977 resultados para selectively-excited


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The para orientation by the carbonyl groups in the bromination of phenanthrenequinone derivatives has been explained on the basis of an excited state resulting from thermal excitation of the quinone and/or from a n→π* transition of the nonbonding electrons of the oxygen atoms. A general preparative method for the syntheses of 3-bromophenanthrenequinone derivatives has been developed. The structure of 2-nitro-6-bromophenanthrenequinone has been established by degradation. Synthesis of 2-nitro-6-bromofluorenone is described. Direct bromination of phenanthrenequinone to 2-bromo and 2,7-dibromo derivatives has also been described.


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Earlier work has suggested that large-scale dynamos can reach and maintain equipartition field strengths on a dynamical time scale only if magnetic helicity of the fluctuating field can be shed from the domain through open boundaries. To test this scenario in convection-driven dynamos by comparing results for open and closed boundary conditions. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of turbulent compressible convection with shear and rotation are used to study the effects of boundary conditions on the excitation and saturation level of large-scale dynamos. Open (vertical field) and closed (perfect conductor) boundary conditions are used for the magnetic field. The contours of shear are vertical, crossing the outer surface, and are thus ideally suited for driving a shear-induced magnetic helicity flux. We find that for given shear and rotation rate, the growth rate of the magnetic field is larger if open boundary conditions are used. The growth rate first increases for small magnetic Reynolds number, Rm, but then levels off at an approximately constant value for intermediate values of Rm. For large enough Rm, a small-scale dynamo is excited and the growth rate in this regime increases proportional to Rm^(1/2). In the nonlinear regime, the saturation level of the energy of the mean magnetic field is independent of Rm when open boundaries are used. In the case of perfect conductor boundaries, the saturation level first increases as a function of Rm, but then decreases proportional to Rm^(-1) for Rm > 30, indicative of catastrophic quenching. These results suggest that the shear-induced magnetic helicity flux is efficient in alleviating catastrophic quenching when open boundaries are used. The horizontally averaged mean field is still weakly decreasing as a function of Rm even for open boundaries.


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Suurin ongelma syöpätautien lääkehoidossa on sen aiheuttamat toksiset sivuvaikutukset. Tyypillisesti vain noin 1 % elimistöön annostellusta lääkeaineesta saavuttaa hoitoa tarvitsevat syöpäsolut, loppuosa lääkeaineesta jää vahingoittamaan elimistön terveitä soluja. Toksiset sivuvaikutukset rajoittavat lääkehoidon annoksen nostamista elimistössä riittävälle pitoisuudelle, mikä johtaa usein sairauden ennenaikaiseen pahenemiseen ja mahdollisen lääkeaineresistenssin kehittymiseen. Liposomien välittämä lääkeaineen kohdentaminen voidaan jakaa kahteen eri menetelmään: passiiviseen ja aktiiviseen kohdentamiseen. Liposomien passiivisen kohdentamisen tarkoituksena on lisätä sytotoksisen lääkeaineen paikallistumista pelkästään kasvainkudokseen. Passiivinen kohdentaminen perustuu liposomien kulkeutumiseen verenkierron mukana, jolloin liposomit kerääntyvät epänormaalisti muodostuneeseen kasvainkudokseen. Liposomien aktiivisella kohdentamisella pyritään parantamaan passiivisesti kohdentuvien liposomien terapeuttista tehokkuutta kohdentamalla lääkeaineen vaikutus pelkästään syöpäsoluihin. Aktiivisessa kohdennuksessa liposomin pintaan kiinnitetään ligandi, joka spesifisesti tunnistaa kohdesolun. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman kirjallisen osion tarkoituksena oli tutustua syöpäkudokseen kohdennettujen liposomien ominaisuuksiin tehokkaan soluunoton ja sytotoksisuuden saavuttamiseksi. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ihmisen munasarjasta eristetyillä adenokarsinoomasoluilla (SKOV-3). Liposomit kohdennettiin setuksimabi (C225, Erbitux®) vasta-aineella, jonka on todettu olevan tietyissä syöpätyypeissä (mm. keuhko- ja kolorektaalisyövissä, pään ja kaulan syövissä sekä rinta-, munuais-, eturauhas-, haima- ja munasarjasyövissä) yli-ilmentyneen epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptoriperheen HER1-proteiinin (ErbB-1, EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor) spesifinen ja selektiivinen inhibiittori. Afrikan viherapinan munuaisista lähtöisin olevaa CV-1 solulinjaa käytettiin kontrollina kuvaamaan elimistön normaaleja soluja. Kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa tutkittiin soluunottokokeilla, joissa käytettiin kontrollina kohdentamattomia pegyloituja liposomeja. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineen spesifinen sitoutuminen EGF-reseptoriin todettiin kilpailutuskokeilla. Doksorubisiinia sisältävien immunoliposomien sytotoksisuutta selvitettiin Alamar Blue™ -elävyystestillä. Lisäksi immunoliposomien säilyvyyttä seurattiin mittaamalla liposomien keskimääräinen halkaisija noin kahden viikon välein. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineella kohdennettujen liposomien soluunotto oli huomattavasti suurentunut SKOV-3 syöpäsoluissa ja doksorubisiinia sisältävät kohdennetut liposomit aiheuttivat voimakkaamman sytotoksisen vaikutuksen kuin kohdentamattomat liposomit. Kohdennettujen doksorubisiiniliposomien sytotoksisuus tuli kuitenkin esille viiveellä, mikä viittaa lääkeaineen hitaaseen vapautumiseen liposomista. Suurentunutta soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ei havaittu CV-1 solulinjassa. Kohdennettujen liposomien sovellusmahdollisuudet lääketieteessä ja syövän hoidossa ovat merkittävät. Tällä hetkellä liposomien kliininen käyttö rajoittuu passiivisesti kohdennettuihin liposomeihin (Doxil® (Am.),Caelyx® (Eur.)). Lupaavista solukokeista huolimatta kohdennettujen liposomien terapeuttinen käyttö tulevaisuudessa näyttää haasteelliselta.


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The observation of (A-X) system of BiF has been extended up to λ 5316 and twenty new bands belonging to this system have been recorded. The band heads could be represented by the following equation: {Mathematical expression} Seven other faint bands in the region λ 5316-5492 have also been reported, which, however, could not be classified. By our analysis of the present data and from known thermochemical data it has been deduced that the ground state dissociation energy is, in all probability, around 20000 cm.-1 (∼2·5 ev.) and that the dissociation products are the normal Bi and F atoms. The dissociation energy of the upper state and the correlation rules have been used to show that the dissociation products in the upper state are very likely to be Bi atom in the excited state2D3/2 and F atom in its ground state (2P3/2).


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A simple and accurate method for the determination of 0.25 to 1.0 μg. of manganese (in samples containing 1 to 4 μg. of manganese) has been developed by modifying the conditions for the reaction between permanganate and benzidine. Manganese is oxidized with potassium periodate in orthophosphoric acid and selectively estimated in the presence of excess oxidant with benzidine in formic acid. The procedure is applicable for estimation of manganese in biological samples, with recoveries in the range 97.5 to 106.1%.


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The emission spectrum of bismuth monobromide has been investigated and a vibrational analysis of the A→X system has been made. About 286 bands were recorded in the region λλ 4595–6063 and the isotope effect due to Br79 and Br81 was observed in about 87 bands. A value of 2·74 ev. for the dissociation energy of the excited state has been obtained and arguments have been given to show that the dissociation products in the excited state are Bi(4S3/2) and Br(2P3/2) and that those of the ground state are most probably Bi (4S3/2) and Br (2P1/2) atoms.


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We show, for sufficiently high temperatures and sufficiently weak majority-carrier binding energies, that the dominant radiative transition at an isoelectronic acceptor (donor) in p-type (n-type) material consists of the recombination of singly trapped minority carriers (bound by central-cell forces) with free majority carriers attracted by a Coulomb interaction. There are two reasons why the radiative recombination rate of the free-to-bound process is greater than the bound exciton process, which dominates at lower temperatures: (i) The population of free majority-carrier states greatly exceeds that of exciton states at higher temperatures, and (ii) the oscillator strength of the free-to-bound transition is greatly enhanced by the Coulomb attraction between the free carrier and the charged isoelectronic impurity. This enhancement is important for isoelectronic centers and is easily calculable from existing exciton models. We show that the free carrier attracted by a Coulomb interaction can be viewed as a continuum excited state of the bound exciton. When we apply the results of our calculations to the GaP(Zn, O) system, we find that the major part of the room-temperature luminescence from nearest-neighbor isoelectronic Zn-O complexes results from free-to-bound recombination and not exciton recombination as has been thought previously. Recent experiments on impulse excitation of luminescence in GaP(Zn, O) are reevaluated in the light of our calculations and are shown to be consistent with a strong free-to-bound transition. For deep isoelectronic centers with weakly bound majority carriers, we predict an overwhelming dominance of the free-to-bound process at 300°K.


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Normal growth and development require the precise control of gene expression. Transcription factors are proteins that regulate gene expression by binding specific sequences of DNA. Abnormalities in transcription are implicated in a variety of human diseases, including cancer, endocrine disorders and birth defects. Transcription factor GATA4 has emerged as an important regulator of normal development and function in a variety of endoderm- and mesoderm- derived tissues, including gut, heart and several endocrine organs, such as gonads. Mice harboring a null mutation of Gata4 gene die during embryogenesis due to failure in heart formation, complicating the study of functional role of GATA4 in other organs. However, the expression pattern of GATA4 suggests it may play a role in the regulation of ovarian granulosa cell development, function and apoptosis. This premise is supported by in vitro studies showing that GATA4 regulates several steroidogenic enzymes as well as auto-, para- and endocrine signaling molecules important for granulosa cell function. This study assessed the in vivo role of GATA4 for granulosa cell function by utilizing two genetically modified mouse strains. The findings in the GATA4 deficient mice included delayed puberty, impaired fertility and signs of diminished estrogen production. At the molecular level, the GATA4 deficiency leads to attenuated expression of central steroidogenic genes, Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), Side-chain cleavage (SCC), and aromatase as a response to stimulations with exogenous gonadotropins. Taken together, these suggest GATA4 is necessary for the normal ovarian function and female fertility. Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a crucial part of normal ovarian development and function. In addition, disturbances in apoptosis have been implicated to pathogenesis of human granulosa cell tumors (GCTs). Apoptosis is controlled by extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. The intrinsic pathway is regulated by members of Bcl-2 family, and its founding member, the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2, is known to be important for granulosa cell survival. This study showed that the expression levels of GATA4 and Bcl-2 correlate in the human GCTs and that GATA4 regulates Bcl-2 expression, presumably by directly binding to its promoter. In addition, disturbing GATA4 function was sufficient to induce apoptosis in cultured GCT- derived cell line. Taken together, these results suggest GATA4 functions as an anti-apoptotic factor in GCTs. The extrinsic apoptotic pathway is controlled by the members of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily. An interesting ligand of this family is TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), possessing a unique ability to selectively induce apoptosis in malignant cells. This study characterized the previously unknown expression of TRAIL and its receptors in both developing and adult human ovary, as well as in malignant granulosa cell tumors. TRAIL pathway was shown to be active in GCTs suggesting it may be a useful tool in treating these malignancies. However, more studies are required to assess the function of TRAIL pathway in normal ovaries. In addition to its ability to induce apoptosis in GCTs, this study revealed that GATA4 protects these malignancies from TRAIL-induced apoptosis. GATA4 presumably exerts this effect by regulating the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. This is of particular interest as high expression of GATA4 is known to correlate to aggressive GCT behavior. Thus, GATA4 seems to protect GCTs from endogenous TRAIL by upregulating anti-apoptotic factors such as Bcl-2.


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A theory of the insulator-metal transition in transition-metal compounds is developed in terms of the collapse of the effective energy gap which is a function of the thermally excited electron-hole pairs. This dependence is shown to arise from the hole-lattice interaction. The reaction of the lattice is found to be equivalent to generating an internal positive pressure (strain). Estimates show that the observed typical behaviour of the conductivity jump and the change of volume at the transition temperature can be explained by the present theory.


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This paper describes a new flexible delexicalization method based on glottal excited parametric speech synthesis scheme. The system utilizes inverse filtered glottal flow and all-pole modelling of the vocal tract. The method provides a possibil- ity to retain and manipulate all relevant prosodic features of any kind of speech. Most importantly, the features include voice quality, which has not been properly modeled in earlier delex- icalization methods. The functionality of the new method was tested in a prosodic tagging experiment aimed at providing word prominence data for a text-to-speech synthesis system. The ex- periment confirmed the usefulness of the method and further corroborated earlier evidence that linguistic factors influence the perception of prosodic prominence.


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The ultraviolet bands of mercury iodide have been excited in uncondensed discharge and photographed with a quartz Littrow spectrograph. The bands in the region λ 2658 to 2530 Å have been analysed into two systems which may form the two components of a2Π-2∑ electronic transition with a2Π interval equal to 858·9 cm-1. These systems and the systems in the region λ 3095 to 2647 Å have the same lower state.


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The IEEE 802.1le medium access control (MAC) standard provides distributed service differentiation or Quality-of- Service (QoS) by employing a priority system. In 802.1 le networks, network traffic is classified into different priorities or access categories (ACs). Nodes maintain separate queues for each AC and packets at the head-of-line (HOL) of each queue contend for channel access using AC-specific parameters. Such a mechanism allows the provision of differentiated QoS where high priority, performance sensitive traffic such as voice and video applications will enjoy less delay, greater throughput and smaller loss, compared to low priority traffic (e. g. file transfer). The standard implicitly assumes that nodes are honest and will truthfully classify incoming traffic into its appropriate AC. However, in the absence of any additional mechanism, selfish users can gain enhanced performance by selectively classifying low priority traffic as high priority, potentially destroying the QoS capability of the system.


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We demonstrate a new and simple route to fabricate highly dense arrays of hexagonally close packed inorganic nanodots using functional diblock copolymer (PS-b-P4VP) thin films. The deposition of pre-synthesized inorganic nanoparticles selectively into the P4VP domains of PS-b-P4VP thin films, followed by removal of the polymer, led to highly ordered metallic patterns identical to the order of the starting thin film. Examples of Au, Pt and Pd nanodot arrays are presented. The affinity of the different metal nanoparticles towards P4VP chains is also understood by extending this approach to PS-b-P4VP micellar thin films. The procedure used here is simple, eco-friendly, and compatible with the existing silicon-based technology. Also the method could be applied to various other block copolymer morphologies for generating 1-dimensional (1D) and 2-dimensional (2D) structures. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.


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This article presents the optical absorption and emission properties of Pr3+ and Nd3+ doped two different mixed alkali chloroborate glass matrices of the type 70B(2)O(3)center dot xLiCl center dot(30 - x)NaCl and 70B(2)O(3)center dot xLiCl center dot(30 - x)KCl (x = 5, 10, 15.20 and 25). The variation of Judd-Ofelt parameters (Omega(2), Omega(4) and Omega(6)), total radiative transition probabilities (A(T)), radiative lifetimes (tau(R)) and emission cross-sections (sigma(p)) with the variation of alkali contents in the glass matrix have been discussed in detail. The changes in the peak wavelengths of the hypersensitive transition and intensity parameters with x are correlated to the structural changes in the host matrix. The estimated radiative lifetimes of certain excited states of Pr3+ and Nd3+ in these two glass matrices are reported. Peak stimulated emission cross-sections (sigma(p)) are reported for the observed emission transitions of Pr3+ and Nd3+ ions. Branching ratios (beta) of the observed emission transitions obtained from the Judd-Ofelt theory are compared with the values obtained from the emission spectra. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.