910 resultados para akt retoryczny


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Neurotrophins regulate neuronal cell survival and synaptic plasticity through activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases. Binding of neurotrophins to Trk receptors results in receptor autophosphorylation and downstream phosphorylation cascades. Here, we describe an approach to use small molecule agonists to transactivate Trk neurotrophin receptors. Activation of TrkA receptors in PC12 cells and TrkB in hippocampal neurons was observed after treatment with adenosine, a neuromodulator that acts through G protein-coupled receptors. These effects were reproduced by using the adenosine agonist CGS 21680 and were counteracted with the antagonist ZM 241385, indicating that this transactivation event by adenosine involves adenosine 2A receptors. The increase in Trk activity could be inhibited by the use of the Src family-specific inhibitor, PP1, or K252a, an inhibitor of Trk receptors. In contrast to other G protein-coupled receptor transactivation events, adenosine used Trk receptor signaling with a longer time course. Moreover, adenosine activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt through a Trk-dependent mechanism that resulted in increased cell survival after nerve growth factor or brain-derived neurotrophic factor withdrawal. Therefore, adenosine acting through the A2A receptors exerts a trophic effect through the engagement of Trk receptors. These results provide an explanation for neuroprotective actions of adenosine through a unique signaling mechanism and raise the possibility that small molecules may be used to elicit neurotrophic effects for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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NGF initiates the majority of its neurotrophic effects by promoting the activation of the tyrosine kinase receptor TrkA. Here we describe a novel interaction between TrkA and GIPC, a PDZ domain protein. GIPC binds to the juxtamembrane region of TrkA through its PDZ domain. The PDZ domain of GIPC also interacts with GAIP, an RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) protein. GIPC and GAIP are components of a G protein-coupled signaling complex thought to be involved in vesicular trafficking. In transfected HEK 293T cells GIPC, GAIP, and TrkA form a coprecipitable protein complex. Both TrkA and GAIP bind to the PDZ domain of GIPC, but their binding sites within the PDZ domain are different. The association of endogenous GIPC with the TrkA receptor was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation in PC12 (615) cells stably expressing TrkA. By immunofluorescence GIPC colocalizes with phosphorylated TrkA receptors in retrograde transport vesicles located in the neurites and cell bodies of differentiated PC12 (615) cells. These results suggest that GIPC, like other PDZ domain proteins, serves to cluster transmembrane receptors with signaling molecules. When GIPC is overexpressed in PC12 (615) cells, NGF-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (Erk1/2) decreases; however, there is no effect on phosphorylation of Akt, phospholipase C-γ1, or Shc. The association of TrkA receptors with GIPC and GAIP plus the inhibition of MAP kinase by GIPC suggests that GIPC may provide a link between TrkA and G protein signaling pathways.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neuronal survival after hypoxia and other metabolic insults by largely unknown mechanisms. Apoptosis and necrosis have been proposed as mechanisms of cellular demise, and either could be the target of actions of EPO. This study evaluates whether antiapoptotic mechanisms can account for the neuroprotective actions of EPO. Systemic administration of EPO (5,000 units/kg of body weight, i.p.) after middle-cerebral artery occlusion in rats dramatically reduces the volume of infarction 24 h later, in concert with an almost complete reduction in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling of neurons within the ischemic penumbra. In both pure and mixed neuronal cultures, EPO (0.1–10 units/ml) also inhibits apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or kainic acid exposure. Protection requires pretreatment, consistent with the induction of a gene expression program, and is sustained for 3 days without the continued presence of EPO. EPO (0.3 units/ml) also protects hippocampal neurons against hypoxia-induced neuronal death through activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and protein kinase Akt-1/protein kinase B. The action of EPO is not limited to directly promoting cell survival, as EPO is trophic but not mitogenic in cultured neuronal cells. These data suggest that inhibition of neuronal apoptosis underlies short latency protective effects of EPO after cerebral ischemia and other brain injuries. The neurotrophic actions suggest there may be longer-latency effects as well. Evaluation of EPO, a compound established as clinically safe, as neuroprotective therapy in acute brain injury is further supported.


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Mutations of the tumor suppressor PTEN, a phosphatase with specificity for 3-phosphorylated inositol phospholipids, accompany progression of brain tumors from benign to the most malignant forms. Tumor progression, particularly in aggressive and malignant tumors, is associated with the induction of angiogenesis, a process termed the angiogenic switch. Therefore, we tested whether PTEN regulates tumor progression by modulating angiogenesis. U87MG glioma cells stably reconstituted with PTEN cDNA were tested for growth in a nude mouse orthotopic brain tumor model. We observed that the reconstitution of wild-type PTEN had no effect on in vitro proliferation but dramatically decreased tumor growth in vivo and prolonged survival in mice implanted intracranially with these tumor cells. PTEN reconstitution diminished phosphorylation of AKT within the PTEN-reconstituted tumor, induced thrombospondin 1 expression, and suppressed angiogenic activity. These effects were not observed in tumors reconstituted with a lipid phosphatase inactive G129E mutant of PTEN, a result that provides evidence that the lipid phosphatase activity of PTEN regulates the angiogenic response in vivo. These data provide evidence that PTEN regulates tumor-induced angiogenesis and the progression of gliomas to a malignant phenotype via the regulation of phosphoinositide-dependent signals.


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Retinopathy of prematurity is a blinding disease, initiated by lack of retinal vascular growth after premature birth. We show that lack of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in knockout mice prevents normal retinal vascular growth, despite the presence of vascular endothelial growth factor, important to vessel development. In vitro, low levels of IGF-I prevent vascular endothelial growth factor-induced activation of protein kinase B (Akt), a kinase critical for endothelial cell survival. Our results from studies in premature infants suggest that if the IGF-I level is sufficient after birth, normal vessel development occurs and retinopathy of prematurity does not develop. When IGF-I is persistently low, vessels cease to grow, maturing avascular retina becomes hypoxic and vascular endothelial growth factor accumulates in the vitreous. As IGF-I increases to a critical level, retinal neovascularization is triggered. These data indicate that serum IGF-I levels in premature infants can predict which infants will develop retinopathy of prematurity and further suggests that early restoration of IGF-I in premature infants to normal levels could prevent this disease.


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The docking protein FRS2 is a major downstream effector that links fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and nerve growth factor receptors with the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling cascade. In this report, we demonstrate that FRS2 also plays a pivotal role in FGF-induced recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase). We demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation of FRS2α leads to Grb2-mediated complex formation with the docking protein Gab1 and its tyrosine phosphorylation, resulting in the recruitment and activation of PI3-kinase. Furthermore, Grb2 bound to tyrosine-phosphorylated FRS2 through its SH2 domain interacts primarily via its carboxyl-terminal SH3 domain with a proline-rich region in Gab1 and via its amino-terminal SH3 domain with the nucleotide exchange factor Sos1. Assembly of FRS2α:Grb2:Gab1 complex induced by FGF stimulation results in activation of PI3-kinase and downstream effector proteins such as the S/T kinase Akt, whose cellular localization and activity are regulated by products of PI3-kinase. These experiments reveal a unique mechanism for generation of signal diversity by growth factor-induced coordinated assembly of a multidocking protein complex that can activate the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade to induce cell proliferation and differentiation, and PI3-kinase to activate a mediator of a cell survival pathway.


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Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1) is a central mediator of the cell signaling between phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and various intracellular serine/threonine kinases including Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), p70 S6 kinases, and protein kinase C. Recent studies with cell transfection experiments have implied that PDK-1 may be involved in various cell functions including cell growth and apoptosis. However, despite its pivotal role in cellular signalings, the in vivo functions of PDK-1 in a multicellular system have rarely been investigated. Here, we have isolated Drosophila PDK-1 (dPDK-1) mutants and characterized the in vivo roles of the kinase. Drosophila deficient in the dPDK-1 gene exhibited lethality and an apoptotic phenotype in the embryonic stage. Conversely, overexpression of dPDK-1 increased cell and organ size in a Drosophila PI3K-dependent manner. dPDK-1 not only could activate Drosophila Akt/PKB (Dakt1), but also substitute the in vivo functions of its mammalian ortholog to activate Akt/PKB. This functional interaction between dPDK-1 and Dakt1 was further confirmed through genetic analyses in Drosophila. On the other hand, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which has been proposed as a possible target of dPDK-1, did not interact with dPDK-1. In conclusion, our findings provide direct evidence that dPDK-1 regulates cell growth and apoptosis during Drosophila development via the PI3K-dependent signaling pathway and demonstrate our Drosophila system to be a powerful tool for elucidating the in vivo functions and targets of PDK-1.


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A cDNA encoding a novel, inwardly rectifying K+ (K+in) channel protein, SKT1, was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). SKT1 is related to members of the AKT family of K+in channels previously identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and potato. Skt1 mRNA is most strongly expressed in leaf epidermal fragments and in roots. In electrophysiological, whole-cell, patch-clamp measurements performed on baculovirus-infected insect (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells, SKT1 was identified as a K+in channel that activates with slow kinetics by hyperpolarizing voltage pulses to more negative potentials than −60 mV. The pharmacological inhibitor Cs+, when applied externally, inhibited SKT1-mediated K+in currents half-maximally with an inhibitor concentration (IC50) of 105 μm. An almost identical high Cs+ sensitivity (IC50 = 90 μm) was found for the potato guard-cell K+in channel KST1 after expression in insect cells. SKT1 currents were reversibly activated by a shift in external pH from 6.6 to 5.5, which indicates a physiological role for pH-dependent regulation of AKT-type K+in channels. Comparative studies revealed generally higher current amplitudes for KST1-expressing cells than for SKT1-expressing insect cells, which correlated with a higher targeting efficiency of the KST1 protein to the insect cell's plasma membrane, as demonstrated by fusions to green fluorescence protein.


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The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) is part of the initiation complex that drives the initiator amino acid methionine to the ribosome, a crucial step in protein translation. In stress conditions such as virus infection, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, amino acid or heme deficiency eIF2α can be phosphorylated and thereby inhibit global protein synthesis. This adaptive mechanism prevents protein accumulation and consequent cytotoxic effects. Heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (HRI) is a member of the eIF2α kinase family that regulates protein translation in heme deficiency conditions. Although present in all tissues, HRI is predominantly expressed in erythroid cells where it remains inactive in the presence of normal heme concentrations. In response to heme deficiency, HRI is activated and phosphorylates eIF2α decreasing globin synthesis. This mechanism is important to prevent accumulation of heme-free globin chains which cause ER stress and apoptosis. RNA sequencing data from our group showed that in human islets and in primary rat beta cells HRI is the most expressed eIF2α kinase compared to the other family members. Despite its high expression levels, little is known about HRI function in beta cells. The aim of this project is to identify the role of HRI in pancreatic beta cells. This was investigated taking a loss-of-function approach. HRI knock down (KD) by RNA interference induced beta cell apoptosis in basal condition. HRI KD potentiated the apoptotic effects of palmitate or proinflammatory cytokines, two in vitro models for type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively. Increased cytokine-induced apoptosis was also observed in HRI-deficient primary rat beta cells. Unexpectedly, we observed a mild increase in eIF2α phosphorylation in HRI-deficient cells. The levels of mRNA or protein expression of C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) and activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) were not modified. HRI KD cells have decreased spliced X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1s), an important branch of the ER stress response. However, overexpression of XBP1s by adenovirus in HRI KD cells did not protect from HRI siRNA-induced apoptosis. HRI deficiency decreased phosphorylation of Akt and its downstream targets glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1) and Bcl-2-associated death promoter (BAD). Overexpression of a constitutively active form of Akt by adenovirus in HRI-deficient beta cells partially decreased HRI KD-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, BAD silencing protected from apoptosis caused by HRI deficiency. HRI silencing in beta cells also induced JNK activation. These results suggest an important role of HRI in beta cell survival through modulation of the Akt/BAD pathway. Thus, HRI may be an interesting target to modulate beta cell fate in diabetic conditions.


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As Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (NMPs) se caracterizam por apresentarem acúmulo de eritrócitos, leucócitos e plaquetas morfologicamente normais e seus precursores. Nos últimos anos vários estudos buscaram conhecer os mecanismos celulares e moleculares envolvidos na fisiopatologia e evolução dessas desordens, com o intuito de encontrar marcadores de diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapias eficazes. A mutação pontual no gene que codifica a enzima Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2 V617F), presente em aproximadamente 90% dos pacientes com PV e em 50% dos pacientes com TE e MF, foi o principal achado genético anormal associado a essas doenças. Essa mutação resulta na ativação constitutiva da enzima JAK2 e na desregulação da proliferação celular e resistência à apoptose. Nosso grupo de pesquisa descreveu em PV, TE e MF a expressão alterada de genes reguladores da apoptose e dados da literatura indicam que a desregulação do ciclo celular contribui para a fisiopatologia das NMPs. Nesse projeto o intuito foi investigar a associação da via de sinalização m-TOR com as alterações do ciclo celular e via JAK/STAT nas NMPs. A via de sinalização m-TOR participa dos processos celulares de sobrevivência e proliferação. A estratégia experimental foi avaliar a expressão de genes e proteínas, reguladores da via m-TOR, em leucócitos de pacientes com NPMC e linhagens celulares JAK2+ tratadas com inibidores de JAK2 e AKT. Para determinar a relação da via m-TOR nas NMPs foi escolhido o gene eIF4E, alterado nessas doenças, para observar sua modulação diante da inibição farmacológica nas linhagens celulares JAK2 positivas. Os resultados desse estudo contribuem para a descrição de novos alvos terapêuticos dependentes e indepentendes da atividade quinase JAK2 e para o melhor conhecimento da participação da via de sinalização m-TOR na fisiopatologia das NMPs.


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O carcinoma epidermóide bucal (CEC) é uma neoplasia maligna com alta morbidade e mortalidade e de difícil tratamento. O tratamento convencional para o CEC inclui cirurgia e radioterapia, seguida ou não de quimioterapia. Apesar de serem amplamente difundidos, esses tratamentos podem ser ineficazes para alguns CECs resistentes. A terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) oncológica tem sido utilizada para o tratamento adjuvante do CEC bucal, principalmente nos casos menos invasivos e que necessitam de redução do tumor para a ressecção cirúrgica. Contudo, semelhantemente aos tratamentos convencionais, a PDT pode também induzir o aparecimento de populações celulares resistentes, fato já descrito para carcinoma cutâneo, adenocarcinoma de cólon e adenocarcinoma mamário. A hipótese de que células de CEC bucal possam desenvolver resistência à PDT ainda não foi testada. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se células de CEC bucal (SCC9) desenvolvem resistência a ciclos repetidos de PDT mediada pelo ácido 5- aminolevulínico (5-ALA-PDT) e avaliar se nesse processo ocorre modificação da expressão de marcadores relacionados a sobrevivência celular (NF?B, Bcl-2, iNOS, mTOR e Akt). Foi utilizada linhagem de células de CEC bucal (SCC9), submetida às seguintes condições: 1) Controle - células cultivadas sem nenhum tratamento; 2) ALA - células incubadas com 5-ALA (1mM durante 4 horas); 3) LED - tratadas com iluminação LED (630nm, 5,86J/cm2, 22,5J, 150mW, 150s); 4) PDT - tratadas com 5- ALA-PDT, com os protocolos do grupo ALA e LED combinados, gerando dose letal de 90%. Inicialmente foi realizado somente um ciclo de PDT, sendo avaliada a viabilidade celular em todos os grupos após 24, 48, 72 e 120h da irradiação. Também foi realizado ensaio de detecção da fragmentação de DNA (TUNEL) e análise por imunofluorescência da expressão das proteínas NF?B, Bcl-2, iNOS, pmTOR e pAkt nas células viáveis. Como resultado desse primeiro tratamento com 5-ALA-PDT, observou-se que as células sobreviventes ao tratamento apresentaram intensa marcação para pmTOR e exibiram potencial de crescimento durante o período analisado. Após esses ensaios, as células que sobreviveram a essa primeira sessão foram coletadas, replaqueadas e novamente cultivadas, sendo então submetidas a novo ciclo de 5-ALA-PDT. Esse processo foi realizado 5 vezes, variando-se a intensidade de irradiação à medida que se observava aumento na viabilidade celular. As populações celulares que exibiram viabilidade 1,5 vezes maior do que a detectada no primeiro ciclo PDT foram consideradas resistentes ao tratamento. Os mesmos marcadores analisados no primeiro ciclo de PDT foram novamente avaliados nas populações resistentes. Foram obtidas quatro populações celulares resistentes, com viabilidade de até 4,6 vezes maior do que a do primeiro ciclo de PDT e irradiação com LED que variou de 5,86 a 9,38J/cm2. A população mais resistente apresentou ainda menor intensidade de protoporfirina IX, maior capacidade de migração e modificação na morfologia nuclear. As populações resistentes testadas exibiram aumento na expressão de pNF?B, iNOS, pmTOR e pAkt, mas não da proteína anti-apoptótica Bcl- 2. Ensaio in vivo foi também conduzido em ratos, nos quais CEC bucal foi quimicamente induzido e tratado ou não com 5-ALA-PDT. Houve intensa expressão imuno-histoquímica das proteínas pNF?B, Bcl-2, iNOS, pmTOR e pAkt em relação ao controle não tratado, nas células adjacentes à área de necrose provocada pela PDT. Concluiu-se que as células de CEC bucal tratadas com 5-ALA-PDT a uma dose de 90% de letalidade desenvolveram viabilidade crescente após ciclos repetidos do tratamento, bem como exibiram superexpressão de proteínas relacionadas à sobrevivência celular, tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. Esses fatos, aliados à maior capacidade de migração, sugerem a aquisição de fenótipo de resistência à 5-ALAPDT. Esse aspecto deve ser cuidadosamente considerado no momento da instituição dessa terapia para os CECs bucais.


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Diversos mecanismos celulares estão associados à patogênese do Carcinoma Epidermoide de Cabeça e Pescoço (CECP). Algumas dessas alterações envolvem proteínas pertencentes à via de sinalização do Akt, e o fator de transcrição NF-kB, o qual têm importante papel na fisiologia normal e no câncer. A proteína COX-2, descrita em processos inflamatórios, também participa da carcinogênese e está associada com a via de sinalização do Akt e com o NF-kB. Dendrímeros são uma forma única de nanotecnologia, surgindo como nanotransportadores com a capacidade de penetrar na célula tumoral liberando drogas quimioterápicas em seu interior. Os benefícios desta tecnologia são o aumento da eficicácia do princípio ativo utilizado e a redução dos seus efeitos secundários tóxicos. O Celecoxibe, antiinflamatório não esteroidal, inibidor seletivo da COX-2, tem se mostrado um importante agente anticarcinogênico, no entanto seu mecanismo de ação no CECP não é totalmente compreendido. Neste trabalho, um Dendrímero de Poliglicerol associado ao Celecoxibe (PGLD-celecoxibe) foi sintetizado e caracterizado por técnicas de espectroscopia ¹H-RMN, ¹³C-RMN, Maldi-Tof, TLC e DSC. Além disso, o conjugado foi testado in vitro em três linhagens celulares de CECP. O PGLD-Celecoxibe foi sintetizado com sucesso e promoveu a redução da dose capaz de inibir a proliferação celular, reduzindo o IC 50 do Celecoxibe de forma significativa em todas as linhagens celulares, se aproximando da dose sérica alcançada por este medicamento, resultado corroborado pelo Ensaio de Migração Celular. O mecanismo de morte celular observado foi a apoptose, associada a diminuição significativa da expressão de COX-2 ou por uma via alternativa independente. Alguns dos grupos tratados apresentaram alteração na expressão das proteínas pAkt e NF-kB.


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The circulating blood exerts a force on the vascular endothelium, termed fluid shear stress (FSS), which directly impacts numerous vascular endothelial cell (VEC) functions. For example, high rates of linear and undisturbed (i.e. laminar) blood flow maintains a protective and quiescent VEC phenotype. Meanwhile, deviations in blood flow, which can occur at vascular branchpoints and large curvatures, create areas of low, and/or oscillatory FSS, and promote a pro-inflammatory, pro-thrombotic and hyperpermeable phenotype. Indeed, it is known that these areas are prone to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Herein, we show that cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4D (PDE4D) activity is increased by FSS in human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) and that this activation regulates the activity of cAMP-effector protein, Exchange Protein-activated by cAMP-1 (EPAC1), in these cells. Importantly, we also show that these events directly and critically impact HAEC responses to FSS, especially when FSS levels are low. Both morphological events induced by FSS, as measured by changes in cell alignment and elongation in the direction of FSS, and the expression of critical FSS-regulated genes, including Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and thrombomodlin (TM), are mediated by EPAC1/PDE4D signaling. At a mechanistic level, we show that EPAC1/PDE4D acts through the vascular endothelial-cadherin (VECAD)/ platelet-cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM1)/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) mechanosensor to activate downstream signaling though Akt. Given the critical role of PDE4D in mediating these effects, we also investigated the impact of various patterns of FSS on the expression of individual PDE genes in HAECs. Notably, PDE2A was significantly upregulated in response to high, laminar FSS, while PDE3A was upregulated under low, oscillatory FSS conditions only. These data may provide novel therapeutic targets to limit FSS-dependent endothelial cell dysfunction (ECD) and atherosclerotic development.


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Tese de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Genética, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014