975 resultados para narrow-band filtering


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Broad-band semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) with different thicknesses and thin bulk tensile-strained active layers were fabricated and studied. Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectra and gain spectra of SOAs were measured and analyzed at different CW biases. A maximal 3 dB ASE bandwidth of 136 nm ranging from 1480 to 1616 nm, and a 3 dB optical amplifier gain bandwidth of about 90 nm ranging from 1510 to 1600 nm, were obtained for the very thin bulk active SOA. Other SOAs characteristics such as saturation output power and polarization sensitivity were measured and compared. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We find that the Rashba spin splitting is intrinsically a nonlinear function of the momentum, and the linear Rashba model may overestimate it significantly, especially in narrow-gap semiconductors. A nonlinear Rashba model is proposed, which is in good agreement with the numerical results from the eight-band k center dot p theory. Using this model, we find pronounced suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate at large electron densities, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the resonance peak position of the electron spin lifetime on the electron density in [111]-oriented quantum wells, both in qualitative disagreement with the predictions of the linear Rashba model.


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The temperature and pressure dependences of band-edge photo luminescence from ZnO microrods have been investigated. The energy separation between the free exciton (FX) and its first order phonon replica (FX-1LO) decreases at a rate of k(B)T with increasing temperature. The intensity ratio of the FX-1LO to the bound exciton (BX) emission is found to decrease slightly with increasing pressure. All of the exciton emission peaks show a blue shift with increasing pressure. The pressure coefficient of the FX transition, longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy, and binding energy of BX are estimated to be 21.4, 0.5, and 0.9 meV/GPa, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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p-type doping is a great challenge for the full utilization of ZnO as short-wavelength optoelectronic material. Due to a large electronegative characteristic of oxygen, the ionization energy of acceptors in ZnO is usually too high. By analyzing the defect wave-function character, we propose several approaches to lower the acceptor ionization energy by codoping acceptors with donor or isovalent atoms. Using the first-principles band-structure method, we show that the acceptor transition energies of V-Zn-O-O can be reduced by introducing F-O next to V-Zn to reduce electronic potential, whereas the acceptor transition energy of N-O-nZn(Zn) (n=1-4) can be reduced if we replace Zn by isovalent Mg or Be to reduce the anion and cation kinetic p-d repulsion, as well as the electronic potential.


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Narrow stripe selective growth of oxide-free InGaAlAs/InGaAlAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) has been successfully performed on patterned InP substrates by ultra-low pressure MOVPE. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the narrow stripe selectively grown MQWs under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown MQWs were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the MQWs from being oxidized during the fabrication of the devices. The characteristics of selectively grown MQWs were strongly dependent on the mask stripe width. In particular, a PL peak wavelength shift of 73 nm, a PL intensity of more than 57% and a PL FWHM of less than 102 meV were observed simultaneously with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 mu m. The results were explained by considering the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapour diffusion effect (LVD).


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We have performed a narrow stripe selective growth of oxide-free A1GaInAs waveguides on InP substrates patterned with pairs of SiO2 mask stripes under optimized growth conditions. The mask stripe width varied from 0 to 40 mu m, while the window region width between a pair of mask stripes was fixed at 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 mu m. Flat and smooth A1GaInAs waveguides covered by specific InP layers are successfully grown on substrates patterned with different mask designs. The thickness enhancement ratio and the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the A1GaInAs narrow stripe waveguides are strongly dependent on the mask stripe width and the window region width. In particular, a large PL wavelength shift of 79 nm and a PL FWHM of less than 64 meV are obtained simultaneously with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 mu m when the window region width is 1.5 mu m. We present some possible interpretations of the experimental observations in considering both the migration effect from a masked region and the lateral vapour diffusion effect.


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The biaxial piezospectroscopic coefficient (i.e., the rate of spectral shift with stress) of the electrostimulated near-band-gap luminescence of gallium nitride (GaN) was determined as Pi=-25.8 +/- 0.2 meV/GPa. A controlled biaxial stress field was applied on a hexagonal GaN film, epitaxially grown on (0001) sapphire using a ball-on-ring biaxial bending jig, and the spectral shift of the electrostimulated near-band-gap was measured in situ in the scanning electron microscope. This calibration method can be useful to overcome the lack of a bulk crystal of relatively large size for more conventional uniaxial bending calibrations, which has so far hampered the precise determination of the piezospectroscopic coefficient of GaN. The main source of error involved with the present calibration method is represented by the selection of appropriate values for the elastic stiffness constants of both film and substrate. The ball-on-ring calibration method can be generally applied to directly determine the biaxial-stress dependence of selected cathodoluminescence bands of epilayer/substrate materials without requiring separation of the film from the substrate. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The eight-band effective-mass Hamiltonian of the free-standing narrow-gap InAs quantum ellipsoids is developed, and the electron and hole electronic structures as well as optical properties are calculated by using the model. The energies, wave functions and transition probabilities of quantum spheres as functions of the radius of quantum sphere R is presented. It is found that the energy levels do not vary as 1/R-2, which is caused by the coupling between the conduction and valence bands, and by the constant terms correspond to the spin-orbit splitting energy. The blueshifts of hole states depend strongly on the coupling from electron states, so that the order of hole states changes as has been predicted in experiment. The exciton binding energies are calculated, the calculated excitonic gaps as functions of the ground exciton transition energy are in good agreement with the photoluminescence measured spectra in details. Finally, the hole energy levels and the linear polarization factors in InAs quantum ellipsoids as functions of the aspect ratio are presented. The state 1S(Z up arrow)((1/2)) becomes the hole ground state when e is larger than 2.4. The saturation value of the linear polarization factors of the InAs long ellipsoids of diameter 2.0 nm is 0.86, in agreement with the experimental results.


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By comparing the results of some well-controlled calculation methods, we analyze the relative importance of bulk band structure, multi-bulk-band coupling, and boundary conditions in determining colloidal quantum dot conduction band eigenenergies. We find that while the bulk band structure and correct boundary conditions are important, the effects of multi-bulk-band coupling are small.


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Four well-resolved peaks with very narrow linewidths were found in the D-band and G'-band features of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). This fact implies the occurrence of additional van Hove singularities (vHSs) in the joint density of states (JDOS) of DWNTs, which is consistent with theoretical calculations. According to their peak frequencies and theoretical analysis, the two outer peaks can be deduced to originate from a strong coupling between the two constituent tubes of commensurate DWNTs and the two inner peaks were curvature-related and assigned to originate from the two tubes with a weak coupling. This observation and elucidation constitute the first Raman evidence for atomic correlation and the resulting electronic structure change of the two constituent tubes in DWNTs. This result opens the possibility of predicting and modifying the electronic properties of DWNTs for their electronic applications.


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Chain-like Mg-doped ZnO nanoparticles were prepared using a wet chemical method combined with subsequent heat treatment. The blueshifted near-band-edge emission of the doped ZnO sample with respect to the undoped one was investigated by temperature-dependent photoluminescence. Based on the energy shift of the free-exciton transition, a band gap enlargement of similar to 83 meV was estimated, which seems to result in the equivalent shift of the bound-exciton transition. At 50 K, the transformation from the donor-acceptor-pair to free-to-acceptor emissions was observed for both the undoped and doped samples. The results show that Mg doping leads to the decrease of the acceptor binding energy. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The valence band structures of Al-N-codoped [ZnO:(Al, N)] and N-doped (ZnO:N) ZnO films were studied by normal and soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence-band maximum of ZnO:(Al, N) shifts up to Fermi energy level by about 300 meV compared with that of ZnO:N. Such a shift can be attributed to the existence of a kind of Al-N in ZnO:(Al, N), as supported by core level XPS spectra and comparison of modified Auger parameters. Al-N increased the relative quantity of Zn-N in ZnO:(Al, N), while N-N decreased that of Zn-N in ZnO:N. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The optical properties of two kinds of InGaN/GaN quantum-wells light emitting diodes, one of which was doped with Si in barriers while the other was not, are comparatively investigated using time-integrated photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence techniques. The results clearly demonstrate the coexistence of the band gap renormalization and phase-space filling effect in the structures with Si doped barriers. It is surprisingly found that photogenerated carriers in the intentionally undoped structures decay nonexponentially, whereas carriers in the Si doped ones exhibit a well exponential time evolution. A new model developed by O. Rubel, S. D. Baranovskii, K. Hantke, J. D. Heber, J. Koch, P. Thomas, J. M. Marshall, W. Stolz, and W. H. Ruhle [J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 7, 115 (2005)] was used to simulate the decay curves of the photogenerated carriers in both structures, which enables us to determine the localization length of the photogenerated carriers in the structures. It is found that the Si doping in the barriers not only leads to remarkable many-body effects but also significantly affects the carrier recombination dynamics in InGaN/GaN layered heterostructures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The origin of spurious solutions in the eight-band envelope function model is examined and it is shown that spurious solutions arise from the additional spurious degeneracies caused by the unphysical bowing of the conduction bands calculated within the eight-band k center dot p model. We propose two approaches to eliminate these spurious solutions. Using the first approach, the wave vector cutoff method, we demonstrate the origin and elimination of spurious solutions in a transparent way without modifying the original Hamiltonian. Through the second approach, we introduce some freedom in modifying the Hamiltonian. The comparison between the results from the various modified Hamiltonians suggests that the wave vector cutoff method can give accurate enough description to the final results.


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Based on the band-anticrossing model, the effect of the strain-compensated layer and the strain-mediated layer on the band structure, the gain, and the differential gain of GaInNAs-GaAs quantum well lasers have been investigated. Different band-filling mechanisms have been illustrated. Compared to the GaInNAs-GaAs single quantum well with the same wavelength,, the introduction. (if the strain-compensated layer and the strain-mediated layer increases the transparency carrier density. However, these multilayer structures help to suppress the degradation of the differential gain.