839 resultados para exacerbation nutritional status
L’exacerbation de la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées hospitalisées est fréquente. Le traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) est une condition médicale associée à un état de stress et d’hypercatabolisme particulièrement élevé (Cook, 2008) qui rend la personne âgée encore plus vulnérable. De plus, les recommandations en vigueur pour l’apport protéique (0,8 g/kg) semblent insuffisantes pour freiner la perte de masse musculaire qui conduit à la sarcopénie. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’un supplément protéino-énergétique sur les performances physiques de la personne âgée traumatisée crânienne en réadaptation, plus spécifiquement sur la distance de marche, la force de préhension, ainsi que le test du « Time up and go » (TUG). Vingtquatre sujets, âgés de 65 à 94 ans (14 hommes) ont consenti à participer à cette étude randomisée contrôlée à double-aveugle dans un centre de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive à Montréal. L’intervention consistait à ingérer un supplément nutritionnel (230 kcal, 15 g protéines, 25 g glucides) ou un placebo immédiatement après le traitement régulier de physiothérapie (45 à 60 minutes, 4 à 5 fois par semaine). Aucune différence significative n’a été trouvée dans les caractéristiques de base des 2 groupes. Une amélioration significative a été trouvée dans le groupe supplément pour le test du TUG. Notre étude d’intervention est la première en nutrition en sol québécois dans les Centres de réadaptation. La consommation d’un supplément chez la personne âgée durant le traitement de physiothérapie est une mesure simple et facile à introduire dans un contexte clinique. Même en l’absence de gains significatifs sur l’ensemble des mesures physiques, le supplément nutritionnel permet d’augmenter les apports caloriques et protéiques, ce qui peut contribuer à optimiser l’état nutritionnel. La littérature documente largement les impacts négatifs de la malnutrition et toute mesure pouvant contribuer à diminuer la prévalence de cette dernière ne peut donc qu’être positive.
The eggs of the dengue fever vector Aedes aegypti possess the ability to undergo an extended quiescence period hosting a fully developed first instar larvae within its chorion. As a result of this life history stage, pharate larvae can withstand months of dormancy inside the egg where they depend on stored reserves of maternal origin. This adaptation known as pharate first instar quiescence, allows A. aegypti to cope with fluctuations in water availability. An examination of this fundamental adaptation has shown that there are trade-offs associated with it. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are frequently associated with urban habitats that may contain metal pollution. My research has demonstrated that the duration of this quiescence and the extent of nutritional depletion associated with it affects the physiology and survival of larvae that hatch in a suboptimal habitat; nutrient reserves decrease during pharate first instar quiescence and alter subsequent larval and adult fitness. The duration of quiescence compromises metal tolerance physiology and is coupled to a decrease in metallothionein mRNA levels. My findings also indicate that even low levels of environmentally relevant larval metal stress alter the parameters that determine vector capacity. My research has also demonstrated that extended pharate first instar quiescence can elicit a plastic response resulting in an adult phenotype distinct from adults reared from short quiescence eggs. Extended pharate first instar quiescence affects the performance and reproductive fitness of the adult female mosquito as well as the nutritional status of its progeny via maternal effects in an adaptive manner, i.e., anticipatory phenotypic plasticity results as a consequence of the duration of pharate first instar quiescence and alternative phenotypes may exist for this mosquito with quiescence serving as a cue possibly signaling the environmental conditions that follow a dry period. M findings may explain, in part, A. aegypti’s success as a vector and its geographic distribution and have implications for its vector capacity and control.
Factors associated with and barriers to participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the effect participation has on food security, nutrition status, disease status and quality of life was investigated in a cross-sectional study including 175 HIV infected individuals. In addition, the effect of a targeted nutrition education on nutrition knowledge, readiness to dietary behavior change, nutrition status, disease status and quality of life was also investigated among a subset of the population (N = 45) in a randomized clinical control trial. SNAP participation rate was 70.3%, similar to the State of Florida and national participation rates. SNAP participation was positively and independently associated with being born in the US (P < 0.001), having monthly income less than $1000 (P = 0.006), and receiving antiretroviral treatment (P < 0.001). Participation barriers include denial of participation by program, recent incarceration, living in a shelter where participation is not allowed and unawareness of eligibility status. In regression analyses, SNAP participation was not significantly associated with improved food security, nutrition status, disease status and health related quality of life (HRQOL). Over half (56%) of the population experienced food insecurity and had inadequate intakes of half of the nutrients assessed. Illicit drug, alcohol and cigarette use were high in this population (31%, 55% and 63% respectively), and affected food security, nutrients intake, disease status and HRQOL. The nutrition education intervention resulted in a trend towards improvements nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, and readiness to change without impacting nutrition status, disease state and quality of life. Food insecurity and other nutrition related issues, with implications for treatment, management and cost of HIV disease, continue to plague infected individuals living in poverty. More resources, including food and nutrition programs, specifically targeted towards this population are needed to address these issues.
L’exacerbation de la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées hospitalisées est fréquente. Le traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) est une condition médicale associée à un état de stress et d’hypercatabolisme particulièrement élevé (Cook, 2008) qui rend la personne âgée encore plus vulnérable. De plus, les recommandations en vigueur pour l’apport protéique (0,8 g/kg) semblent insuffisantes pour freiner la perte de masse musculaire qui conduit à la sarcopénie. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’un supplément protéino-énergétique sur les performances physiques de la personne âgée traumatisée crânienne en réadaptation, plus spécifiquement sur la distance de marche, la force de préhension, ainsi que le test du « Time up and go » (TUG). Vingtquatre sujets, âgés de 65 à 94 ans (14 hommes) ont consenti à participer à cette étude randomisée contrôlée à double-aveugle dans un centre de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive à Montréal. L’intervention consistait à ingérer un supplément nutritionnel (230 kcal, 15 g protéines, 25 g glucides) ou un placebo immédiatement après le traitement régulier de physiothérapie (45 à 60 minutes, 4 à 5 fois par semaine). Aucune différence significative n’a été trouvée dans les caractéristiques de base des 2 groupes. Une amélioration significative a été trouvée dans le groupe supplément pour le test du TUG. Notre étude d’intervention est la première en nutrition en sol québécois dans les Centres de réadaptation. La consommation d’un supplément chez la personne âgée durant le traitement de physiothérapie est une mesure simple et facile à introduire dans un contexte clinique. Même en l’absence de gains significatifs sur l’ensemble des mesures physiques, le supplément nutritionnel permet d’augmenter les apports caloriques et protéiques, ce qui peut contribuer à optimiser l’état nutritionnel. La littérature documente largement les impacts négatifs de la malnutrition et toute mesure pouvant contribuer à diminuer la prévalence de cette dernière ne peut donc qu’être positive.
O envelhecimento da população, bem como a alteração da dinâmica da família, têm contribuído diretamente para o aumento do número de idosos institucionalizados. A incidência da desnutrição alcança níveis elevados nestes idosos, sendo essencial o seu diagnóstico precoce para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida. Constitui objetivo primordial do estudo a avaliação do estado nutricional de idosos institucionalizados no concelho de Viseu, Portugal. A amostra (n=120) é constituída por idosos de ambos os sexos, institucionalizados, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, com capacidade para se colocar de pé, sem demência e que não sejam portadores de patologia passível de afetar a digestão, absorção ou utilização dos nutrientes. A avaliação do estado nutricional é determinada tendo em conta parâmetros antropométricos, a aplicação do e Mini Nutricional Assessment (MNA) e dietéticos, através da avaliação da ingestão alimentar (registo de 3 dias). Os questionários aplicados estão validados para a população portuguesa idosa e foram aplicados após consentimento informado. Foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais às diferentes variáveis, de acordo com o género e estratos etários. Considerou-se um nível de confiança de 95%. Dos 120 indivíduos estudados 30% eram do sexo masculino e 70% eram do sexo feminino. As médias das idades eram de 82,36 ± 6,34 anos. A determinação do IMC mostrou que 12,5% dos idosos avaliados exibem baixo peso (IMC 19,6±2,1); 46,7% são eutróficos (IMC 25,7±1,3); 11,7% apresentam excesso de peso (IMC 29,0±0,6), sendo 29,2% classificados como obesos (IMC 33,8±2,9).A avaliação da população pelo MNA evidenciou uma percentagem de desnutrição de 1,7% com uma prevalência de risco de desnutrição (33,3%) mas identifica 65% da amostra como bem nutrida. Os 2 instrumentos utilizados para avaliação do estado nutricional, antropometria (IMC) e MNA mostraram uma correlação estatística entre si positiva. Independentemente do género e do grupo etário verificou-se que o Valor Calórico Total (VCT) ingerido diariamente apresentava valores abaixo do recomendado. Já a ingestão diária de hidratos de carbono e de proteínas apresentou valores médios superiores às recomendações nutricionais enquanto os teores de lípidos ingeridos se situava dentro dos limites recomendados estando porém os valores da ingesta média de fibra total (18g/dia) abaixo dos indicados para a população idosa (25g/dia). Quanto aos micronutrientes encontraram-se deficits de ingestão média diária de minerais e oligoelementos como o cálcio, ferro, magnésio selénio, zinco e iodo e também de algumas vitaminas (D, E, ácido fólico). Conclui-se então que no geral a população estudada apresenta um estado de nutrição normal avaliado através de IMC e do MNA dois instrumentos que estão correlacionados entre si e se complementam. Que a ingestão alimentar apresentada pelos idosos desta amostra é apenas ligeiramente inferior ao recomendado, não colocando em risco o aparecimento de desnutrição. Porém é importante a intervenção dietética no sentido de corrigir determinadas carências (vitaminas, minerais) e prevenir o risco de desnutrição detetado assim como a obesidade.
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (NPS) are ubiquitous in dementia and are often treated pharmacologically. The objectives of this study were to describe the use of psychotropic, anti-cholinergic, and deliriogenic medications and to identify the prevalence of polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy, among older hospitalized patients in Ireland, with and without dementia. All older patients (≥ 70 years old) that had elective or emergency admissions to six Irish study hospitals were eligible for inclusion in a longitudinal observational study. Of 676 eligible patients, 598 patients were recruited and diagnosed as having dementia, or not, by medical experts. These 598 patients were assessed for delirium, medication use, co-morbidity, functional ability, and nutritional status. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of medication data on admission for 583/598 patients with complete medication data, and controlled for age, sex, and co-morbidity. Of 149 patients diagnosed with dementia, only 53 had a previous diagnosis. At hospital admission, 458/583 patients experienced polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications). People with dementia (PwD) were significantly more likely to be prescribed at least one psychotropic medication than patients without dementia (99/147 vs. 182/436; p < 0.001). PwD were also more likely to experience psychotropic polypharmacy (≥ two psychotropics) than those without dementia (54/147 vs. 61/436; p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the prescribing patterns of anti-cholinergics (23/147 vs. 42/436; p = 0.18) or deliriogenics (79/147 vs. 235/436; p = 0.62). Polypharmacy and psychotropic drug use is highly prevalent in older Irish hospitalized patients, especially in PwD. Hospital admission presents an ideal time for medication reviews in PwD.
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to establish a Colombian smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds; appropriate cut-offs were selected using receiver operating characteristic analysis based in a populationbased sample of schoolchildren in Bogota, Colombia and to compare them with international studies. METHODS: A total of 9 618 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (55.7% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfold measurements were obtained using standardized methods. We have calculated tríceps+subscapular skinfold (T+SS) sum. Smoothed percentile curves for triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness were derived by the LMS method. Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analyses were used to evaluate the optimal cut-off point of tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds for overweight and obesity based on the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions. Data were compared with international studies. RESULTS: Subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS were significantly higher in girls than in boys (P <0.001). The median values for triceps, subscapular as well as T+SS skinfold thickness increased in a sex-specific pattern with age. The ROC analysis showed that subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS have a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity in the sample population in this study. Based on the raw non-adjusted data, we found that Colombian boys and girls had high triceps and subscapular skinfolds values than their counterparts from Spain, UK, German and US. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide sex- and age-specific normative reference standards for the triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness values in a large, population-based sample of 3 schoolchildren and adolescents from an Latin-American population. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its complications.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 8136 niños y adolescentes en edad escolar entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia. El peso, la estatura, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura y el porcentaje de grasa, se recogieron como marcadores antropométricos y de composición corporal. El consumo de bebidas azucaradas (bebidas carbonatadas, jugos ultra-procesados y/o Té), y los factores asociados (sexo, edad, obesidad abdominal, clasificación del IMC, grado de estudios de la madre/padre, y nivel nutricional por cuestionario “Krece plus”), se recogieron por encuesta estructurada. Se establecieron asociaciones mediante la construcción de modelos de regresión logística simple. Resultados: De la población general, el 58,4% eran mujeres. En función al sexo, los varones acusaron la mayor ingesta de “bebidas carbonatadas” con una frecuencia semanal y diaria de 70,9% y 21,0%, respectivamente, seguido de “jugos ultra- procesados” (64,4% semanal vs. 11,3% diario). En ambos sexos, la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue mayor en los escolares que respondieron consumir diariamente “bebidas carbonatadas” (23,3%), “jugos ultra-procesados” (13,2%) y “bebidas Té” (9,7%). La edad, el grado de educación de los padres y el nivel nutricional, se asociaron como factores predisponentes al consumo diario de “bebidas carbonatadas”. Conclusión: El consumo de bebidas azucaradas cambia por los factores analizados. Se recomiendan intervenciones integrales en las que estén involucrados los componentes nutricional y educativo entre los niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.
Objetivo: Estimar la relación entre indicadores de desempeño muscular y estado nutricional con la velocidad/agilidad, en una muestra de escolares de instituciones educativas del Distrito de Bogotá, Colombia, perteneciente al estudio FUPRECOL. Materiales y Métodos: estudio transversal, en 2803 niños y 3952 niñas (58.5 %), entre 9 y 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas del sector oficial, en Bogotá, Colombia. La velocidad/agilidad se evaluó con la prueba de carrera de ida y vuelta 4x10 m y los indicadores de fuerza muscular fueron medidos por medio de fuerza prensil, salto longitudinal. Las asociaciones se estimaron por medio de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: el 74.6 % de las mujeres y el 68.6 % de los varones mostraron bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad; en mujeres, el modelo de regresión logística binario se observa que aquellas que tener bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad se asociaba con obesidad (OR 2.25 IC 95 % 1.53-3.11), sobrepeso (OR 1.43 IC 95 % 1.19-1.72), bajos niveles de salto longitudinal (OR 2.06 IC 95 % 1.73-2.44) y tener valores de fuerza prensi no saludable (OR 1.45 IC 95 % 1.25-1.88). En hombres, tener entre 9-12 años, (OR 1.89 IC 95% 1.53-2.53), padecer de sobrepeso (OR 2.11 IC 95% 1.63-2.74) u obesidad (OR 3.00 IC 95% 2.03-4.43), se asoció con bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad. Conclusión: se encontró que un alto porcentaje de la muestra estudiada tiene bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad; adicionalmente, se observó una fuerte relación entre los indicadores de adiposidad y desempeño muscular, con los niveles de velocidad/agilidad. Se sugiere la implementación de programas escolares, que contrarresten la aparición de manifestaciones de riesgo cardiometabólico.
Soil management systems for sustainable melon cropping in the Submedian of the São Francisco Valley.
Changes in soils management systems, including the application of green manure, are able to increase crop productivity. The aim of this study was to propose a soil management system with the use of green manure to improve the nutritional status and melon productivity in the submedian of the São Francisco Valley. The experiment was installed in Typic Plinthustalf and conducted in split plot. There were two soil tillage systems, tillage (T) and no tillage (NT), and three types of green manure (two vegetal cocktails: VC1- 75% legumes (L) + 25% non-legumes (NL); VC2- 25% L+ 75% NL and spontaneous vegetation (SV)). The experimental design was a randomised block with four replications. Fourteen species of legumes, grasses and oilseeds were used for the composition of the plant cocktails. We evaluated production of the dry shoot and root biomass and carbon and nutrient accumulation by green manures and melon plant. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the treatment means were compared by Tukey´s test (P<0.05). Shoot biomass production and carbon and nutrient accumulation were higher in plant mixtures compared to spontaneous vegetation. The root system of the plant cocktails added larger quantities of biomass and nutrients to the soil to a depth of 0.60 m when compared to the spontaneous vegetation. The cultivation of plant cocktails with soil tillage, regardless of their composition, is a viable alternative for adding biomass and nutrients to the soil in melon crops in semi-arid conditions, providing productivity increases.
A utilização do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da criação e abate de pequenos ruminantes pode elevar a produção de matéria seca do capim-elefante, tendo em vista o teor de nutrientes contidos nesse fertilizante orgânico, diminuindo os impactos da produção animal sobre o ambiente e reduzindo os custos de produção na área de capineira de capim-elefante. Dada à escassez de informações na literatura e a importância do manejo adequado da adubação orgânica na agropecuária, objetivou-se avaliar os atributos químicos e físicos do solo, o estado nutricional e a produção do capim-elefante submetido à aplicação de doses do composto orgânico proveniente de resíduos da produção e abate de pequenos ruminantes. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em parcelas subdivididas, com medidas repetidas no tempo, sendo as parcelas as doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1) de composto orgânico e um tratamento adicional com adubos minerais e as subparcelas os ciclos (1, 2, 3 e 4) com 4 blocos, totalizando 28 parcelas. As variáveis mensuradas foram atributos físicos e químicos do solo, a diagnose foliar e a produtividade de capim-elefante. Para o fator ciclo, a adubação orgânica incrementou a umidade gravimétrica e umidade volumétrica e ainda houve diminuição da densidade de partículas em função dos ciclos. Com as doses do fertilizante orgânico houve aumento nas concentrações da matéria orgânica, amônio, nitrato, amônio + nitrato, fósforo e saturação por base; houve redução do valor da acidez potencial, além da elevação dos teores de nitrogênio e fósforo nas plantas. As doses de composto orgânico aumentaram a biomassa de forragem total de capimelefante. A adubação mineral proporcionou maior incremento da produção do capim em relação à adubação orgânica no decorrer dos ciclos. Abstract: The use of organic compost from residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants can increase dry matter production of elephant grass, in due function of quantity nutrients in this compost, thus reducing the animal production impacts in the environment and production costs in elephant grass fields. Due to the Lack of information in literature and the importance regarding organic fertilization in agriculture, the aim of this work was evaluate chemical and physical soil attributes, nutritional status in plants and production of elephant grass in function of doses of organic compound of residues of production and slaughter of small ruminants. The experimental design was in split-plot, with the main treatment the doses (0; 13,3; 26,6; 39,9; 52,3; 79,8 t ha-1 ) of organic compost and one additional treatment with mineral fertilization and secondary treatments was the cycles (1, 2, 3 and 4) with 4 blocks, and 28 plots. The measured variables were physical and chemical attributes in the soil, nutritional diagnosis in plants and production of elephant grass. For cycle factor the organic fertilization increased gravimetric and volumetric humidity, yet, occurred decrease of density in function of cycles. With the doses of organic compost increased organic matter, ammonium, nitrate, ammonium + nitrate, phosphor and base saturation; and decreased the value of potential acidity; and increased content of N and P in plants. The doses of organic compost increased the elephant grass production. The mineral fertilization increased the elephant grass production in relation of organic fertilization over the cycles.
Micronutrient contents in leaf and branch tissues of cupuassu plants (Theobroma grand iflorum) infected by Crinipellis perniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom disease, were determined to support further studies on the effect of nutritional status in the disease progress. Lower contents of boron and manganese and higher content of copper were found in infected leaf tissues. There was not any statistical difference in the copper content of branch tissues, even though higher copper content was found in healthy branches than in healthy leaf tissues. No changes in contents of iron and zinc in healthy of infected tissues were detected.
Composting is a useful way of transforming livestock waste into organic fertilizer, which is proven to increase soil nutrient levels, and thus crop yield. Remains from production and slaughter of small ruminants can become a source of important elements for plant growth, such as N, after microorganism-driven decomposition.The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of this compost on soil fertility and on the nutritional status and yield of the corn crop. The experiment was conducted in a Haplic Luvisol in a randomized block design with six treatments and five application rates of the organic compound in Mg ha-1: 3 (half the standard rate), 6 (standard rate), 9 (one and a half times the standard rate), 12 (twice the standard rate), and 24 (four times the standard rate) and an additional treatment with mineral fertilizers (110, 50 e 30 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively), with four blocks. Evaluations were performed for two harvests of rainfed crops, measuring soil fertility, nutritional status, and grain yield. The compost increased P, K, Na and Zn values in the 0.00-0.20 m layer in relation of mineral fertilization in 616, 21, 114 and 90 % with rate 24 Mg ha-1 in second crop. Leaf N, Mg, and S contents, relative chlorophyll content, and the productivity of corn kernels increased in 27, 32, 36, 20 e 85 %, respectively, of low rate (3 Mg ha-1) to high rate (24 Mg ha-1) with of application of the compost. Corn yield was higher with application of organic compost in rate of 24 Mg ha-1 than mineral fertilizer combination in second crop.