965 resultados para Topological SLAM


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This thesis investigates interactive scene reconstruction and understanding using RGB-D data only. Indeed, we believe that depth cameras will still be in the near future a cheap and low-power 3D sensing alternative suitable for mobile devices too. Therefore, our contributions build on top of state-of-the-art approaches to achieve advances in three main challenging scenarios, namely mobile mapping, large scale surface reconstruction and semantic modeling. First, we will describe an effective approach dealing with Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) on platforms with limited resources, such as a tablet device. Unlike previous methods, dense reconstruction is achieved by reprojection of RGB-D frames, while local consistency is maintained by deploying relative bundle adjustment principles. We will show quantitative results comparing our technique to the state-of-the-art as well as detailed reconstruction of various environments ranging from rooms to small apartments. Then, we will address large scale surface modeling from depth maps exploiting parallel GPU computing. We will develop a real-time camera tracking method based on the popular KinectFusion system and an online surface alignment technique capable of counteracting drift errors and closing small loops. We will show very high quality meshes outperforming existing methods on publicly available datasets as well as on data recorded with our RGB-D camera even in complete darkness. Finally, we will move to our Semantic Bundle Adjustment framework to effectively combine object detection and SLAM in a unified system. Though the mathematical framework we will describe does not restrict to a particular sensing technology, in the experimental section we will refer, again, only to RGB-D sensing. We will discuss successful implementations of our algorithm showing the benefit of a joint object detection, camera tracking and environment mapping.


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La memoria pubblica della Sho'ah è inscritta in una quantità proliferante di immagini e spazi memoriali. Ciò è riscontrabile in modo particolare nei principali "siti dello sterminio" assurti a simbolo nel corso degli anni, mentre molti altri "luoghi di memoria" della Deportazione soffrono di una condizione di intrinseca debolezza. Essa è riconducibile in primo luogo alla fragilità del dato materiale, i cui resti ormai privi di eloquenza risultano difficili da interpretare e conservare, in secondo luogo alla sovrapposizione di memorie concorrenti venutesi a determinare in conseguenza dei riusi successivi a cui queste strutture sono spesso andate soggette dopo la guerra, infine alla difficoltà di rendere espressione compiuta alla tragedia della Deportazione. Il caso del campo di Fossoli è paradigmatico: esso interroga la capacità del progetto di "dare forma" al palinsesto delle memorie, rendendo possibile il riconoscimento ed esplicitando una significazione delle tracce, senza aggiungere ulteriori interpretazioni. Lo spazio e il paesaggio, in quanto linguaggi indentitari, possono offrirsi come strumenti da questo punto di vista. Michel De Certeau vi fa riferimento quando afferma che lo spazio coincide con «l’effetto prodotto dalle operazioni che lo orientano, che lo circostanziano, o temporalizzano e lo fanno funzionare come unità polivalente di programmi conflittuali o di prossimità contrattuali». Lo spazio gioca un ruolo cruciale nel conformare l'esperienza del presente e allo stesso tempo nel rendere visibili le esperienze passate, compresse nella memoria collettiva. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è interrogare le potenzialità spaziali del luogo, considerate sotto il profilo culturale e semantico, come valida alternativa alla forma-monumento nella costruzione di una o più narrazioni pertinenti della memoria.


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The asymptotic safety scenario allows to define a consistent theory of quantized gravity within the framework of quantum field theory. The central conjecture of this scenario is the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point of the theory's renormalization group flow, that allows to formulate renormalization conditions that render the theory fully predictive. Investigations of this possibility use an exact functional renormalization group equation as a primary non-perturbative tool. This equation implements Wilsonian renormalization group transformations, and is demonstrated to represent a reformulation of the functional integral approach to quantum field theory.rnAs its main result, this thesis develops an algebraic algorithm which allows to systematically construct the renormalization group flow of gauge theories as well as gravity in arbitrary expansion schemes. In particular, it uses off-diagonal heat kernel techniques to efficiently handle the non-minimal differential operators which appear due to gauge symmetries. The central virtue of the algorithm is that no additional simplifications need to be employed, opening the possibility for more systematic investigations of the emergence of non-perturbative phenomena. As a by-product several novel results on the heat kernel expansion of the Laplace operator acting on general gauge bundles are obtained.rnThe constructed algorithm is used to re-derive the renormalization group flow of gravity in the Einstein-Hilbert truncation, showing the manifest background independence of the results. The well-studied Einstein-Hilbert case is further advanced by taking the effect of a running ghost field renormalization on the gravitational coupling constants into account. A detailed numerical analysis reveals a further stabilization of the found non-Gaussian fixed point.rnFinally, the proposed algorithm is applied to the case of higher derivative gravity including all curvature squared interactions. This establishes an improvement of existing computations, taking the independent running of the Euler topological term into account. Known perturbative results are reproduced in this case from the renormalization group equation, identifying however a unique non-Gaussian fixed point.rn


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Viene proposto un porting su piattaforma mobile Android di un sistema SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) chiamato SlamDunk. Il porting affronta problematiche di prestazioni e qualità delle ricostruzioni 3D ottenute, proponendo poi la soluzione ritenuta ottimale.


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the nature of quantum computation and the question of the quantum speed-up over classical computation by comparing two different quantum computational frameworks, the traditional quantum circuit model and the cluster-state quantum computer. After an introductory survey of the theoretical and epistemological questions concerning quantum computation, the first part of this thesis provides a presentation of cluster-state computation suitable for a philosophical audience. In spite of the computational equivalence between the two frameworks, their differences can be considered as structural. Entanglement is shown to play a fundamental role in both quantum circuits and cluster-state computers; this supports, from a new perspective, the argument that entanglement can reasonably explain the quantum speed-up over classical computation. However, quantum circuits and cluster-state computers diverge with regard to one of the explanations of quantum computation that actually accords a central role to entanglement, i.e. the Everett interpretation. It is argued that, while cluster-state quantum computation does not show an Everettian failure in accounting for the computational processes, it threatens that interpretation of being not-explanatory. This analysis presented here should be integrated in a more general work in order to include also further frameworks of quantum computation, e.g. topological quantum computation. However, what is revealed by this work is that the speed-up question does not capture all that is at stake: both quantum circuits and cluster-state computers achieve the speed-up, but the challenges that they posit go besides that specific question. Then, the existence of alternative equivalent quantum computational models suggests that the ultimate question should be moved from the speed-up to a sort of “representation theorem” for quantum computation, to be meant as the general goal of identifying the physical features underlying these alternative frameworks that allow for labelling those frameworks as “quantum computation”.


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Negli ultimi anni, complice la rapida evoluzione degli elaboratori e dei sensori, spinta dal mercato smartphone, una tecnologia si sta sviluppando e si sta diffondendo rapidamente. Si tratta di quella relativa agli unmanned vehicles (UV), i veicoli senza pilota, spesso nel linguaggio comune chiamati “droni”. Questi particolari veicoli sono dotati della tecnologia adatta per svolgere in relativa autonomia particolari mansioni, senza la necessità della presenza di un pilota a bordo. In questa Tesi magistrale si descrivono brevemente le diverse categorie di UV e l’attuale livello di autonomia raggiunta nello svolgimento di alcune funzioni, grazie a tecnologie quali i linguaggi ad agenti, di cui si presentano anche alcune significative applicazioni allo stato dell’arte. Per rendere più efficaci eventuali nuove funzionalità, fornendo una metodologia di sviluppo, atta ad aumentare il grado di astrazione, viene proposto un approccio architetturale a tre livelli. In particolare, viene approfondito il secondo livello, presentando l’implementazione di una funzionalità, l’autolocalizzazione spaziale, utile ad un sistema di terzo livello per arricchire la propria conoscenza dell’ambiente, al fine di raggiungere la massima autonomia nel controllo del mezzo. Questa prima esperienza ha consentito di approfondire le necessità in termini di hardware e software, al fine di poter effettuare una scelta mirata per l’ottimizzazione dei risultati ed un eventuale porting on-board, nella prospettiva di svincolare il mezzo da eventuali collegamenti con una stazione di terra, fino ad ora necessaria per eseguire le attività più complesse. Un interessante caso di studio consente di verificare la bontà del modello proposto e i risultati raggiunti nell’autolocalizzazione. In conclusione, si propongono ulteriori sviluppi che potranno fornire gli strumenti necessari alla massima espressione del potenziale che gli UV possiedono.


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In vielen Teilgebieten der Mathematik ist es w"{u}nschenswert, die Monodromiegruppe einer homogenen linearen Differenzialgleichung zu verstehen. Es sind nur wenige analytische Methoden zur Berechnung dieser Gruppe bekannt, daher entwickeln wir im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit eine numerische Methode zur Approximation ihrer Erzeuger.rnIm zweiten Abschnitt fassen wir die Grundlagen der Theorie der Uniformisierung Riemannscher Fl"achen und die der arithmetischen Fuchsschen Gruppen zusammen. Auss erdem erkl"aren wir, wie unsere numerische Methode bei der Bestimmung von uniformisierenden Differenzialgleichungen dienlich sein kann. F"ur arithmetische Fuchssche Gruppen mit zwei Erzeugern erhalten wir lokale Daten und freie Parameter von Lam'{e} Gleichungen, welche die zugeh"origen Riemannschen Fl"achen uniformisieren. rnIm dritten Teil geben wir einen kurzen Abriss zur homologischen Spiegelsymmetrie und f"uhren die $widehat{Gamma}$-Klasse ein. Wir erkl"aren wie diese genutzt werden kann, um eine Hodge-theoretische Version der Spiegelsymmetrie f"ur torische Varit"aten zu beweisen. Daraus gewinnen wir Vermutungen "uber die Monodromiegruppe $M$ von Picard-Fuchs Gleichungen von gewissen Familien $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ von $n$-dimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten. Diese besagen erstens, dass bez"uglich einer nat"urlichen Basis die Monodromiematrizen in $M$ Eintr"age aus dem K"orper $bbq(zeta(2j+1)/(2 pi i)^{2j+1},j=1,ldots,lfloor (n-1)/2 rfloor)$ haben. Und zweitens, dass sich topologische Invarianten des Spiegelpartners einer generischen Faser von $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ aus einem speziellen Element von $M$ rekonstruieren lassen. Schliess lich benutzen wir die im ersten Teil entwickelten Methoden zur Verifizierung dieser Vermutungen, vornehmlich in Hinblick auf Dimension drei. Dar"uber hinaus erstellen wir eine Liste von Kandidaten topologischer Invarianten von vermutlich existierenden dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten mit $h^{1,1}=1$.


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La curva di durata di lungo periodo (POR) è uno strumento grafico molto efficace che mette in evidenza la relazione fra intensità e frequenza delle portate osservate in un determinato intervallo temporale. Essa è ricavata dall'idrogramma dei deflussi, ma presenta il problema della perdita di informazioni relative alla variabilità annuale e stagionali delle portate. Per tal motivo si è reso necessario l'utilizzo di due nuove interpretazioni delle curve di durate: le curve di durata annuali (alle quali può essere associato il concetto di percentile e quindi di probabilità di superamento di un particolare valore di portata) e le curve a base stagionale. La costruzione di tali curve, come nel caso delle POR complessive, è ostacolata dall'insufficienza di dati di portata, per cui sono utilizzate, a tale scopo, procedure di stima basate sulla regionalizzazione dei deflussi. Tra di esse è stato analizzata la tecnica geostatistica del Top-kriging applicata all'indice TND che sintetizza l'intera curva (Pugliese et al., 2014) nella ricostruzione, in cross-validazione, delle curve di durata annuali e stagionali di 182 bacini della regione sud-orientale degli Stati Uniti.


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‘Intangible and tangible heritage – a topology of culture in contexts of faith’ presents a conceptual framework which could enable heritage professionals to approach cul-tural heritage in a more holistic understanding. My work emphasizes opportunities for a re-combination – in conceptual and practical terms – of two recently divided heritage typologies: the so-called ‘intangible’ and ‘tangible’ heritage. In arguing that the above division cannot be maintained when observing the dynamic construction and re-affirmation processes of heritage and identity, and further, that this division is a risk to the preservation of the heritage of humankind, I will emphasize that it is important to halt and redirect the progressing divergence of the two fields. This is particularly necessary in the context of UNESCO, which is the driving force behind this conceptual separation. rnTo achieve a conceptual recombination I propose to approach heritage by means of topologies instead of typologies. In topological analysis the researcher’s focus shifts from heritage expressions towards ideas or concepts of heritage, which are defined as logos localised in place, topos, and are proposed to be analysed by means of semiotic phenomenology. Finally, I describe the findings of a topological analysis conducted for a particular heritage concept: the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.


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Questo elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare la “slam poetry”, una disciplina con la quale solo recentemente il pubblico italiano si è confrontato. Spiegherò di cosa si tratta, quando e perché si è originata, come si è evoluta e perché ha avuto così tanto successo con alcune categorie di persone. Non mancherà anche una riflessione generale sulla traduzione della poesia e verrà dato abbondante spazio alle propostedi traduzione di alcuni brani di slam poetry, scelti tra quelli partecipanti al concorso di Chicago del 2008, con relativo commento alla traduzione.


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Uno dei principali settori di studio nell’ambito della visione artificiale riguarda lo sviluppo e la continua ricerca di tecniche e metodologie atte alla ricostruzione di ambienti 3D. Una di queste è il Kinect Fusion, la quale utilizza il dispositivo Kinect per catturare ed elaborare informazioni provenienti da mappe di profondità relative a una particolare scena, per creare un modello 3D dell’ambiente individuato dal sensore. Il funzionamento generale del sistema “Kinect Fusion” consiste nella ricostruzione di superfici dense attraverso l’integrazione delle informazioni di profondità dei vari frame all’interno di un cubo virtuale, che a sua volta viene partizionato in piccoli volumi denominati voxel, e che rappresenta il volume della scena che si intende ricostruire. Per ognuno di tali voxel viene memorizzata la distanza (TSDF) rispetto alla superficie più vicina. Durante lo svolgimento di questo lavoro di tesi ci si è concentrati innanzitutto nell’analisi dell’algoritmo Voxel Hashing, una tecnica che mira a rendere l'algoritmo Kinect Fusion scalabile, attraverso una migliore gestione della struttura dati dei voxel allocando questi ultimi all'interno di una tabella di hash solo se strettamente necessario (TSDF inferiore a una soglia). In una prima fase del progetto si è quindi studiato in dettaglio il funzionamento di suddetta tecnica, fino a giungere alla fase della sua implementazione all’interno di un framework di ricostruzione 3D, basato su Kinect Fusion; si è quindi reso il sistema realizzato più robusto tramite l’applicazione di diverse migliorie. In una fase successiva sono stati effettuati test quantitativi e qualitativi per valutarne l'efficienza e la robustezza. Nella parte finale del progetto sono stati delineati i possibili sviluppi di future applicazioni.


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I am truly honored to have been given the amazing opportunity to create this original piece, this powerful journey through memory and emotive exploration of the loss of childhood. How do we feel about the loss of our child-self? Could we ever get them back? How long, how deep would one have to dig in the graveyards, the playgrounds of memory, to uncover what was buried there... to un-erase what waserased? shading silhouettes of smaller ones will ultimately encourage a reconnection with the Inner Child hidden inside all of us, as well as an intimate awareness of the adult version of the self by looking back to the smaller ones. The main inspiration for this piece is then of course, Inner Child Work. Most people may not be familiar with this therapeutic exploration of childhood... It wasimportant to me then, to present this concept in an imaginative, theatrical way, as a gift to you - a comprehensive and intensely moving gift. Speaking from experience, working on my Inner Child - my little Bianca - has been the most painful, frightening, yetrewarding and powerful experience within my personal life. Some people spend their entire lives trying to love themselves, to prove themselves, or be accepted. Some are too afraid to look back to where it all began. The characters within this piece will face thatfear... in a regression from the complexities of adulthood to the confusion of adolescence, all the way back to the wonder and bliss of childhood. They will reveal memories, of both joy and pain, love and abandonment, journeying backwards through time - through memory - through a playground - back to the beginning... We will enter a world where a push of a merry-go-round spins us to games of Truth or Dare after a high school dance at 16 - or the slam of a metal fence reminds us of the door Dad slammed in our face at 9 - where the sound of chain links swings us back to scrapping our knee by the sandbox at 5 This piece will attempt to connect everyone, both cast and audience, through a universal understanding and discussion of what it means to grow up, as well as a discovery of WHY we are the way we are - how experiences or relationships from our childhood have shaped our adult lives. We will attempt to challenge your honesty and nerve by inviting you to ask questions of yourselves, your past - to remember what it's like to have the innocence and hope of a child, to engage with and discover your Inner Child, to realize when or why you left them behind, and if you want to this magical part of yourself. It is my hope that you will join us in a collective journey - gather the courage to dig up the little kid you buried so long ago...* The creation, design, choreography, and direction for shading silhouettes of smaller ones mark the culminating experience of a year-long independent study in Theatre.


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The morbilliviruses measles virus (MeV) and canine distemper virus (CDV) both rely on two surface glycoproteins, the attachment (H) and fusion proteins, to promote fusion activity for viral cell entry. Growing evidence suggests that morbilliviruses infect multiple cell types by binding to distinct host cell surface receptors. Currently, the only known in vivo receptor used by morbilliviruses is CD150/SLAM, a molecule expressed in certain immune cells. Here we investigated the usage of multiple receptors by the highly virulent and demyelinating CDV strain A75/17. We based our study on the assumption that CDV-H may interact with receptors similar to those for MeV, and we conducted systematic alanine-scanning mutagenesis on CDV-H throughout one side of the beta-propeller documented in MeV-H to contain multiple receptor-binding sites. Functional and biochemical assays performed with SLAM-expressing cells and primary canine epithelial keratinocytes identified 11 residues mutation of which selectively abrogated fusion in keratinocytes. Among these, four were identical to amino acids identified in MeV-H as residues contacting a putative receptor expressed in polarized epithelial cells. Strikingly, when mapped on a CDV-H structural model, all residues clustered in or around a recessed groove located on one side of CDV-H. In contrast, reported CDV-H mutants with SLAM-dependent fusion deficiencies were characterized by additional impairments to the promotion of fusion in keratinocytes. Furthermore, upon transfer of residues that selectively impaired fusion induction in keratinocytes into the CDV-H of the vaccine strain, fusion remained largely unaltered. Taken together, our results suggest that a restricted region on one side of CDV-H contains distinct and overlapping sites that control functional interaction with multiple receptors.


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The mechanism of viral persistence, the driving force behind the chronic progression of inflammatory demyelination in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection, is associated with non-cytolytic viral cell-to-cell spread. Here, we studied the molecular mechanisms of viral spread of a recombinant fluorescent protein-expressing virulent CDV in primary canine astrocyte cultures. Time-lapse video microscopy documented that CDV spread was very efficient using cell processes contacting remote target cells. Strikingly, CDV transmission to remote cells could occur in less than 6 h, suggesting that a complete viral cycle with production of extracellular free particles was not essential in enabling CDV to spread in glial cells. Titration experiments and electron microscopy confirmed a very low CDV particle production despite higher titers of membrane-associated viruses. Interestingly, confocal laser microscopy and lentivirus transduction indicated expression and functionality of the viral fusion machinery, consisting of the viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, at the cell surface. Importantly, using a single-cycle infectious recombinant H-knockout, H-complemented virus, we demonstrated that H, and thus potentially the viral fusion complex, was necessary to enable CDV spread. Furthermore, since we could not detect CD150/SLAM expression in brain cells, the presence of a yet non-identified glial receptor for CDV was suggested. Altogether, our findings indicate that persistence in CDV infection results from intracellular cell-to-cell transmission requiring the CDV-H protein. Viral transfer, happening selectively at the tip of astrocytic processes, may help the virus to cover long distances in the astroglial network, "outrunning" the host's immune response in demyelinating plaques, thus continuously eliciting new lesions.


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Theater lebt von der unmittelbaren Begegnung von Bühne und Publikum. denn seine spezifische Wirkung entfaltet sich im Live-Erlebnis. Die Formen des Schweizer Gegenwartstheaters sind vielfältig und reichen vom Stadttheater über die Laienoperette bis zu Poetry Slam. Neben Kreativität und Spiellust gehört zur Bühnenkunst aber auch das Betriebsbüro, weil Theater Organisation braucht, und natürlich Geld. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in den facettenreichen Sondierungen des Bandes «Bühne & Büro» beleuchtet. Der Band dokumentiert die vielfältigen Formen und den Beziehungsreichtum des Theaterschaffens in der Schweiz. Es beschreibt unterschiedliche Theaterformen wie Stadttheater, die freie Theaterszene und Tanztheater bis hin zu weniger bekannten Formen wie Behinderten- und Gefängnistheater. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt besteht in der Untersuchung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Organisationsformen und Produktions-, Distributions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen von Theater in verschiedenen Regionen der Schweiz. Das Buch ist auf das Theaterschaffen in der Gegenwart ausgerichtet und wirft Fragen zu dessen Entwicklung in der Zukunft auf. Es richtet sich an ein breites Publikum Theater- und Kulturinteressierter. Theaterschaffenden an grossen Bühnen, in freien Gruppen und in Theatervereinen kann es Anregungen für den Ausbau und die Verbesserung der eigenen Organisationsstrukturen geben. Die Entscheidungsträger in der Kulturpolitik erhalten Informationen zum Zusammenspiel von Ausgaben, Organisationsformen, künstlerischem Output und Publikumsverhalten. Öffentlichen und privaten Kulturstiftungen sowie Sponsoren aus der Privatwirtschaft bietet es Entscheidungshilfen für Förderungsmassnahmen und kulturelles Engagement.