981 resultados para Superconducting resonators


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In this paper, the SiC-based clamped-clamped filter was designed and fabricated. The filter was composed of two clamped-clamped beam micromechanical resonators coupled by a spring coupling beam. Structural geometries, including the length and width of the resonator beam and coupling beam, were optimized by simulation for high frequency and high Q, under the material properties of SiC. The vibrating modes for the designed filter structure were analyzed by finite element analysis (FEA) method. For the optimized structure, the geometries of resonator beams and coupling beams, as well as the coupling position, the SiC-based clamped-clamped filter was fabricated by surface micromaching technology.


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Equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) microlasers with an output waveguide connected to one of the vertices of the ETR are fabricated using standard photolithography and inductively-coupled-plasma etching techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected 1550 nm ETR laser with side length ranged from 15 to 30 tm are realized at room temperature.


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3C-SiC is a promising material for the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) applications in harsh environments. This paper presents the LPCVD growth of heavily nitrogen doped polycrystalline 3C-SiC films on Si wafers with 2.0 mu m-thick silicon dioxide (SiO2) films for resonator applications. The growth has been performed via chemical vapor deposition using SiH4 and C2H4 precursor gases with carrier gas of H-2 in a newly developed vertical CVD chamber. NH3 was used as n-type dopant. 3C-SiC films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), and room temperature Hall Effect measurements. It was shown that there is no voids at the interface between 3C-SiC and SiO2. Undoped 3C-SiC films show n-type conduction with resisitivity, Hall mobility, and carrier concentration at room temperature of about 0.56 Omega center dot cm, 54 cm(2)/Vs, and 2.0x 10(17) cm(-3), respectively. The heavily nitrogen doped polycrystalline 3C-SiC with the resisitivity of less than 10(-3) Omega center dot cm was obtained by in-situ doping. Polycrystalline SiC resonators have been fabricated preliminarily on these heavily doped SiC films with thickness of about 2 mu m. Resonant frequency of 49.1 KHz was obtained under atmospheric pressure.


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Diluted-magnetic GaN:Sm:Eu films have been fabricated by co-implantation of Sm and Eu ions into c-plane (0001) GaN films and a subsequent annealing process. The structural, morphological and magnetic characteristics of the samples have been investigated by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The XRD and AFM analyses show that the annealing process can effectively recover the crystalline degradation caused by implantation. Compared with GaN:Sm films, more defects have been introduced into GaN:Sm:Eu films due to the Eu implantation process. According to the SQUID analysis, GaN:Sm:Eu films exhibit clear room-temperature ferromagnetism. Moreover, GaN:Sm:Eu films show a lower saturation magnetization (Ms) than GaN:Sm films.


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By realizing in thin films a tensile stress state, superconductivity of 13 K was introduced into FeTe, a nonsuperconducting parent compound of the iron pnictides and chalcogenides, with a transition temperature higher than that of its superconducting isostructural counterpart FeSe. For these tensile stressed films, superconductivity is accompanied by a softening of the first-order magnetic and structural phase transition, and also, the in-plane extension and out-of-plane contraction are universal in all FeTe films independent of the sign of the lattice mismatch, either positive or negative. Moreover, the correlations were found to exist between the transition temperatures and the tetrahedra bond angles in these thin films.


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We report the experimental result of all-optical passive 3.55 Gbit/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) to pseudo-return-to-zero (PRZ) format conversion using a high-quality-factor (Q-factor) silicon-based microring resonator notch filter on chip. The silicon-based microring resonator has 23800 Q-factor and 22 dB extinction ratio (ER), and the PRZ signals has about 108 ps width and 4.98 dB ER.


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InGaAsP-InP square microlasers with a vertex output waveguide are fabricated by planar processes, and the etched sidewalls of the lasers are confined by insulating layer SiO2 and p-electrode TiAu metals. For a square microlaser with a side length of 30 mu m and a 2-mu m-wide output waveguide, a continuous-wave threshold current is 26 mA at room temperature and output power is 0.72 mW at 86 mA. The mode interval of 21 and 7.4 nm is observed for the microlasers with the side length of 10 and 30 mu m, respectively. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations indicate that the lasing modes have incident angles of about 45 degrees at the boundaries of the resonator. In addition, square resonators surrounded by air, SiO2-Ti-Au, and SiO2-Au are compared by FDTD simulations.


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AlGaInAs-InPmicrocylinder lasers connected with an output waveguide are fabricated by planar technology. Room-temperature continuous-wave operation with a threshold current of 8 mA is realized for a microcylinder laser with the radius of 10 mu m and the output waveguide width of 2 mu m. The mode Q-factor of 1.2 x 10(4) is measured from the laser spectrum at the threshold. Coupled mode characteristics are analyzed by 2-D finite-difference time-domain simulation and the analytical solution of whispering-gallery modes. The calculated mode Q-factors of coupled modes are in the same order as the measured value.


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The Pb-doped BiSrCaCuO superconducting films were grown by the single source mixed evaporation technique. The microbridges of dimensions 50 mum x 40 mum were fabricated by standard photolithography technologies. Si films with a thickness of 2500 angstrom were deposited on the microbridge area surfaces of BiPbSrCaCuO superconducting films by rf-magnetron sputtering. A greatly lowered zero resistance temperature of the microbridge area of the BiPbSrCaCuO film after Si sputtering was found. A non-linear effect of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics at 78 K was shown. The high-frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) curve of this structure at 78 K was symmetrical with the maximum capacitance at V = 0, and the capacitance decreased with increasing applied bias voltage. Afl experimental results are discussed.


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Using the numerical unrestricted Hartree-Fock approach, we study the ground state of a two-orbital model describing newly discovered FeAs-based superconductors. We observe the competition of a (0, π) mode spin-density wave and the superconductivity as the doping concentration changes. There might be a small region in the electron-doping side where the magnetism and superconductivity coexist. The superconducting pairing is found to be spin singlet,orbital even, and coexisting sxy + dx~2-y~2 wave (even parity).


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The simultaneous control of residual stress and resistivity of polysilicon thin films by adjusting the deposition parameters and annealing conditions is studied. In situ boron doped polysilicon thin films deposited at 520 ℃ by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) are amorphous with relatively large compressive residual stress and high resistivity. Annealing the amorphous films in a temperature range of 600-800 ℃ gives polysilicon films nearly zero-stress and relatively low resistivity. The low residual stress and low resistivity make the polysilicon films attractive for potential applications in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) devices, especially in high resonance frequency (high-f) and high quality factor (high-Q MEMS resonators. In addition, polysilicon thin films deposited at 570 ℃ and those without the post annealing process have low resistivities of 2-5 mΩ·cm. These reported approaches avoid the high temperature annealing process (> 1000℃), and the promising properties of these films make them suitable for high-Q and high-f MEMS devices.


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Micromachined comb-drive electrostatic resonators with folded-cantilever beams were designed and fabricated. A combination of Rayleigh's method and finite-element analysis was used to calculate the resonant frequency drift as we adjusted the device geometry and material parameters. Three micromachined lateral resonant resonators with different beam widths were fabricated. Their resonant frequencies were experimentally measured to be 64.5,147.2, and 255.5kHz, respectively, which are in good agreement with the simulated resonant frequency. It is shown that an improved frequency performance could be obtained on the poly 3C-SiC based device structural material systems with high Young's modulus.


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热电子在ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance)源中有着非常重要的作用,为了研究ECR源的工作参数(微波功率、磁场等)对热电子的影响,我们对SECRAL(Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou)等离子体在轴向发出的轫致辐射谱进行了系统的测量。从测得的轫致辐射谱中我们得到用来衡量热电子能量的参考量——光谱温度Tspe,并且对ECR源的几个工作参数与Tspe的关系进行了讨论。


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In order to diagnose the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma, electron bremsstrahlung spectra were measured by a HPGe detector on Lanzhou ECR Ion Source No. 3 at IMP. The ion source was operated with argon under various working conditions, including different microwave power, mixing gas, extraction high voltage (HV), and so on. Some of the measured spectra are presented in this article. The dependence of energetic electron population on mixing gas and extraction HV is also described. Additionally, we are looking forward to further measurements on SECRAL (Superconducting ECR Ion Source with Advanced design at Lanzhou).


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Recent vacuum system development with an XHV condition for the particle accelerators is briefly described. The progress of selecting and treatment of the materials used in XHV systems is introduced, and the choice of the main pump for an XHV system and some new pumping method are presented. Some leak detection experiences both for the superconducting and warm vacuum systems are recommended and the status of XHV measurement and the gauge calibration are introduced.