845 resultados para Physical education for disabled people


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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O presente relatório constitui-se como uma análise reflexiva do processo de formação do Estágio Pedagógico desenvolvido na Escola Secundária com 2º e 3º ciclos Anselmo de Andrade, em Almada, no ano letivo 2013/2014. O estágio em questão integra o 2º ano do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O relatório teve por base o Guia de Estágio Pedagógico 2013/2014, que define as competências a adquirir em quatro áreas de intervenção: (1) Organização e gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem, (2) Investigação e inovação pedagógica, (3) Participação na escola e (4) Relação com a comunidade. É feita uma contextualização do estágio seguida de uma descrição e reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica de cada área e uma reflexão sobre a contribuição das aprendizagens para o meu futuro profissional, sendo ainda lançadas algumas propostas de atividades que poderiam ter sido desenvolvidas no estágio pedagógico ou no futuro. É também realizada uma reflexão final sobre todo o processo inerente ao estágio, destacando-o como um processo interligado, e, ainda, uma reflexão sobre a importância do Plano Individual de Formação, efetuando um resumo das competências desenvolvidas ao longo do processo de estágio.


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Para a grande maioria dos professores, tornarem-se melhores profissionais passa pelo alcance máximo de sucesso pelos seus alunos (Guskey, 2002), sendo este o principal foco deste relatório. A interligação entre as quatro áreas de intervenção do estágio pedagógico, permite potencializar cada uma. A reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional enquanto professora estagiária tendo em conta um sentimento de auto-eficácia positivo (Jardim & Onofre, 2009) e uma inteligência emocial (Mouton, Hansenne, Delcour & Coles, 2013) foi fundamental para contribuir para uma gestão correta da sala de aula através do modelo ecológico (Hastie e Siedentop, 1999) em conjunto com as 4 dimensões de uma intervenção pedagógico de sucesso (Sidentop, 1983; citado por Onofre, 1995). Tornando-se essencial entender a evolução e as diferenças entre os alunos por ser o centro do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, o trabalho do professor, começa muito antes do espaço de sala de aula (Fentermacher & Soltis, 1986). A comunidade escolar da Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira, compreende que a disciplina tem benefícios educacionais, mas nem sempre a consegue suportar. Assim, é necessário promover experiências positivas no 1º ciclo, de forma a desenvolver atitudes positivas face à Educação Física.


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O estudo das condições que potenciam o ensino-aprendizagem em educação física precisa de considerar mais consistentemente e explicitamente as evidências do mesossistema estabelecido entre as ecologias do trabalho colaborativo do grupo disciplinar e as das suas aulas. Especificamente, incita-se à compreensão como a negociação integradora do sistema social dos alunos pode ser potenciada pelo grupo disciplinar. Para alcançar essa compreensão articularam-se os modelos das comunidades de aprendizagem profissional e da ecologia da aula, através da bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano. Conduziu-se um desenho de estudo de caso longitudinal integrado, triangulando métodos, fontes e dados de um grupo disciplinar de educação física com qualidade colaborativa. Simultaneamente, observaram-se duas ecologias de aulas de educação física, diferenciadas pelas disposições de negociação dos respetivos professores, detalhando paralelamente os perfis de agenda social dos alunos para essas ecologias. Os resultados permitem salientar a interação das propriedades Pessoa-Contexto-Processo-Tempo como condições mesossistémicas favorecedoras da integração do sistema social dos alunos, nomeadamente: as caraterísticas do grupo como comunidade de aprendizagem profissional focada na integração; a interação macrossistémica e a alternância intencional cíclica grupo-aula; e a articulação entre o desenvolvimento curricular colaborativo e a partilha e produção de conhecimento em espirais curriculares plurianuais e anuais. Estas condições refletiram-se nas ecologias das aulas como semelhanças tendencialmente integradoras do sistema social na instrução e na organização. Todavia, também emergiram particularidades em cada ecologia traduzidas numa congruência mais consistente entre os perfis de agenda social encontrados para o envolvimento integrador, por associação às diferenças de alinhamento instrucional na negociação pelos professores. Este estudo lança implicações para a investigação relacionadas com a verificação e aprofundamento das condições mesossistémicas identificadas. Paralelamente, a prática profissional de professores e de formadores de professores encontra implicações sobre a melhoria da qualidade colaborativa profissional para promover continuamente melhores experiências de ensino-aprendizagem da educação física nos microssistemas aqui analisados.


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According to official statistics, disabled people in Spain number 3.5 million and make up 8.8% of the Spanish population. This group of people are increasingly being recognised as members of society with equal rights, and many of their demands are gradually being transformed into solutions that benefit society as a whole. One example is improved accessibility. Accessible built environments are more human and inclusive places, as well as being easier to get around. Improved accessibility is now recognised as a requirement shared by all members of society, although it is achieved thanks to the demands of disabled people and their representatives. The 1st National Accessibility Plan is a strategic framework for action aimed at ensuring that new products, services and built environments are designed to be accessible for as many people as possible (Design for All) and that existing ones are gradually duly adapted.


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OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of adolescent obesity has increased considerably over the past decade in Switzerland and has become a serious public health problem in Europe. Prevention of obesity using various comprehensive programmes appears to be very promising, although we must admit that several interventions had generally disappointing results compared with the objectives and target initially fixed. Holistic programmes including nutritional education combined with promotion of physical activity and behaviour modification constitute the key factors in the prevention of childhood and adolescent obesity. The purpose of this programme was to incorporate nutrition/physical education as well as psychological aspects in selected secondary schools (9th grade, 14-17 years). METHODS: The educational strategy was based on the development of a series of 13 practical workshops covering wide areas such as physical inactivity, body composition, sugar, energy density, invisible lipids, how to read food labels, is meal duration important? Do you eat with pleasure or not? Do you eat because you are hungry? Emotional eating. For teachers continuing education, a basic highly illustrated guide was developed as a companion booklet to the workshops. These materials were first validated by biology, physical education, dietician and psychologist teachers as well as school medical officers. RESULTS: Teachers considered the practical educational materials innovative and useful, motivational and easy to understand. Up to now (early 2008), the programme has been implemented in 50 classes or more from schools originating from three areas in the French part of Switzerland. Based on the 1-week pedometer value assessed before and after the 1 school-year programme, an initial evaluation indicated that overall physical placidity was significantly decreased as evidenced by a significant rise in the number of steps per day. CONCLUSION: Future evaluation will provide more information on the effectiveness of the ADOS programme.


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Aquest treball és el resultat d’un procés de reflexió al voltant de les actituds dins la Formació Inicial de mestres de primària d’Educació física. Es tracta, d’una primera aproximació d’anàlisi i interpretació sobre la presa de consciència d’actituds que fan els estudiants en la pràctica de l’Educació física. Les preguntes que em plantejo en aquesta recerca són el resultat de les dues parts que configura aquest treball. La primera pregunta, es centra en el marc teòric de l’estudi, donant resposta a les relacions que s’estableixen entre l’educació física i l’educació en valors en el currículum de primària d’Educació física i en la Formació Inicial de mestres. La segona pregunta, pretén donar resposta a la proposta pràctica i així, esbrinar el paper del joc motor en el treball educatiu de les actituds en la Formació Inicial de mestres de primària. Els aspectes teòrics que estudio analitzen la relació que s’estableix entre l’Educació física i les actituds dins el marc educatiu de la Formació Inicial de mestres de primària. I serà, a partir de la proposta pràctica quan el joc motor esdevindrà element d’aproximació en la presa de consciència d’actituds En el context de la Facultat d’Educació de la Universitat de Vic, i en l’assignatura d’Educació física i la seva Didàctica de 2n curs, els estudiants de mestres de primària d’Educació física són protagonistes del seu propi procés d’aprenentatge. Tenen la possibilitat d’experimentar el paper de mestres, a partir de la posada en pràctica d’un joc motor. A partir d’aquesta pràctica, he volgut conèixer quins són els components de la pràctica que possibiliten la presa de consciència de les actituds presents a les sessions de classe per promoure l’educació en valors. Els instruments utilitzats, en la realització d’aquest treball, són un qüestionari elaborat a partir d’una selecció i justificació de continguts actitudinals, i l’observació d’una fitxa sessió després de la pràctica. El treball de recerca se situa en un paradigma interpretatiu i pràctic. Es planteja comprendre la importància que té, en les sessions de classe d’educació física, el desenvolupament de processos d’acció i de reflexió en la formació inicial dels mestres de primària i així examinar i perfeccionar futures intervencions pràctiques, tant del professorat com dels estudiants de mestre.


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This poster encourages carers of elderly or disabled people to get the flu vaccine.


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The London Health Commission programme of work to 2008 has identified four Health Challenges to stimulate action on its top priorities durng the next three years. It is urging organisations to join in action to increase the number of disabled people in employment; introduce smoke-free workplace policies; improve access to effective language support services for their users; help improve the emotional health and well being of young Londoners.


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A general update review of the dynamic aspect of protein metabolism is presented. The effect of excess protein level on protein metabolism has been the object of a limited number of studies in man. From the information available, it appears that the primary regulatory pathway for body protein homeostasis is the process of amino acid (protein) oxidation.


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Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off-transient responses in VO2 are found in the literature. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine VO2 on- and off-transients during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling exercise in trained subjects. Ten men underwent an initial incremental test for the estimation of ventilatory threshold (VT) and, on different days, two bouts of square-wave exercise at moderate (<VT) and heavy (>VT) intensities. VO2 kinetics in exercise and recovery were better described by a single exponential model (<VT), or by a double exponential with two time delays (>VT). For moderate exercise, we found a symmetry of VO2 kinetics between the on- and off-transients (i.e., fundamental component), consistent with a system manifesting linear control dynamics. For heavy exercise, a slow component superimposed on the fundamental phase was expressed in both the exercise and recovery, with similar parameter estimates. But the on-transient values of the time constant were appreciably faster than the associated off-transient, and independent of the work rate imposed (<VT and >VT). Our results do not support a dynamically linear system model of VO2 during cycling exercise in the heavy-intensity domain.


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Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off-transient responses in .VO2 are found in the literature. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine .VO2on- and off-transients during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling exercise in trained subjects. Ten men underwent an initial incremental test for the estimation of ventilatory threshold (VT) and, on different days, two bouts of square-wave exercise at moderate (<VT) and heavy (>VT) intensities. .VO2 kinetics in exercise and recovery were better described by a single exponential model (<VT) or by a double exponential with two time delays (>VT). For moderate exercise, we found a symmetry of .VO2 kinetics between the on- and off-transients (i.e., fundamental component), consistent with a system manifesting linear control dynamics. For heavy exercise, a slow component superimposed on the fundamental phase was expressed in both the exercise and recovery, with similar parameter estimates. But the on-transient values of the time constant were appreciably faster than the associated off-transient, and independent of the work rate imposed (<VT and >VT). Our results do not support a dynamically linear system model of .VO2 during cycling exercise in the heavy-intensity domain.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that athletes having a slower oxygen uptake ( VO(2)) kinetics would benefit more, in terms of time spent near VO(2max), from an increase in the intensity of an intermittent running training (IT). After determination of VO(2max), vVO(2max) (i.e. the minimal velocity associated with VO(2max) in an incremental test) and the time to exhaustion sustained at vVO(2max) ( T(lim)), seven well-trained triathletes performed in random order two IT sessions. The two IT comprised 30-s work intervals at either 100% (IT(100%)) or 105% (IT(105%)) of vVO(2max) with 30-s recovery intervals at 50% of vVO(2max) between each repeat. The parameters of the VO(2) kinetics (td(1), tau(1), A(1), td(2), tau(2), A(2), i.e. time delay, time constant and amplitude of the primary phase and slow component, respectively) during the T(lim) test were modelled with two exponential functions. The highest VO(2) reached was significantly lower ( P<0.01) in IT(100%) run at 19.8 (0.9) km(.)h(-1) [66.2 (4.6) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] than in IT(105%) run at 20.8 (1.0) km(.)h(-1) [71.1 (4.9) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] or in the incremental test [71.2 (4.2) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)]. The time sustained above 90% of VO(2max) in IT(105%) [338 (149) s] was significantly higher ( P<0.05) than in IT(100%) [168 (131) s]. The average T(lim) was 244 (39) s, tau(1) was 15.8 (5.9) s and td(2) was 96 (13) s. tau(1) was correlated with the difference in time spent above 90% of VO(2max) ( r=0.91; P<0.01) between IT(105%) and IT(100%). In conclusion, athletes with a slower VO(2) kinetics in a vVO(2max) constant-velocity test benefited more from the 5% rise of IT work intensity, exercising for longer above 90% of VO(2max) when the IT intensity was increased from 100 to 105% of vVO(2max).


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El projecte explica el procés seguit per a elaborar un projecte telemàtic, destinat a alumnes de cicle superior d'educació primària, que utilitza les TIC per tal d'ajudar a assolir objectius d'educació física.


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BACKGROUND: In general, schools are an important setting to implement current recommendations for obesity prevention in children because the vast majority of children attend school. This study investigated the opinions of different school stakeholders on the feasibility and acceptability of current obesity prevention strategies that could be implemented in Swiss schools. METHODS: Research methods were comprised of a qualitative study which included school directors, physical education teachers, catering staff, school nurses and health educators, parents of young adolescents, and young adolescents interviewed (N = 40) categorized into 6 focus groups. Open-ended questions were used to determine the participants' opinion regarding current obesity prevention recommendations, and healthy eating and physical activity promotion strategies. RESULTS: All participants approved the implementation of nutritional standards for food and drinks sold in schools, but thought that increasing the attractiveness of healthy options was the best strategy to improve eating habits. Enjoying participation in physical activity classes or after-school activities was stressed. Participants suggested offering classes for all students with poor physical condition, independent of weight status. Stakeholders called for governmental support and global coordination of interventions balanced with providing schools with enough autonomy to adapt programs relevant to their individual circumstances. They recommended integrating all school stakeholders in obesity prevention initiatives, with special attention to students and local authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Participants agreed that schools are a crucial setting to implement childhood obesity prevention strategies. They called on school stakeholders to join efforts aiming to encourage healthy behaviors and to support and reinforce parents' efforts by spreading consistent and coherent health messages.