882 resultados para query reformulation


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Techniques devoted to generating triangular meshes from intensity images either take as input a segmented image or generate a mesh without distinguishing individual structures contained in the image. These facts may cause difficulties in using such techniques in some applications, such as numerical simulations. In this work we reformulate a previously developed technique for mesh generation from intensity images called Imesh. This reformulation makes Imesh more versatile due to an unified framework that allows an easy change of refinement metric, rendering it effective for constructing meshes for applications with varied requirements, such as numerical simulation and image modeling. Furthermore, a deeper study about the point insertion problem and the development of geometrical criterion for segmentation is also reported in this paper. Meshes with theoretical guarantee of quality can also be obtained for each individual image structure as a post-processing step, a characteristic not usually found in other methods. The tests demonstrate the flexibility and the effectiveness of the approach.


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In this paper, we present a new reformulation of the KKT system associated to a variational inequality as a semismooth equation. The reformulation is derived from the concept of differentiable exact penalties for nonlinear programming. The best theoretical results are presented for nonlinear complementarity problems, where simple, verifiable, conditions ensure that the penalty is exact. We close the paper with some preliminary computational tests on the use of a semismooth Newton method to solve the equation derived from the new reformulation. We also compare its performance with the Newton method applied to classical reformulations based on the Fischer-Burmeister function and on the minimum. The new reformulation combines the best features of the classical ones, being as easy to solve as the reformulation that uses the Fischer-Burmeister function while requiring as few Newton steps as the one that is based on the minimum.


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Two Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving KKT systems are introduced. The algorithms differ in the way in which penalty parameters are updated. Possibly infeasible accumulation points are characterized. It is proved that feasible limit points that satisfy the Constant Positive Linear Dependence constraint qualification are KKT solutions. Boundedness of the penalty parameters is proved under suitable assumptions. Numerical experiments are presented.


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The concept of taut submanifold of Euclidean space is due to Carter and West, and can be traced back to the work of Chern and Lashof on immersions with minimal total absolute curvature and the subsequent reformulation of that work by Kuiper in terms of critical point theory. In this paper, we classify the reducible representations of compact simple Lie groups, all of whose orbits are tautly embedded in Euclidean space, with respect to Z(2)-coefficients.


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Hologram quantitative structure-activity relationships (HQSAR) were applied to a data set of 41 cruzain inhibitors. The best HQSAR model (Q(2) = 0.77; R-2 = 0.90) employing Surflex-Sim, as training and test sets generator, was obtained using atoms, bonds, and connections as fragment distinctions and 4-7 as fragment size. This model was then used to predict the potencies of 12 test set compounds, giving satisfactory predictive R-2 value of 0,88. The contribution maps obtained from the best HQSAR model are in agreement with the biological activities of the study compounds. The Trypanosoma cruzi cruzain shares high similarity with the mammalian homolog cathepsin L. The selectivity toward cruzam was checked by a database of 123 compounds, which corresponds to the 41 cruzain inhibitors used in the HQSAR model development plus 82 cathepsin L inhibitors. We screened these compounds by ROCS (Rapid Overlay of Chemical Structures), a Gaussian-shape volume overlap filter that can rapidly identify shapes that match the query molecule. Remarkably, ROCS was able to rank the first 37 hits as being only cruzain inhibitors. In addition, the area under the curve (AUC) obtained with ROCS was 0.96, indicating that the method was very efficient to distinguishing between cruzain and cathepsin L inhibitors. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Detta är en kvalitativ studie med syftet att inom en enhet på Stockholms Stad identifiera friskfaktorer och undersöka vad som krävs för att fortsatt bevara dessa. Vidare är syftet att undersöka vilket stöd som är nödvändigt för bevarandet samt HR-funktionens roll i detta avseende. Enheten är, sett till sjukfrånvaro, en välmående grupp som står inför förändringar inom marknaden och målsättning då de påverkas av det nyligen genomförda regeringsskiftet. Ett frågeverktyg användes för att framställa de åtta viktigaste dimensionerna av det attraktiva arbetet och en fördjupad diskussion kring dessa fördes sedan under en fokusgruppsintervju tillsammans med enhetens medarbetare. Resultatet visade att de viktigaste dimensionerna var bland annat arbetstid och relationer. Vidare påvisades att en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är av stor vikt för medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående. För att fortsatt bevara det attraktiva i arbetet visade empirin att gruppens relationer och ledaren var nyckelfaktorer och att HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, enbart bidrar med en administrativ och vägledande roll i frågan om stöd. Arbetets slutsatser innefattar att bevarandet av friskfaktorer kräver att tillvaron måste vara begriplig, hanterlig och meningsfull men även att medarbetarna behöver rimliga krav i relation till deras handlingsutrymme. En vidare slutsats är behovet av en förändring i ledarskapsbeteendet i kommande stadier då gruppen eventuellt kommer att hamna i en ny mognadsfas på grund förändrade omständigheter. Författarna drar även slutsatsen att friskfaktorer är till viss del individuellt beroende på livssituation men att balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är betydande för de flesta. HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, har en informativ och administrativ roll i frågan om stöd och författarna anser att det ligger en logik i denna roll. Sett till organisationens storlek är det lättare att vända psykosociala frågor till företagshälsovård eller en psykologgrupp och få det arbetsrättsliga stödet eller information från HR-funktionen.


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The provenance of entities, whether electronic data or physical artefacts, is crucial information in practically all domains, including science, business and art. The increased use of software in automating activities provides the opportunity to add greatly to the amount we can know about an entityâ??s history and the process by which it came to be as it is. However, it also presents difficulties: querying for the provenance of an entity could potentially return detailed information stretching back to the beginning of time, and most of it possibly irrelevant to the querier. In this paper, we define the concept of provenance query and describe techniques that allow us to perform scoped provenance queries.


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The authors take a broad view that ultimately Grid- or Web-services must be located via personalised, semantic-rich discovery processes. They argue that such processes must rely on the storage of arbitrary metadata about services that originates from both service providers and service users. Examples of such metadata are reliability metrics, quality of service data, or semantic service description markup. This paper presents UDDI-MT, an extension to the standard UDDI service directory approach that supports the storage of such metadata via a tunnelling technique that ties the metadata store to the original UDDI directory. They also discuss the use of a rich, graph-based RDF query language for syntactic queries on this data. Finally, they analyse the performance of each of these contributions in our implementation.


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We take a broad view that ultimately Grid- or Web-services must be located via personalised, semantic-rich discovery processes. We argue that such processes must rely on the storage of arbitrary metadata about services that originates from both service providers and service users. Examples of such metadata are reliability metrics, quality of service data, or semantic service description markup. This paper presents UDDI-MT, an extension to the standard UDDI service directory approach that supports the storage of such metadata via a tunnelling technique that ties the metadata store to the original UDDI directory. We also discuss the use of a rich, graph-based RDF query language for syntactic queries on this data. Finally, we analyse the performance of each of these contributions in our implementation.


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The open provenance architecture (OPA) approach to the challenge was distinct in several regards. In particular, it is based on an open, well-defined data model and architecture, allowing different components of the challenge workflow to independently record documentation, and for the workflow to be executed in any environment. Another noticeable feature is that we distinguish between the data recorded about what has occurred, emphprocess documentation, and the emphprovenance of a data item, which is all that caused the data item to be as it is and is obtained as the result of a query over process documentation. This distinction allows us to tailor the system to separately best address the requirements of recording and querying documentation. Other notable features include the explicit recording of causal relationships between both events and data items, an interaction-based world model, intensional definition of data items in queries rather than relying on explicit naming mechanisms, and emphstyling of documentation to support non-functional application requirements such as reducing storage costs or ensuring privacy of data. In this paper we describe how each of these features aid us in answering the challenge provenance queries.


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It is rare for data's history to include computational processes alone. Even when software generates data, users ultimately decide to execute software procedures, choose their configuration and inputs, reconfigure, halt and restart processes, and so on. Understanding the provenance of data thus involves understanding the reasoning of users behind these decisions, but demanding that users explicitly document decisions could be intrusive if implemented naively, and impractical in some cases. In this paper, therefore, we explore an approach to transparently deriving the provenance of user decisions at query time. The user reasoning is simulated, and if the result of the simulation matches the documented decision, the simulation is taken to approximate the actual reasoning. The plausibility of this approach requires that the simulation mirror human decision -making, so we adopt an automated process explicitly modelled on human psychology. The provenance of the decision is modelled in OPM, allowing it to be queried as part of a larger provenance graph, and an OPM profile is provided to allow consistent querying of provenance across user decisions.


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We discuss the development and performance of a low-power sensor node (hardware, software and algorithms) that autonomously controls the sampling interval of a suite of sensors based on local state estimates and future predictions of water flow. The problem is motivated by the need to accurately reconstruct abrupt state changes in urban watersheds and stormwater systems. Presently, the detection of these events is limited by the temporal resolution of sensor data. It is often infeasible, however, to increase measurement frequency due to energy and sampling constraints. This is particularly true for real-time water quality measurements, where sampling frequency is limited by reagent availability, sensor power consumption, and, in the case of automated samplers, the number of available sample containers. These constraints pose a significant barrier to the ubiquitous and cost effective instrumentation of large hydraulic and hydrologic systems. Each of our sensor nodes is equipped with a low-power microcontroller and a wireless module to take advantage of urban cellular coverage. The node persistently updates a local, embedded model of flow conditions while IP-connectivity permits each node to continually query public weather servers for hourly precipitation forecasts. The sampling frequency is then adjusted to increase the likelihood of capturing abrupt changes in a sensor signal, such as the rise in the hydrograph – an event that is often difficult to capture through traditional sampling techniques. Our architecture forms an embedded processing chain, leveraging local computational resources to assess uncertainty by analyzing data as it is collected. A network is presently being deployed in an urban watershed in Michigan and initial results indicate that the system accurately reconstructs signals of interest while significantly reducing energy consumption and the use of sampling resources. We also expand our analysis by discussing the role of this approach for the efficient real-time measurement of stormwater systems.


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O Modelo Temporal de Versões (TVM Vesions Model) foi proposto com base na união de um modelo de versões com informações temporais. Esse modelo permite o armazenamento de alternativas de projeto, o armazenamento da história dos dados em evolução, bem cmoo a reconstrução do estado da base em qualquer data passada, sem o uso de operações complexas de backup e recovery. Para realizar consultas nesse modelo foi definida uma linguagem de consulta, a TVQL (Temporal Versioned Query Language). Além das consultas básicas realizadas pela linguagem padrão AQL, a TVQL permite novas consultas que retornam valores específicos das características de tempo e versões, estabelecendo um comportamento o mais homogêneo possível para elementos normais e temporais vesionados. O objetivo principal deste trabalho e possibilitar a realização de consultas TVQL em um banco de dados convencional. Nesse contexto, o mapeamento da TVQL é implementando através da tradução de todas as propriedades e funções definidas na TVQL para SQL. Para que isso seja possível é necessário queos dados também estejam nesse banco de dados. Então, faz-se necessário o mapeamento das classes da hierarquia do TVM, bem como das classes da aplciação, para o banco de dados. Adicionalmente, é implementado um protótipo de uma interface de consultas realizadas em TVQL, para testar o funcionamento tanto da TVL como do seu mapeamento.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma extensão do padrão ODMG para o suporte ao versionamento de objetos e características temporais. Essa extensão, denominada TV_ODMG, é baseada no Modelo Temporal de Versões (TVM), que é um modelo de dados orientado a objetos desenvolvido para armazenar as versões do objeto e, para cada versão, o histórico dos valores dos atributos e dos relacionamentos dinâmicos. O TVM difere de outros modelos de dados temporais por apresentar duas diferentes ordens de tempo, ramificado para o objeto e linear para cada versão. O usuário pode também especificar, durante a modelagem, classes normais (sem tempo e versões), o que permite a integração desse modelo com outras modelagens existentes. Neste trabalho, os seguintes componentes da arquitetura do padrão ODMG foram estendidos: o Modelo de Objetos, a ODL (Object Definition Language) e a OQL (Object Query Language). Adicionalmente, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de regras para o mapeamento do TV_ODMG para o ODMG a fim de permitir o uso de qualquer ODBMS para suportar a extensão proposta.


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Nas últimas décadas, as propostas de reforma tributária em diversos países foram redirecionadas para a redução dos encargos incidentes sobre poupança e investimento, para a atenuação da progressividade do imposto sobre a renda do trabalho e para o aumento da participação dos impostos sobre o consumo na receita tributária. Atualmente, os impostos sobre o consumo representam a parcela mais significativa da carga tributária no Brasil. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as principais características e ineficiências da tributação do consumo no Brasil. Algumas distorções já foram corrigidas, mas outras ainda necessitam de correção. Pretende-se também mostrar os maiores desafios para a reformulação dessa forma de tributação.