performance evaluation technique aligned with existing aviation practise and applicable to autonomous systems. The overall approach is demonstrated through experimental results on a small multirotor unmanned aircraft, and through high fidelity probabilistic simulation studies.


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Background: Conventional biodiesel production relies on trans-esterification of lipids extracted from vegetable crops. However, the use of valuable vegetable food stocks as raw material for biodiesel production makes it an unfeasibly expensive process. Used cooking oil is a finite resource and requires extra downstream processing, which affects the amount of biodiesel that can be produced and the economics of the process. Lipids extracted from microalgae are considered an alternative raw material for biodiesel production. This is primarily due to the fast growth rate of these species in a simple aquaculture environment. However, the dilute nature of microalgae culture puts a huge economic burden on the dewatering process especially on an industrial scale. This current study explores the performance and economic viability of chemical flocculation and tangential flow filtration (TFF) for the dewatering of Tetraselmis suecicamicroalgae culture. Results: Results show that TFF concentrates the microalgae feedstock up to 148 times by consuming 2.06 kWh m-3 of energy while flocculation consumes 14.81 kWhm-3 to concentrate the microalgae up to 357 times. Economic evaluation demonstrates that even though TFF has higher initial capital investment than polymer flocculation, the payback period for TFF at the upper extreme ofmicroalgae revenue is ∼1.5 years while that of flocculation is ∼3 years. Conclusion: These results illustrate that improved dewatering levels can be achieved more economically by employing TFF. The performances of these two techniques are also compared with other dewatering techniques.


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Managerial changes to Australian universities have had considerable impact on employees. In this paper we consider some of these changes and apply a theory known as the democratic deficit to them. This theory was developed from the democratic critique of managerialism, as it has been applied in the public sector in countries with Westminster-type political systems. This deficit covers the weakening of accountability through politicisation, the denial of public values through the use of private sector performance practices, and the hollowing out of the state through the contracting out and privatisation of public goods and services, and the redefinition of citizens as customers and clients. We suggest that the increased power of managers, expansion of the audit culture, and the extensive use of contract employment seem to be weakening the democratic culture and role of universities in part by replacing accountability as responsibility with accountability as responsiveness.


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This thesis explored safety culture in a large Australasian construction and mining organisation, with a view to understanding how theory and practice can be integrated to improve safety culture and related outcomes within the industry. The research comprised three studies that investigated the relationship between safety culture, safety motivation, leadership and safety behaviour, and examined differences in perceptions of safety culture across the organisation. Research methodologies and samples included a modified Delphi method with safety leaders (n=41), a quantitative survey with a cross-section of the organisation (n=2,957), and group interviews with frontline supervisors and workers (n=29).


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The lateral amygdala (LA) receives information from auditory and visual sensory modalities, and uses this information to encode lasting memories that predict threat. One unresolved question about the amygdala is how multiple memories, derived from different sensory modalities, are organized at the level of neuronal ensembles. We previously showed that fear conditioning using an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) was spatially allocated to a stable topography of neurons within the dorsolateral amygdala (LAd) (Bergstrom et al, 2011). Here, we asked how fear conditioning using a visual CS is topographically organized within the amygdala. To induce a lasting fear memory trace we paired either an auditory (2 khz, 55 dB, 20 s) or visual (1 Hz, 0.5 s on/0.5 s off, 35 lux, 20 s) CS with a mild foot shock unconditioned stimulus (0.6 mA, 0.5 s). To detect learning-induced plasticity in amygdala neurons, we used immunohistochemistry with an antibody for phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (pMAPK). Using a principal components analysis-based approach to extract and visualize spatial patterns, we uncovered two unique spatial patterns of activated neurons in the LA that were associated with auditory and visual fear conditioning. The first spatial pattern was specific to auditory cued fear conditioning and consisted of activated neurons topographically organized throughout the LAd and ventrolateral nuclei (LAvl) of the LA. The second spatial pattern overlapped for auditory and visual fear conditioning and was comprised of activated neurons located mainly within the LAvl. Overall, the density of pMAPK labeled cells throughout the LA was greatest in the auditory CS group, even though freezing in response to the visual and auditory CS was equivalent. There were no differences detected in the number of pMAPK activated neurons within the basal amygdala nuclei. Together, these results provide the first basic knowledge about the organizational structure of two different fear engrams within the amygdala and suggest they are dissociable at the level of neuronal ensembles within the LA


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Introduction Hydrogels prepared from poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and maleimide-functionalized heparin provide a potential matrix for use in developing three dimensional (3D) models. We have previously demonstrated that these hydrogels support the cultivation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (1). We extend this body of work to study the ability to create an extracellular matrix (ECM)-like model to study breast and prostate cancer cell growth in 3D. Also, we investigate the ability to produce a tri-culture mimicking tumour angiogenesis with cancer spheroids, HUVECs and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Materials and Methods The breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, and prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP and PC3, were seeded into starPEG-heparin hydrogels and grown for 14 Days to analyse the effects of varying hydrogel stiffness on spheroid development. Resulting hydrogel constructs were analyzed via Alamar Blue assays, light microscopy, and immunofluorescence staining for cytokeratin 8/18, Ki67 and E-Cadherin. Cancer cell lines were then pre-grown in hydrogels for 5-7 days and then re-seeded into starPEG-heparin hydrogels functionalised with RGD, SDF-1, bFGF and VEGF as spheroids with HUVECs and MSC and grown for 14 days as a tri-culture in Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (ECGM; Promocell). Cell lines were also seeded as a single cell suspension into the functionalised tri-culture system. Cultures were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and analysed via immunostaining for Von Willebrand Factor and CD31, as well as the above mentioned markers, and observed using confocal microscopy. Results Cultures prepared in MMP-cleavable starPEG-heparin hydrogels display spheroid formation in contrast to adherent growth on tissue culture plastic. Small differences were visualised in cancer spheroid growth between different gel stiffness across the range of cell lines. Cancer cell lines were able to be co-cultivated with HUVECs and MSC. HUVEC tube formation and cancer line spheroid formation occured after 3-4 days. Interaction was visualised between tumours and HUVECs via confocal microscopy. Slightly increased interaction was seen between cancer tumours and micro-vascular tubes when seeded as single cells compared with the pre-formed spheroid approach. Further studies intend to utilise cytokine gradients to further optimise the ECM environment of in situ tumour angiogenesis. Discussion and Conclusions Our results confirm the suitability of hydrogels constructed from starPEG-heparin for HUVECs and MSC co-cultivation with cancer cell lines to study cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in a 3D environment. This represents a step forward in the development of 3D culture models to study the pathomechanisms of breast and prostate cancer. References 1. Tsurkan MV, Chwalek K, Prokoph S, Zieris A, Levental KR, Freudenberg U, Werner C. Advanced Materials. 25, 2606-10, 2013. Disclosures The authors declare no conflicts of interest


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We present a method for calculating odome- try in three-dimensions for car-like ground ve- hicles with an Ackerman-like steering model. In our approach we use the information from a single camera to derive the odometry in the plane and fuse it with roll and pitch informa- tion derived from an on-board IMU to extend to three-dimensions, thus providing odometric altitude as well as traditional x and y transla- tion. We have mounted the odometry module on a standard Toyota Prado SUV and present results from a car-park environment as well as from an off-road track.


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In this chapter we present data drawn from observations of kindergarten children using iPads and talk with the children, their parents/guardians and teachers. We identify a continuum of practices that extends from ‘educational apps’ teaching handwriting, sight words and so forth to uses of the iPad as a device for multimodal literacy development and substantive conversation around children’s creative work. At the current time high stakes testing and the implementation of the Australian Curriculum are prompting new public and professional conversations about literacy and digital technology. The iPad is construed as both cause of and solution to problems of traditional literacy education. In this context we describe the literacies enabled by educational software available on iPads. We higlight the time constraints which bore on teachers' capacity to enact their visions of literacy education through the iPad platform and suggest ways of reflecting on responses to this constraint.


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The issue of media coverage of death has been under discussion by only a few scholars, and there have existed some disagreements as to just how present death is in public discourse in the Western world. This study adds to the literature on death by investigating the Australian media context. Specifically, it examines how journalists at two Australian quality newspapers, The Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald, cover death in their foreign news reporting. It finds that journalists express preferences for certain types of death, as well as for certain nationalities. Further, it sheds some light on just how visible death is in the news by arguing that, while present in the written word, the visual representation of death is still highly marginalised.


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There is consensus among practitioners and academics that culture is a critical factor that is able to determine success or failure of BPM initiatives. Yet, culture is a topic that seems difficult to grasp and manage. This may be the reason for the overall lack of guidance on how to address this topic in practice. We have conducted in-depth research for more than three years to examine why and how culture is relevant to BPM. In this chapter, we introduce a framework that explains the role of culture in BPM. We also present the relevant cultural values that compose a BPM culture, and we introduce a tool to examine the supportiveness of organizational cultures for BPM. Our research results provide the basis for further empirical analyses on the topic and support practitioners in the management of culture as an important factor in BPM initiatives.


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For more than 15 years, QUT’s Visual Arts discipline has employed a teaching model known as the ‘open studio’ in their undergraduate BFA program. Distinct from the other models of studio degrees in Australia, the open studio approach emphasizes individual practice by focusing on experimentation, collaboration and cross-disciplinary activities. However, while this activity proves to be highly relevant to exploring and participating in the ‘post medium’ nature of much contemporary art, the open studio also presents a complex of affecting challenges to the artist-teacher. The open studio, it can be argued, produces a different type of student than traditional, discipline-specific art programs – but it also produces a different kind of artist-teacher. In this paper, the authors will provide a reflection on their own experiences as artists and studio lecturers involved with the two ‘bookends’ of the QUT studio program – first year and third year. Using these separate contexts as case studies, the authors will discuss the transformative qualities of the open studio as it is adapted to the particularities of each cohort and the curricular needs of each year level. In particular, the authors will explore the way the teaching experience has influenced and positively challenged their individual (and paradoxically) discipline-focussed, studio practices. It is generally accepted that the teaching of art needs to be continually reconceptualised in response to the changing conditions of contemporary art, culture and technology. This paper will articulate how the authors have worked at that reconceptualisation within both their teaching and studio practices and so practically demonstrate the complex dialogic processes inherent to the teaching of the visual arts studio.


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Opsins are ancient molecules that enable animal vision by coupling to a vitamin-derived chromophore to form lightsensitive photopigments. The primary drivers of evolutionary diversification in opsins are thought to be visual tasks related to spectral sensitivity and color vision. Typically, only a few opsin amino acid sites affect photopigment spectral sensitivity. We show that opsin genes of the North American butterfly Limenitis arthemis have diversified along a latitudinal cline, consistent with natural selection due to environmental factors. We sequenced single nucleotide(SNP) polymorphisms in the coding regions of the ultraviolet (UVRh), blue (BRh), and long-wavelength (LWRh) opsin genes from ten butterfly populations along the eastern United States and found that a majority of opsin SNPs showed significant clinal variation. Outlier detection and analysis of molecular variance indicated that many SNPs are under balancing selection and show significant population structure. This contrasts with what we found by analysing SNPs in the wingless and EF-1 alpha loci, and from neutral amplified fragment length polymorphisms, which show no evidence of significant locus-specific or genome-wide structure among populations. Using a combination of functional genetic and physiological approaches, including expression in cell culture, transgenic Drosophila, UV-visible spectroscopy, and optophysiology, we show that key BRh opsin SNPs that vary clinally have almost no effect on spectral sensitivity. Our results suggest that opsin diversification in this butterfly is more consistent with natural selection unrelated to spectral tuning. Some of the clinally varying SNPs may instead play a role in regulating opsin gene expression levels or the thermostability of the opsin protein. Lastly, we discuss the possibility that insect opsins might have important, yet-to-be elucidated, adaptive functions in mediating animal responses to abiotic factors, such as temperature or photoperiod.


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Alcohol-related mortality and morbidity represents a substantial financial burden on communities across the world. Adolescence and young adulthood is a peak period for heavy episodic alcohol consumption, with over a third of all people aged 14-19 years having been at risk of acute alcoholrelated harm at least once in the previous 12 months (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2011). Excessive alcohol consumption has long been seen as a male problem; however, a gradual shift towards a social acceptance of female drunkenness has narrowed the gap in drinking quantity and style between men and women (Grucza, Bucholz, Rice, & Bierut, 2008). The presented data point to the vulnerability of women to the consequences of acute alcohol intoxication and indicate that alcohol-related offending by women is on the rise. Taken together, these findings reveal that alcohol-related harms and aggression for young women are becoming more prevalent and problematic. This report addressed these issues from a policing perspective...